• Profile picture of @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA

    @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA wrote a new post, 5 Wonderful Reasons Why You Write Online 7 years, 12 months ago


    5 Wonderful Reasons Why You Write Online
    Online writers are a great community. They are very good in creating content. They love their work.
    Why do they enjoy writing online? There are many r […]

    • Very nice, all true, one can become an ardent researcher and become lover of words and art. We need art in writing. We also acquire some talents and skills as months go by.We can also gain many friends worldwide.

      • It true we become researchers. We realize we know many sites that we get information from. It comes a time where you come to know so many things.

        I used never to know how to uppload pictures but now I know. I can write credit for photos too.

        I need to learn how to put links and how to link where I got some information to my post. It is good to write online.

    • Your points are quite good. I am writing since many years, though I am still not professional one. But one thing is sure that I have learned so many things with my experience. With my keep trying my writing has been improved lot in compare to past. And yes here we need to keep patience for everything. So that skill will be improve for all of us. Good going.

      • Practice makes perfect. You will never know if you ar3 a professional by yourself. Those who read what you write know. Remember where you came from. It is far. Look where you are. Somewhere in the writing fraternity. Look where you are going. Near. Maybe to be a highly published,highly sought after writer.

        It is achievable. We have learnt and are learning. I knew I was becoming tough when blogbourne organized a writing challenge and I won it

        • That’s very true. If we keep working hard we will improve for sure. Whole life is like book using which we can learn and improve. You are right that if I compare my writing skill with past then surely I have improved lot by different experiences. And you are correct instead of me my readers can say that thing than any one else. Thanks for encouraging words, I will keep trying my best.

    • I only write online because writing is a skill that I have and I figured it could be used to become gainfully self-employed, and I could work from home, and hopefully my efforts will generate consistent income. All the other stuff that comes with doing that, such as, meeting new people, etc. That’s just “gravy”. 🙂

      • Bubblews brought me in the limelight. Money was the catch. Then payment began to be evasive and writing became a passion.

        Now I want to turn it into gain again. I joined mylot and I Have $0.0608. It is funny but has shown signs of paying.

        I have gained skills because I feared to post in literacybase but now I do. What is the payout here?

  • Profile picture of @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA

    @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA wrote a new post, How Was Measles Managed In The 60’s? 7 years, 12 months ago

    How Was Measles Managed In The 60’s?
    Measles used to be and is still one of the killer diseases in the world. It used to be feared so much that it got the nickname of ‘the school disease’. Once it attac […]

  • Profile picture of @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA

    @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA wrote a new post, No, Mommy, no! It is Painful 7 years, 12 months ago

    No, Mommy, no! It is Painful
    Bliss is all I feel
    Tis so good to be real
    Bliss that surpasses all
    It is so nice and so full
    How nice it is to the full
    No feeling remorseful
    Mommy I love […]

  • Profile picture of WHYZ'DAT?

    WHYZ'DAT? wrote a new post, Limerick Poetry: Odyssey 2016 Politics 7 years, 12 months ago

    Limericks are supposed to be funny, satirical and fun to write. I think, generally, they are. It’s fascinating to get hooked on writing limerick poetry when I mean something and I want to hide the hidden meaning. […]

    • Yes, writing satirical poem is very difficult far a poet but there are many poets who have written political satires in the history of English literature. As Pope wrote a political Satire as The Rape of the Lock

      The Rape of the Lock is one of the most famous English-language examples of the mock-epic. Published in its first version in 1712, when Pope was only 23 years old, the poem served to forge his reputation as a poet and remains his most frequently studied work.

      The inspiration for the poem was an actual incident among Pope’s acquaintances in which Robert, Lord Petre, cut off a lock of Arabella Fermor’s hair, and the young people’s families fell into strife as a result. John Caryll, another member of this same circle of prominent Roman Catholics, asked Pope to write a light poem that would put the episode into a humorous perspective and reconcile the two families.

      The poem was originally published in a shorter version, which Pope later revised. In this later version he added the “machinery,” the retinue of supernaturals who influence the action as well as the moral of the tale.

      Dryden the poet is best known today as a satirist, although he wrote only two great original satires, Mac Flecknoe (1682) and The Medall (1682). His most famous poem, Absalom and Achitophel (1681), while it contains several brilliant satiric portraits, unlike satire comes to a final resolution, albeit tragic for both David and his son. Dryden’s other great poems— Annus Mirabilis (1667),

      Religio Laici (1682), The Hind and the Panther (1687), Anne Killigrew (1686), Alexander’s Feast (1697), and “To My Honour’d Kinsman” (1700)—are not satires either. And he contributed a wonderful body of occasional poems: panegyrics, odes, elegies, prologues, and epilogues.

