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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Ants are Here to Stay but Need to be Eradicated 7 years, 10 months ago

    Pests are here to stay. They come in different forms and sizes. Some are poisonous and yet there are others that are a nuisance but are harmless.  We have ants that belong in this category. There are many […]

    • We are infested with ants. Tried everything. Got this expensive spray. Trying so hard to get rid of them. Put down a plate and in a few minutes ants are crawling over it even though it is empty.

      • I have solved that problem in our household. I have a water moat and plates are kept in that moat where ants cannot come. I also use Notix a very effective and safe insecticide.

    • Only lived one place that I can recall where we had a real problem with ants. Can think of a lot of places where we had a roach problem. I was more than happy to get rid of them!

    • I heard that ants do not like the smell of cinnamon. I’m not sure how true that is. I believe that ants need to stay outside and away from my house but they do have a purpose in life. They do help break down things that are no longer living.

    • Ants are blessing and black insects are also blessing for home. Yes, if ants bring food in home to store means food will be in the house. If ants take food from the house to to another place means food will be less in the house the whole year> it all true check it practically.

      Killing ants is sometimes a necessity when you have an infestation and there is no end in sight. It’s the least desirable option but it must be considered when you have them in the home constantly

      try one of the following methods to deal with the ant trail:
      Dip a sponge into soapy water. Simply wipe the sponge down the trail, collecting ants. Rinse them down the drain. Rinse and repeat as often as required until all ants in the trail have been removed.
      Spray the trail with all-purpose cleaner or a bleach solution.

      Wipe it up with a wet paper towel. Spraying the nest can be effective, but you really want to make sure you get them all, otherwise killing part of the colony can simply encourage certain species to establish new colonies, which is counter-productive to you.

      Use 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 2 teaspoons of borax, 1 teaspoon of water. Mix well. Place a small amount on little pieces of cardboard where the ants are active. Watch them swarm it and carry back to nest.

      If it kills them too quickly, try 1 1/2 teaspoons of borax. You want them to carry it back and kill the colony and the queen.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Adjustment is the Key to a Happy Marriage 7 years, 10 months ago

    I just read a post where one was congratulating someone who had stayed married for 9 years. It was great they said to stay married for that long. It sure amused me. Why should anyone think that it is a feat to […]

    • Adjustment is very critical in making healthy marriage relationship stable for a long time. Adjustment is acceptance and acceptance is commitment to be diligent in this peculiar relationship which is above every other relationship you had with any one else whiles you exist on this planet earth.

      • No matter how many years a couple knows each other before marriage it is only after marriage that they start buildking their relationship.

    • Stiller and Meara are the exception. I actually remember when I was growing up that celebrities were the only ones who got divorced. “Normal” or “ordinary” folks didn’t do that. They stayed together until one of them died! The vows taken were a sacred oath to love another for better or for worse, in sickness and in health … they were not casual empty vain words. The people uttering them before God meant what they said. But not any more!

    • There are more successful celebrity marriages which you will find in that link I have uploaded Broken marriages of ordinary people were never published in those days nor their successful marriages but today everything is exposed.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Animals Needs to be Treated with Tender Care and Love 7 years, 10 months ago

    Looking around it is sad but true that not many have genuine love for animals. Dogs are kept so that their property is watched and it is also considered a prestige to have pets in one’s house. They are treating a […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, All About Aloe Vera the Miracle Plant 7 years, 10 months ago

    .When news spread about Aloe vera – thanks to a company in the USa who started a multi level marketing system, many  rushed to either join the company or started using the product. Consumers were desperately lo […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Aloe Vera and Forever Living products, USA 7 years, 10 months ago

    It is true that some ayurvedic manufacturers use Aloe vera in their products but the kind of research that has been undertaken by FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS of the United States of America is mind boggling It has […]

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    bestwriter replied to the topic More ways to earn at LiteracyBase in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    I have mentioned that too in my post above that group discussions do help one earn.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic More ways to earn at LiteracyBase in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    Interaction develops connections and that I suppose is understood.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic More ways to earn at LiteracyBase in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    When it comes to  blog comments and/responses we do not get notifications and that could be the reason why bloggers do not get back.

