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    kaylar wrote a new post, Television Programs You Must Watch – Twilight Zone 7 years, 7 months ago

    Of all the shows they were ever on television, none will ever match the The Twilight Zone.  It was and is a remarkable innovate, must watch programme, which, at the time, was constantly discussed by v […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Television Programs You Must Watch – The Western 7 years, 7 months ago

    The ‘Western’ was a catch-all term for television serials based in the ‘Old West’, roughly between 1840 and 1890. This period of American history with it’s cowboys, the wars with the native Americans, (called […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Television Programs You Must Watch 7 years, 7 months ago

    There are certain television programmes which have taken up an important status in our culture.  Programmes which move from the small screen to daily life, some reaching the big screen.

    These television […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Why I Use the Word ‘Must’ 7 years, 7 months ago

    I have written a number of articles about Books you Must Read and Movies you Must View.  I use the word ‘Must’ because these are ‘Iconic’.

    There are certain things, be they written works, music, paintings, […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, How New Managers Make a Business Unmanaged 7 years, 7 months ago

    In every form of business  there’s always a little unmanagement.  Usually it comes in the body of a new manager/supervisor.

    Managers/supervisors are,  in a sense necessary.   They are like borders.   When there […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, How Being Cheap Becomes So Expensive 7 years, 7 months ago

    Let me begin with a Contrast.

    The first day Ann got into Geo’s taxi he told her it would be X dollars to take her home.  Ann said ‘Okay’.

    From then, Ann ‘booked’ Geo to take her to and from work.  For three y […]

    • That is true. Ultimately, cheap prizes for a service done or for an item bought, will eventually cost them more. If the cheap item gets damaged, it is usually cannot be repaired anymore and just have to buy a new one. So, gone is the money you saved , but paid more than what you saved in the lung run.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Learning; What is a Narcissist? 7 years, 7 months ago

    Those of us who have experienced a Boss From Hell are pretty much experts on Narcissism.   Those who are puzzled by the behaviour of the President of the United States may have encountered such a creature for the […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Movies You Must See – Avatar 7 years, 7 months ago

    This is the first motion picture in which Avatars are ‘the stars’.

    To make the digital creations ‘real’ the actors wore specially made skull caps which were fit with a tiny cameras positioned in front of the […]

    • This was one of the best movies that I’d ever seen. I recently heard rumors of a part 2 coming out but I’m not very certain on if it’s going to happen or not but I’m counting on it.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Movies You Must See – The Matrix 7 years, 7 months ago

    When I saw this movie, the first time, it knocked me across the room.  It was the most powerful experience.

    The Matrix is almost impossible to reduce to words because it is an experience.  You have to see and h […]

    • I have seen the entire Matrix series before and you are absolutely correct when you say you miss a crucial point with a blink of your eye.
      But such movies are not for everyone. Only a limited section of viewers will be able to correlate the events together.
      I loved watching it though it required loads of concentration and mental ability.

      • Less intelligent people can see a kind of ‘kung fu’ movie, and still enjoy it… but not as much as those who know what they are seeing.

        • there is a very big difference between seeing and understanding. The second ones stand far ahead of the first ones.

          • What made the movie so important to me was that I was a hacker, so I was already in Neo’s shoes, and had often had this sense of The Matrix. I’d read Alice, knew Plato’s analogy of the Cave. For those who only saw a Sci-Fi show, they missed so much. We used to debate the meaning of the Matrix, the names chosen for the characters, and watched all three of the Matrix more than once.

    • This is one of my favorite Sci-Fi movies, and I believe it is one of the best Sci-Fi movies made so far!

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Movies You Must See – 2001, a Space Odyessy 7 years, 7 months ago

    This was a ground breaking, “must see” movie which was released in 1968.   It is not just the story of a space trip, there is far more to it,   from the music, to the symbolism, to the cinematography.

    2001: A S […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Movies You Must Watch – Citizen Kane 7 years, 7 months ago

    This is one of those ‘seminal’  presentations which is often referenced, and one needs to know what people are talking about.  Why is it considered ‘the best film of all time’, why do film scholars always refer t […]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, False Memories Have No Closure 7 years, 7 months ago

    When something happens, really happens, and you go through it and come out on the other end, there may be a moment when the abuser is brought to admission.

    When something happens, really happens, there can be […]

    • There was no abuse. Jasmine’s psycho-therapist put those false memories in her mind. That is why even if her brother agreed/apologised there would be no closure. It is like you accusing me of kicking your dog after a psychologist tells you that the reason you feel so upset is because I kicked your dog.

      But it’s impossible, and although you might repeat the accusation, deep down you know it isn’t true. That is the same with Jasmine.

    • I believe we have a “memory vault” where the things that happen to us, and that contribute to who we are, are placed. Bad memories can get buried in self defense. Sadly they pop up when a person is triggered by new memories in their lives. We should use them as a teaching tool and then put them back. I don’t think you can clear the memory vault. I wish you could, but good or bad it is part of who you are.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, It is How You Raise Your Children 7 years, 7 months ago

    I was at the funeral for friend.  He’d grown up during World War II, went to all the best schools, had joined the British Service, was posted to Jamaica.  He married and had a son.

    That son grew up to be a p […]

    • It’s so sad that now, he will be on his own and I hope the mother will train him already to be independent before she also leaves this world.

