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    Dina and Profile picture of MaheshMahesh are now friends 7 years, 5 months ago

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    Dina replied to the topic Dear friends, SUPPORT replied me why I am not paid in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 5 months ago

    So your problem is finally solved. I am happy for you. At least by April you are richer by thousands of pesos. he he he

    IS that so, that they’re ahead of us when it comes to the dates.

    I remember having redeemed a day before the 30th. But I was paid on the 15th of next month for it.

    It is good that we share our experience about redemption…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina and Profile picture of nerdonlbnerdonlb are now friends 7 years, 5 months ago

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    Dina replied to the topic My Friends, I Redeem This Day in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 5 months ago

    So there’s no more problem with your pending redemptions? What about Singh’s problem , will he be paid already?

    I saw him posting about cricket again. ha ha ha So, I suppose his posts about crickets will all be paid already that’s why he is posting the same again. he he he

    Anyway, as for me, I won’t be able to redeem this March. I am just…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina wrote a new post, The Amazing Tree We Call, Coconut ! 7 years, 5 months ago

    If I am to choose a tree we can call amazing, it will be the coconut tree which is indigenous here in the Philippines as well as other Asian Countries and those in the Pacific.

    That’s because coconuts thrive i […]

    • I love coconut food delicacies like the ones you posted here. It is indeed a tree of life with so many uses from its roots to leaves.

      • Me too. I love all the foods from the coconut as well as the young coconut.

        Especially buko salad, wow, it’s delicious. Though it could be costly to make one.

        The lumpiang sariwa is also a favorite. Though, I don’t make it but just always buy from an eatery that really makes a very delicious one, even without the dip.

        Do you like bukayo too. Here, you can buy a pack for just 20 pesos. I would buy one every now and then and keep it in the drawer of my office table. I eat it for dessert after my brunch.

    • I never knew that part “ubod” could be eaten ..i thought you posted a photo of a bamboo shoots but when I googled it it was really ubod..

      buko indeed is very useful and deserves to be called “the tree of life” .. we have lots of coconut trees around and just last night I made a buko ice cream.

      • @kat2x ,

        I suppose you are a Filipino too. So, you don’t know what ubod is.

        Actually, it can be eaten raw. It’s sweet and delicious as it is. But when made into a veggie viand with coconut milk, some slices of pork, chopped finger chili and some pepper, a little salt , garlic and onion , it is so delicious!

        Also you should have a taste of the fresh lumpia which is sauteed ubod, with some chopped baguio beans, julienned carrots, chopped roasted peanuts wrapped in a wrapper made of egg. It’s so delicious too. Especially with a dip of a bit sweet with chopped roasted peanuts, it’s heavenly.

        Buko ice cream? I have tasted an ice cream with buko bits and it indeed delicious too.

        SO i bet your buko ice cream is delicious. 🙂

    • I think a coconut tree was probably in the Garden of Eden. Eden was a paradise. A coconut is a fruit of paradise. Seems a logical thought. 🙂 I do love coconut!

      • Hmm, really you think of that as in the Garden of Eden. I don’t though, because the setting there i think is not of a tropical country. 🙂

        So, have you seen a coconut tree? Where did you see it? Have you already tasted a buko(young coconut) salad?

        What are the other foods from the coconut that you have eaten?

        It’s juice is so delicious too. I suppose you have already drank one. 🙂

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina replied to the topic I miss to write long blogs, but I lost my interest I Am Not Paid And Others Here in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 6 months ago

    @bestwriter ,

    Yes, I was paid for my February postings . Though it was actually , just February that I made it to the minimum.

    I started mid-January but get it a little over $12 , just last February.

    Why, are most of you not paid for February even if you have made it to the minimum cashout?

    I hope this issue of non-payment for the other…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina wrote a new post, How Far Should One Go For The Sake Of Professionalism ? 7 years, 6 months ago

    Professionalism as defined by Encarta dictionary is the competence or character expected of a member of a highly trained profession.

    Thus, the employees of a company are considered professionals . As […]

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina replied to the topic Writing Sites; Learning From Mistakes/Successes in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 6 months ago

    @kaylar ,

    So what other sites are there other than myLot and LiteracyBase? Is there a site that can be at par with Bubblews as to its earnings when it was still at its peak?

