• Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Like and dislike buttons have been introduced in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 7 months ago

    I am still a newbie (lol)  Now that @support has woken up and are upgrading things here surely they will do something about that as well.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Received payment a sixth time from LiteracyBase in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 7 months ago

    That is seen by everyone. You can fill in the data only if you have 10 dollars or more.  You can redeem any time but you will receive payment on the 10th or thereafter of the following month.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter started the topic Like and dislike buttons have been introduced in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 7 months ago

    Happy to see the like and dislike buttons have been introduced. Remember to like what you like and dislike what you do not like.


    Hope to see you doing it.  Bye for now.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter started the topic Like and dislike buttons have been introeuced in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 7 months ago

    Happy to see the like and dislike buttons have been introduced. Remember to like what you like and dislike what you do not like.


    Hope to see you doing it.  Bye for now.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Received payment a sixth time from LiteracyBase in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 7 months ago

    I joined here in May of last year.  Was quite active but of late have been a bit slack. Must catch up

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter replied to the topic Received payment a sixth time from LiteracyBase in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 7 months ago

    I joined here in May of 2015 and yes they pay once every month.  If you want you can accumulate without redeeming.

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Bring Back, ComeBacks, and Surprises 7 years, 7 months ago

    “Is it time for the old school to make a comeback?” Perhaps there will be some surprises awaiting. Never know. Why should the music down out. The 80’s, 90’s and current? Let’s see what will arise in the next […]

    • Music will be pleasant to the heart. It soothes our mind and soul. The lyrics and the tone play a vital role when it makes everybody like it. The lyrics give a boost to the mind and the tone of the music to the heart. The combination of these two will always make it great. Of course, not everybody can not appreciate it. It all depends on the mood of the listener. The reason for not attracting many depends on what the listener actually wants to hear and where?

      The 90 are somewhat rigorous for the music with some minimum rules to be observed in the usage of lyrics. The people of 90 liked it and those who are expecting more and more find it hard to digest as their favorite and move on to the lyrics and music of their choice. Of course, this, we may call by any name. May be a ‘new experiment’ ‘innovation’ with so many attaches and exclusion which are all appearing as ‘inclusions’ found in a Diamond to give it a category and grade.
      The comeback is not an easy task. The lovers have gone and reached to a different style and are preferring to stand on another platform. To catch that platform the only way is to add some more variety to the music which may be ‘another innovative style’. One generation is searching for different styles in the name of FURTHER INNOVATION AND THE old 90s are trying to catch the style which is totally out of date for the after 90s generation. Even if they catch killing their own self-conscience and make a compromise with the flow of the generation it does not find an appropriate place.
      So, finally realizing the impossibility of catching and moving with the new generation they either disappear from the scene or take up a different profession (of it will be too late for them) and finally they become OLD RAGS.

    • Though I may say, that some singers would revive some songs from long ago, but would somehow have a different tune on some parts and I must say it is not nice to listen. I still would prefer the old style.

      Lucky are the old singers because even if they die, their music lives and would still continue to give the family of the singer the proceeds from their royalty.

      Take for example , Michael Jackson, he may have been dead, but still his music is always being played by radios. He may be dead but his music still lives and continue to give royalties to his children.

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, People Just Don’t Know What God can do 7 years, 7 months ago

    Yes they’ll try to stop a purpose, a dream, a vision but what’s been purposed there’s no stopping it. The adversity will come and there’s no denying but “we’re equipped to overcome adversity.” What so many do not […]

    • I’ve always believed in divine grace and have proven many times how the Lord intervenes to give meaning and purpose to our life.

    • I am a firm believer of God. He helped in times, when I cannot do anything anymore and is always just waiting for me to call on him at times, when I can’t anymore.

      Having experienced his loving hands, I never let a day pass by without expressing my gratitude for his love.

      People might say that how come we still encounter trials if we are always praying. My answer, that’s because these trials are what make Him so powerful or show his strength. When are are at our weakest, He is at his strongest. We only have to call.

      People who do thing to put a man down, are just envious.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Discovering South Africa is every Traveller’s dream 7 years, 7 months ago

    The 5 star experience in South Africa  is within reach of anyone who spends a little time drawing up an itinerary that includes cities that have unique features – cities such as Cape Town, Hermanus, Dur […]

    • I have heard a lot about South Africa and you post further increased my interest.It is for sure my next travel destination.

    • Just keep dreaming and one day it will be a reality

    • Africa is not in my bucket list because I am afraid of those wild animals they show in those discovery channels.

      Certainly, I would like to be near a place where there are wild animals specially during evenings.

      Though, I would also like to see those other animals that are not in any of the zoos here in the Philippines.

      I have seen a show where they ride a closed van and a tiger went into the van’s roof. Oh, that surely will give me a real scare. I am a very nervous person that’s why this kind of adventure is not for me.

