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    peachpurple replied to the topic How to get Attention in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 8 years, 3 months ago

    sometimes, the more you ignore them, they will come back to you naturally because they are super curious what happened and yet they don’t know why and how it happened!

    It is alike curiosity kills the cat

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    peachpurple replied to the topic Does your Behavior resemble your Dad or Mom? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 8 years, 3 months ago

    you got all your parents charms and talent.

    A brainy child, I must say, it is fortunate that you had inherited all the good behaviors and characteristic.


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    peachpurple voted up to a reply by peachpurple in the topic Does your Behavior resemble your Dad or Mom? 8 years, 3 months ago

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, What to do when you have IDEAS but LAZY to write 8 years, 3 months ago

    Are you feeling lazy today?
    You’ve got tons of ideas on what topic to write on and your post
     titles are ready but you just don’t have the mood to write at all?

    Lack of motivation and the laziness had over […]

    • Hope to imbibe this approach in my writing world whenever I get into the mood of not wanting to write. This writer’s block just walks into my life for reasons unknown and now I know, after reading this blog, what triggers it.

      • glad to know that I am not the only one who is being lazy.
        Yeah the writer’s block had came in 8 years ago when I first became interesting in earning money online.
        However, 8 years is a pretty long relationship that once in a while, I would tear myself apart from writing online.
        Hence, these tips are pretty helpful when I started to become lazy after a few days of non activity.

        Thanks for sharing your comments

    • I remembered that you had mentioned that you wrote here and not other writing sites anymore but your still click on PTC sites?

      Just your own blog and LB, these 2 sites should serve you a lot of money now than others.
      I don’t click here and there anymore.
      Just focus on LB and HP, sometimes Mykites….

    • Well, as for me, I have to forget. Why should I keep a journal when in fact I am lazy to write about it. I have left for some time for I know it would be a better idea soon if I am going to put it writing later. For every delay or procrastination, I know there is a purpose. I am a person who doesn’t believe that things be delayed become useless or have its worth. No, I am not that kind.

      My thoughts keep on pouring as long as I am online, as long as I am with my laptop keeping pounding the keyboard as the idea gradually coming out. Every second, every minute really counts. I am a writer who never waits for a timing, for an inspiration. I work with a purpose. I work as I see it on what to write. I come across with a topic and I want to develop it, I do it the best I could.

      If I won’t I won’t. For me, it is a matter of organization as you pointed out in your post. I organize my thoughts as they come along and I write directly and post or submit it as soon as I am done. With a skill, I have had, my writing output is commendable modesty aside. I am just an ordinary writer with the mission to write to share, to share to care to be right.

      • nakitakona13
        thanks for your share.
        Everyone has their own way to start writing after being lazy for a while.
        Some may not need any journals because he is always full of ideas whenever his hands are on the laptop but there are those whose mind goes blank too.
        Yes organizing thoughts to sort out which comes first and next is crucial for a writer.
        You can do things pretty fast which is one of your talent.

        • I am very thankful for such talent I have had. I know it is a God-given talent that I should be thankful of and feel proud. Because of that talent in writing I got, I have a lot of persons who have been influenced about “something good, something wonderful” as I borrow this phrase which is used to be quoted by our high school Biology male teacher.

          As I write things, I do them just like what I am talking about, of what I am narrating to my close friends, my members or to my wife who is my faithful fan for what I am writing. She is a good reader. She appreciates what is good. She tells me honestly of what is bad and feels free to give suggestion which I do welcome and follow.

          My children are also my followers. They keep on monitoring of the latest post I have written. They are apt to give their reaction when we gather for a family meeting. They give me the best feeling as an ordinary writer, as a common writer. My grandson, a grade 8 student once has asked of that writing talent I have. And also one of my granddaughter from my 3rd elder daughter. I overheard her saying, “Grandpa is a good writer. He writes well and good. I hope I could follow his skill in writing someday.”

    • I am not lazy to write , but I lack time.I am a hardworking person.I am inspire to write as many blogs if the site is worth of our effort,like BlogJob, I do not care if I am tired, or not I always have time blogging.posting and other things.

      • cely,
        yes I can see your work at BJ, you did very well there and here.
        Good to know that you aren’t lazy but lack of time.
        Are you still teaching?
        You are active at MYK too, aren’t you?
        Must have earn pretty well too

    • What a creative way of organizing work. I do write journal entries as well. I am thinking about PTC sites do you know of any good ones. Have a good day.

      • mark,
        thanks for your share. organizing your work helps you to become confident again and refreshing your mind.

        I use pencil and paper to jot down my notes, I don’t use computer because I don’t carry it nor my smartphone wherever I go, not good for anyone’s body…
        As for PTC sites, most of them earns 0.001 cent per click, I prefer clixsense and Neobux.
        You can open up a new tab to do your other work but you have to focus on the PTC site in order to earn 0.001 cent per click.

