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    Dina replied to the topic Spotlight on Veggies: Eggplant in the forum Group logo of Food & DrinkFood & Drink 7 years, 8 months ago

    Maybe you just don’t know how to make the eggplants so palatable. Have you known how to cook the eggplant omelet? It’s one recipe of eggplant that hubby and my daughter likes so much and of course my favorite too.

    It can also just be sliced in lengthwise half and fried. Then dip it in a soy sauce with lemon drops dip. Us, we put chopped Thai…[Read more]

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    Dina and Profile picture of DawnwriterDawnwriter are now friends 7 years, 8 months ago

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    Dina wrote a new post, Disco Dancing and Videoke Singing , The Fun Way to Relax and Be Entertained 7 years, 8 months ago

    In my college days before late 80’s until I got married, I was a disco goer along with my group of 5 girls.
    It was the craze during those times until about the 1990’s.
    My group of friends and I would go dis […]

    • Wow you were really a party girl according to your story. Partying the whole week or three times in a week may sound like a lot of time out, but it’s underatandable given that you were still young and in college.
      During my days I also used to go out but not as much. Mine was kind of limited, I would go like twice in a month. But it was not a given that I would go. But I can remember December was the month of having all this fun, because most kids were on holiday, celebrations are going on from every corner, parties are the in thing during this time. Me and some two friends of mine created a dancing group that used to perform routine dances, around the estates. We would have people from different places come to ask us to go and perform for them, and Mark you it was all for fun no one paid anyone we would do it for free and really enjoy ourselves in the long run.
      Going to the disco was a Saturday event. We would hang out the who night until the next morning at 6pm. We did this because if you left at midnight or at 2am in the morning, you would not get means to go home. Those are the days when you would not get taxis that easy they were mostly for the rich and quite expensive.
      Anyway I loved those days they were the most enjoyable and memorable days of my life. I wish I would go back to those days but am all grown now and taking life slow. Some of this things don’t excite me much nowadays. Am more quiet and reserved and just enjoying my quiet time at home.

      • So you too shared my penchant of having fun during our days when we were young and carefree.

        That was nice that you formed a dancing group that can perform randomly for other people to watch you. I guess , it’s the happiness of being able to give in to your passion of dancing and being watched and admired by people that made you enjoy it, just as I enjoyed the fun also of just being with my friends dancing the night away.

        We both have happy growing up days, that we can share with our children.

        I guess, my growing up years was lots of fun compared to my daughter’s who was always studying . ha ha ha But then, she’s now a doctor and we are so proud of her,

    • I enjoy watching disco dancing. It a lot of entertainment. But actually I enjoy all dancing. It relaxes me and even clears my mind. I even enjoy dancing myself every since I was a little girl. As I grew older I begin to pole dance. It wasn’t about the money. I just really enjoyed it. Dancing was a big activity for me.

      • Really you pole dance! Wow, that is difficult compared to disco dancing .

        Either way, bith is beneficial to our health. It helps us get a toned and healthy body.

        And I suppose you have a sexy body because of pole dancing?

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    Dina replied to the topic Despite Alone Here, I have To Strike My Goal This Month in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 8 months ago

    It’s hard to0 maintain your own blogging site. It will be frustrating when the views are dismal.
    I am happy for you that you found a site that you enjoy and gets to showcase your talent in writing. How I wish I have many extra time to clog actually.
    At night, I would watch from iwanttv my favorite teleserye, The Greatest Love , which I cannot…[Read more]

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    Dina and Profile picture of Edsel CoronadoEdsel Coronado are now friends 7 years, 8 months ago

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    Dina and Profile picture of Francine LabelleFrancine Labelle are now friends 7 years, 8 months ago

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    Dina wrote a new post, What’s Hard In Saying That Magic Two Words , Thank You? 7 years, 8 months ago

    Last Saturday, my husband helped me cooked for lunch.

    He fried the fishes, while I cooked “pakbet”, my favorite vegetable dish of mixed slices of squash, okra, eggplant, string beans and some white beans we cal […]

    • Lolzzz.. From your writeup, its obvious you made a delicious meal. Perhaps they were carried away by the tasty meal you made them. So no hard feeling ok.

      “I was a bit disappointed, because I want to hear it. But I guess, I just have to be contented of seeing them eating the pakbet, as if they have no tomorrow anymore. Lol” and thats all that matters. Because their actions have shown you how much they appreciated your efforts.

      We learned them as children, but no mater your age these essential words are effortless to say and convey a wealth of meaning to others. They have a powerful ability to create positive interactions.
      But we sometimes fail to recognize and show appreciation for the everyday courtesies that come our way. And also sometimes when we don’t hear the two magic words from those we would like to hear them from, doesn’t mean we’re not appreciated.Most people know to express their thanks for gifts, favors, awards, and the like.

      I’m hoping you share your recipes with me in the future…

    • Well actually, I have known them, including my husband to be like that, no saying of Thank You. You will just know from the way the gobble up the viand and the perspiration in their heads, that they really liked what I cook.

