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    cely wrote a new post, And When He Reaches His Hand To Receive The Fare 7 years, 7 months ago

    When He Reaches His Hand To Receive The Fare
    I cannot forget awhile ago what I had experienced while commuting. I do not drive my car for the road near home is under renovation and it has only one lane passable. […]

    • Let us always pity the drivers and extend our helping hands like passing the fare in h has no conductor,

    • The least that we can do when we touched those kind of hands is not to mind at all and don’t make any facial expression that may show disgust.

      Why would we be disgusted, when rough hands shows that the person is an industrious and hard working one. He got those from constant working in the case of the driver from constantly steering the wheels of his car and sometimes helping carry some baggages of passengers into his car.

      Let us help those people be dignified in their work, by not minding at all that their hands are rough, when we receive our fares.

      Well, my hand are also a bit dry. That’s because I am fond of washing my hand every now and then, even if I am always working on my computer.

      It means I am a hard worker too. 🙂

    • @Dina, there are hypocrites,pretentious feeling they are rich and feeling the person as dirty.That is why I do not consider students’ excuses just to let them pass for that driver has son in college that is why he said he works evening and day.

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    cely replied to the topic Happy to know Mylot sent my payment through pay pal this day in the forum Group logo of Friendly and smiling groupFriendly and smiling group 7 years, 7 months ago

    @Mahesh, that is why I am so thankful to my friend who invited me to join here, if not, I will struggle there in Mylot. The pay I received this month was earned for two months and only $15. Two months here if non stop submission of blogging entitles me almost $70. You are right ML is so slow but those tenured there seem enjoying their earning,LOL.

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    cely replied to the topic Happy to know Mylot sent my payment through pay pal this day in the forum Group logo of Friendly and smiling groupFriendly and smiling group 7 years, 7 months ago

    @bluelion, hi? have a good evening from here, yes I received my ML payment three days ago, but here in LB, I redeemer February 28 until now no payment received hehehe maybe there are still computing my payment,LOL but who knows there will be additional,LOL. I am only doing activities here every evening, but this evening I am so late for my class…[Read more]

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    cely and Profile picture of Arnold CruzArnold Cruz are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

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    cely and Profile picture of ManjuManju are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

  • Profile picture of Lee Ka

    Lee Ka posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago

    I have finally crocheted the cow for my son, now busy making a dragon for my girl.

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    cely and Profile picture of Sarah FreitasSarah Freitas are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

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    cely and Profile picture of LakhiLakhi are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

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    cely and Profile picture of FortuneFortune are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

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    cely and Profile picture of bluelionbluelion are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

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    cely replied to the topic A Blog Is A Product of Plagiarism: Did You See It? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 7 months ago

    @Shavkat, at least you have detected it. Do you mean to say that the person who posted it here got that blog from Mylot? Oh, my goodness, why can;t that person write a blog when it is so easy to write a blog.I feel sorry to that cheater.The owner of that post has no knowledge at all his/ her post contents were copied , pitiful.

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    cely wrote a new post, Nothing Lasts Forever, Make Every Moment Count 7 years, 7 months ago

    This does not employ only to life to mean it too short to live, no. All the things that surround us are temporary. This is the best application of this line , temporary material things we have to enjoy and count […]

    • It is so important to show to our family how much we love them and how much we care for them. Let us count every moment they are with us. Take care all.

      • You are correct!

        AS they say, “make each day as though it is your last” so we do good deeds everyday of our lives.

    • I do agree with you. There is nothing like permanent or impermanent. Everything goes on changing. If a particular situation makes you happy it will not remain forever. So much so, if a particular event makes you unhappy it will not be so forever. Hence, there is no need to take anything seriously. The status, luxurious life, and the bank balance will not remain forever but it is certain that you need a minimum place after your death. This is what makes life funny. Even then we are unable to grasp the truth of life. But, surprisingly, even this truth is also not permanent. A big question now will be ‘what and why is this mutability existing in the world?

      It drives us to the conclusion that MUTABILITY IS THE LAW OF LIFE.

    • You are right, everything on earth is temporary. This is the reason why we should value each moment of it, to use it the best we can like how we treat our kids, husband, parents, relatives and friends. What you had done in that short moment can be a lasting impression for them.

    • It is important we should like the group, people, set up . We must feel encouraged to participate. I visit now and then and post my ideas as comments and I also occasionally make posts. good day

    • That is true siva and thanks , life is temporary so we have to exhaust everything to make our family happy and we have to be happy despite burdens that may be put on our shoulder for it is from them that we become truly human and a better person. Somehow we want to question how life deals our own ways, but everything is program by our destiny , unless deviate from the standard and that is the time our right path be ruined by some foolish desires. No matter how long a road is, one can reach the end. Thanks for your very nice thoughts on this matter, very much appreciated my freind, Take care all the time.

    • I so agree. While we are living, see to it that you don’t say things that can demean any person. Be tactful with whatever that you may say to a person.

      Be generous. Share your blessings if you have a lot, because they can return a hundredfold.

      Laugh a lot too and make people happy too, even if it is at your own expense.

      That way, when you die, the people will remember you for all those happy , nice and good things that you have done, while you were still alive.

    • @Dina, thanks for your nice share of this topic, yes, true we will be remembered if do good things but there are also others who remember someone according to his bad deeds hehehe not the good one.Let us anyway utilize every moment while we are still breathing with God’s air. Let us be happy all the time and be contented with what we have to avoid disappointment of life.Life is what we make it, so if possible let us make life worth to live an cherish by day by day.