      I am happy that we were able to raise our only child, now a 26-year-old ladydoctor, specializing in General Surgery, to be independent as early as when she went to high school.

      We didn’t pamper her with a lot of things, but we pamper her with good teachings necessary for equipping herself to be independent.

      She grew up so independent, that I cannot feel at times that my guidance isn’t needed anymore.

      • Exactly!! The reason she is successful is because of the independence. She knew she had to make it on her own, and she did. I know my children don’t ‘Need’ me. They can manage without me. And I am proud of that.

    • To raise a child who can leave home and be successful, that is the greatest parenting. You can’t raise a child who needs you, who will always need you… will always be a child.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, So Why isn’t Saudi Arabia on the List? 7 years, 7 months ago

    Just last Friday, January 27, 2017, President Donald Trump of the United States,  issued an executive order banning travel to the United States from seven majority Muslim countries.  These countries are; S […]

    • I don’t disagree with the list of countries. I only agree ~ scratch that ~ I am only not arguing about or even discussing the ban because the POTUS said it is just for 90 days.

      I don’t agree with your questions at all. Not saying they shouldn’t be asked. It’s just not questions I would ask. Actually, I don’t really have any questions because … Trump said 90 days! It’s his timetable or timeline. He set it.

      Evidently at the end of that period uuumm ________. What goes in that blank? Oh! I know! What’s everybody’s favorite words these days? “Wait and see!!”

      • Considering the 9/11 terrorists came from Saudi Arabia, why isn’t that country on the List? What about Pakistan? Afghanistan?

    • As far the Executive Order is concerned we have to observe that it has got a life of 90 days only ie., just 3 months. The list of countries with Muslim majority included in it are 7. Unfortunately or otherwise, the list excludes the names of Saudi Arabia and also Egypt. Why the names have been excluded whether it is deliberate or an act of ‘oversight’ can not be said basing on the fact that Mr. Trump is a business man. We can not say that he has got business interest in his hotels and does require the patronage of the Saudi king. Had it been so, the name of Egypt is also not on the list. Egypt is under a brutal dictator. The leader of 9/11 attackers was an Egyptian. Has he to learn anything from him? A big question. Does he require a warm relationship with the General Abdel Fattah? The chances are remote for conclusions to arrive at.
      But, we should not forget to observe that the names of the 7 countries included in the list were already flagged by Mr. Obama’s Administration titled under ‘COUNTRIES OF CONCERN’.
      Why has Mr.Obama not issued an Executive Order like Mr. Donald Trump is not known?
      Has he dodged the action?
      Was he not interested in furthering action?
      Didn’t Obama like to face a delicate situation by issuing an order like his successor?
      Is Mr. Obama really heartened by the Immigration Ban Order of Mr. Trump as expressed in his first statement after leaving the office?
      Is Mr. Donald overenthusiastic in passing the order?
      These are the mutable points before arriving at any decision as there are no conclusive evidence to attribute reasons for eliminating the names of Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

      • Trump has interests in Saudi Arabia. He admitted such during the campaign. He has business connections in other places, so one can not shrug and assume an ‘oversight’. That these countries were ‘flagged’ ought have been examined as to why.

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Hey! Alternate Facts Do Exist!! 7 years, 7 months ago

    You’ve all heard the remark of Trump’s pawn, Kellyanne Conway, about ‘Alternate Facts.’   We laughed, we went into the usual jokification; but hey!  There are such things!

    Alternate facts is also called ” […]

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    kaylar replied to the topic Trump Tweets – A continuing discussion in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 7 months ago

    When I wrote about getting what you ordered, to my mind, people ordered escargot and are surprised to get snails.   The guy said everything he is doing in baby words so a 6 year old could understand.

    That he is stupid, yes.  Short sighted, certainly.  That he doesn’t think of consequences, exactly.


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    kaylar replied to the topic Trump Tweets – A continuing discussion in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 7 months ago

    Oh yes.  He is first class.   And his wife would have strangled him if he turned it down.  So they went up.  He looks good… puffy but good.  (everyone I know goes up to the US and gets puffy… cept me. No matter where I am I don’t eat junk.

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    kaylar replied to the topic Trump Tweets – A continuing discussion in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 7 months ago

    I so agree with you.  He has done nothing to surprise me… nauseate, yes, but even from this distance I know who and what he is.

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    kaylar replied to the topic Trump Tweets – A continuing discussion in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 7 months ago

    My friends were in the top of their field which is why they were approached.  I recall one of them agreeing with my word; ‘abduction’ because he was comfortable.  He was happy.  He had everything here.  But the offer they made was so … unrefusable…

    I don’t know..  to me…  the easiest way to ‘bring jobs home’  is to find those jobs which…[Read more]

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    kaylar wrote a new post, Getting rid of your Relatives 7 years, 7 months ago

    I read, with some shock, about the prevalence of  ‘Granny Dumping’.   This is the disposal of older relatives, many with Alzheimer’s disease by their children or grandchildren.

    By dumping, it is that the c […]

    • Yes. I was shocked by it when I learned of the practice. It is terribly cruel and selfish.

    • Sad that some people have no conscience in doing that to their parents. How were they able to sleep peacefully, when they know that the very parents who loved and took care of them and gave them education, were put in a place where they cannot be disturbed.

      Good thing, here in the Philippines, majority of the old people are being taken cared of their children until their death. The children loves their parents that’s why.

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