In reply to: Lakhi wrote a new post, Beating the Deadliest Killer: ANGER!!! (Part-X) Part X of X Parts (This is a 10 blog series covering the titled topic. The breaking in small parts are intended to keep the article from […] View
In reply to: Lakhi wrote a new post, Beating the Deadliest Killer: ANGER!!! (Part-X) Part X of X Parts (This is a 10 blog series covering the titled topic. The breaking in small parts are intended to keep the article from […] View
Indeed there is a right time to show our anger. Like for example , when you discover your kid to be a drug addict, ypu will be angry and must show it to your kid. That way, he will know that it is a big No-No to be on drugs.
Then after you have shown your anger, you should compromise with him on how it could be remedied. We should not stay angry at him, but after that be compassionate he fall into such bad habit.
Thanks for the observation Dina. Actually, showing of anger is a punishing response to a situation. A punishing response has adverse side effects and hence can only be used very very sparingly i.e. when physical control of situation becomes extremely important. The normal process of intervention in such situations is deep understanding and empathy only.
Yes. this is truth. One should show anger but never show off angry. But, there is a problem also. If we suppress our anger within it may burst out at anything. Of course, the damage will always be the source but not the target. As you said certain circumstances and situations warrants anger which should not be suppressed at all.
This is also true when we change our attitude and from the state of anger by developing positive thinking the others may not notice it immediately. They need some time to identify the change you brought to you. This requires some patience.-
Thanks for the detailed observation. There’s no question of suppression of anger. It’s all about elimination or non-occurance of anger. Show of anger is not related to occurance of anger. Rather showing anger while being angry would have behavioural issues not helpful in the long run. Show of anger is a conscious decision independent of the overwhelming emotions. Since suppression is damaging, either cooling down or catharsis are the only viable solutions when angry.
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that’s one good news for us newbies.
Oh wow, that is great. I have been on crowd flower for a bit and I need to go back to it. I am happy that they are opening up to newbies because everyone needs a chance to get some type of income online. I have been writing so it has been something that I put on the back burner but I am going to check it out. I think I am above level 0 though. Thank you for sharing and giving out this information.