      And at the bedroom, i would ask my husband if he liked what I cooked, he would joke NO! and hugs me.

      But then I still would like to hear it or even just a plain “It is so delicious!” .

      As you said these two words can really create a positive reaction from the recipient. Makes us wanna cook more delicious foods. ha ha ha

      Recipes ? I only cook simple foods. Or from what are the ingredients inside the refrigerator that is available. I call it cooking by chance.

    • Uuhhhhhh so sweet of your husband..*smiles* then you also telling him jokingly. “Honey I’ll like to hear you say it.it makes me feel better”lolzzz..

      You must be a very good cook for using the available ingredients in the refrigerator to do perform the magic they enjoy so much. Thumbs up.Continue keeping your family happy.

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    Dina posted an update in the group Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 8 months ago

    From my observation , men tend to cheat more. A lot of my friends and acquaintances have husband who cheated on them. I think it is so true that men are polygamous by nature. Though I hate it that when a man cheats it seems it is not a sin to do so, but a common thing to do for men. But when a woman cheats, society looks at her so low.…[Read more]

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    Dina joined the group Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 8 months ago

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    Dina replied to the topic Despite Alone Here, I have To Strike My Goal This Month in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 8 months ago

    You got a funny picture . A dog washing the dishes . ha ha ha

    Seriously, I am happy that your nieces are also into earning online. How nice because they know at an early age how to earn their own money. How did they get to have those online earning sites?

    Anyway, as for you, I am happy that you really are so determined in hitting your goal.…[Read more]

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    Dina joined the group Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 8 months ago

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    Dina wrote a new post, “IF YOU WANT PLEASE , YOU CAN LEAVE THEM AND GET THEM TOMORROW “ 7 years, 8 months ago

    Yes, that was what the clerk told me when I gave him the assessments of our company’s gross incomes for our businesses , together with the checks as payments for the taxes and licenses .

    After 8 persons a […]

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    Dina and Profile picture of Emele AugustineEmele Augustine are now friends 7 years, 8 months ago

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    Dina wrote a new post, No One Stood To Give A Seat To a Girl Inside The Jeepney 7 years, 8 months ago

    Actually, this is a throwback from months ago, when I was still commuting to work.

    Now, I seldom commute because my gay brother-in-law is already assigned at our place, so he now stays full time at my […]

    • Generation now a days is getting worst.Ladies or elderly are even standing on public transportation’s. This kind of attitudes are often observed to younger generations.They do not offer seat to ladies even they see them standing,specially on trains where lot of people are rushing to work.But of-course take some considerations for those who do not feel well that they need to sit.

      • Are you from the Philippines Kath? Yes, specially at the LRT which I take also when I was working in Manila almost 16 years ago.

        Though, there is already a cabin specially for the women and elderly. Besides, there is a place of the PWDs. That is nice.

        But in jeepneys, no one offers the seat indeed anymore. Though, there are some nice teenagers who would offer their seats and they just hold on the back railings and ride at the back.

    • Fortunately , we still have gentlemen in our city. In fact yesterday, there was a guy who stood up and let the lady sit in lieu of him The worst scenario was, the lady did not even thank the teenager who sacrificed to stand for the sake of the old lady. I told the lady, no ore seat, but she insisted and the guy beside me stood up and offered his seat. I commuted yesterday for my car is in shop for cleaning. That case, I was so thankful for we still have gentlemen in our city, if there are gentlemen ; sad there are also hypocrites hard for them to say than you for the seat offered.

      • That’s also the problem of some ladies offered a seat. They forget or maybe don’t really want to say thank you to whoever offered a seat.

        The sweetest word that can motivate someone doing good for others are the two magic words “thank You”. I wonder, why some people find it so difficult to utter.

        My hubby is like that, he doesn’t ever say thank you, but would just hug me. he he he

        Well, there are still gentlemen on jeepneys.Though, on rush hour nobody wants to be a gentleman. ha ha ha

    • many of the new and old generation dont bother to stand i saw old and young men also dont care for woman old and young while the are standing the men are setting, how shame is that, i can not beleive it really what to expect worse than that? non that is the worst thing not to respect women, but i saw women supporting women and im so happy to see them like this, i do also support any woman in any situation as we have to support each other and not to be bullied at for any reason it is, way to go to the girls who support other women too, God bless

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    Dina wrote a new post, Annoying Ways of Husband or Partner , How Do You Deal With Them? 7 years, 8 months ago

    My husband isn’t much of a church person . He only comes with me in going to church when there is an occasion or whenever he feels like it .

    And the other Sunday , was one of those “no occasion” Sunday , yet […]

    • A good topic. Just a happy experience and memory between the couple. After getting married 10 years, I just ignore it and forget all these issue, move on and sleep , haha!

