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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam wrote a new post, A memorable visit to KASHI VISWANATH TEMPLE 7 years, 7 months ago


    Located on the Western Bank side of the river holy Ganga, the Viswanath temple is a Shaivite temple dedicated to Lord Shiva and is 12th of all Jyotirlingas.  History says it that this temple is the midpoint o […]

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam wrote a new post, Will they Ban the Hotel for denying ‘Take Away’? 7 years, 7 months ago

    ‘Take away’ in the modern sense is used for taking something meant for eating, in a container to be eaten later.

    In my childhood, I have been visiting some restaurant along with my parents. We (my sister and I) […]

    • I think for a crew member to bring an empty box and fill it with foods from a buffet table is not good to look at. If the buffet table is meant for paying customers, then their taking those take aways would mean “no income” from them, thus diminish the what should be income of those buffet foods.

      I think it is okay to have take away foods or we call it take out, if it is additionally paid.

    • i think that, that buffet is somewhat like an “eat-all-you-can” type in which the customers need to consume as much as they want within the four walls of the restaurant. Asking a Take-Away or To-Go meals means that you are not abiding by their rules. But I think fast-food chains will always have To-Go meals on any occasion.

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam wrote a new post, ALL VEGETABLE UPA – A ONE SOLUTION FOR ALL YOUR HUNGER 7 years, 7 months ago

    I have been searching for something to eat as soon as I had my bath as usual. The fridge is empty and there is some vegetable to be found in the baskets which I can not have for my breakfast. What to do ? is the […]

    • This is superb. I cannot expect you to have this kind of recipe good for the body. At least it is very much told here about what to get out from these many mixtures of the food that are all best for human body. We have to help those who do not have the knowledge about foods and vegetables that are best for the body proven and tested by scientists and expert nutritionists so all people in the plane will not be sick of deadly diseases. Our body needs anti-oxidants and more.

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam wrote a new post, THE HERBAL GEM OF INDIA-RUDRAKSHA 7 years, 7 months ago

    Rudraksha is a seed from a particular tree grown mostly in the Himalayan region. They are richly available in Nepal, Burma, and Thailand. Though they are available in some part of the Western Ghats their quality […]

    • Thanks for this interesting post about Rudraksha seeds. I have my Santosha beads and don’t know if the black ones on it are Rudraksha seeds. I wish they were. I will ask my friend who made the 108 Santosha beads if she included rudraksha seeds in it.

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam wrote a new post, WHY ARE COCONUTS AND THEIR PRODUCTS A-MUST FOR LIFE? 7 years, 7 months ago

    Coconuts also are known as tender-nuts and jelly-nuts are popular for their water and harvested for their potable water and form a regular part of the diet of the people residing mostly in sub-tropics and […]

    • I must agree coconut is so useful. All those that you enumerated are indeed the uses of coconuts from its fruits to its leaves.
      The twig minus the leaves can be made into hard broom. The leaves too can serve as a container in cooking a favorite food of the Filipinos called “suman” made of glutinous rice.
      Its young trunk can be made into a dish we call “ubod”, can be cooked in coconut milk or sauteed with some minced pork and other condiments, wrapped in a spring roll, and be either fried or eaten fresh.
      Its juice can be fermented and made into wine and also vinegar.
      The young flesh of the coconut can be made into a salad with fruit cocktail, all purpose cream and condensed milk. It’s a delicious dessert.
      The coconut is I think the most versatile vegetable and fruit at the same time.

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam joined the group Group logo of Traffic Hurricane, Advertise and Get PaidTraffic Hurricane, Advertise and Get Paid 7 years, 7 months ago

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam wrote a new post, PEANUT BUTTER-Why should not you leave it in the Showcase? 7 years, 7 months ago

    Brief Intro

    Peanut butter appears like a paste made from roasted peanuts. It will have different colors though the original color of it will be having the color of the husk of a raw peanut. Skippy and Jif are the […]

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam wrote a new post, 5 Cruel Rulers known for their cruelty and oppressive nature 7 years, 7 months ago

    Dictatorship is generally gives absolute power to a single power who styles himself as President, Chancellor etc., They are all rulers who never care to look for the suggestion or advice of any organizations of […]

    • All these rulers are metally disturbed. A person with a healthy mind cannot do these atrocities and enjoy seeing people and animals die in his every own eyes and in his own hands.

      I hope no ruler will emerge like them ever again, though I know if there will be one the countries will all unite to do something to stop such atrocities.

