• Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Simple things to break monotony of life 8 years ago

    There are simple ways to break one’s monotony. Doing the same thing day in and day out not is not  something one looks forward to but if done in different ways it can become interesting. Here are a few […]

    • Yes. I do agree with you. Everything is in our hands. But, the item No.4 which is relating to style appears to be not possible. One can not change a style. It is an inherent quality. It comes by birth. But, a fashion can be changed at any time as per our whims and fancy. One more thing is that we can change the place of eating. We can take dinner in the Garden if it is there or outside the house in a verandah. There are some restrictions where one should not take food either lunch or dinner. The Hall, a guest room, and a kitchen. One should never eat sitting on a cot. These are some of the things one should always remember and should bear in mind.

      • Item No. 4 talks about a new outfit. Nothing about fashion is mentioned here 😀

    • These are practical way of breaking the monotony of life instead of just drinking liquor and wine in the streets that will bring you in trouble until you are club and punched. We don’t need to spend more money just to enjoy our live. Me and my wife sometime go for biking along the coastal road.

      • You are right. Simple things give us more joy which could be added in our life on a daily basis.

    • Wow I love this article. I already feel something different cropping up within me. You have actually opened up my eyes to great ideas. Just like they say a change is just as good as a rest. I sometimes try to interchange my furniture in the house and it does make th3 place look different and friendlier. I will start doing things a little differently from now on to give myself the fresh feeling and start. Thanks for sharing this.4

      • I am glad this blog inspired you to doing more than what you are already doing to break the monotony of life. Do not forget to squat on the floor and have your food with your loved ones. And see how you feel 😀

    • I remember my mentioning to my boss that I was going on holiday a luxury which we all deserve and to this his reply was that a holiday is not a luxury but a necessity.

    • You say right that still mater is stagnant water and very soon gets bad smell just like human life without change life is a stagnant water. Change is must to enjoy life day and night because human mind wants change daily in daily activities.

      Change can come in many forms in our lives. It might come forcefully like a tidal wave, or creep along incrementally like a glacier. It might come in the form of devastating tragedy, difficult choices, broken relationships, or even new opportunities.

      Many times, the only way to improve our lives is to force ourselves to undergo difficult change. That might mean breaking up and leaving a stale – but comfortable – relationship, leaving a mediocre – but stable – job, moving away from a nice – but uninspiring – location, or anything else that’s holding us back from accomplishing our dreams.

      I have plenty of things to entertain me. I have plenty of hobbies. I have plenty of people to talk to. I have plenty of friends. I am working towards a career that I dreamt of since I was 8.

      I have plenty of things to keep my brain busy; in fact to be entirely honest, with the amount of things I have going on in my life at the moment, I shouldn’t even have time to condition my hair twice every time I wash it (two words- curly hair).

      Set yourself a challenge which has no association to your conventional everyday routine, and is a project for pure personal satisfaction and self-approbation. Oh and don’t forget to set a deadline, and focus energies on meeting it.

      Find a new hobby. Something you have never tried out before, something fresh, something invigorating, something out of the box, something that involves you going out of your comfort zone. Surprise yourself!

      Go for a long walk, or even better a run. A dose of fresh air and endorphins sure clears the head and gives most a buzz like nothing else.

      Make a list of all your goals. Re-evaluate it on a regular basis, because sometimes with the changes in life, our priorities change. No point in sticking to an unproductive and fruitless part of your daily routine just out of habit.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Tinycent pays in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 8 years ago

    @shaloo walia I saw your blog there today. Happy they are paying.  Hope the site is earning too.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Tinycent pays in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 8 years ago

    @shaloo walia I saw you blog there today. Happy they are paying.  Hope the site is earning too.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Tinycent pays in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 8 years ago

    @suny  Dole out has more meanings than what you have pointed out. Do you know the word ‘set’ has 40o meanings?

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Tinycent pays in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 8 years ago

    @suny  Dole out has more meanings that what you have pointed out. Do you know the word ‘set’ has 40o meanings?

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Where There’s Pain There’s a Blessing 8 years ago

    Everyone will go through some pain. Will face tragic events and wonder how in the world they will make it through. Thank God for prayer. Helps in so many ways. Life isn’t easy and someday’s seem so long but […]

    • This is the reason why we should never lost hope in times of trouble. What we do is to grip on our faith and believe we will always pass every troubles that comes to our life. Holding on and when we conquer it, the fruits will grow for us.

    • Definately.

