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    Joy E. Ojo joined the group Group logo of A Fresh Start for Your FriendshipsA Fresh Start for Your Friendships 8 years ago

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    Joy E. Ojo joined the group Group logo of All About FlavorsAll About Flavors 8 years ago

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    Joy E. Ojo joined the group Group logo of Places to VisitPlaces to Visit 8 years ago

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    Joy E. Ojo commented on the post, Kelloges cereal with dry fruits review 8 years ago

    In reply to: trees wrote a new post, Kelloges cereal with dry fruits review Kelloges cereal with dry fruits review, this is for cereal lovers who like to eat it as chips at times or eat it with cake or with milk some friends […] View

    I am a foodie, so I love cereal. I never miss out on my cereals, if anyone comes without dried fruits, I simply add mine. I do a lot of drying at home, from pineapples to bananas, apples, mangoes etc. The taste so good with cereal, besides fibers are good for you. Oats are a regular for me daily, keeps me full longer. I

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    Radhika and Profile picture of Joy E. OjoJoy E. Ojo are now friends 8 years ago

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    Isaac Sampson and Profile picture of Joy E. OjoJoy E. Ojo are now friends 8 years ago

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    Joy E. Ojo joined the group Group logo of What Does the Bible Really Teach?What Does the Bible Really Teach? 8 years ago

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    Joy E. Ojo joined the group Group logo of What Does the Bible Really Teach?What Does the Bible Really Teach? 8 years ago

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    Joy E. Ojo joined the group Group logo of What Does the Bible Really Teach?What Does the Bible Really Teach? 8 years ago

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    Joy E. Ojo joined the group Group logo of What Does the Bible Really Teach?What Does the Bible Really Teach? 8 years ago

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    Joy E. Ojo joined the group Group logo of What Does the Bible Really Teach?What Does the Bible Really Teach? 8 years ago

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    Joy E. Ojo wrote a new post, Be on the look out for scammers. 8 years ago

    Just recently in my country we heard of a pregnant woman who had been jumping from one bank to another deceiving people. She would go into the banks pretending that her water broke while trying to get money from […]

    • Such fools; they are trying to cheat other people in their aim for an easy money. It is good to be discerning before extending help to such people.

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    Tita and Profile picture of Joy E. OjoJoy E. Ojo are now friends 8 years ago

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    Joy E. Ojo wrote a new post, Social media menace in our generation. 8 years ago

    The social media is like a plague in our country right now. Everyone seems to be on one platform or the other. We have accounts like Twitter, Google plus, Instagram, Facebook, Blackberry, Whatsaap, Viber etc. I am […]

    • in general I hate it, but yes they do some benefit for the good business , but i belive that most of their work is to fool us more than to help us and that is why is their work realy about, to sell not to really give you the truth, but yea very rearly the do help in spreading truth things

    • I only have one social media and that is Facebook.

      That’s because it’s what my daughter and husband only uses too. One social media is enough for us to connect to each other since our daughter lives and works in a far city. So, FB chat is of big use to us. At least, we can also keep track of what our daughter is up to at FB.

      I rarely post, so does my daughter and my husband , rarely too.

      Though, we love seeing the post of my friends and relatives.

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    Joy E. Ojo wrote a new post, I stopped buying lunch at work , how about you? 8 years ago

    I stopped buying lunch at work in 2008 ever since I met a colleague of mine who never buys food no matter the situation. He was always with packed food from home made by his beautiful wife. I asked for reasons why […]

    • We have to be practical this time, It is better to cook our own food than dine outside with foods full of bad chemicals that destroy human body little by little. I also pack my own food for lunch after I experienced food poisoning in our university canteen, In fact we sued the canteen fast food operator and they paid me according to court order.Also, this time , there are many contagious diseases and some spoons despite disposable others who are cheaters recycle them and those sick of hepatitis will contaminate to diners using that spoon or stainless spoon.Better be safe through our own making for peace of mind and heart.