    • Laziness is the bitter enemy of natural traits just as the sun is to the crops or soul to heart, water to plant. To flourish natural traits in the soil of soul labor is must and laziness is enemy.

      I do not accept laziness because reading makes men full and study makes men perfect and experience tests it and is the father of study. If you are full ideas you will self without thinking it is sure no doubt those who are lazy have confused ideas and cannot write what to write.

      You have to set writing goals that you can actually achieve. I’ve been writing a lot, almost every day for years. It’s realistic for me to have a full day of other business activity and still write 1-3, sometimes four blog posts of 500-1000 words or more (this post will be almost 2000 words). Writing is like weight lifting. The more you strengthen your writing muscles, the more you can produce.

      If you are a slow reader or a new writer, set a goal of 1-2 blog posts a week of about 350 words. As you get better, increase the word count until you reach a goal of about 800 words for a well written, useful post. Once 800 words is no problem for you, then shoot for 3 blog posts a week, then 4 or 5 depending on your audience and topic.
      Set writing goals you can reach with moderate effort.

      If you set them too high and fail, or have to wear yourself out to achieve them, you’ll soon find yourself back to the “can’t seem to get started” prison.

    • Pasting the paper on the screen was a better idea. It shows your level of determination in the field. I hope this tip worked and reminded you about the task.

      We are meant to forget things and these great tips are going to solve this major issue.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Corn Chicken Fritters recipe 8 years, 3 months ago

    I grew to be a fanatic lover for deep fried food.

    Actually, it is not a healthy option to consume too much 
    of oily food but once in a blue moon should do no harm.

    In Japan, fried food batter is often re […]

    • I have never heard of a combination of chicken and banana. Corn flour binds and it is a right choice for making fritters. I have never tried chicken fritters. This is new to me. I will definitely try it. I love to cook and am happy that I have found something to add to my recipe book.
      Great post.

      • bestwriter,
        thanks, I am sure you will love this recipe.
        Yes, corn makes a good fritter batter, crispy and fluffy, better than plain flour
        Chicken and corn mix with banana gives a sweet tasting flavor and good for bowel movement especially both corn and banana.

        if you don’t like banana, you can opt it out.

        Really nice snack for afternoon teatime with beverages

    • If you have flour and/or corn meal and cooking oil, you can work wonders throwing all kinds of friendly food into the mix. 🙂 Flour, fritters and fun!!

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Green Peas with Crabstick And Ham Recipe 8 years, 3 months ago

    One of my favorite vegetables on the list is Green peas.

    These peas are round in shape, soft texture, a layer of 
    skin wrap up over the tiny peas and simply delicious!

    They are usually sold in canned o […]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple started the topic Do you use home remedies when you have a cold? in the forum Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 8 years, 3 months ago

    For example, you have a cold, runny nose or flu.

    Do you look up for home remedies and practice them?

    Do you visit the doctor and take the prescribed medicines?


    When I have a flu or runny nose, I would mix cinnamon sticks with honey, boil in 2 cups of water.

    Before I sleep, I would mix 1 tbsp of VICKS vaporub with warm water and inhale the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple started the topic Does your Behavior resemble your Dad or Mom? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 8 years, 3 months ago

    Some people say that I resemble my dad because both of us are quiet in nature and simple minded, often being bullied by the stronger ones.

    I do agree that my behavior is alike my dad.

    My brother is alike my mom, strong headed, horrible temper management, very loud in nature ( voice and actions ) and stubborn.

    There are pros and cons to have…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple started the topic How to Save Water in the forum Group logo of Saving Money...Saving Money… 8 years, 3 months ago

    Water is precious to us as electricity does.

    We cannot live without water because our body needed it to survive.

    Water is supplied to us daily for our convenience but we have to pay for the water bill charged to us according to the metric usage by the end of the month.

    How much is your  monthly water bill?

    Mine is USD $2.92 ( rm 12 ) MONTHLY[Read more]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple started the topic How to Recycle old Clothes in the forum Group logo of DIY ProjectsDIY Projects 8 years, 3 months ago

    Do you have old clothes at home?

    Those clothes that you don’t wear anymore because they are outdated or torn or you can’t fit in ?

    What do you do with these old clothes?

    You can either donate them to the charity homes, old folks homes or orphanage homes.

    Alternatively, you can recycle these old clothes into a new clothes that you or your…[Read more]

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    peachpurple started the topic Which Browser do you use? Google Chrome, IE or Firefox? in the forum Group logo of Computers & TechnologyComputers & Internet 8 years, 3 months ago

    I am a fan of Google Chrome, had been using since I first used my laptop.

    In the past I used IE because that was the only browser available besides Ms Dos.

    IE is super slow at refreshing the page whereas Chrome is faster but sometimes I might get NO Page Display due to server problem.

    Google Chrome is user friendly and I Love to see the first…[Read more]

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    peachpurple replied to the topic When did you Join LiteracyBase? in the forum Group logo of NewBiesNewBies 8 years, 3 months ago

    yup, LB should put the date when we registered here then other members would know whether we are pioneer or newbies.