    • There are way more than 5 cruel rulers. But the 5 you named are historical figures we should never forget. I am not as optimistic as Dina (rebelwoman06). I believe there are as many ruthless leaders in this day and time, as there have been in history. Maybe they don’t get a lot of media coverage and have not yet been written about in history books, but they’re out there.

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam wrote a new post, ON THE SAFETY AND CLEANING OF ELECTRICAL OVEN 7 years, 7 months ago

    Today there is an availability of all-in-one cleaning products  in various forms like liquids, Soaps, powders, detergents, in all Local  and Departmental stores. Their easy availability also made the cleaning n […]

    • It is also not advisable to reheat a fried food in the oven because it will just explode inside its container.
      Another is never reheat food wrapped in an aluminum foil or put a left-over in a metal plate to heat it.
      Slightly open the lid in one corner of the microwaveable container so the food will not explode and will be reheated well.

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam replied to the topic Blog More, To Earn More in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 7 months ago

    I was not a regular blogger on this site previously owing to the pressure of work I had. But, I was always prompt to participate in the discussion and attending some forums. Of course, this does not make me enough money. I know that. But, I do not want to be off the track. I had visited two or three other states in my country during which I could…[Read more]

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam wrote a new post, FOODS THAT FIGHT AGAINST ALLERGIES 7 years, 7 months ago

    I have been sneezing since yesterday. Three or four sneezes continuously within a time gap of 1 hour. Feeling inconvenience totally and searching for the right type of medicine to come out of my running nose. The […]

    • Hi there thanks for this article. My wife is prone to allergy and we have dogs that are why she sneezes a lot I mean almost every day. I didn’t know that vitamin C can prevent allergy. Thanks again for the information. Speaking of vitamin C, I once read an article. The article said that chili or red pepper have more vitamin C than Orange.

    • hello there,. When I read this article it gives me more Idea and more option to prevent allergy aside from what i practiced before.I have an allergy in eating sea foods specially on Shrimp. I can’t imagine how’s my life without eating my favorite sea food. But I found out that chocolate can help and preventing me from having allergy, and i do agree with tea it also help me to ease the pain.

    • So, that’s why I rarely get allergies even when growing up. That’s because I am fond of eating citrus fruits and pineapple, and apples too as well as guavas which are foods laden with Vitamin C.

      And now that I am older, I take 1000 mg of ascorbic acid, one 500 mg tablet after breakfast and one after lunch. I make sure I take a lot of C’s even if I am so fond of eating citrus fruits, because not only can Vitamin C shoo away allergy, but it helps boost the immune system.

      So far, for the past two years, I haven gotten sick with coughs and colds. I am sure because my body is laden with Vitamin C.

    • Thanks for sharing this, I have skin allergies and itchiness too. The doctor described me some vitamin C and some multi- vitamins. He told, fresh oranges and fruits are the good source of Vitamin C instead of taking pills. And, other than some creams, nothing can be done, and it will recur if nothing changed in our body system.

      So, fresh fruit is a must in my daily diet and my family food serving per day.

      And, exercise and increase the metabolism of body can help increasing the circulation and body detox mechanism.

      In fact, level of immunisation is the key for preventing the allergies, thus we must try very way to increase the level of immunisation of our body.

      I still have skin allergies and alcohol allergies after years, I believe this due to the detox capacity of the liver. If liver can help to detox the alcohol, it won’t stay in the body and caused the allergies.

      And, sleep early can help in boosting the level immunisation of our body too.

    • I can’t remember when was the time I suffered an allergy. I think I only experienced it once and that was when I was in my early age. Maybe 7 or 8, I can’t really remember.

      My mother always made sure that our food is nutritious that is why I never suffer from that kind of disease.

      But I appreciate your writing about allergy, it will be a good help whenever that allergy attacks. We’ll never know.

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam wrote a new post, A TRIP TO THE AMAZING CAVES OF INDIA 7 years, 7 months ago

    The caves in India are known for their artistic beauty, sculpture, and Art. They are all shrouded with mysteries, legends, and various folklore giving tourists the nerve chilling experiences of both happiness and […]

    • I am always amazed by the beautiful things that are found in caves all around the world. But I have a phobia about going into them. I settle for watching TV programs and looking at photographs. To think that scientists say that caves were man’s first dwelling places and homes. I am glad I was born in the 20th century. 🙂

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam wrote a new post, LIFESTYLE FOR A HEALTHY HEART 7 years, 7 months ago

    To have a healthy heart one has to maintain a healthy lifestyle. A lifestyle is one governed by a set of duties one has to perform as regular activities from the day one gets up from the bed and attend them […]

    • For me , it’s actually the opposite effect when I am stressed. I could hardly eat and have no appetite at all when I am stressed or depressed.

