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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Make Honey your Staple Diet 7 years, 10 months ago

    I have added honey in my staple diet. I have it every day by adding it to hot milk.

    It is quite strange that it is said that  if honey is had in warm water it helps one lose weight  but if it is had in milk on […]

    • It’s an irony that at the same time folks are beginning to learn about the health benefits of honey, other folks are having to make extra efforts to save the bees!

    • Bess are destroyed when extracting honey from beehives that one sees in small gardens. Commericially collecting honey is done where bees are not killed.

      • Using some sort of smoke would be a better idea to disperse the bees in this regard. Killing them is not recommended rather they must be saved so that they may prepare more honey. We must save them if we want to get honey. We must not be cruel to this little creature.

        • How much can one really get from those occasiona beehives that spring up in gardens. Best honey is available for regular consumtion. That honey should be left for the bees.

    • Honey is most useful for human health but honey must be wild honey nor of farm honey. I think these are ten most important benefits as

      Prevent cancer and heart disease. Honey contains flavonoids, antioxidants which help reduce the risk of some cancers and heart disease.
      Reduce ulcers and other gastrointestinal disorders. …
      Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-fungal. …
      Increase athletic performance. …
      Reduce cough and throat irritation.

      Discover the health benefits of one of the oldest sweeteners on earth, plus some interesting trivia, some great recipes and a few cautions.

      Bees swallow, digest and regurgitate nectar to make honey; this nectar contains almost 600 compounds. We need our bees, so let’s do everything we can to save them and keep them here on this earth.

      Honey is so good we have included it in our list of powerfoods that should be in your kitchen right now.

      ypes of Honey

      Manuka honey strengthens the immune system. The Kiva Certified UMF 15+ – Raw Manuka Honey 15+ is lab-certified to UMF 15+ standard and is raw. This is a genuine Manuka Honey harvested from the remote hills, forest, and coastal areas of New Zealand.
      Buckwheat is as a healthier alternative to cough syrup and good for the immune system.
      Wildflower – Topanga Quality Wildflower Honey is raw, unfiltered and unpasturized. Kosher too.
      Alfalfa – Stockin’s Unheated and Unfiltered Raw Alfalfa Honey is made in Saskatechewan, Canada from Alfalfa Blossoms.
      Black Locust has the lowest glycemic index (32) of all of the honeys.
      Raw Locust Honey by the Beekeeper’s Daughter is light, clean, and very aromatic and floral.
      Orange Blossom
      Clover – Uncle Henry’s Honey was voted best tasting raw honey by honey lovers and is from the purest wildflower fields of Canada.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to bake Banana Muffins with Chocolate Chips 7 years, 10 months ago

    What do you do with almost rotten bananas?


    Most fresh bananas do not last longer than 3 days after purchase.


    When you notice some brown spots on the skin of the bananas, feeling soft when you are h […]

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to Cook Vegetarian Chow Mien Recipe 7 years, 10 months ago

    Today, we are going vegetarian for lunch at home.

    This is the Vegetarian Chow Mien which I had just quickly cooked this afternoon for my family’s lunch.

    Normally, Chow Mein, which is also known as Stir F […]

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, A Gift Your Child Cannot Do Without- Family Medical History Disease 7 years, 10 months ago

    When I first became a new mum, I had finally realized the reason why my mum was constantly worried about me and my brother.


    Being parents isn’t as easy as 1,2,3


    If you think that going through the […]

    • Genetic is nothing but human thinking because if genes have power to convert genetics into the coming generation so prophets’ son become all prophet while their genes were pure belonging to prophets’ family. Noah’ son did accept the Noah’s din til death.

      Jacob all sons did not become prophets while his all sons got the genes of Jacob but some were not holy and some of them made evil deeds. Why? Here genetics theory fails entirely.

      Actually in human body vitamins and minerals combination breaks into parts and its reaction mysterious type reaction starts in human body due to which occurs many mysterious diseases in human body and these diseases spread via soul circulation mixing with blood.

      A genetic disease is any disease that is caused by an abnormality in an individual’s genome, the person’s entire genetic make.

      The abnormality can range from minuscule to major — from a discrete mutation in a single base in the DNA of a single gene to a gross chromosome abnormality involving the addition or subtraction of an entire chromosome or set of chromosomes.

      Some genetic disorders are inherited from the parents, while other genetic diseases are caused by acquired changes or mutations in a preexisting gene or group of genes. Mutations can occur either randomly or due to some environmental exposure.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Received my 5th payment in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    It is no doubt  a struggle here to earn but they pay unlike so many sites that don’t.

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    bestwriter started the topic Received my 5th payment in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    Here is the payment proof of my 5th payment from LiteracyBase. Slow but sure.


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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Chinese Soup: Tofu with Kelp Soup 7 years, 10 months ago

    When I was young, mom used to make delicious Chinese soup for every day meal which is clear, not thick or brothy at all.