    I think none, because it was just a mistake to do that. See, they were gone already.

    Though, here at LB we can really earn much if only we are patient in making good…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina wrote a new post, Little Things They May Be, But They Can Give Happiness 7 years, 6 months ago

    When I was in my parents’ house sometime ago, my sister gave me a red t-shirt as her gift to me from their visit in HongKong. It has the words I Love HK, with love in the form of a big heart.

    I don’t act […]

    • really thats so sweet from you and yoru friend who did all that, nice things means meaningful things not pricey things, its by the menaing oft he things not by the price of the things or by it is sizes, its only has a meaning when its from people you like and when you need it or they need it and gave it to you, its so beautiful to feel for others when they dont say a word and help also without them to ask you to help

      • @mangoh ,

        Thank you for saying that.

        They are after all my parents. I am just trying to return the love they gave me and my siblings while we were growing up. They sacrificed a lot in order for me and my siblings to have a nice life and be sent to college.

        Now, that I already have a family, I see to it that I still have the time to be with them in my free days from work and give them the things they may want. Although, my father being a retired judge have a big pension, this little thing such as giving to him this gift that is supposedly for me, made him so happy.

    • That is so nice to hear this thing about you my friend. You are a person with a kind and generous heart , because you like sharing things especially when it comes to our love ones.

      You share without asking for return and that is what is expected of us when we help people or share our time to help other people.

      Really, you volunteered in Central Asia? When was that and what did you do as a volunteer? And were you not given any allowance for your needs there, or were you in allowance basis?

      It is really a nice feeling when in our own little way, we are able to share what we have not waiting for any return at all.

    • That is how we should be to our parents. Loving and caring. Even if we give them little things, it means a lot to them already.

      That’s because they feel important when we give them these things they want. Especially, when they are already getting old, the least we can do is be with them, talk and share stories with them. Time is already getting shorter for them, so we should find the time to even just be with them and give them small things like their favorite foods.

      They took care for us all since our birth and until we can be on our own already, so when the time comes that they are already a bit older, we can start paying back those days when they took care of us.

    • So funny. Moms can complain about a gift we give them and we’ll bend over backwards so that she will be pleased. :0

      • @Treathyl FOX ,

        Yes, moms would complain of our gifts. My mother is like that.
        She would complain that she has lots of them already, when I gifted her a shawl and a bag.

        Father got angry at her for being that way and reprimanded her that she should be happy we gave her a gift and it comes from our heart. The next time around , she didn’t complain anymore.

        That is why, I like giving a gift to my father, because he would really smile from ear to ear and would thank profusely for it. Little things means a lot to him already. 🙂

    • So funny. Moms can complain about a gift we give them and we’ll bend over backwards so that she will be pleased. 🙂

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina wrote a new post, Things That Can Help Maintain A Healthy Brain 7 years, 6 months ago

    We all want to live until our very old age still able to recognize our husband , sons and daughters , family, relatives and friends.

    Not being able to , would mean that we will be like a living dead.

    Thus, I […]

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina wrote a new post, How We Will Look In our 20’s , 30’ 40’ 50 and Beyond ? 7 years, 6 months ago

    In this book Fat To Firm AT Any Age , these are what a woman will expect at her age level if she will just always do the age-preventive measure.

    In Her 20’s ;

    She should be doing a regular aerobic e […]

    • That was what I am sorry for. I was so thin when not yet married, but after giving birth I gained weight so fast though I was so busy with an office job that time. Now I am overweight, trying to lose some weight. It’s good we decided to go on strict diet and daily exercise of walking and biking every morning. Plus moving a lot while inside the house or walking inside malls (ha ha ha!).

    • @ Dina

      You are lucky that you have inherited your mom’s genes and that of our grandma’s Chinese lineage, that is why you look younger than your actual age.

      You are also always smiling and that you have a positive outlook in life.

      • @Ruby ,

        Thank you for saying that. I think it’s Ruben and Rose who also inherited that in your family.

        But you are correct, I smile and laugh a lot. Simple jokes can already make me laugh out loud already. I also have a positive attitude. I always think that if we are having a problem, we just have to do what we can to solve it. When it cannot be solved, give it to God and just hope it will soon be solved.