      Though, even if that is so, stress is a silent killer of a person. Stress can lead to disturbance of the mind eventually, specially if the side effect is not being able to sleep and eat.

      Sad to say, that in some jobs, stress is prevalent, especially when one has a slave driver for a boss.

      Thus, when one has a boss that is a monster, the person should scout for another job in which stress will be manageable.

      Furthermore, in offices that requires you to be in front of computers, I think, wiggling the body and the legs while seated can help a person to have some exercises while working. Standing up and walking going to the comfort room should be done in a brisk manner, because the briskness of the movement can be an exercise by itself.

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam joined the group Group logo of Heart Never LieHeart Never Lie 7 years, 7 months ago

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam wrote a new post, MEMORY AS WE SUFFER FROM AS WE GROW IN AGE 7 years, 7 months ago

    As we age, it’s natural to experience forgetfulness.  People will experience a hitch in memorizing the things and the recollection of events a more difficult phenomenon.They approach a professional. They […]

    • Very nice posts, your country has lots of organic fruits and vegetables having potency to prevent and cure cancer. I have just meet these veggies now through your blog. Thanks for sharing this very informative blog.

    • These roots are so expensive in our market like ginseng and gingko.

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam wrote a new post, The deadly plants one should be careful about 7 years, 7 months ago

    Plants, as we know, add beauty to the backyard. The plants whether flowering or nonflowering when planted in front of a house the greenery adds beauty which everyone wants to enjoy. If you think that just the  […]

    • Wow so nice blog very informative. This is the first time to encounter these plants that are harmful to humans. I hope many can read this so many can have the alarm. It is better to have knowledge of the many unkwons. Thanks for this .

    • Good list. The first two I know. The last three I never heard of. I’ll know to be careful if I see any of these plants.

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam wrote a new post, AVIAL:THE TASTY DISH OF KERALA 7 years, 7 months ago


    During my tour to Sabarimala, I could get an opportunity to taste Avial. This is really good totally different from the one that is prepared in Andhra Pradesh. The taste is somewhat sweet […]

    • This sounds so nutritious and the foods are colored to mean they contain natural chemicals the prevent cancer.I have eaten all these veggies, so tasty. I prefer to fry them in slow fire and very little olive cooking oil.

    • You reminded me of my visit to Kerela 2 years back. There is tasted a traditional Kerela. There I ordered a traditional India Thali(platter) and it was then I tasted Avial.
      It had a peculiar taste and essence. I loved every bite of it. Though there were many elements which I did not know at that time but now after reading your blog i can relate to them very well.
      I also recall a peculiar kind of rice which was very small but extremely thick. Though I did not like it a lot but it was also something different I saw for the first time.

    • Another nutritious and healthy dish. And the way these are prepared traditionally serve great purpose for the people living in these places.

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam wrote a new post, HAVE AS MUCH TREASURE AS YOU CAN FROM THESE INDIAN SITES 7 years, 7 months ago

    INDIA is a land of Treasure. The thirst for its immense wealth made foreign rulers to invade and plunder it. The Mohammad of Ghazni invaded India 17 times within a short span of 25 years without any aim of ruling […]

    • Very nice country, big and despite populous but promising to rise in the coming years.There are so many lovely places and vies. I dream to see your place in personal.That Fort is so famous in the world. Thanks for sharing this at least I see them even in photos. I feel so inspired seeing and knowing about your place.

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam replied to the topic Health – Brain – Sleep – 10 Important Things To Know To Get A Sound Sleep in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago

    A good blog. Sleeping is important in our life. A baby requires a good and undisturbed sleep. It will sleep…sleep…and sleep only to make its mother awake  A teenager and an Adult can have 5-6 hrs sleep with some deviations. But, the accepted principle is that every man should have at least 6-8 hours and as one grows old he /she should have 8…[Read more]

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    sivasubrahmanyam shatdarsanam replied to the topic Religion: Hinduism – About Goddess Maha Kali in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago

    Good read. The description of the Goddess is vivid.

    Goddess Kali is another form of Maa Durga. Kali temples are located in various parts of India. The said Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa was a worshipper of Maa Kali. There are many people who worshiped her but people say that Ramakrishna Paramahansa virtually had seen her and was conversing with h…[Read more]

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