In order to avoid living a life full of struggles, we should know how to cope up with it. If you salary lacks for your necessities, learn how to lower your standard of living and learn how to live within your means.
Find another income generating means. If you have a full time job find another income generating techniques, like joining an online writing site like this site.
Or you can find a way to have business while you are at work like selling make-ups through those company that offers them. You can also cook some pastries and sell it to your officemates.
Most of all , like I said learn how to lower your standard of living or live simply.
One has to be determined to succeed in life. Even if it means a big struggle, he should not stop.
Struggles are part of succeeding. Like a gold, without undergoing heat, the gold will not be polished and molded.
And that’s how it is when we want to succeed in life.
But let us not forget too, that we should always ask for the help of our maker if it seems you cannot go on anymore. He will whisper what should be done.
Don’t give up, just keep fighting to succeed.
I don’t. When I ask that, it is to know if the person is really in good state or not. If not, I will be listening to whatever she would share about it.
I can empathize with people. I can also give advise should they want it.
I don’t actually say “how are you” to any person or friend. I choose to give them to people I truly know. With other people , I would just say a simple HI and smile.
If somebody who asks that question is not a close friend or relative, I will just answer, “I’m fine!” because I do not want to elaborate even if I am not fine. I should not tell them how I was doing because it is not proper to do so. But to ask such question is just alright.
Yes, God created us all in his image. Thus, we are all beautiful.
Ugly? We are not. Physically we maybe different, but we can make that beautiful by having a beautiful heart. It’s what makes one glow with beauty. It is one quality most people would like to have – a beautiful heart.
WHen one has a beautiful heart, everyone wants to be friends with her. That’s because with her, they will not be hurt because that’s not in her vocabulary. She only wants everyone to feel good and consoled also whenever someone is sad.
So, who says I am ugly? I am not, because I have a heart filled with love and compassion for every person I will be meeting. 🙂
So true. Beauty is not related to physical appearance. It is about the character or the personality of that person. Beauty does not really have a standard to compare and even if it exists somewhere, I don’t think it is fair. It is beautiful not to compare. Everybody are god’s unique, special and different creations.
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