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    cely replied to the topic UPDATE: WOW, LITERACY BASE IS GOING GLOBAL in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 7 months ago

    @Mahesh, the word global I mean here is the updates of the site which I believe a great help to everyone for our blogs may reach to others eyes outside the universe of Literacy base. Global could also imply changes for while we are here sitting and writing ; afterwhich , posting the production from our brain, others could reach us beyond our…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic UPDATE: WOW, LITERACY BASE IS GOING GLOBAL in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 7 months ago

    @@suny, what I am emphasizing here is my observation about the new platform of Lb .For every discussion, comment, blog anything, we can share our input, comment any task here for the site is surrounded with social net site meaning, people/ writers here are given the chance to reach beyond the universe of this site, plus every now and then shown…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely and Profile picture of Moses Nima NachweraMoses Nima Nachwera are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely started the topic UPDATE: WOW, LITERACY BASE IS GOING GLOBAL in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 7 months ago

    Congratulations to Literacy Base Admin and Support and to all of us too for no bloggers, no site to rise and soar. This is the moment we have to explore by transporting and extracting our potentials for here in the planet bloggers Literacy Base comes to rescue us all small or big income here matters most for we earn according to the input of our…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely replied to the topic Thanks LB Support for Your Help in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 7 months ago

    T Thanks Support for you are all the time addressing our needs of help. More Power to Literacy Base.

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    cely replied to the topic Happy to know Mylot sent my payment through pay pal this day in the forum Group logo of Friendly and smiling groupFriendly and smiling group 7 years, 7 months ago

    @@bluelion, hehehe you are so funny friend,how big is it,lol.No, every redemption, it takes another wweek to wait.Even in Mylot it is not immediate.
    I In your case, I hope you can reach the minimum payout. Many already paid here. Thanks. I brought to s school my lap to input the scores in the system,plus I only have one subject to teach this…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Grecy Garcia

    Grecy Garcia wrote a new post, You Are Not Ugly, I Promise You, We are All Beautiful 7 years, 7 months ago

    Have you been crying in pain because someone harshly criticized your chubby cheeks? Did someone say you look like a pig? Did anyone say you don’t have blood because you look pale? You are short so you cannot j […]

    • Yes, God created us all in his image. Thus, we are all beautiful.

      Ugly? We are not. Physically we maybe different, but we can make that beautiful by having a beautiful heart. It’s what makes one glow with beauty. It is one quality most people would like to have – a beautiful heart.

      WHen one has a beautiful heart, everyone wants to be friends with her. That’s because with her, they will not be hurt because that’s not in her vocabulary. She only wants everyone to feel good and consoled also whenever someone is sad.

      So, who says I am ugly? I am not, because I have a heart filled with love and compassion for every person I will be meeting. 🙂

    • So true. Beauty is not related to physical appearance. It is about the character or the personality of that person. Beauty does not really have a standard to compare and even if it exists somewhere, I don’t think it is fair. It is beautiful not to compare. Everybody are god’s unique, special and different creations.

  • Profile picture of Grecy Garcia

    Grecy Garcia wrote a new post, Two Tips to Handle Stress Right Away 7 years, 7 months ago

    Problems with people, surrounding, bad news, illness and decisions, these are all makes an individual feel stress. Stress doesn’t happen once a day because sometimes it happens all the time with some people. It b […]

  • Profile picture of Lee Ka

    Lee Ka posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago

    I just got a web development project. It’s time to work hard on it! 🙂

  • Profile picture of Grecy Garcia

    Grecy Garcia replied to the topic Favourite Song in the forum Group logo of Music ClubMusic Club 7 years, 7 months ago

    I love old songs. I love 80’s songs. Songs from these artist are mostly on my playlists, Air Supply, The Jets, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Cindy Lauper, Queen, Journey and many more.

    As of now I am listening to my Jet’s playlists. They are the ones who sang the songs like You Got it All, Make It Real, Anytime, The Same Love and many more.