    • Wow that’s a good piece there reminding us that no situation is permanent. Even though we may go through pain, trials and tribulations we should never loose hope because trouble brings us closer to God and makes us much stronger. When we go through pain we should not look at it like something has has come to finish us but something that has come to make us stronger and give us a hope for tomorrow.many are the times when we feel hopeless when we are going through troubles but that should not dicourage is instead it should encourage us because it’s always a blessing in disguis3.

    • yes. one should develop positive thinking. It can be developed only through prayer. When yoga is clubbed to a prayer the things become even easy. Finally, what we have to do with prayer? Prayer is meant for wishing the happiness of others and wishing for their success. This is the secret of prayer. Pray for others, their happiness, their wellness, for their good health, for their success, and for their well-being.

    • As I grow older, I learn. And the learning from different situations strengthen me to a better, higher and happier level in life. Family, my husband and children play the most important part in that growing process. Family problems put the bulk of the load on our shoulders from my past mistakes and troubles. But it’s so good to know that we have a Higher Wisdom greater than ourselves.

      Patience and endurance are character-building traits that involve hard work. Love, faith and hope come from within and we work on them to draw courage from.

    • Yes, it true that there is pain and there is blessing because behind darkness live light and light blessing and darkness is pain in practical life. If you have the light of knowledge there will be blessings no darkness or pain.

      Nowadays every one of us is in mental tension, running after happiness. None welcomes pain, whether physical or mental. In God’s creation, there is always variation. There is variation in the weather, temperature. There is variation in a day, morning follows evening. He knew that His children would get bored if they lead their lives in a static condition. That is why a great variation in body parameters like blood pressure, sugar level ,heart beats has been introduced in His design .

      He knew that his children will enjoy only in variation. That is to say, variation is essential for a sound living. Unless one is in pain, how he can feel the pleasure? A difference in level is essential for enjoyment in the life.

      In other words, pain is a signal when something goes wrong. It tells ‘Take care ‘. But we do not listen to it, neglect it. That creates disease in the body, and finally leads to dreaded disease like cancer.

    • There use to be a saying, no pain, no gain. We go through things in life to make us stronger for someone else that made be in need of a helping hand. Our testimony can save lives. If I can tell people the things I had to go through in life, just to make it to this point. We are here for a reason and we must do what do what we where brought to do. That is to change lives and make others believe how important it is for them to be here at time where encouragement is needed.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Warm Potato Salad with Bacon 8 years ago

    I couldn’t think what I should do with 3 bags of Holland potatoes
     that I had bought at Tesco.
    I know that I am greedy, but it was 50% discount! 
    Just couldn’t resist the huge bargain!

    Went to the fridge, fou […]

    • As I read your article I find it delicious and good. But there is one thing that really caught my attention because it has been my practice of peeling off the skin of the potato.

      Now, I know the reason why I should not take off the skin of potato. I know the health benefits of it, and I should just clean it thoroughly and not peeling it off.

    • Thank you!! I just finished making this dish. It is absolutely amazing. Delicious. I will definitely make this again.

    • That looks like comfort food with double love! 🙂

    • I heard about it but never tried at home. The Holland Potatoes you are mentioning may be good. But, generally, Potatoes are rich in Carbohydrates. They slow down the process of digestion. You are adding Pork which will increase heat in the body.

      In the beginning, you advised not to peel off the skin of the potatoes. But, in the method of preparation, it is stated to peel off the skin of the boiled potatoes. It is somewhat confusing. Will you please clarify?

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Fried Rice with Ginger Strips 8 years ago

    Ginger is known as a wonderful spice in Chinese, Malay and 
    Indian cooking methods. 
    Its’ natural strong, spice flavor produce a fragrant smell in most
     dishes, both Asian and Western cuisines.

    I love to use  […]

    • I love fried rice especially the chao fan of Chowking though sometimes I cook my own version of fried rice at home. I have not known the ginger for fried rice and as I read the article, I was given the idea to use it in my future recipe. I just hope the kids would like it because of its spicy taste.

    • My Japanese friend introduced me to ginger. I have never regretted it. 🙂

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Tinycent pays in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 8 years ago

    @suny The Merriam Dictionary gives the correct meaning of ‘dole out’



  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Tinycent pays in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 8 years ago

    @suny The Merriam Dictionary give the correct meaning of ‘dole out’



  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Tinycent pays in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 8 years ago

    @naruto100   I am seeing good Ads and hopefully that will help them earn

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, 6 Ways to Self-Motivate when Feeling Down 8 years ago

    What do you do when you are down and out?
    Everyone has a time when he may feel stressed out due to
     failure in relationship ( or friendship ), financial problems ,
     family matters, job related problems and st […]

    • Very good suggestions indeed- could be hard to implement but can be real stress busters.