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    bestwriter started the topic More ways to earn at LiteracyBase in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    Apart from writing blogs and participating in group discussions one can also comment on blogs. We have the ‘Blog’ tab where you will find the blogs.  One should also respond to comments made there on our own  blogs. Each activity can earn you sometimes one full cent if your comment/response is good and long.  There is the  blog categories whe…[Read more]

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    bestwriter replied to the topic I redeemed a fifth time in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    There is nothing that you will find  difficult to perform here. Just post 300 or more words and if they are informative you will be paid good.  You write so well and for you it must be cakewalk. Hope to see you here. You can also  earn by commenting on blogs which you will find in the blog categories as also under the ‘blog’ tab and ofcourse gr…[Read more]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Money is Not the Root of All Evil 7 years, 10 months ago


    I strongly oppose the saying that money is the root of all evil. On the surface it may not seem to be good advice but being financially independent is the way to go.Some religions encourage poverty as that […]

    • Saving some cash is a better idea and one must follow it to safeguard one’s future. We must save something from time to time. It does not mean that we should be frugal but trying to save whenever it is possible is a better idea in this regard.

    • nice post

    • Learning to handle your finances at an early age is always a good thing. I wish someone would have told me when I was young. Maybe I wouldn’t be so bad off now. Learning to budget is another good thing to learn. Learn to say no to things you really don’t need. Learning to say no to my kids is a hard thing for me.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, The Aromatic Date and Walnut Cake 7 years, 10 months ago

    Come Christmas and our house will reek with the aroma of the  various sweets that are prepared only during Christmas time. The Date and Walnut Cake is one such item.  I do not mind sharing the recipe with y […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Quick fix Sandwich for Breakfast 7 years, 10 months ago


    A good breakfast sustains one for the day. Many do not think much of it but the very word break – fast says it all. Never go on an empty stomach which is sure to have a toll on one’s health. There is no l […]

    • Eating a sandwich in the morning would be a better idea when it comes to improving one’s health. A boiled egg may do the same but I think a sandwich is a better option.

      You shared a simple recipe and it will make the process very simple and easy.

    • Eating a sandwich in the morning would be a better idea when it comes to improving one’s health. A boiled egg may do the same but I think a sandwich is a better option. Doctors do recommend the protein intake in our breakfast.

      You shared a simple recipe and it will make the process very simple and easy.

    • Boiled Egg Delight? That’s a perfect name for that sandwich. 🙂

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    bestwriter replied to the topic What Kind of Dog or Dogs Do You Have? in the forum Group logo of Dog LoversDog Lovers 7 years, 10 months ago


    I just have one now. I finally managed to upload this image.

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    bestwriter replied to the topic Spotlight on Veggies: Eggplant in the forum Group logo of Food & DrinkFood & Drink 7 years, 10 months ago


    We have no issues. And as for the eggplant also known as brinjal it is my favourite. I cook it in many ways. I will surely write a blog on it here. Be on the look out   😀

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, There is Nothing like Having Full Mastery Over English 7 years, 10 months ago

    Be it those who have English as their first language or those who have had a good exposure to English it is the same story. It is the constant exposure to this English is the only way this language can be […]

    • I really wanted to be in mastery of English. I have been taught and learned this language since I was in grade 2 or 3 during my elementary days until I was in college days. Until know that I’m 42 years old I find I’m not yet master or shall I say still a newbie in English. My grammar is not good but I am really trying to have a good communication skills in English, I just hope I can make it even here in writing.

      • You need to be exposed to opportunities, opportunities that let you be in touch with those who speak and write good English. Finally it is the exposure that matters.

    • English is the language of modern age because the source of earning in country and out of country rests on spoken and written English. To be master of English on not difficult but you must be full of conceptions.
      First of all we write just conception, thoughts, feelings and emotions and nothing else.

      There are three things that are must to be the mater of English micro skills as reading and writing skill, listening and speaking skill. To be the master of English you must know three things fully, grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation pattern.

      Grammar structure tells you how to construct ideas in an organized way, pronunciation will help you in spoken language and vocabulary will help you to express your ideas. Besides, idioms and phrasal verbs are most important to be the master of English.

      The best grammar AJ Thomson and Martinet written, Name Practical English Grammar, Pronunciation pattern is defined in the best way in Advanced Learner Dictionary by AS Horn By, for vocabulary building Chambers Dictionary is the best because you can find all worlds in it old and new.

      I will write a full article very soon how to be the master of English micro skills for my readers’ guideline.

    • There is no logic that can help one master the language. It is only the constant use and exposure can help grasp the language.

    • I have never heard of breadfruit. Is that a British fruit? Yes, American English is so different from the English of those from Britain or even Austrailia. We have certain words here in America that mean something different in England and vice versa.

