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    acelawrites replied to the topic How Does A Newbie Blog On Literacybase – How To Create A Blog In the First Place in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 10 months ago

    Are we really allowed to use images here, even if it had been used by other writers in their blogs?

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    acelawrites wrote a new post, Love Your Job, It is a Blessing 7 years, 10 months ago

    What kind of job do you have? Is it a white collar job or a blue collar job?

    Whether your occupation involves the use of brain power, or if it needs technical skills or manual labor, just be grateful, you have a […]

    • Employed people should be thankful, they are blessed because they are given the opportunity to prove their worth, to be productive to support their families.

    • Agree with what you say that having gainful employment is a very important thing for anyone be it man or woman. There are many companies who are neutral to all and look at all categories and show no favoritism when it comes to appointments and other benefits. There are many other employers who because they are giving a job try to control the employees, pay them low wage, make them work more time, do not appreciate talent all such things put off the employees. If the employees do not want to work and would want to change the job they would not allow them to go.

      While job is a very important thing and one has to thankful for having a job it should be fair both to the employer and employee no one should feel shortchanged and both should not feel they are doing the other a favor by doing what they are doing. Both should understand it is give and take and demand and supply at work. Appreciate the interesting blog post.

      • Thank you Krishna for your nice reply. Both male and female employees should have equal employment opportunities based on their qualifications; but female employees, like you said, should be given equal treatment; equal rights by her employers. Discrimination is not acceptable anywhere.

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    acelawrites replied to the topic It Is Better To Be Safe Than To Be Sorry Because in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 10 months ago

    I agree with you, because nothing will be lost if you will stop, think thoroughly about the action(s) you are going to take that might affect you later. Never jump into conclusions at once. You will gain much be being careful in your every act.

    Even when driving a vehicle, never mind if you will be late for work, but you can arrive there safely,…[Read more]

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    acelawrites wrote a new post, Scammers on the Rampage, Beware, Don’t Be a Victim 7 years, 10 months ago

    In these days, it is easy to hide behind computer keyboards, or whatever gadget you have. There could be someone out there planning to victimize you with their wicked plans.

    They will ride on your weakness; when […]

    • Yes, we really have to be cautious and we should not easily trust anyone. There’s a lot of scams around online and offline, trying to lure you to give in. You always have to think twice or make a research before believing in something, especially opportunities that promise you to give a huge income, but it will just waste your time and effort, or worse, that you will release money for nothing. We have to be vigilant all the time.

      • Thanks bluelion for your reply. It is best to be cautious than sorry. We should not allow the scammers have a thriving monkey business of fooling innocent people. They can easily do it especially online; they can pretend to be so kind, but they are not. We should not fall into their trap.

    • You are right, Michelle; do not easily trust anybody you do not know especially on social media. They are pretending to be so friendly, but then they will scam you.

    • The old adage “not to trust any strangers” and that “there are only two kind of people in the world, the one making fool of other and the one being fool” is quite true and assume real importance in the Cyber or Computer Age.

      The same is true with the line of the poem “Desiderata” to that effect to “remember that the world is full of trickery”.

      One must really be cautious in his or her worldly affairs not only online or in the virtual world but in the real/physical world itself outside of the internet.

      If is too good to be true then for sure there must be something fishy that is going on.

      The approach of any scammer or fraudsters for that matter is to appeal first and foremost to human frailty and weakness—the love of money, greed and selfishness and the easy-quick-rich approach.

      For who don’t want or need money? For who don’t want to quickly get ahead in life or to be an instant millionaires for that matter?

      This is where human weakness lies that is being exploited and will continue to be exploited by any fraudsters or scammers against the unsuspecting victims or potential victims.

      I often tell others that if anyone for that matter is asking money online even for a single cent then for sure it is 100% scams or fraud.

      It will be otherwise if they are the one who will immediate handed to us the money and not the other way around.

      Any scams, fraud or swindling is as old as the presence of evil in the world. We must always be aware of this fact and be on the alert to open our eyes and mind.
      Remember also that it is better to be safe than sorry or have a regrets in the end.

      • Very well said, Arnold Cruz. You have explained it so well, that “if something is too good to be true,” then do not get into that bait. Scammers thrive because of the frailties of some people who get into such get rich quick scheme.

        And yes,it happens even offline; those pyramiding scams or ponzi scheme where many people got fooled.

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    acelawrites replied to the topic What are the activities you have done today in LiteracyBase? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    I read members’ blogs here, joined the forum. I was just disappointed when I could not publish my blog about exercise and diet plan which helps reverse diabetes. It consisted of 591 words, yet everytime I click “publish” it says the article was so short!

