the awful act was gleefully perpetrated during the day. I can no more comprehend the extent of our people’s cruelty. How does burning people correspond to whatever they might have pilfered? I’m afraid we are fast drifting towards being a failed state. What has happened to our human feelings and compassion for fellow Nigerians? This single dastardly act says a lot on the psyche of an average Nigerian. Our law enforcement agencies need to be proactive and be alive to their duties. Those caught in the web of this wickedness must arrested, prosecuted and sanctioned appropriately.
Should you see a struggling earthworm anywhere, do try to do some humanly service to this small ally. After I learned this by myself through my reading, I recalled all those times and those many times I killed earthworms, I promise to myself and to God never to kill earthworms again for they serve important purposes to plant for human foods and survival and so with other things that relate about human survival.
I salute these little armies above and below the grounds.
I want to go to this falls someday, lol,I do not know if there are people swimming or fishing here for fun. It seems there is torrential current of this falls. Above the falls, so wife flat land dunno know if water if so deep.I think no one can afford to walk beside the falls’ rivers, so scary, weird yet amazing falls .
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