      • Actually, when we were younger , I would always give him a cold shoulder whenever I am angry or annoyed at him. Over the years and have proven that he is incorrigible , I just would take it as it is , confront him and be done with it because anyway at the end of the day, we will be side by side on bed. ha ha ha

        26 years of his annoying ways has made me numb already , somehow. ha ha ha

    • I seized a moment, several years ago, to teach one of my daughters what marriage relationships are about. She mentioned something my husband (her dad) does and asked me how and why I put with it since it was so annoying. I responded: “Yeah. He does do that. But it’s nothing I would get a divorce over.” She smiled back because she clearly understood the “lesson”. 🙂

      Of course our partners have habits that annoy us. In the same way, we have habits that annoy them too! But we overlook or tolerate them because, if we weigh them on a scale, we realize that our mates have many more good qualities than they have annoying habits. Those qualities are why you stay together. The habits you talk about and change if you can. If not, you learn to ignore them. 🙂

      • That is so true. They may have their annoying ways but we also have ours. That’s why we just have to accustom ourselves to them so each time that they commit it we won’t be annoyed.

        They too have been accustomed to our annoying ways besides when we married one another we promised to we love each other unconditionally, which means even with our flaws.

    • Men can be the most annoying beings in earth then kids. The things they do sometimes you may find yourself asking so many questions that only you can answer. I don’t know why they feel that they can say stiff all the time and make it look like it’s no big deal.
      For me my biggest problem is when my fiancee visits. When I am busy working in the house, moving from one corner to another, all he will do is just sit on the couch and flip through the channels. The next thing I know he expects me to cook, serve him and clear the kitchen, yes i don’t refuse that it is my duty to do that, but if I could only get some kind of help i would appreciate. Men have oftenly believed that the house belongs to the women and so she is the one in charge of keeping it in order. He’s only contribution is to have the rent paid that’s it no, that’s not right, he needs to also engage himself and help around the house. Another annoying thing is when he gets too loud around the visitors or friends. It can get so annoying that you actually feel like putting him off and asking him to keep quiet. Another thing when you would go out together with your friends, and that are busy drinking and making merry, so it would get to that point you feel he has had enough and so you should leave, but guess what, instead he now gets into the fun even more, and decides that he doesn’t want to leave just yet and that we should wait a little longer. That really posses me off, and sometimes you can’t really do anything about it.

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    Dina and Profile picture of sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanamsivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam are now friends 7 years, 8 months ago

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    Dina wrote a new post, Do You Get Enticed by Advertisements On TV, Billboards and Blogs? 7 years, 8 months ago

    Advertisements are meant to entice the people who have seen the ads, to try what they are advertising.

    Nowadays, the most common way of advertising is through the television, through a lot of websites like here […]

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    Dina wrote a new post, Homelessness , Is Not Only Prevalent In The Philippines But In Other Countries Too 7 years, 8 months ago

    I thought it’s worst here in the Philippines , because there are a lot of homeless people in the streets , in the evacuation centers or at any vacant spaces where they build a very small shack , that at a gust o […]

    • Well yeah, homelessness is a global phenomenon. It probably is in correlation with how capital minded a goverment/society is. Sure the goverment will make homeless shelters and soup kitchens but that sure as hell isn’t enough. I’m from europe an the last few years there has been a stream of immigrant from the middle east because of this the goverment has done even less for our homeless patriots, who don’t commit crimes. It is like they have been forgotten. After all we all know how politicians act, for them it is the public eye that matters not a heart of compassion.

    • When Jesus said “The poor ye have always with you”, He wasn’t saying to ignore them and not show charity. The greatest gift is love (or charity).

      For every country that exists that has governing leaders and/or rich people, there is no excuse for homelessness.

      It’s true, there are some people who create their own bad situations in life and end up where they end up. No matter how much you try to help them, they just stay down.

      But most often homeless people live the way they do because they have either always been poor or were once financially sufficient but have fallen upon hard times. There are those who have the power to extend a helping hand, but they are too selfish to be bothered. They have other “priorities”.

      Many religious organizations or charity foundations do what they can to address this social problem. But there are people in government positions who actually have a job where they are supposed look out for the welfare of the poor citizens and they don’t do their job! But they still get a paycheck. There are other people who have more than enough money and can donate the funds – I said DONATE – to create homes, serves food, etc. It’s their money. You can’t tell them what to do with it. If they choose to turn their heads and look the other way, it’s their decision.

      Homelessness is a problem than can easily remedied.

      Homelessness, “the have-nots”, exists because of the selfishness of “the haves”.

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    Dina wrote a new post, Helping And Giving Until It Hurts 7 years, 8 months ago

    The other Sunday, the second collection of the Sunday masses of the Catholic churches will be donated to those places here in the Bicol Region that were badly and directly hit by typhoon Nina.

    The priest in the […]

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    Dina replied to the topic More ways to earn at LiteracyBase in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 8 months ago

    I think i should do that too. It’s is so nice when we get to interact with others. It is an additional bonus for being here – the happiness of interaction.

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