        Positivism is also helping me really to look and feel young.

        Though, you still look young for your age too, Ate Rubs. And so with Ate Ruth. I guess we in our clan have that gene.

        • As what they also say, “it runs in the family:

          You just don’t laugh, you laugh with your eyes and i think that is one of your asset.

          Any problems you have in life, it does not show. You carry yourself well!

    • you are good in that post that how women feel but we all have different bodies, and i saw many women that looks really much younger than her real age, i guess this people who smile alot and live the life as it is and take good note of their life experiences as that affect how you look, how you feel, thanks for bringing this issue to us before its late

      • @dealio ,

        Our positive outlook in life, reflects in our face, thus we look & feel younger. Smiling a lot, laughing and joking are helping us to feel young too.

        As to stress, that is inevitable. It comes to each and everyone. We just have to have a good way of dealing with problems so we will not be stressed much.

        Do what we can do to solve a problem. But when you cannot you ask from people you are close with. In addition, ask for the help of God. He too, is always just waiting for us to call on him for help.

        Though, eating healthily and exercising are the primary things that really helps in us to look and feel young at our ages. 🙂

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina wrote a new post, Comfort Foods , How Can We Avoid Eating Them Always? 7 years, 6 months ago

    We all have our comfort foods or convenience foods. Some have them in burger, fries and soda. I am one of them actually. I always would go to a fast food to eat them.
    Some have chocolates, cakes, and ice […]

    • I agree, we must avoid eating comfort foods especially junk foods that are not healthy. Many people especially young people resort to eating comfort foods instead of healthy foods because they are always in a hurry, and because of peer influence.

    • Nice article! Thank you for the tips which I hope I could follow to the T.

      You are right, almost everyone of us have their own comfort food.

      For me, my comfort food are peanuts, saba banana (whether boiled, ‘turon’ or with sugar coating, corn, and anything sweet. Maybe this is the reason why I have high blood sugar hahaha.

      Food that is also cooked with coconut milk, which we Bicolanos are famous for, is also a comfort food for me

      I don’t go so much for spicy foods, which is the norm for the youth of today.

      May I also add, there was a study that it is much better if we drink 2 glasses of water before having your breakfast, 1 glass before we take a bath, 1 glass each every meal (that’s 3 glasses), and 2 glasses before you go to sleep, for a total of 8 glasses a day.

    • If comfort eating is a habit that you frequently fall back on to try to make yourself feel better, it can be hard to know how to break the cycle.

      However, it is possible to stop it.Sometimes, you may think that you’re hungry but this may not actually be the case. Before you head for the fridge or cupboard, ask yourself whether you’re genuinely hungry or not. If your stomach isn’t actually rumbling, you may not really be hungry. If you suspect that you’re bored rather than hungry, distract yourself and see if you’re still hungry afterwards.

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina wrote a new post, The Little and Big Miracles In Our Lives 7 years, 6 months ago

    I seldom make topics about cheesy ones. Maybe because when I do , it seems to make me vulnerable to bashings and criticism because others may not share what I am talking about.

    But today, I would like to talk […]

    • @Michelle ,

      Indeed, it is an advantage that we have our online earnings. At least, they accumulate to many when we don’t withdraw them. At least on a time when we needed it we can have them.

      It is nicer too, that we have not only one earning site. I am happy I was referred here also, because it helps a lot for me to have more earnings. 🙂

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina wrote a new post, Who Do You Think Was To Blame For This Accident? 7 years, 6 months ago

    Last week, a meeting was called for the project engineer , operations and maintenance department, HR assistant and me.

    This time, since the HR officer was absent, I have to take charge of the meeting.

    The […]

    • Some people do not take their jobs seriously, like that project engineer who allowed the installation of the ceilings without the wirings yet inside it. He should know it was his fault.

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina replied to the topic So what foods are we to eat? in the forum Group logo of Food & DrinkFood & Drink 7 years, 6 months ago


    Yes, in everything , the key is moderation.

    Taking of drugs in excess can make us sick or addicted to it.

    Overeating of oranges in a day can result to stomachache.

    Just eat one or two everyday so you can reap it’s health benefits. And this is true with all kind of foods.

