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    @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA joined the group Group logo of Honesty Still WorksHonesty Still Works 7 years, 11 months ago

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    @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA joined the group Group logo of Honesty Still WorksHonesty Still Works 7 years, 11 months ago

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    WHYZ'DAT? posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    I’d like to move my blogs’ category groupings. Is there a way I can do it?

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    WHYZ'DAT? joined the group Group logo of PoliticsPolitics 7 years, 11 months ago

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    WHYZ'DAT? posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    Have you ever spoken up bravely when you saw something going on that was factually wrong? Would you be scared? Would you be confident to speak up if the truth is behind you?

  • Profile picture of @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA

    @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA wrote a new post, Benefits Of Pumpkin 7 years, 11 months ago

    What Are The Benefits Of Pumpkin?
    Is a pumpkin a fruit or a vegetable? That is maybe one of the disturbing questions when we talk of the pumpkin.
    The main reason of the above question is that a pumpkin […]

    • Yes. Pumpkins are having a lot of medicinal properties. They are all rich in minerals and some vitamins. They are rich in Zinc which is useful for a glowing skin. It is for this purpose nowadays people are using it as a facial mask. This has got the element gold in a very small quantity which is very useful for the overall health of human being.

      This has got rich religious value. In Hinduism, it is gifted to a Brahim priest during the 1st day of the Telugu New Year SANKRANTI (the starting day). Actually, on that day the Brahim should be given Gold as Dakshina. As an alternative, one can give PUMPKIN . As everybody can not afford gold to give as Dakshina.

      Accepting the gold is not very easy for a Brahmin priest. After a gold is received as gift or Dakshina he should go home , perform prayer, wearing wet cloth he should take his head bath and again perform prayer as a remedy of accepting such Dakshina. He will do the same procedure after taking the Pumpkins to his house.

      it is used highly in the kitchen. We prepare curry with pumpkin which will be rich in taste.We generally eat it as it is instead of taking it along with food. We prepare HALWA with pumpkin which is a sweet dish. We clean the seeds and dry them up in the Sun. Whenever we find time, we take them out remove the husk over the seeds and take the inside portion which will be very tasty. This is used and mixed in almost all sweet of India.

      • Pumpkin is packed with essential nutrients that are necessary for the body. I feel so bad when pumpkins are wasted in Halloween. After the festival, the pumpkins are not re-used and disposal becomes a problem.

        While it is not bad to be used in the festival, I would suggest proper measures to be taken to re-use the pumpkins. Many are the nutrients that are laid to waste. Pumpkin is my favorite meal. The cakes are very tasty but I enjoy it boiled. I also enjoy munching the seeds. I enjoy the nutrients.

        I used to make body mask manually and I used to get money from it. Am planning to grow a plantation of pumpkins.

    • I used to grate raw pumpkin, mix it with some flour and make pumpkin bread. It is really good to be mixed with flour and baked.

      • Such bread is what I would like to taste. I would like the recipe. I love tasting new food like these. Your family must be enjoying your meals.

        I tried to make pumokin cakes with no success. Do you also know where I can get the recipe. I understand there are some online. Which site has such?

    • Pumpkins are very useful for human health because Pumpkin fruit is one of the widely grown vegetables incredibly rich in vital antioxidants, and vitamins. Though this humble backyard vegetable is less in calories, nonetheless, it carries vitamin A, and flavonoid poly-phenolic antioxidants such as lutein, xanthin, and carotenes in abundance.

      Pumpkin is a fast-growing vine that creeps along the surface in a similar fashion like that of other Cucurbitaceae family vegetables and fruits such as cucumber, squash, cantaloupes…etc. It is one of the most popular field crops cultivated around the world, including in the USA at commercial scale for its fruit, and seeds.

      Pumpkin seeds indeed are an excellent source of dietary fiber and mono-unsaturated fatty acids, which are good for heart health. In addition, the seeds are concentrated sources of protein, minerals and health-benefiting vitamins.

  • Profile picture of @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA

    @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA wrote a new post, Are You A Newbie? 7 years, 11 months ago

    Are You A Newbie?
    Who is a newbie in the real sense of the word? I came across this word in Bubblews, a site that went over.
    When you were called a newbie it meant that you were new. It also meant […]

    • With regards to my level here, I am newbie, no doubt about it. But with regards in life, I am no beginner now. My age just show it that I am no newbie anymore. Experienced is what I live in my younger years and putting it in my life now.

      But maybe, we are all newbie here. Many things we have not yet explored. Maybe when the truth reveal to us, that will be the time we are considered to be ‘experienced’ and not just ‘oldie’.