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Every Drop Counts – Save Water 7 years, 10 months ago

    There is no shortage of water in our household. We have a well that provides enough liquid the whole year through. But I cannot see water being wasted. Our helpers do that and that gets on my nerves. And these […]

    • You say right that every drop of water makes seas and river, canal and lake but a few know its importance at home an out of homes. It is said that drops make seas and rivers.

      Many people are unaware of the amount of water they waste on a daily basis. But the truth is, water is a critical resource in every
      bodies lives, and unfortunately, we simply cannot afford to waste perfectly good water.

      How to save water at home:

      Replace shower heads, toilets and sinks with more efficient, low-flow water models. Using a water efficient shower head can save up to 750 gallons a month.
      Always wash only full loads of laundry and dishes. Whenever possible, choose the short cycle at low water levels.
      Do not let the water run when brushing your teeth or washing dishes by hand.
      Shorten your showers by about a minute or so, and you can save up to 150 gallons per month.
      Keep a pitcher of water in the refrigerator for cold drinks instead of using the tap. This way excess drops are not wasted down the drain each time you pour a glass of water.
      Ditch bottled water, and drink the tap water. Most tap water is no different than bottled water, and this reduces the waste that the would end up in a landfill from the plastic.
      Water your lawn and garden in the evening when temperatures are cooler to minimize evaporation.
      Repair leaks! According to the Department of Health and Human Services, a leaky faucet that drips at one drop per second wastes up to seven gallons of water per day.
      Make use of leftover water. Keep a pitcher of water near your sink or shower and use the unused water from showering or drinking to water house plants.
      Harvest rainwater to use to for a variety of reasons. Place barrels outside to catch the excess rainwater, and use that water to water the lawn or garden.

      • Right when I designed my home I had laid channels to wast water to lead to trees. It is the individuals that make or break anything on earth and saving water comes under that.

    • We are not living in urban area but we can still feel the shortage of water every summer. From the month May the water in the deep well started the shortage. Even though we are living in rural areas but the water become so short during summer days. We are not depending on water system but even the houses depending in water system experienced the shortage last season.

      That is true, conserving water is one of the best answer to avoid this problem.

    • Good topic and an interesting one at that. Wasting water is a cruel thing to do in this world of scarce resources and is an attitude of careless individuals. We sometimes feel like let go when we see our taps just dropping water without knowing that a little drops of water make mighty ocean. We should realise that there are places where water is more like gold and very expensive as a result not waste it. We should know that is a gift from the most high God to humanity and wasting it is a way of not appreciating the gift from God.

      • It is not at all difficult to save water if individuals become responsible citizens. It is not just water anywhere and everywhere with a bit of thought this world could be a great place to live but sadly man seems to be a selfish animal

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Holland a Place with History 7 years, 10 months ago

    As a part of our Europe tour we were taken to Holland. We covered Amsterdam and Rotterdam but we just missed the tulips in Amsterdam. Who can forget the song Tulips from Amsterdam

    We had a look of Amsterdam  by […]

    • Holland is one the best heaven for the tourists as I have read in many books but unluckily I have not seen Amsterdam with my physical eyes many time I have seen Amsterdam with my spiritual eyes in dreams and pic.

      Amsterdam has very old links with the United States. In 1780, John Adams opened the first American embassy in the world in Amsterdam. However, the first contacts with Amsterdam were actually much older. In 1609, Henry Hudson left Amsterdam’s Schreierstoren in his ship De Halve Maen. After a long journey, he reached the island of Manhattan where he founded Nieuw Amsterdam, which later became New York City.

      The beer traders from Hamburg may well have been the first foreigners in the fledgling city of Amsterdam. Since 1600, Amsterdam has been a favourite tourist destination for German visitors, which becomes apparent from many travel journals. German visitors are still ranked at an honourable third place on the Amsterdam Tourist Barometer.

      • The ‘red light’ area is open unlike how it is hidden here in India. Thanks for providing all the historical stories about Holland.

    • I don’t know much about Holland except that a friend, one of my former co-workers, went there on vacation and she said that the tulips were a big deal! 🙂

    • Tulips are a big deal there but as I have said in my post I missed the season. I was so hoping to swim in there 😀

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, All About Arkansas – a Tourists’ Paradise 7 years, 10 months ago

    Arkansas is located in the Western South-Central US, and is surrounded by the States Missouri, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and Oklahoma. Like any other US State Arkansas have enough features to […]

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    bestwriter wrote a new post, Holistic Approach to Healthy Living and Aloe vera 7 years, 10 months ago

    Holistic approach to healthy living  is the order of the day. Despite being in the world of fast food more and more are becoming aware of the need to remain healthy.  This approach would include,regular e […]

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