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina wrote a new post, My Mother-in-Law Could Have Died On The Operating Table 7 years, 6 months ago

    Yes, she could have died , had the family did not opt for a second opinion for the gallstone operation that the doctor advised to be done at the soonest.

    This actually happened about more than 15 years ago. […]

    • Good thing your family sought a second opinion. It is so saddening that some doctors would just decide on conducting an operation on the patient without considering some of the perils involved.

      We should also be careful with our diet to avoid such ailments, or the so-called lifestyle diseases.

      • From then on, we know already that we should always seek second opinion when it is a serious ailment.

        Good thing that now our daughter is already a doctor. We can always seek her second opinion since she’s not here in the province where we reside.

        Indeed, even at an early age, we should learn how to live a healthy life without depriving us though, of the delicious foods. The key is to eat in moderation, exercise or being so mobile and having a happy disposition in life.

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina wrote a new post, The Malignant Ailment of Men called Prostate Cancer 7 years, 6 months ago

    My father was diagnosed with prostate cancer when he reached the age of about 65. As to symptom, he had difficulty in urinating, meaning he would feel like urinating but it would come out after some time.

    The […]

    • Your family made the right decision to consult an alternative doctor. Congrats, your father and father-in-law are still fine in spite of past medical conditions.

      • Indeed, we were so happy they both survived.

        Although, my father-in-law is still being made to take the anti-cancer pill. He is a stubborn man, would eat even when being told to stop because he has taken enough. So, he is back to having big belly and fat.

        Unlike my father, who really followed what his alternative doctor has advised him.

        I would always tell my father-in-law of what to do basing on what my father has been advised by his alternative doctor, but to no avail. Well, anyway , at least I have done my part of admonishing him about his ailment. It’s up to him now, if he still wants to live longer or not.

    • That’s why when we are told that we have cancer, we should not lose hope. We should just follow what the doctor advises, take the medication and change our lifestyles.

      Actually, it is our positive attitude that can help us to battle it. Worrying will stress us and aggravate the cancer, since it is said that stress can make us sick much more have cancer.

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina wrote a new post, She Said : It’s Mom’s , He Said : It’s Grandmom’s 7 years, 6 months ago

    I am actually referring to my daughter and her boyfriend. Actually, it was my daughter who told me that she and her boyfriend will always boast of who cooks the most delicious kare-kare , a dish of oxtail or the […]

    • Looks so delicious!It made me hungry, but I could not eat lots of meat/meat products because I am on strict diet. Your daughter could be so proud of your cooking. Congrats!

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina replied to the topic SHORT POSTS/ LONG POSTS in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 6 months ago

    Well, if you have lots to discuss it would be nicer you make the long posts.

    Though, thinking about a shorter post is much easier.

    Bu whatever way, they both earn. Though, I still don’t get fulfillment when my long post doesn’t get any comment at all. Comments are what makes our posts fulfilling. It means somebody took the time to read it…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Dina

    Dina wrote a new post, How To Deal With The Most Common Illness in the World Called “Colds” 7 years, 6 months ago

    Actually, I am proud to say that at my age , 57 year old, I hardly get colds. For the past two years I haven’t gotten colds.

    Last December until January , since the weather has gone from being so hot to b […]

    • Useful information for people suffering from colds. In my case I generally get some cold during change of temperature. Once I had cold for more than four months as there was a viral. It did not stop even after medicines and the doctor advised. It is better to eat normal food and live your life as you live rather than taking medicines as nothing works. I have also stopped taking cold drinks, water from refrigerator, ice creams etc.

      I get colds generally when the temperature is varying around plus or minus 10 degrees Celsius suddenly due to changing weather pattern, I also have nasal problem a bit of sinus which add to it. Breathing polluted air, dust particles, pollen’s of parthenium and some other plants also result in colds and coughs. Thanks for the share

      • @Krishna Kumar

        Really, you had colds for four months! That would be hard. A colds can always bring you a headache.

        My daughter said that having colds cannot be because you always drink cold water. ACtually for me, I love cold drinks. Maybe you will really get colds when you are not used to drinking cold drinks then suddely you drink one.

        Sometimes too, you first have to normalize your body like when you came from the outside where it was too hot, you should stabilize your temperature first before you drink the cold water.

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