    Most of her Chinese soup was light, clear and comforting that soothes anyone who […]

    • I always wanted to learn about some recipes of tofu and this one is good but I got just a little problem because I don’t know about this kelp. I don’t even know if its available in the market. But surely wanna try this one out and hope I can get some good ingredients for this soup. If not, I will just get another ingredient as an alternate for this tofu soup and just hope it will work good.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Crispy Snack You Must Try: Shanghai Pancakes 7 years, 10 months ago

    Honestly, I fell in love with these Shanghai pancakes when I first tasted them at the roadside stall, sold near the local banks.


    Yes, in Malaysia , you can find these tasty, ready to go, hot pipping […]

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Snack Recipe: Pakoras- Vegetable Fritters 7 years, 10 months ago

    Today , I am including this new vegetable recipe from my good old neighbor who claimed that this is one of the common vegetable fritters among the Indian communities.


    It is said that vegetable fritters […]

    • In Kadapa District of Andhra Pradesh, the place I hail from most of the people prefer Pakoras in their dinner or sometimes in their lunch.
      This is one of the best side dishes that gives taste to any kind of food item. This can be had individually as Pakoras or one can have them along with the rice.
      The Kadapa happens to be a very backward area. The people are mostly Muslims. They are very experts in making Pakoras. Here the speciality is that they are made using only Onions. They show you the way to the heaven during the rainy season.

      As told already they prepare Pakoras using only Onions. They will not use Potatoes, cauliflower etc. They prepare them using the flour of Bengal gram. They add chili powder, salt , slight pepper, cumin seeds for digestion, etc,

      But, nowadays there are places where even green leaves are also being used to prepare this dish. But originally Pakoras means the fritters made of Onions only.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Favorite Cookie Recipe: Chocolate Bean Oaties 7 years, 10 months ago

    I wasn’t a fan of oats since childhood days.


    Mom didn’t push me to have oatmeal daily but I started to developed the sudden liking on oats when I was pregnant with my first child.


    I was recom […]

    • I am a big fan of oats meal Cookies, such a Delicious treat!!!

    • I have not tasted them at any time. Even during my tour in Singapore, I have not noticed these Chinese cookies. This must be a delicious one as it has got all rich ingredients good for health. The chocolate is my favorite. Anything with Chocolate is my favorite The butter gives energy to the body. The combination of Beans and Chocolate is highly suggested by all medical practitioners. This combination is very helpful in the quick recovery after Typhoid fever.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Shredded Chicken in Pancake Rolls 7 years, 10 months ago

    There is no limit to using chicken in preparing great dishes. And with broilers that we get which are tender they cook fast and are tasty too. One needs to be careful though while checking whether the chicken is […]

    • I have read that it is easy in cooking and delicious in eating and save for health. I will make as you told at my home with the help of my cousin.

      Normally, one would find this recipe across many streets food lanes in India where vendors are selling this Chinese delights. The recipe is widely relished in the evening as a snack and is made by deep frying the rolls stuffed with vegetables and shredded chicken.

      If you are wondering how to make it, follow our step by step recipe tutorial. It is made by mixing maida, corn flour and egg for making pancakes inside which veggies and chicken is stuffed. It is rolled and fried to perfection. Best to be relished sizzling hot!

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    peachpurple joined the group Group logo of Are you under Arrest?Are you under Arrest? 7 years, 10 months ago

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Saying ‘I love you’ Fortifies a Relationship 7 years, 10 months ago

    I came across a blog here which talked about how this couple court even after 44 years of their marriage. This link will take you there:

    I could add something more to what is already expressed there.

    Love is […]

    • Love can be anything. I love a plant. I regularly nourish it. I daily give it water and manure it with appropriate quantity. When it gives flowers i use them. Even when it stops giving flower I love it. I do not want to forgo it at any time to anybody. The body is stronger than any other thing. I take every precaution so that nobody goes near it and play with it removing the leaves, cutting the branches etc. I do not tolerate it if anybody does it and even do not tolerate such thing even in my dream. I take every care that is needed. I want to possess it for myself. This is a kind of selfishness. Love needs selfishness. The plant also loves me But it can not express it as it can not talk.

      But in the case of a love between human beings they can express it. Here also the element of selfishness exists. But time and distance may sometimes separate them. Even then there exists love.

      One should always remember that love does not mean living under one roof. It can exist and survive even without roof.

    • Yes, love has power to strengthen relationship of every kind as matrimonial relationship, love relationship. business relationship, teacher-student relationship…but love must be sincere not fake love because love is the child human holy soul.

      But each kind of love has its own distinctive feel. The kind of love we feel for a parent is different from our love for a baby brother or best friend. And the kind of love we feel in romantic relationships is its own unique type of love.

      Our ability to feel romantic love develops during adolescence. Teens all over the world notice passionate feelings of attraction. Even in cultures where people are not allowed to act on or express these feelings, they’re still there. It’s a natural part of growing up to develop romantic feelings and sexual attractions to others. These new feelings can be exciting — or even confusing at first.

      Love is the best thing on earth and it is gift of God for men and women on earth to spread among the loveless mass.

