i think the way of simple life is satisfication.its a simple word but very difficult to implement it in our life.we have to kill our desires to implement it and it is very hard to kill our desires.we have seen or seeing daily that a labour is much happier than a rich person.i am not saying that he has no problems ofcourse he has but the way of thinking is different.a satisfied person always enjoy every little hapiness but an unsatisfied person kill all small hapiness to achieve big desires.
You’re rite
It is surprising, but it is true
It makes sense at some point but I guess stupid people are sometimes followed by the intelligent one’s as well. You know why here is a scenario where secondary school kids probably in a boarding school just want to be rude and cause damages in the school maybe for a very petty issue. In this case you will find the intelligent kids trying to come up with some smart way to get the problem fixed by seeking attention from the administration, but before they execute their plan some stupid student as you call them comes up with a plan that they should strike, and viola! Everyone agrees to this stupid idea. The stupid guy will get everyone involved regardless of whether they are stupid or intelligent. To them they think mmmhhh this is a brilliant idea and they go on with it, and guess what their plight is heard and things change. So in this kind of scenario can we still call the student stupid? I guess stupidity sometimes plays a special role in our lives don’t you think so? I think sometimes it’s necessary because it can save us from certain situations.
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Hi how far