      I would just be contented in seeing these animals at the internet. 🙂

      • You do not have to opt for those safari rides at all. Not all have a fascination for wildlife and you could be one of them.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, T5 lighting a great electricity saver 7 years, 7 months ago

    Everyone the world over is concerned about how to save energy which has now become a rare commodity. There is over consumption everywhere and efforts are on at every nook and corner to find out ways and means to […]

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Spend Less Time on Social Media for Better Health 7 years, 7 months ago

    Social Media was intended to be a platform where socializing virtually takes place. A platforms where promoting and advertising can occur. The platforms seem to be riddled with trolling, harassment, and bullying. […]

    • I cannot agree more. One will have to take several breaks in a day or week from social media to ‘detox’ from all the negativity and of course, to get some physical exercise.

      • Of course breaks are necessary. There’s many ways to obtain exercise. For me it’s dancing. Too much time online can be draining. There’s a lot of negativity in which we all should limit our time in such environments.

    • Indeed when the social media you are registered with has some trolls bullying you, it can be detrimental to your health especially when exchange of not nice words were hurled at each other already.

      Luckily, I have my account on private setting. That way, not anyone can go directly to my account and bully me.

      Most of the times, those that are bullied are on public setting. Besides, maybe their posts is something that can incite bad emotions such as the post can be so bragging. Or those who constantly posts selfies of themselves because others find it offensive that you are so finding yourself beautiful. ha ha ha

      • Bully me and I’m advocating. There’s a lot of bullying on certain sites. Some protect their users better. Spending less time on sites with a lot of bullying may help. There’s nothing funny about anyone being bullied and hopefully adults realize that bullying is totally wrong.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Experts that deal with full grown trees 7 years, 7 months ago


    There are companies who are specialized in doing everything that is centred round full grown trees. . With a service like that  trees  receive topnotch care be it in a private garden, a public place, a ho […]

    • I think in the countries like India, managing the trees is an Art, a social activity, a welfare activity. Every care needs to be taken for the maintenance of tree. The technology mentioned in the blog is available not in all countries. Only a few countries can afford to adopt this technology.

    • Many trees have been killed and uprooted here to give way to massive housing and commercialization of agricultural land. It’s sad to see them go little by little. There are local mandates but overall it does nothing to conserve much of what we used to have.

    • When a strong typhoon hit our province, the big and old mango tree beside the garage turned into a snack house, was uprooted by the strong wind. Good thing, it didn’t hit any part of our house since it is far from it. Though it damaged the roof of the eatery and my sister had it repaired.

      Going back to the old mango tree, my father hired two men to saw the big trunk of the old mango and had them made into just round stubs of trunk and now a nice ornament by the lawn.

      Then they carefully cut the rest and had it as woods for cooking at our dirty kitchen.

      Big trees need the expertise of persons who are into cutting trees, lest they will just be cut into woods to be used for cooking and it will be a waste of the beautiful craft that can be made from it.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to bake Perfect Fluffy Jacket Potatoes 7 years, 7 months ago

    Fluffly Jacket Potatoes , became our family’s favorite main course meal overnight.

    There are 2 ways to prepare this delicious potato recipe;

    Bake the potatoes in the oven
    Boil the potatoes in a pot of w […]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Easy English Trifle Dessert with Raspberries 7 years, 7 months ago

    One of the most unique cold dessert that I had fond memories of is the English Trifle.


    Last few years ago, our family had a Thanksgiving dinner at a Western restaurant.


    The main course dinner was a w […]

    • Fantastic I love trifle. Living in the UK we can get it all the time so it’s a classic for us. I love how you ever described each part to it and glad you also love it!

      • Do you made them by yourself or buy it from outside.
        My guess is so bought it from outside, i think it’s not available in India

    • I never had that but it looks so awesome in the pic you posted.
      And I love the way you mentioned each and everything in detail, hats off

    • Me too, hats off! The dessert looks yummy but I afraid I can not do this as I want to control the weigh of mine and my daughter, we should not take too much sweet things during this period.
      So, no dessert, but I still love to make some sweet soup, especially like Tang Yuan. I think I would like to share the recipe sooner or later here with all the friends of LB.

    • I think i is similar to what we make the refrigerator cake where we also layer it with sponge fingers or lady fingers. Then we put fruit cocktail then another layer of lady finger then fruit cocktail with all purpose cream too in every layer.

      Then we refrigerate it for about 6 hours. It’s so delicious, i swear.

      And I know that one too is so delicious.

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Attempts may Continue to be Made to Stop a Purpose 7 years, 7 months ago

    When it’s stormy there should be no despair. Even when the storms come in there is hope and there will be some light. The storms are a way to the breakthroughs. There’s a reason why we go through whatever it is […]

    • We must not be ashamed to act or talk as people of faith, to go public about our Christian convictions when necessary. Moreover, the devil stirs up persecutions against every person who becomes converted, in order to scare him or her and make him or her turn away. We have to speak the truth without worrying about what people will think of us.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Kids Snack: How to make Tuna Croquettes 7 years, 7 months ago

    Children are picky eaters, which I believe that most parents would agree with me.


    It is not easy to trick your children to eat healthy food unless you could dress up those healthy food into their favorite […]

    • Oh I love this recipe of yours. I will be copying this because I have read its ingredients and they are few and easy to make. Besides, you said that we can keep some on the ref (will it be in the freezer) so that at anytime we can fry them.