    • Oh yeas most of food I eas is cooked in our home, why to waste oour healhty on food that we do not know how it was prepared, what is contains, what it is fully I mean,, who is precisly mae it i mean the cooker, and how and when or where it was prepared, add to this the money problem oh my God my healht is not for sale I hate to eat at work unless maybe once a week when I really feel tired cooking or when I forget food at home, or if i find it really clean and no chance that they maybe contaminated. so I do eat out but not much and not often, to make good clean food you need to follow many tips and techniques, if the cooker or the cheif in the work canteen will lf ollow all of these tips he will not find really time to serve us
      I worked once in a place where the admin told us to tell the client that the food is fresh, but in my orientation day the took us even to the back kitchen and i saw the frozen food. ow bad is that , its horrible and I lost my trust in brand restaurant and cafes also. same happen in starbucks I went to one shop and when i saw the cockroach i went out and never go back, I know that not all the starbucks cafes are the same, but if these staff were not caring to clean the place why I care to go waste my time there at there branch, and pay money for that, setting in unhealthy place. I guess admin should be more controlling about their staff and observe them all the time

    • Personally, I never bought lunch at work because I often could not afford the luxury. I would cook extra dinner the night before and pack an extra container of food for work the next day. That way I wouldn’t have to find the time to prep and store.

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    Joy E. Ojo wrote a new post, Boy child verses girl child 8 years ago

    I have both genders, but which is better? I remember when we had our first child (daughter), we went around informing family and friends about the birth of our new born with so much joy in our hearts. The news was […]

    • Kids are a blessing to each one of us from God. we cannot start saying or asking which one is better than the other. But we are humans and we will always take sides. Many are the times that the girl child has been looked down upon I have never come to understand why people say that the boy child is the best gift a mother would have. What is it that the boy child has that has gone miles away from the girl child. If it’s anything to go by I would say the girl child is more profitable in the society than the boy child. We are discussing and this are from my findings. When you go around usually in the African communities you will find that the girl child has a lot to offer than the boy child. In the African societies the girls are the ones who benefit their parents when it comes to dowry. The boys give out. When it comes to building homes who does that the girl child. When we think about our parents when they become old who takes care of them isn’t it the girl. There are so many things that I would say about the girl child but they can be seen all over the world. So if we were to measure kids by what they do I would say the girl child is far much better than the boy child and there are many ways of backing up this statement.

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    Joy E. Ojo commented on the post, What Jealousy Can Do to your Life 8 years ago

    In reply to: Mahesh wrote a new post, What Jealousy Can Do to your Life I think biggest problem with your life is the jealousy. And you can’t get much from the life if you remain jealous all the time. You can see that many […] View

    Jealousy is a bad thing. people who tend to be jealous of others do not go far in life because they use up all their energy thinking of how good someone else’s life is. I doubt if I can envy someone, I will only aspire to be like that person. Jealousy pulls you back, live and let live. It shall be well with you at your own appointed time. All…[Read more]

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    Joy E. Ojo wrote a new post, What does it take to be comfortable 8 years ago

    Are you comfortable? Do you think you can ever be comfortable? What does comfort mean to you? I will start by defining comfort. Comfort is a pleasant and satisfying feeling of being physically or mentally free […]

    • I am in agreement. Like I believe being happy is a choice we make, being comfortable is also a choice we make.Yes, I would like more out of life sometimes,but I know how to be comfortable with what I have.

    • That is true not all rich live in harmony and peace. They are also problematic for despite rich but there are instances that they cannot avoid a bad illness to come to them. Better enjoy in our most simplest way.

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    Joy E. Ojo replied to the topic Never Compare Your Wife to another Woman. in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 8 years ago

    Very good points as earlier mentioned. Never knew all these were in the bible. I will copy these quotes down for my husband to read and follow diligently. This applies to women too, wives listen hard as well and follow suit.

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    Joy E. Ojo wrote a new post, The rich also cry with no one to turn to. 8 years ago

    Do you all realize that the rich do cry? Well, you must have heard of a tv series titled “The Rich Also Cry”. I watched that series with joy in my heart. I have come to a conclusion that no one can ever at it […]

    • I agree, never envy the rich because they too have problems like ordinary people do. They just have to hide it to maintain their status symbol in society.

    • Yes that is true for sure MAam, do not envy the rich nor the poor, each and everyone has his own sadness and stress, and if each person asked if he want to change his stress with other person stress, each will choose only his own stress, I guess that is life and we live with it no matter what it bring us and dont bring us

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