      Writing satire is a tough job for any writer of any age. A few satirical writers have been on earth.

    • Dryden was dry (:-D) until he started writing political satires. He gained more readership since.

  • Profile picture of @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA

    @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA posted an update 7 years, 12 months ago

    What is ambition

  • Profile picture of @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA

    @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA and Profile picture of Your SeldomYour Seldom are now friends 7 years, 12 months ago

  • Profile picture of WHYZ'DAT?

    WHYZ'DAT? replied to the topic Do you use home remedies when you have a cold? in the forum Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 7 years, 12 months ago

    Yes, I do.  3 Tbsp Vitamin C ascorbic acid, 1/2 cup honey, 1 pitcher water, grated ginger. Cool the beverage to drink 3 to 4 times a day.

    Beef bones or chicken breast with skin broth to the rescue– when you feel hungry but can’t chew and swallow because of blocked nose and nasal discomfort.

    Take walks outside where there are many trees and…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of WHYZ'DAT?

    WHYZ'DAT? posted an update 7 years, 12 months ago

    I’ve written a limerick on politics today.

    Limericks are supposed to be funny, satirical and fun to write. I think, generally, they are. It’s fascinating to get hooked on writing limerick poetry… to be continued in my forthcoming blog.

  • Profile picture of WHYZ'DAT?

    WHYZ'DAT? started the topic 45 Days to November 8th Presidential Election Day! in the forum Group logo of Trump or HillaryTrump or Hillary 7 years, 12 months ago

    45 days to November 8th Presidential Election Day!  Whether we like it or not, a joke or a your-count-is-seriously important, we must go out and vote.

    Have you made your informed, intelligent decision yet?  If you haven’t yet, watch the 1st Presidential Debate 2016  on 26th September 2016: Hillary Clinton vs. Donal Trump.  And gauge your sma…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of WHYZ'DAT?

    WHYZ'DAT? started the topic 46 Days to November 8th Presidential Election Day! in the forum Group logo of Trump or HillaryTrump or Hillary 7 years, 12 months ago

    45 days to November 8th Presidential Election Day!  Whether we like it or not, a joke or a your-count-is-seriously important, we must go out and vote.

    Have you made your informed, intelligent decision yet?  If you haven’t yet, watch the 1st Presidential Debate 2016  on 26th September 2016: Hillary Clinton vs. Donal Trump.  And gauge your sma…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA

    @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA joined the group Group logo of Post your topic and I’ll share reply or comentPost your topic and I’ll share reply or coment 7 years, 12 months ago

    • Thanks for joining my group meshack bwoyele, feel free to make or share your Post, comment. Or any other form that proceeds your work and rising your earnings

  • Profile picture of @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA

    @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA wrote a new post, Which Music Was Enjoyed Between 1950 T0 2000? 7 years, 12 months ago

    We have come from far in music and the journey seems to lead to oblivion. During the period shown that is in the 50’s to early 2000, music used to have meaning.


    Black or white by Micheal Jackson. This […]

    • I get where you’re coming from. I do appreciate the lyrics of the songs from my generation. In many instances, the words are timeless. I guess that’s why my kids also appreciate the songs. I notice they sometimes download the music from the Internet.

    • They are nice songs, endless.Singers and song writers may have died , but they remain alive in every man’s heart and mind.
      I like the song by Bon Jovi, Bed of Roses , also songs from Guns and Roses, Watch Up, songs of Whitney Houston, Barbara Streisand, Endless Love so many nice songs that remain alive and will be cherished for life.

    • A great narrative indeed and described well enough.

  • Profile picture of @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA

    @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA wrote a new post, Do You Think Niume Is Taking The Net By Storm? 7 years, 12 months ago

    Niume is a blogging site that I Stumbled upon on Facebook. It was being discussed as collaborative Blogging platform. It groups bloggers in different Spheres. bloggers in a particular Sphere collaborate in order […]

    • This site may be taking the Internet by storm but I am staying in calm waters and not getting on that ship. It will sail without me! 🙂 The site just doesn’t appeal to me. It’s a personal preference.

    • Remarkably, doing a scamadviser, I learned it is a Six Year Old site with excellent ratings.

      As you post the item is published and I posted 3 items and made 6c based on 60 views.

      I find literacybase undermines my creativity because when I get an idea and post and it takes two days for it to be published I start to limit my output.

      I am at $8.6060 here so will probably complete my $10 and stop participating.

    • I’m still learning the ropes over here on LiteracyBase. Not sure if I want to try another site just quite yet. But as they say, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.”