    • @SAMBASIVAN.S., Hi? Thanks for dropping by very much appreciated share of this topic. Yes your suggestion is so vital to be happy and make friendships.

    • @Ruby, Hi Ruby? Sorry for the late reply to your nice thought and feeling of this blog.It is true that each one must treasure every moment in ur life for we never remain young and healthy so while we can still afford to be happy by doing something to amuse ourselves, let us do it.Let us make our family , friends, neighbors be happy with us , for us so we can inherit all the time happiness and peace the most important in life to discover peace of mind.

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    cely and Profile picture of t zt z are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

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    cely joined the group Group logo of Music ClubMusic Club 7 years, 7 months ago

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    cely joined the group Group logo of Music ClubMusic Club 7 years, 7 months ago

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    cely wrote a new post, Are You Happy? If Not , Change Something To Redeem Happiness 7 years, 7 months ago

    Whatever is that something that blocks your happiness you have to force it to get out in your life so you will always feel the happiness that is seldom felt by human beings? Only children gifted with continuous […]

    • Life is what we make it, so we have to prefer happiness.Sadness does not make sense. It only ruins health.

    • Happiness or otherwise everything is in our hands.We are responsible for our own fate. If I am not happy I try to be happy. Just search, what makes you happy? If one can not understand for himself, he can not understand anybody. There will be suspicion, greed for money, dissatisfaction, distrust, all other evils crop up to make me unhappy easily.

      I am constructing a house. Today the builder reached along with the expenditure incurred towards digging of borewell. It was somewhat higher. I just asked him to reduce the bill. Finally, it was settled and some ten thousand rupees was reduced. I do not know whether it goes to the builder or to the Borewell person who undertook the digging. If I constantly thinking about as to whom it goes, I should suspect the builder also who is actually entrusted with the construction work. If I suspect him there is no meaning in it as he has to take up many things and take care of many things. So, mere suspicion without any result or proof makes me unhappy just for ten thousand when the construction cost if running in lakhs.

      We have to compromise in some aspects. Further, self-satisfaction is another factor which makes one always happy, Most of the people in my area are suggesting this and that, but I can not follow them as it would add up to my estimated expenditure. So I have to be strict and should not give way aspiring things which are beyond my financial capacity. So, the money factor can never make me unhappy.

      So, everything goes by our own selection of things. How we choose them, and how we respond to the circumstances is very very important in life to keep oneself always happy.

    • Thank you siva for your very valuable thoughts about life how to deal it happily or not at all the time. yes, it is up to the person what to do to make life a little bit bolder and stronger that despite difficulties, we will never surrender and give up life. for as long as we live there is always problem,but solvable problems.

    • Cely this is another good one from you. Keep posting.

    • It really depends on the person if he will be happy or not; it is only him who can decide on what kind of life he wants to have; sometimes friends or loved ones can influence him, or if he listens to their good advice.

      Being alive and healthy are among the things that he should think of so he will always be happy.

    • Some very wise and encouraging words. At times, we feel sad and dejected, but we need to perhaps take a day as it comes, and not bother too much about things that are not in our control.

    • IchchheMrityu, Thanks friend,m very much appreciated hehehe. Thanks for dropping by and share your most inspiring words.LOL.

    • appreciate the topic its nicely posted, and i guess we all can find happeness if you know where to search or how to reach it, or simply by being simple
      simplicity brings happiness and that makes what called satisfaction, so that is to me is happiness , thanks again that was enjoyable and super powering for many who read it i guess, keep the good work and keep it as simple and organized as this one

    • dealio , Thank you friend for dropping by and extending your inspiring words on this topic, very much appreciated. It promotes self- esteem. That is true happiness is never hard to find.We can be happy even in a simple thing like making others happy like picking up the things that fall to the ground,That is already a very great source of happiness to both you and the person owner of those fallen things, There are so many ways to be happy in the most simplest way.

    • We need to be happy for that is what God wants us to do. Let us find means to move on if feel something bad to an experience you might have.Sometimes it is hurting if problem is so difficult to face and solve.

    • Change is a must if sense you are not the same you in the past.

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    cely replied to the topic Happy to know Mylot sent my payment through pay pal this day in the forum Group logo of Friendly and smiling groupFriendly and smiling group 7 years, 7 months ago

    @Ruby, Hi Ruby> Thanks for joining this group site. About pay pal. all you have to do is apply PP on line, click the one with the words Pay Pal Official site. You have ti use or present your email address you would like to use in Pay Pal and the same email add you gave to this site,LB the first time you applied here.

    After having your…[Read more]

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    cely and Profile picture of IchchheMrityuIchchheMrityu are now friends 7 years, 7 months ago

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    cely started the topic How do you mange your active and passive jobs? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 7 months ago

    For me, it is not easy. I sleep late just to write blogs in the site, Literacy base. In the day I am lecturing in the university and during some vacant moods I do mylotting and in the evening LB tasking for almost 2 hours. I am not happy to see myself not submitting a blog. I usually write two long blogs every evening, at 1000 plus words so I can…[Read more]

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    cely started the topic Happy to know Mylot sent my payment through pay pal this day in the forum Group logo of Friendly and smiling groupFriendly and smiling group 7 years, 7 months ago

    When I opened my Yahoo mail, I so surprised to see pay pal service pay delivered the info that Mylot sent me payment. I hope the mylotter who also joined here already knew about the pay Mylot sent to each and every one of us. I only spend some minutes there in Mylot and only in the day in school after taking lunch. I spend my valuable time…[Read more]

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