      Thank you so much for sharing this recipe. By the way, did you studied culinary arts because you have lots of recipes. 🙂

    • Is this croquettes look like nuggets of McD? Unfortunately, my children don’t really like Tuna fish because I serve not really often in my home as the Tuna in tin is getting expensive and I afraid contains too much salt or preservative.

      Thanks for the recipe, I might like to modify a bit the recipe for catering the taste requirement of my children for instead.Maybe fish chip? fish meat?

      Why not,right?As long as the ingredient is healthy and good for the children, right?

    • liked the photo, looks just as if its spring rolls which is my favorite food all the day, any way seems nice taste, enjoy it there

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, Nature is up in arms against the world 7 years, 7 months ago

    Nature is no longer following rules.

    In the good old days farmers knew exactly when it would rain, when to  sow, when to harvest, when to harvest and so on.  That system is now history. Nature is playing up, d […]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Best Ever Crab Cakes-with Lemons 7 years, 7 months ago

    Crabcakes are alike our local Malay cuisine “Kentang Bergedil” where mashed potatoes are mixed with cooked meat to form a mini cake as a delicacy.

    Some prefer to have crabcakes because it is seafood flavored whi […]

    • Crabcakes are a popular food found along the eastern seaboard. You’ll want to consider the nutritional contents of crab cakes to decide whether you want to include them as part of a healthy diet.

      Crabcakes do usually have some sort of vegetable, often carrots or celery. These are an important addition to crabcakes for a number of reasons. Vegetables contain numerous vitamins and minerals that are important for good health. They also contain lots of dietary fiber, which has been found to be effective in the treatment and prevention of a number of dangerous conditions, including cardiovascular disease and cancer. Fiber is great for people who are dieting because it is “bulky,” meaning that it takes up a lot of room in your stomach, making you feel full and preventing overeating more calorically dense foods.

    • Crabcakes are sky high in fat. They’re often made with mayonnaise, which contains lots of saturated fat. Like cholesterol, saturated fat has been linked to the development of cardiovascular disease, stroke and even some cancers. While there are some brands of mayonnaise now being sold as containing olive oil, don’t be fooled. There may be a bit of olive oil in the product (which is gaining in popularity due to the fact that is has unsaturated instead of saturated fat, and therefore prevents and treats some of the conditions caused by saturated fats), there is still a lot of the saturated fat found in the mayonnaise. In addition, crabcakes are typically fried. This adds tons of calories to your meal. When making crabcakes at home, try baking instead of frying. If you must fry your crabcakes, use olive oil. While this is still very high in calories, at least you’ll be getting unsaturated instead of saturated fat in your diet.

  • Profile picture of Tanikka Paulk

    Tanikka Paulk wrote a new post, Insult and Attack a Hand 7 years, 7 months ago

    How many people would want to help a group of people who are always insulting others? Not too many probably will. Seems a bit insane to try and bash the very ones who may insist in some way but that’s where we are […]

    • The greatest injustice is to tolerate the injustice itself. How long one should tolerate? Is there any limit for that? May or may not be. There is no hard and fast rule for this tolerance. But one should remember that the other is weak just because he is tolerating. The more one tolerates there is more danger for revolt. One should understand that before taking the course of insulting others.

    • Bullying is now being deliberated to have a stiffer penalty.

      For those kids that were bullied, the parents are called and together with the parents of the bully, a talk is being done.

      At least, through that talk, the parents of the bully will know what their son or daughter is doing at school and maybe counseling to the bully and the parents can be done, because somehow the bully has some underlying personal problem be it in the family or to his being.

      Schools should really be vigilant on bullying because those bullied becomes the helpless victims that sometimes lead to their suicides.

  • Profile picture of bestwriter

    bestwriter wrote a new post, LiteracyBase is sure talking business 7 years, 7 months ago

    There are murmurs about reduction in earnings at LiteracyBase a situation  not something one can one readily accept.  Instead of getting into depression it would be better to understand why this is h […]

    • Perfect timing again! Got my first confirmed payment so I can tell others LB pays and now … murmuring. Guess I’ll just have to “wait and see”.

    • I like it that way because duplicate posts can endanger the site and even have their Adsense Account deleted.

    • I absolutely agree. We should be vigilant for those who have plagiarized posts and report them so this site will be rid of spammers and plagiarizers.

      This is what happened also to Bubblews. Because of the spammers, ultimately it closed down. Some can really be cheaters and greedy. They just want the money but won’t wreck their brain a bit to make their own posts.

      • The site and the community needs to work together. The community should contribute positively which will benefit both the site and community. You are right. Bubblews went downhill because of spammers.

    • I receive Notifications via eMail of all new posts and of responses to group or forum discussions. So far whenever I’ve noticed “questionable content” by the time I get to it, it’s already been deleted. So somebody is staying on top of things!

      • I noticed day I logged on, anxious to write a particular article. As I was waiting for the ‘post now’ I noticed something written in not English. I thought, let me get done with this item, and after I publish it…(I’m one of those people who gets a burst of creativity and have to run with it) I’ll contact support.

        I didn’t have to.
        It was gone.

      • Happy that there is brisk activity to keep the site clean which is necessary for any site to survive.

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