    I do not know. I just wrote about my personal experience. It”s my own story. Anyway, I sent…[Read more]

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    acelawrites replied to the topic Can We Edit Our Blogs in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    It is also one of my problems in posting here. I could not at once see some errors, unless it had been published. I read that the admins said that it is one way of preventing spammers to insert something in posts; as a preventive measure to protect the site. They advised us to message them regarding the correction; or to inbox them as what we…[Read more]

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    acelawrites and Profile picture of DR KOKIL AGARWALDR KOKIL AGARWAL are now friends 7 years, 10 months ago

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    acelawrites wrote a new post, Helping the Poor in Little Ways, How Do You Do It? 7 years, 10 months ago

    Are you one of the “blessed” persons in your place? You are well-off than others; you have enough or even more enough for yourself and for you family’s needs. You have so much investments or have a nice-paying […]

    • Those are very good projects in your country. I wish there could be one like that here in our place, so that the poor can have a share of their wealth.

      The beneficiaries should first be evaluated by the organizers to see if they really qualify to be given assistance.

      Thanks for sharing this beautiful event for the needy in your place.

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    acelawrites and Profile picture of peachpurplepeachpurple are now friends 7 years, 10 months ago

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    acelawrites and Profile picture of bluelionbluelion are now friends 7 years, 10 months ago

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    acelawrites replied to the topic Two Of My Blogs Did Not Appear Discouraging in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 10 months ago

    I just saw your post about :Stress leads to Inflammation. . .”

    About his posts, I don’t read them because I am not interested in such sport. It is because I don’t know the mechanics of the game.

    The admin should not allow posting of “tasteless” posts, as you referred to it. It is for the good of the site.

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    acelawrites wrote a new post, She Confined Her Husband to a Drug Rehabilitation Facility; She Have to Be Brave to Support Four Children 7 years, 10 months ago

    My massage therapist came to our home one day, and she had swollen eyes after crying. I asked her what happened and she said she took her husband to a drug rehabilitation facility to have him “detoxified” of […]

    • This is a recurring problem worldwide of drug abuse and misuse and taking banned substances. It is very difficult to control such people as the drug abuse has taken total control of them they need help. According to me the husband may have had the right intentions when he told her what he told or he also may not have had any such intentions. But in my view the first one seems true because when they are not under the control or influence of drugs they are find and mean well. This is the same with alcohol too.

      While it is a bad situation for the therapist. Since she has taken the task and put her husband in a rehab she has done her basic duty. Now it is for her to decide what she would want to do. As she would be knowing the case better. In my view she and the children should stay with her husband only after the complete recovery till that time maybe she can keep contact. Once recovery is done she has to take a undertaking of the family’s safety and see that he is working at a place from where he cannot go out and again do drugs. The money should also be given to her if he means well for the family.

    • Maybe you are right that she should reconcile after he got reformed. However, in his kind of work, a carpenter, there could be so many temptations to drink liquor or take illegal drugs again. It is his self-control that would be in question.

      He also have to avoid bad companions, but in his kind of work, he might not be able to do it because he cannot choose whoever he wanted to be with.

    • @acelawrite ,

      In my opinion, she should not take back her husband anymore, even if he has been rehabilitated. Once an addict, always an addict, although there are cases of drug addicts who really was washed of the drugs. But maybe those are the cases wherein the addiction isn’t that deep yet.

      She has been threatened to be killed by her husband, why should she risk her life again by taking her back. She’s better off without her husband, even if it means doing all what she can to provide for her children. God will help her. She just have to do what she has to do and ask God to help her.

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    acelawrites replied to the topic How did you know Literacy Base? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    I’m sad to know about what happened to you, jhsayyar. Have you e-mailed the admin about it? Maybe they could explain why.

    I hope it will be resolved soon so as other writers will have no doubts about this site.

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    acelawrites replied to the topic How did you know Literacy Base? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    I came to know about Literacybase from Cely who posted it on myLot. Many members there also joined here. It is good I found this site where I earn faster than in other blogsites.

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    acelawrites posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago

    @shavkat , I do not know how I can read my friends’ posts, so I can interact with them. I hope the admin will add a feature where everyone can easily what other writers had posted.

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    acelawrites replied to the topic Received payment a sixth time from LiteracyBase in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    I like to read posts about payments, but is it allowed here? In other sites they ban it, I don’t know. But it encourages more members to sign up and write here when they are assured that there will be renumeration for their time and effort.

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    acelawrites wrote a new post, Literacybase.com Compared with an Office Job 7 years, 10 months ago

    Just read a blog post of Fortune about home-based job and an office work, so I got this idea of comparing Literacybase.com with a day-job, or an office job away from home. Thanks to her/him.

    On my comment, I said […]

    • I found your post interesting and informative. For long now I have been trying to find sites online where I can earn some money. Unfortunately most of these sites are scams. I found it very hard to get any legit site. I got introduced to literacy base by an online forum friend. Am still a newbie here, but I have found this platform interesting and very interactive. I like the fact that you get to earn money through almost every activity you perform here. Discussions, sharing on social media, blogging, and so on and so forth.I would encourage those who are just starting online activities to join literacy base because it’s easy to earn here, even if you can’t create your own unique content, you can earn by commenting on other people’s contents. Once more let me take this opportunity to thank you for sharing such an awesome and informative article.

      • Thank you Mathews for your compliment. Yes, we are so happy to had found Literacybase where we earn even if we comment on posts or join in fora. If not for my friend who encouraged me, I will not join because I was so afraid to join some obscure sites where time and effort got wasted. Thanks, there is a site like Literacybase, and hope this site will last long.