    • Everybody who comes and registers himself with the is a newbie. He should read, write ,make friendship with others, exchange ideas, and explore the site thoroughly first for himself. Till such time he will be considered as a newbie only.

      Some people by virtue of their rich experience with the other sites and having seen so many varieties of designs and going through many WordPress patterns may quickly understand the site in exploring the things. Still, he is a newbie only. On the internet, there is no such things as experienced and inexperienced. It is only how you are interacting and how much time you are spending your time over the site. Mere staying over the site for the whole day without any contribution will not dub him as experienced.

      So what is the criteria to be followed in conferring a title like POPULAR in a site?.

      It depends on the Admin most of the times. But, in genral the number of posts one has contributed to the site and the quality and quantity of the post.

    • It is right when person joins a new site he becomes newbie on the site and he needs others at every step but on LB kind and cordial people are present who the newbie how to use the site is a good thing and I think it is a good idea to guide others at every step.

      Those who know already something is the blessing of God because knowledge for man is a gift of God. When someone shares his knowledge God and angels welcome the person and become happy looking someone teaching something means he is spreading light in the world of gloom will lead this step to heaven.

      Those who know about the secrets of LB how to earn fast must share to the newbie so that he or she could increase earning.

    • I still think of myself as a newbie due to the time i have been on the site. I am still trying to get around and see if i find some people to chat with on forums but this is more difficult here.

      A newbie is supposed to be a new person to a certainthing that has no knowledge of what he or she is supposed to do and the time that they have been doing it also.

      Once you have some experience in whatever you were a newbie at then you lose the title. At least that is how is see it.

  • Profile picture of @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA

    @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA and Profile picture of DeloresDelores are now friends 7 years, 11 months ago

  • Profile picture of WHYZ'DAT?

    WHYZ'DAT? replied to the topic Legit Writing Sites in the forum Group logo of The Discussion PlaceThe Discussion Place 7 years, 11 months ago

    @Ruby3881  TextBroker only accepts authors residing in the USA. Bump! It would have been a freelancer’s outside of US opportunity to earn  .0$/word earning base.

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    WHYZ'DAT? replied to the topic Quality Standards on LiteracyBase: I Look Forward to Working With 'Edit' in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    I was making fun of myself about, “I plagiarized myself”.  I fact-check myself first with Google’s Plagiarism Check before I press “Submit”.  My content are always “Unique” and “0% Plagiarized”. Meaning, I make sure that I “sweat and think harder” with research, originality and relevance on my content before I blog.

    Anyway, I see LiteraryBase’s p…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of WHYZ'DAT?

    WHYZ'DAT? replied to the topic Does Anyone Got Any Payment from Blogbourne?!? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 11 months ago

    Since I read about BlogBourne from LiteracyBase,  I checked out the reviews and blogs about it.  Looks okay for the most part.  But as you said, payments are slow to release to the writers.  Work is a stretch, what, for a few cents? But it’s fairer and better than Facebook which generates millions of dollars and does not share revenue to its mil…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA

    @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA wrote a new post, Do You Choose What To Eat? 7 years, 11 months ago

    A Colorful Table

    The table hajs been neatly arranged with all the delicacies that your best chef only knows how. There is Meat of all colors, red meat,white meat and others. The table is laid with all the […]

    • I do my best to eat healthy. I have been blessed to make it to 60 years of age and have not experienced any severe health problems that were the result of a bad diet. I eat meat, fruits, veggies, sweets, etc. My weakness is cheesecake. 🙂

      • Congratulations for being sweet sixty. We have to thank God for that. Thank you for your comment too. Be blessed. Stbrians is on mylot and seems not to meet you.

        Eating right and exercise leadgs to health and long life. Our bodies need the right kinds of food in the right quantities. Avoid red meat if you are to keep healthy. Take more fruit. It is medicine.

        Majority of people think it is depriving to avoid certain foods. It is not. It is healthy.

    • I am a vegetarian so I don’t eat at most places. In fact, there is on one restaurant I do eat at, in all cases I would rather wait until I get home and cook something or just have a drink or a fruit.

    • Choose is only for wealthy people, poor people will never choose what food they eat. But because the question is going out for individual like me, my answer would be ‘it depends on the situation’.

      When I attend party and lots of foods in the table, I choose what to pick, I don’t pick fried fish and other kinds of fish. I choose meat and vegetable salads. Fruits, any kinds of fruits will do for me.

      But when crisis come and only one meal in the table during lunch or dinner at house, no way we can choose. Its okay, any foods served in the house is always the most delicious food we’ve ever taste.