    Same here, Blojob gave me the news too.

    Good thing that LB is almost the same as BJ, not much different except for the coins and earnings.

    Yup, I sincerely hope that LB will stay long…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple started the topic Is Tuition Really Necessary? in the forum Group logo of EducationEducation & Reference 8 years, 3 months ago

    Home tuition or tuition centers are mushrooming over the years.

    Even the school teachers are conducting private home tuition after school.

    Although the teachers had been warned NOT to earn extra pocket money through giving tuition to students privately, you can understand why they had to do it with their low salaries.

    Poor students can’t afford…[Read more]

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    peachpurple replied to the topic 500 Internal Server Error in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 3 months ago

    I think it is the internet line.

    I had encountered this 500 stuff message when the line is slow like a snail.

    Maybe I should submit post early in the morning like 6am!

    Nope, LB is not shutting down like BMN, must be the line problem.


    thanks very much dear!

    Yup it…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to Stop Forgetfulness 8 years, 3 months ago

    Do you notice that your memory is failing you?

    Are you forgetting where you had last put your keys or

    So many things to remember, too many task to do each day 
    and yet out of 10 tasks, you m […]

    • These are useful tips. There are several foods that help retain memory and almonds is one such. We have leaves in our garden known as Brahmi. I make a chutney with it adding other herbs.

    • Another best way to have brain remain active is to apply the theory of Maslow which is Forgetting and Remembering. What to do , while on bed about to sleep, spend 5 minutes remembering your past.That helps sharpen your memory.

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    peachpurple started the topic When did you Join LiteracyBase? in the forum Group logo of NewBiesNewBies 8 years, 3 months ago

    I first joined in LiteracyBase on May 5th 2016, that was my best friend’s birthday.

    I first heard of this site when I was still writing for Blogjob.

    It was recommended by and I must thank her for sharing this site information with us.

    When I first joined in, I had no idea where to start from.

    I had to…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Creamy Coffee Mousse Recipe: 8 years, 3 months ago

    I have always mistaken mousse for mouse. 
    Mousse should be pronounce as “moose”, not the little

    Anyway, I saw a Creamy Coffee Mousse displayed in a
    bakery shop, while I was on the way to the supe […]

    • Any mousse is my favourite including pineapple. I have tried that and I have enjoyed it. Coffee mousse is the favourite of many but since I do not take coffee I miss it badly.

    • That looks great. How nice to be kitchen expert like you peach.Not all are gifted.Congrats.

    • I think creamy coffee is made thus as I made at home to drink self when I am working all alone in my room sitting on my room chair before me some papers to write sonnets and odes and songs. It is my favorite drink and prefer creamy coffee to tea or black or milk coffee.

      Take the instant coffee powder and sugar in a cup. Add a tsp of water or milk and mix the coffee powder and sugar. Whisk the mixture rigorously with the help of spoon until it becomes light brown in color and creamy. Heat the milk and let it comes to boil. Pour the hot milk into coffee cream we prepare earlier

      I think these are health benefits of creamy coffee
      1. No Caffeine
      2. Do NOT Load Your Coffee With Sugar
      3. Choose a Quality Brand, Preferably Organic
      4. Do Not Use Artificial Sweeteners
      5. Add Some Cinnamon to Your Coffee
      6. Avoid Low-Fat and Artificial Creamers
      7. Add Some Cocoa to Your Coffee
      8. Brew Your Coffee Using a Paper Filter

      I used to put tons of sugar and milk in my coffee. Yuck.
      Now I prefer my coffee black, organic, brewed with a paper filter.
      It’s better that way… much better, just takes a while to get used to it.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Does bad Grammar and Spellings Annoy You? 8 years, 3 months ago

    In Malaysia, English is considered as our second language while Bahasa Malaysia ( Malay) is the National language for our country.
    I believed that certain Asian countries had adapted English as their second […]

    • Yes it does, but I know we are not perfect. English is not our first language so mistakes are bound to happen. So, nothing to worry on this count as long you’re not absolutely out of place 🙂

    • Once I read an article by a doctor and I pointed out to her a few mistakes. She was so glad I told her. I have read books where I have found more than just a few mistakes. I want to enjoy reading while learning. Picking at writer’s mistakes should be the last thing on their minds.

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    peachpurple voted up to a reply by bestwriter in the topic I am a morning person and you? 8 years, 3 months ago

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    peachpurple replied to the topic Drunk or sober in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 8 years, 3 months ago

    oh my hubby is a non smoker and non drinker.

    He can’t drink beer because he will have skin rashes, he is allergic to alcoholic drinks except Shandy which has 0.1% of alcohol.

    I would rather have a non drinker because my dad was a drunkard for a few decades.

    It was agony for us , my brother and me because dad and mom always quarrel when he was…[Read more]

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