    • I think literacy base came as a blessing to all those fond of writing as well as interacting. I love this site and especially for it’s good pay scales. I really wish it stays for long.

      Though I still haven’t received any payment until now and hopefully will be pais this month I,m really hopeful about a broad prospect here.

      • I am relatively new here. I joined Feb.28 and posted a blog last March 1. Yes, this is a nice site, where it is easier to earn than other blog sites.

        We do hope this site will last for so long for all of us to enjoy interaction here. Thank you DR KOKIL AGARWAL.

    • Thanks my friend, Shavkat for your reply. Am happy to know that you can work both in an office and at home. It is good you have such skills where you can choose what kind of work you wanted; online and flexible.

      You are right that even fresh graduates can both work in an office and still have a sideline like writing online or having an online business. It is the trend nowadays.

    • In the case of a gradute student i think it is better to be on Literacy Base and get some income then another job, this gives them time to study and relieve stress. Yet if it was someone who was a family i think a stable job is important and Literacy Base would be some spare chage to do some other things.

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    acelawrites wrote a new post, Blood Pressure Monitor and Glucose Monitor Becomes Our “Toys” As We Grow Old 7 years, 10 months ago

    Aging is part of the human being’s life cycle. It can not be avoided, everyone will grow old, some reaching 60’s, 70’s, 80’s or even a century on earth! If you reached one hundred years, then you are so blessed […]

    • this is a very nice write up which i wish could be circulated all around the world for people to see and read about. Everyone wish to leave longer on this earth but the question is how many people really know the way to achieving this long life desire? this has given us so much information than i do know and i wish others who are not here can also benefit from such piece

      • One of the secrets to a healthy and long life is eating the right kind of food, in right amounts. Eat natural foods, not in the processed form, without chemical additives if possible. Eat lots of green leafy vegetables and other foods with lots of fiber and less sugar.
        Exercise and being active is also needed for one to stay healthy; away from maintenance drugs.

        Thanks, Raphael Agbetor for your reply.

    • Thank you Fortune for your reply. It is so nice to know you do not have health issues like high blood pressure and diabetes. It is really hard to have such lifestyle diseases.

      It can be avoided only if people will stick to healthy eating and be active or have lots of exercise, even for 30 minutes a day.

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    acelawrites wrote a new post, Does Watching A Political Discussion on Television Entertains You? 7 years, 10 months ago

    I love to watch some political discussions or current issues affecting the people on television. More so if the ones discussing it are very prominent people in government or in the private sector.

    But if the one […]

    • Yes even here we have some anchors who would want to make a discussion or debate into a spectacle. They do this as they are after TRP’s and would want to grab maximum eye balls for their show. Sometimes what they discuss goods. But it is when they try to overdo things that it looks silly and funny. There are many English channels which compete for the so called no 1 spot. For that purpose they do all these antics and the objectivity, logic and rational of the discussion is lost in the shouting and slanging match indulged by various participants.

      If if find any of the discussion and debates on any channel to be doing this I simply change the channel. If I find the same story repeating in all or majority of the channel I simply shift to some other entertainment or sports program. If I find nothing interesting then I simply switch off the television set and read a news paper. The anchors who are most annoying are the ones who always want more airtime than the participants and the ones who keep on interjecting when the participant is speaking or about to speak as it breaks the flow of the programme.

    • I agree with you, there are TV anchors who always butt in even while the guest speaker is talking! It is like he is stealing the limelight instead of allowing the guest to finish talking. It is very irritating.

      I only watch very important issues affecting our country, like the recent confirmation hearing for our Secretary of the Environment, and the issue on alleged extra-judicial kilings.

      It is good you are still fond of reading newspapers; you can also read news online.

      Thanks for your reply, and have a good day!

    • Every politicians—both in the local or national level are public figures. Being a public figure, all politicians acts or words are subject to the prying eyes of the public or public scrutiny.

      This is to be expected by all those who aspire for any government position.The elected position of a Senator is no exception. As they say, to those much is given, much is also expected.

      The people has so much expectation to the politicians whom they elected into public office. It is no excuse that one was not able to have or to finish a formal education due to poverty. That would be a lame excuse.

      In the instant case, the Senator in question is only making a fool out of himself. The word “Senator” has a long history during the time of the Roman Empire. Being a Senator during the Roman time implies that you are wise and erudite.

      Its a real shame if as a Senator you are showing your ignorance in the eyes of the public, under the glares of the camera. We did not elect anyone to the public office just to waste away the tax payers money.

      The remedy of the voters in such a case is not to elect the same Senator comes the next election since the People deserves the best,the brightest and the most competent and skillful Senator they could ever have.

      • I totally agree with you, the Senate is a revered branch of the government; and Senators as lawmakers should show some statesmanship, and not be a center of humor (or humiliation?). At least he should enroll in some short course on public speaking, on governance, or how to conduct a public hearing.

        We could not but put the blame on the people who voted him to office!

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    acelawrites joined the group Group logo of Book Readers ClubBook Readers Club 7 years, 10 months ago

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