    I also…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely and Profile picture of NomusNomus are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

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    Grecy Garcia joined the group Group logo of Music ClubMusic Club 7 years, 7 months ago

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    Grecy Garcia wrote a new post, How Does Journaling Help People to Deal with Life? 7 years, 7 months ago

    Journaling is like a diary, a form of writing your daily routine, plans, dreams or whatever you want to write. It can also be something that you express your thoughts with, just like when you are blogging online. […]

  • Profile picture of Grecy Garcia

    Grecy Garcia wrote a new post, Stress Away by Working Out in a Gym 7 years, 7 months ago

    Stress is part of our everyday life. Almost everyone in the world is dealing with it. Decision making, people at home or at work, health issue, emotional fatigue and everything negative are all connected with […]

    • Exercising in a gym is less boring than having it at home. You can meet a lot of friends there who have the same interest as yours, to have a healthy
      and fit body. They can give you tips not only in working out but also on your diet plan.

  • Profile picture of Grecy Garcia

    Grecy Garcia joined the group Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 7 months ago

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    Grecy Garcia joined the group Group logo of AGREE OR DISAGREE?AGREE OR DISAGREE? 7 years, 7 months ago

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    Grecy Garcia joined the group Group logo of Digital Marketing GroupDigital Marketing Group 7 years, 7 months ago

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    Grecy Garcia wrote a new post, Free Yourself from Grudges For You To Be Happy 7 years, 7 months ago

    One of the reasons why people are not happy is that they have something heavy inside of them. There were bad events in their life that causes this one that they either do not forget about it or they fail to […]

    • So true, just forget about that person and you can move on and get away from such grudges. Having so many grudges is like carrying heavy bags that limit your movement. I real life, it is the same. Your happiness, your decisions in life might be affected when you are angry with some people.

    • I agree! In order for people to have a happy life is let go of anger. When you are familiar with the law of attraction, you will fully understand that what you always think will reflect on what will happen in your life. Bad thoughts will give you bad experience. Happy thoughts will give you happy and great experience. We don’t know when will be our last day, so enjoy each moment and make the most out of it.

  • Profile picture of Lee Ka

    Lee Ka wrote a new post, 5 Things To Do When There Is No Internet Connection 7 years, 7 months ago

    In this late afternoon, we suddenly got disconnected from the Internet, not knowing why. We kept trying for half an hour, but the Internet connection still did not come back. Hence we decided just to leave it, and […]

    • LOL. It’s funny. People all around the world have the same problem. Internet addiction. We have to remind ourselves to do the same things that we used to do when there was no Internet. 🙂 😀 Read and/or listen to music and/or watch a movie. My husband has quote a CD and video collection.

      • Yes, that is kind of weird and funny, isn’t it? I am happy when the Internet is down sometimes if I am not too busy with my work, so I can get more time to do my other stuff. Why not I just go and do them, whether or not the Internet connection is there? I have the choice, I should be able to choose what I want to do! But, I always choose to stay with my computer and or juggle among all these things everyday.

        That is why when I read the question “Can you live without Internet?”, my answer is always Yes, there was no Internet when I was young though I would like to have Internet connection always. 😛

        It is good that your husband has quoted a list of that. I should write down a list of what to do too, though I already got a to do list. Having such list sounds good, and we can just take a time off from our computer. 😀

        • Ooops! TYPO. Meant to say he has “quite a CD and video collection”. It’s what he usually does when there is no Internet. 🙂

          • It is okay. I just thought you mean he has written down a list of CD and video collection. It is always good for us to have activities other than just going online. Actually there are still work with our computer even without the Internet access, but we are just used to go online nowadays, and forgot other usages with our computer. 😀

    • It looks like a blessing in disguise when there is no internet or no electrical supply. We can focus on other works at home that needs to be done, or can go outside and savor the cool air.

    • Every time our internet got disconnected, like others do, I go on and do household chores. If I’m done with it, I look for something to cook for snack.

      There are lots of things we could do whenever internet is not working. As others do, go for a walk, read books, meet with friends, or have a bonding with family members through watching and playing sports like volleyball or basketball.

    • When I don’t have internet, I usually listen to music in my phone. Sometimes I watch downloaded movies in my laptop. I even watched downloaded videos. I create blog topics. I wash the dishes, I take a bath, pamper myself or I will just sleep. Sometimes i go to my sister’s house, visit and take care of my nephew.

      For sure if the internet come back I will be very busy so I make the most out of it.

    • i have to say its really godo helpful ideas but alot can be added like go and cook, i like cooking, visit families, the elders i mean, help those who need help even if they strangers and get in touch with you by doing what you like

  • Profile picture of cely

    cely and Profile picture of Kathryn SmithKathryn Smith are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

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