Anitah Gimase replied to the topic When All Else Fails….. in the forum Inspirational/Motivational 8 years, 8 months ago
I think we all have different ways of dealing with issues in our lives. and I tend to think that time alone can help solve issues as opposed to being with people, but like you have said @icyBC when all fails the best thing is to commit it in prayer well said
scheng1 replied to the topic Is LiteracyBase Altering Our Posts? in the forum About LiteracyBase 8 years, 9 months ago
@icybc That is valid point.
@support please take a look at the concern raised in @icybc comment. I think that is a valid concern, as in who owns the copyright to the content here.
Do we get to delete our content if we want to publish it elsewhere?
bestwriter replied to the topic Yes. It is true. I reached payment in the forum About LiteracyBase 8 years, 9 months ago
@IcyBC Thank you.
peachpurple replied to the topic What is your daily goal earning at LiteracyBase? in the forum Making Money Online 8 years, 9 months ago
yup I heard about your wrist problem. Don’t overwork yourself.
Take a good rest. Log in anytime when you feel bored.
Take care
yup, if your post is published, at least you can earn 22 cents + 10 cent= 32 cents, better than nothing.
Focus on your Humanatic tasks first because that site helps you to earn more. Drop by…[Read more]
Lee Ka replied to the topic What is your daily goal earning at LiteracyBase? in the forum Making Money Online 8 years, 9 months ago
@icybc Yes, I think with your tendonitis, it might be good for you to take more rest. It’s good to just drop by when you feel like. 🙂
As for finding your articles: 1) Move your mouse over to the Blog menu located on the top of the site. 2) Click on Dashboard. All your articles (approved & published or awaiting for approval) will be listed there.…[Read more]
scheng1 replied to the topic What is your daily goal earning at LiteracyBase? in the forum Making Money Online 8 years, 9 months ago
@icybc The captcha thingy will disappear after you have a couple of blogs.
After my third blog, I no longer have to use the captcha to post a comment.
It is good, else I will have to waste a few seconds on every comment.
scheng1 replied to the topic Do you think blogjob will make a comeback? in the forum Making Money Online 8 years, 9 months ago
@icybc Perhaps he has no idea what to do, and he does not want to give false hope.
Expertscolumn stopped paying for a long time. All of a sudden, we received email that the revenue sharing program started again.
I did not login immediately. When I did login, I was surprised to find $19 sitting there waiting for me to claim!
I have not been a…[Read more]
nakitakona13 replied to the topic word count in the forum About LiteracyBase 8 years, 9 months ago
@icybc, as I am writing this comment, I am using the script made by my youngest son. I want to be helped to those among us here who are unable to determine the number of words which their post may contain for they don’t have the tool to do the counting of words they have written.
@kaka135, regarding your concern of using the MS Word for your post…[Read more]
Lee Ka replied to the topic word count in the forum About LiteracyBase 8 years, 9 months ago
@bestwriter I am not sure if your first post in Bubblews with 440 characters is included space or not. Some word count tool gives you the total number of characters with or without space, but I remember reading in Bubblews, the minimum 400 characters is without space. I think it was not stated clearly. But, even if yours was 440 characters with…[Read more]
bestwriter replied to the topic word count in the forum About LiteracyBase 8 years, 9 months ago
@IcyBC I do not think this demand is unusual. Most sites have this feature.
bestwriter replied to the topic Just a single plant can give one joy in the forum Gardening 8 years, 9 months ago
@IcyBC One can get immense satisfaction growing a garden in pots. Have a blast!!
Lee Ka replied to the topic Do you cut hair for others or yourself? in the forum Anything about handwork 8 years, 9 months ago
@haraka I am not good with scissors either, I did cut my fingers accidentally, but perhaps I am just too lazy to go to saloon. 😀
It’s good that you have an aunt who went to hair styling school, so she can always help you with your hair. Is she a hairdresser now? Does she still do your hair for you?
@rapidblue My husband doesn’t mind to let me…[Read more]
@morgoodie @peachpurple That’s the reason I stopped using Microsoft Word. I used to use the word count website, then I changed to Word document, and my formatting is gone in the blog post, as we can’t preview it too. So, now I just use the note pad (without formatting), and also the word count website to check the number of words.
I hope we can…[Read more]
Lee Ka replied to the topic Who will be the first one to cash out? in the forum Making Money Online 8 years, 9 months ago
@morgoodie Thanks! Perhaps I have a big motivation to push me forward – get it done before my baby comes! He will not be waiting, so I have to be fast! 😀
Yes, I understand others’ concern as well. Frankly speaking, when I first joined, I didn’t feel like participating much as well, as there were not many members yet. It’s kinda of boring in the…[Read more]
Lee Ka replied to the topic Anyone else thinks a hard or soft bound book is better than reading online? in the forum Entertainment 8 years, 9 months ago
@icybc I have always been wanting a big book shelves that are up to the ceiling when I was younger, but now as I prefer less stuffs and simple life, I do not dream for this anymore. Yes, I think smaller space and lesser stuffs make things more manageable, and easier to clean as well. Moreover, I think simpler life is better for us and the children…[Read more]
peachpurple replied to the topic How many hours do you spend at LiteracyBase daily? in the forum NewBies 8 years, 9 months ago
Oh you have high blood pressure? No wonder! But you are a young mom, aren’t you? Mid 30s?
Yes, it is not wise to go for natural birth with high blood pressure. It will worsen your bp reading and irregular heart beat.
When I had my 1st girl, I had diabetes, had insulin jab daily for months until stabilize the sugar blood level.
My…[Read more]
morgoodie replied to the topic How many hours do you spend at LiteracyBase daily? in the forum NewBies 8 years, 9 months ago
@peachpurple Thank you for explaining that for me. I am not sure that I would be able to go that long confined to my bed with no shower. I am not sure that I would have liked not being able to see my baby for that long either.
@IcyBC I am sorry about your tendonitis and not being able to post long comments. I hope that it can get better for y…[Read more]
Lee Ka replied to the topic How many hours do you spend at LiteracyBase daily? in the forum NewBies 8 years, 10 months ago
@morgoodie Glad that peach answered your question about confinement period, I wouldn’t be able to explain so well, as I didn’t really follow all the rules. I thought of going to research more about it before I can reply, glad to see peach has given you so many examples of the rules. 😀
I heard it’s not easy to go through natural birth when you…[Read more]