  • Profile picture of @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA

    @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA wrote a new post, Do You Know These 5 Interesting Reasons Why Children Behave The Way They Do? s? 7 years, 12 months ago

    There are many reasons why your child is what he is. Many traits,  talents and aspirations do not Just Happen. They do not. They are Influenced. Liars, murderers and thieves do not come out of the blue. Some […]

  • Profile picture of @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA

    @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA and Profile picture of Gil CamporazoGil Camporazo are now friends 7 years, 12 months ago

  • Profile picture of WHYZ'DAT?

    WHYZ'DAT? replied to the topic Quality Standards on LiteracyBase: I Look Forward to Working With 'Edit' in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    Hi, LB friends! Have you had issues with submissions? How about with rejections? Do you easily give up? Or do you write better, very well-proofed post the next time before submitting to avoid another embarrasment?


  • Profile picture of @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA

    @stbrians MESHACK BWOYELE KEYA wrote a new post, Have You Ever Run Away From Shadows? 8 years ago

    Shadows Are Everywhere

    A shadow happens ti be formed by an image obstructing light. It is not the real thing yet we run away from them. We do that out of fear. Fear can scare heroes. Fear can even open purses. […]

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      A shadow is part of human being, being alive and even those non-humans have shadow. There is an explanation to this in Physics. But all I can say, is you got a nice post for through your post, I remember a song that was the favorite song of my father . The title of this song is : THE SHADOW OF YOUR SMILE. I remember my dearest father when I hear or see a word shadow. Yes, a shadow of our past serves as the aspiration for the future that is built the next day. Future is tomorrow and not many years from now.

      • It is true @cely. Our shadows really live with up. Reminding you of you of your dad makes of both pad and happy. Happy because if left you with Food memories but sad because he is gone.

    • A good post explained nicely. So while starting a restaurant one will have the fear of facing loss and this so-called shadow is already there. But, what needs is taking appropriate steps in the event of any loss. A well-designed action should be prepared and any business should be taken up. It should not be over-shadowed by assumptions or presumptions.

      The post did not leave the writers. The interesting point for consideration is that for writers the bread and butter will be writing. If they are not paid for their Articles properly and timely what should they do? Even if you assure of their payment they feel disappointed till it is finalized. In the meanwhile, the alternative left for them will be searching and writing for other sites,which in my opinion is not with fear but with disappointment. Even if the site pays them low they work for it if the payment is regular.
      No doubt, patience is needed and it can be liberally in writers especially.

      But, the saddest part is that there are many sites which are opting for tenders. The educated is asked to participate in the bid as in the auction for Excise Shop or Arrack shop (prevailing in India). For how much low should a writer submit his bid for writing ? For one cent? For 2 cents? Why not a site is giving freedom to write and paying for the quality of writing like LB? There are only a few which do not have proper management network.

      Fear will be there for all. It should be in limits and with proper planning one can attack its invasion. One should have respectable fear towards the society, profession,and in the regular activity.But, this alone should not become the life and one should not let it tobe as such. This can be through proper planning.

  • Profile picture of WHYZ'DAT?

    WHYZ'DAT? wrote a new post, Idioms on Politics: “Another Nail In the Coffin” 8 years ago

    It’s rarely that I refer to idioms. But, gosh! I’m flabbergasted at myself that I’m using an old 1920s idiom to express politics. Right here, right now at LiteracyBase. I do wish that nothing written is another […]

    • My Point view is what the Idioms tend to portray in the mind of the listener,a very wise leader. Despite many Missing on the Point.

      The Phrase ‘as wise as Solomon’, does not go to waste.

      Politicians Manipulate and make everybody sing their tune.

      My Advice is to shun bad politicians

      • Good advice on using our brains intelligently and prayerfully, as King Solomon, by, after listening to the good and bad politicians: we must discern “to shun bad politicians.”

        I do not disagree with you. Thanks!

  • Profile picture of WHYZ'DAT?

    WHYZ'DAT? started the topic Fiction and You in the forum Group logo of Writing StoriesWriting Stories 8 years ago

    Prolific author Dwight V. Swain teaches in his instructive book, Techniques of the Selling Writer that covers writing tips and improving practical skills necessary for fiction writing.

    Emotions, he says, are the integral part of fiction writing. To prove it,  plot your characters by putting them in conflicts, dangers, and even near-death fights,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of WHYZ'DAT?

    WHYZ'DAT? posted an update in the group Group logo of Writing StoriesWriting Stories 8 years ago

    “A story is experience translated into literary process.” Dwight V. Swain

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