    • Love is a mutual thing between two people. It has to be go eh and received in return. No one wants to give out love and get no love back in return. When you love someone the feeling has to be felt both ways. The only difference that we may experience with love is when we don’t know how to communicate it to our partners. Women usually communicate their love with feelings whereas men use the visual part of it. And sometimes when feelings are not communicated they spell out neglect to women, and women always want to hear stuff like I love you, I miss you and the like, but for men it’s quite different. for a man to communicate that he loves a woman he will buy her gifts and take her out those are the things that man will do and that will feel like they have fulfilled the wants of their women. But that’s not it something more has to be done and that’s what men just don’t get. All in all I think saying I love you is a good way to start in a relationship but as the relationship progresses on then one is expected to know how the partner may want to be recognized and treated in a special way.

      • Although it is said actions speak louder than words a conversation has power. And yes it should be both ways.

        • I do agree with your statement that actions speak louder than words but there are cases when we have to express our love for someone.

          Sometimes it becomes the need of the hour to express our love.

          Expressing our love in the form of some proper words enables us to handle difficult situation with great ease.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Local Sweet Snack: Green Pea Fritters 7 years, 10 months ago

    Green Pea Fritter is one of our local Malaysian favorite snack dessert that you can buy at roadside stalls or night market.


    For RM2, you can buy 3 balls of Green Pea Fritters which are sufficient to […]

    • It is best food for school going children because it a sweet and delicious dish. It is tasty in eaten as I have from my net friends but I have not eaten it still.

      As I think that his is a wonderful meal you can whip up in around 10 minutes. What I love about these delicious green pea fritters is that you can also take any leftovers to work the next day and enjoy them cold or warm with a side salad of leafy greens, a squeeze of lemon and cold pressed olive oil.

      I think these may be its benefits health wise as Green peas are loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients. They are a great source of Vitamin A, K + folate, fibre and packed with protein as well as iron for energy metabolism.

      Ricotta is a good source of protein, which encourages muscle growth and repair. Protein also stimulates the production of growth hormone that is responsible for bone and muscle strength that decreases as we age. Studies show that overweight people have lower-than-normal levels of growth hormone in their body, which may make it harder for them to lose weight as growth hormone can promote fat burning in the body.

      HGH can be increased naturally by a quality protein- and vegetable-rich diet, getting quality sleep and enjoying regular exercise.

    • Green peas are highly rich in protein content. They should be taken in small quantities as it will be quite difficult to digest. A healthy person can digest easily 10 gms of Green peas.
      If it is included in your regular diet in small quantities one need not consult any doctor for deficiency problems relating to proteins.
      The recipe you have described here is similar to THE MASALA STUFFED INTO SAMOSA. The main difference arises while making mashing the Green peas. Here we grind it and make it a rough paste. We add Chilli powder in place of sugar. Rice flour is added in a small quantity.
      Instead of preparing fritters with the stuff we dough it adding some Potatoes (boiled and mashed), some boiled and nicely cut vegetables like carrot, beans, cauliflower, etc. We keep this mix aside.
      We prepare the dough of Pancake. Make small balls of it. Each ball will be pressed against the floor into a square shape. We place the Green peas stuff at the center of the square-shaped dough.It will be folded into a triangle shape. This is a technique. We fry it in a hot sunflower oil taken in a Pan having a deep base. When it turns into brown in color it will be taken away into a separate container. They will be quite crispy and crunchy also. We can take them as morning / evening snack along with a cup of hot tea.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Woes of those with the Whats App Application 7 years, 10 months ago

    Upgrades for the sake of upgrades is what I detest the most. I am adamant about what gadgets to own and how far I would want to go to upgrade them.

    What I have noticed is those who are obsessed with upgrades […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, The Joy of Watching a Ficuas Palm Grow 7 years, 10 months ago

    There are many types of palms and adding them in a garden gives it a classy look. I have the Royal Palm, Bottle Palm and Ficus Palm. Palms need very little maintenance and most of these palms give out succulents – […]

    • Yes, palm trees are most beautiful tress on earth but without shade for the tired travelers. There are many trees that have no shade as palm,date tree…..but why they have no shade God knows who have created them on earth. But I think a my mystery lies in it human beings unknown to it.

      The long popular ficus trees belong to the fig genus. Although only a few are seen in cultivation, there are hundreds of species of ficus. They are native throughout the tropics, including Asia, America and Africa.

      It is a house tree that looks good growing in the home garden. Décor is one of the main reasons many people grow plants within a home, and it’s easy to see why. The look and feel of a living room, bedroom or even hallway can be transformed with indoor plants.

      I think that Palm plants and shrubs bring empty spaces and large rooms, alive. Many can tolerate fairly low light conditions which allows them to be placed near doors, stairs, in hallways, and next to fire surrounds.

      One of the huge advantages of growing plants indoors is the improvement of air quality and the removal of toxins from the environment. Most of you will be aware from school teachings that plants convert carbon dioxide into the air we breath (oxygen), so it makes sense to allow some space in the home for them to promote good health .

      Nasa (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) created a clean air study for space stations and produced a list of house plants that do more than just turn carbon dioxide into oxygen. The list Nasa produced of various house plants remove large quantities of benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene from the atmosphere.

    • Each tree has its own purpose and so do palms. They are meant to add decor to gardens and avenues

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