    • nice article. Conveyed everything beautifully in a good way.

      I do agree that we are wanting eating habits.
      My way of eating is exactly the one you have described above. This is my habit from my childhood. I was eating in a selective manner. I was covering all most everything that gives Vitamins, proteins, oil, sugar, carbohydrates, minerals, in the adequate proportions. Even the elderly people were changing their way of eating when once they see me in any marriage functions and family get together functions.

      There are people as observed by me who collect every item in their plate select a chair laying in a corner and give good exercise to their mouth. This is what I hate.

      Generally, people hesitate to take their food in front of me for fear of my discipline. This is the saddest part of life.

    • Very nice educating write-up. It’s also a good idea to drink warm water every morning before taking any meal as it flushes all fats in the body. The similitude of this is that of the kitchen sink. If the kitchen sink is not flush with warm water regularly it is bound to block as oil will solidify in the its pipe.

    • That’s is some good writing right there. You be a laid out all the facts right. Okay for me i am a choosy eater of course I don’t eat everything but in my meals everyday i try to incooperate evrything. There is the protein, cabohydrates and vitamins. I think those are three most essential things you need to be a in your meals. Even doctors and experts have said it before eating meat is not bad, but say it in bits. It’s better to have white meat than red meat alright but you should not skip it altogether. Anyway all the other things that you have mentioned are very important in our daily eating. It’s true that we are what we eat. Our eating habits are definitely getting out of control and that has to be checked.

    • Human body needs vitamins and minerals for fighting bacteria and gens 24 hours. Human body produces vitamins not minerals we will have take mineral from fruits and dry fruits but vitamins from from the whole vegetables.
      Minerals in Apple
      Potassium – 195 mg
      Calcium – 11 mg
      Phosphorus – 20 mg
      Magnesium – 9 mg
      Manganese – 0.064 mg
      Iron – 0.22 mg
      Sodium – 2 mg
      Copper – 0.049 mg
      Zinc – 0.07 mg
      Also contains a trace amount of other minerals.

      Vitamin A – 98 IU
      Vitamin B1 (thiamine) – 0.031 mg
      Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) – 0.047 mg
      Niacin – 0.166 mg
      Folate – 5 mcg
      Pantothenic Acid – 0.111 mg
      Vitamin B6 – 0.075 mg
      Vitamin C – 8.4 mg
      Vitamin E – 0.33 mg
      Vitamin K – 4 mcg
      Contains some other vitamins in small amounts

      Minerals in Blackberry
      Potassium – 233 mg
      Phosphorus – 32 mg
      Magnesium – 29 mg
      Calcium – 42 mg
      Sodium – 1 mg
      Iron – 0.89 mg
      Selenium 0.6 mcg
      Manganese – 0.93 mg
      Copper – 0.238 mg
      Zinc – 0.76 mg
      Also contains small amounts of other minerals.

      Vitamin A – 308 IU
      Vitamin B1 (thiamine) – 0.029 mg
      Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) – 0.037 mg
      Niacin – 0.93 mg
      Folate – 36 mcg
      Pantothenic Acid – 0.397 mg
      Vitamin B6 – 0.043 mg
      Vitamin C – 30.2 mg
      Vitamin E – 1.68 mg
      Vitamin K – 28.5 mcg
      Contains some other vitamins in small amounts.

      Minerals in Strawberry

      Potassium – 220 mg
      Phosphorus – 35 mg
      Magnesium – 19 mg
      Calcium – 23 mg
      Sodium – 1 mg
      Iron – 0.59 mg
      Selenium 0.6 mcg
      Manganese – 0.556 mg
      Copper – 0.069 mg
      Zinc – 0.2 mg
      Also contains small amounts of other minerals.

      Vitamin A – 17 IU
      Vitamin B1 (thiamine) – 0.035 mg
      Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) – 0.032 mg
      Niacin – 0.556 mg
      Folate – 35 mcg
      Pantothenic Acid – 0.18 mg
      Vitamin B6 – 0.068 mg
      Vitamin C – 84.7 mg
      Vitamin E – 0.42 mg
      Vitamin K – 3.2 mcg
      Contains some other vitamins in small amounts.


    • I am fully conscious of what I eat taking care to see that what i eat is good for me. Having said that I do get tempted to go for stuff which may not be quite what my health demands 😀

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    WHYZ'DAT? replied to the topic I have written so many short stories in the forum Group logo of Writing StoriesWriting Stories 7 years, 12 months ago

    Wow! What your theme or genre on your story writing?I wonder if you could link your Wikinut page sample of a short story you wrote here on LB, here on this thread?  So we can read it? Thanks!