    • Maybe procrastination will help you as long as you do it to set goals that you would want to achieve or reach. But if you set and makes you just lazy, never do it. And the number 6 which is declutter, I think not always. I have once talked to a boss who’s table are always messy because of too many papers and things above it, but he said “do you know why this table is messy, that means I am always working.” That is true, when the table is organize and very clean, we can say the boss is not working because its always clean.

    • Usually when am feeling down I like to listen to music it helps me quite a lot. Never underestimate th3 power of music, however said that it speaks to the heart was not wrong it is very true. Just listening to the music that you like can boost you up at anytime. Then there is also the thought of being positive with oneself. Declaring to oneself that you are able and annoited will do magic. You wont6even know how positive that will keep you going.When we keep speaking negative things and thinking negative thoughts we don’t do ourselves any favor other than put ourselves down, making us feel unworthy, unwanted and useless. Another thing is to always be around people who make a difference in your life, do stuff that makes you happy. If it means going out meeting up with friend will keep you away from stress than at all means do that.

    • Go fishing

    • Good advice. Also, if you have memories of a time when you had an abundance of energy and bounced out of bed each day and conquered the world … try to remember. 🙂 Say to yourself: “I did it once. I can do it again!” 🙂

    • Your tips and advice are inspiring especially the one about music. I do not listen that much to music but I do enjoy a good up beat tune once in a while. But putting on music when I am blue or depressed never occurred to me. I wonder why? Oh well, now I know what to do when the self-doubt, the self-negativity etc creep in, I can always rely on a good tune to cheer me up. I have to admit that I rarely procrastinate. I am always cleaning and decluttering my place. I hate having a messy surrounding. That also helps me but not for long usually.
      By the way, very good article, very well written and informative and entertaining.

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      @peach purple, I am feeling down now,I want to change my email add and I wrote the admin last night, but got no reply. The yahoo mail that I presented here is not pay pal connect.The first time I applied here they did not accept my email pay pal affiliated and now the problem comes for I cannot redeem. My email add here is not affiliated with pay pal. Do you know how to remedy this problem? Thank you sis.

    • When I’m down I appreciate the little things like physical and mental health. Afterward I decided to eat anything to get my mind off what’s bringing me down. If all else fails I begin to exercise and that surely takes the brain off of whatever I was thinking about because I’m too busy trying to stop sweating.

    • Very inspiring. I do struggle with keeping my head up. Its very difficult being in a small apartment by yourself while your husband is at work all the time. I love the fact that you included music in this post. Music has helped so much. It gets rid of the loneliness and the silence.

    • In times I felt down, sometimes I cannot control myself from setting in one corner thinking so deep. I am focussing on the problem and thinking what is best to do and it really depressed me.

      However, I agree with you that we need to stay in a happy mood so what I usually do is to listen to my favorite country music or pop music. It can turn my mind into positive thoughts rather than think of what makes me sad.

      Listening to music probably a good tip to have a good and happy mood despite downfall.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Tinycent pays in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 8 years ago

    @nakitakona13 Which site has died because some  hero has made suggestions. I am curious to know.And by the way there is moderation at tc as well

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Tinycent pays in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 8 years ago

    @nakitakona13 Which site has died because some  hero has made suggestions. I am curious to know.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Tinycent pays in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 8 years ago

    @naruto100  Hope tinycent will last.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Tinycent pays in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 8 years ago

    @suny Bubblews??? What Bubblews?  😀 Cool it. That is history.But tinycent is alive and kicking.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter started the topic Tinycent pays in the forum Group logo of TinycentTinycent 8 years ago

    Tinycent has doled out their third payment to some and I am one of them. Seems the best site as of now.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter posted an update in the group Group logo of TinycentTinycent 8 years ago

    Received my third payment

    • I just received my third payment at the old rate of 1 cent per view. Tinycent have kept their promise.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter created the group Group logo of TinycentTinycent 8 years ago

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic How To Edit Blog Post Which Is Still Still In 'Awaiting Approval'? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    @SuperD  There is neither a delete nor an edit option for blogs that are awaiting approval. If you want changes made then you should write to Support.

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