Joy E. Ojo
@joyojo active 7 years, 4 months ago-
In reply to: SAMBASIVAN.S. wrote a new post, SPEED OF ACCESS TO LITERACYBASE.COM – IT TAKES A LOT OF TIME SPEED OF ACCESS TO LITERACYBASE.COM – IT TAKES A LOT OF TIME Hello friends I stay in Chennai, the capital of Ta […] View
In reply to: kaylar wrote a new post, Writing Sites; Trying For the Balance I was invited to join a writing site. Unlike the crowd, I do my research first. I have been on so many sites since 2007 that I am qualified to w […] View
In reply to: suny wrote a new post, We must change our eating habits Let’s accept the fact that India is facing shortage of healthy food due to different reasons and one of them is increasing population and the other one is c […] View
In reply to: suny wrote a new post, Share your problems for living a longer life It’s a scientifically proved theory that explains about the facts that women live longer than men. The global average age of women is 73 compared […] View
In reply to: Samuel Ekechukwu wrote a new post, Points That Attract a Man to Marry a Woman A Woman’s Dressing Attracts a Man A man can be attracted to a woman through her dressing. Most men prefer women who dress d […] View
Yeah, we had almost the same birthday experience. Why is it that as we get older, birthdays become something to correspond with irrelevance and lack of importance? I still have trouble wrapping my mind around why it is that people who seemingly have lived a fulling life are so eager to put life into slow motion and anxiously counting down days until the next birthday. The way I see it, birthdays should be celebrated at all ages.
No, they are not and i hate that we have to do just like other people, these parties are affordable and you can make it at home from any simple thin yo ucan decorate the home, you can make your own cake andyou can do some bisuit besid it and find street market with lots of gifts, but then what, nothing, its normal day for us and the kids it become routine, for us we dont do that, we plan a day out wiht the kids treat the birthday boy or girl like they are the king or the queen and go eat out, take them to the places that they like and buy later for thema gift that they like and need. and eat sweets, thats we make our birthday for the kids special not like routinely ones, thanks for writing this post its really a good question since many epople just waste lots of money for unnessecary thing, and our kids love it and they are so happy and feel they are more special than other kids who do normal routine parties
I guess it is not a must but nice having birthday, it is showing that we care and love your day, so its not a must but good and nice way to express your love and thought
In reply to: Kate Nars wrote a new post, The Benefits of shopping online Nowadays the idea of web based shopping is something a large portion of us with PCs are utilized to. Not exclusively does it offer you the accommodation […] View
Congratulations for realizing this when you did. Enjoy your time and your life when you can. I used to be the same always thinking about the others in the house although I wasn’t married yet. When I moved out to live alone my sister joined me and it was all joy and smiles until i realized I am forever doing stuff and never think8ng about me. So when I found out that i can actually do stuff for mys3lf and not feel guilty that became part of my life and nothing would stop me. I would go for facials, manicures, go treat myself have cake, go for ice cream with friends, weekend outings and that really have gave me much joy. I realized that when you are stuck up in doing stuff for people you will always forget yourself. We used to be told that when you get a job always pay yourself first then other things follow. I guess the same applies when you are home as well. I can tell you, you keep up with what your doing and everybody around you will be happy not because your doing stuff for them but because you are happy. That part of leaving everything and just relaxing is also a way of relieving oneself from stress I’ve been there too done that and i don’t ever regret doing it.
In reply to: David Hersh wrote a new post, word games do you like them? Word games I think they can be good for people who write and blog. What do you think. Some word games can help writers like us get topics for are stories […] View
In reply to: kaylar wrote a new post, The Banning of Coca-Cola and Pepsi In the Indian State of Tamil Nadu the sale of Coca-Cola and Pepsi have been banned. This is to support local products. The trading associations be […] View
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Yes the internet is amazing tool not only google there are many sites like google firefox adn opera and more, they all I tried them just like google, all these sites do teh same work and same result, they find you anything you want and teach you about health, cooking, movies, cinemas, news though some are fake news, they teach you how to clean your house, how to learn tips to deal with people how to enjoy your free time and much more, like how to plant your garden how to talk to your kid and how to deal with family issues and how to have good relation with husband and wife and kids, so good things I learnt from the internet and search engine like these sites I mentioned, it is really so wonderful thing to do in one button in you pc. Thank you joy for that wonderful habit we do daily and maybe we do not value since it is easy to obtain this