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    WHYZ'DAT? joined the group Group logo of Writing for the WebWriting for the Web 7 years, 12 months ago

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    WHYZ'DAT? joined the group Group logo of AssetsAssets 7 years, 12 months ago

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    WHYZ'DAT? replied to the topic how often should i call my parents? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 12 months ago

    I do encourage you that you get more quality, uplifting talks with your mother.  If your boyfriend can’t honor your mother, how is it possible that he will honor and respect you once you bear your and his children as your children’s mother?



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    WHYZ'DAT? joined the group Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 12 months ago

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    WHYZ'DAT? started the topic Trump or Hillary Voters: Think for Yourself, Not What Celebrities Tell You How in the forum Group logo of Trump or HillaryTrump or Hillary 7 years, 12 months ago

    I see one of  millennial thinkers, Miss Timpf’s, intelligent independent perspective on the matter of how and who to vote this coming November 8th Presidential Elections. The latest celebrity-starred liberal Democrat campaign on an anti-Trump ad, among many fallacies,  is just disappointing.

    I used to admire those Avengers Heroes actors and a…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA

    @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA wrote a new post, The Problem Of The Opening Sentence 7 years, 12 months ago

    You have the topic for your post ready. All the subtopics you will use in the post are already on the Draft. The keywords you will use in your post have already been charted out.  Now you want to begin writing […]

    • The problems of a writer are how to begin and how to end.The best thing to do is write what pops up from the mind, and then develop the topic . Let us not forget the 3 parts of a composition intro, body and conclusion. As long as the beginning is ready, the next thing to do is just support the main topics.In our case as bloggers, we can immediately strike a beginning sentence according to the blog we want to write.

    • This is the area where every writer makes a sluggish movement. This is an important area to attract the readers to read your article. As you said rightly, the concluding part is a difficult exit. It should be decorated nicely to make others feel free smelling the flowers in the Garden. The Garden should be nicely arranged with good pictures, some thrilling quotes et., Everything should be arranged properly. Others, there is no purpose of keeping a beautiful garden without good entry and exit.

    • Thinking of a great opening sentence is such an important aspect of being a writer.

      With so much information being written and shared online and offline, we cannot afford to be boring or vague.

    • This is the usual and the common problem of every writer. In your case, you write the problem of the opening sentence which seems unattractive. Where? How do you qualify your title to attract readers? Then as you have said, reader’s attention would be pegged to read more if the introductory sentence in your post is interesting or catchy.

      Yours is a declarative statement of what your topic is about. Why not make it interesting? And how do you do it? You see. It is not easy but if you are used to writing you could easily make it and have everything flowing smoothly.

    • Is this for short story, ‘how to open sentence in writing short story’. Nice tip here. Actually, the first paragraph is one of the hardest work for many writers. They don’t know how to begin the story. I have read a book on how to start a short story. But this does not matter when you want to write. You don’t think how to start.

      My tip is here: think of a scene, any scene in your house, school, in the garden, eating, quarrel, and try to narrate that scene, this is how I start my story.

    • Rather than talking about the opening sentence I would rather worry about giving an appropriate title which normally attracts readers and viewers.

  • Profile picture of @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA

    @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA wrote a new post, Which Books Did You Read As A Young Person? 7 years, 12 months ago

     Which Books Did You Read As A Young Person?
    Reading makes a writer and most writers are good readers. You are writers because of those amazing books that you read. Good books nurture language and make good […]

    • Honestly saying I am writing since many years, but I never completed a single book. That is true that for becoming good writer one must need to keep reading lots of book. But instead of books, I love to read different online blogs. I am following many online technology related blogs and I used to keep reading them regularly whenever they have some new posts. So that’s why may be I am writing more related to technology stuff.
      But surely I will try to read few books too but yes it should be my interest related. Good going.

    • You are a good writer though. I love reading interesting stuff. I love adventure.

      It used to be when I get hold of a book, I used not to put it down till I reach its end. There were too many good story books like ‘Alice in wonderland’,’Guilliver’s travels’ and many more. They were good

    • I remember that when I was still a little kid I love reading stories in the books, books from school. Those times when there were no kindle and ebooks, no facebook and amazon including wattpad, so the best entertainment for reading is through the hard copy, books, comics and papers.

      I have read Filipino stories like Bernardo Carpio– who is a strong person who bent the two mountains from colliding each other. I have also read the Florante and Laura and many more stories and epics that build my talent as a writer.

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