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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, ENHANCING YOUR ROOM’S DECOR WITH ATTRACTIVE FURNITURE ARRANGEMENTS 7 years, 9 months ago

    Attractive Arrangement of your Furniture Enhances your Room’s Décor

    Arranging the furniture in the right manner ensures that the room area is efficiently used.  A clever furniture arrangement can also highlight a […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, MALEFICENT: A POWERFUL FAIRY- movie review 7 years, 9 months ago

    One Sunday evening, my sister brought home a copy of a Walt Disney movie and while doing some of my work, I watch the movie that she said a modernized version of the fairy tale Sleeping Beauty.

    Angelina Jolie […]

    • Tanks for sharing, I, too, have watched that movie and felt so happy about how the main characters portray their roles. they are really good artists.You might want to know the top movies in 2017 I posted here this morning.

      I am so glad that our blogs are approved right away after submitting Cheers for the happy day and the change of moderation in this site.


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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, ARE YOU A FOREVER FOLLOWER OR A LEADER 7 years, 9 months ago


    Why should one be a follower if he or she can lead? This is the reason most of my friends say I am weird. I would not stop asking them question until I am satisfied with their answer.

    A few […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, AWAKENING THE DRAGON IN YOU 7 years, 9 months ago

    Awakening the dragon in you

    My dreams have been around my mind 15 or 16 years ago when I start to learn what life is. Back then, it was like a sleeping dragon to me. Now, I believe that those dreams awaken and […]

    • Nice post friend, yeah I had beaten in the past those odds that wanted to block my way. As long as we live , we keep on fighting life so no matter what we must not surrender. Everyday,let us make ourselves stronger, harder and harder so no one can kill our dreams. There are negative people who also want to destroy our lives, but, let us never allow negative people to kill our dreams.
      es, power of positive thinking is so important and it must lead within us and never let the weak heart to overrule.
      Merry Christmas.

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, CAN YOU BLAME THE YOUTHS FOR BEING WHAT THEY ARE 7 years, 9 months ago


    Are you one of those old folks saying that young people of today are worst and nothing but worst? Are you the person who just looks on the negative side of youths? Now I want to talk more a […]

    • Yes, I blame the youth because they leading their lives without any solid aims and objects. The whole youths think mundane life is sufficient on earth but it is their wrong concept because we are born do die. The youths have forgot death and following just wealth ignoring all ethics and religious teaching all over the world.

      The youths have ignored the prophets’ instructions, parents’instructions and teachers’ instructions that is why I say that they going to fall like the fall of Roman Empire.

      The responsible of the downfall of the youths are religious peoples who do not tell the real truth behind the religious teachings. hey support the politicians for the sake of money. They must think about the youths and death process on earth.

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, COMPLAINING: A NATURE OF MOST PEOPLE 7 years, 9 months ago


    I rode a taxi going to the town last week, it was a peaceful ride until the cab driver started whining about how ugly the road is, the scattered plastics along the sidewalks and how expensive it is to live […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, HOW DO WE ERADICATE CORRUPTION 7 years, 9 months ago

    Corruption is not new to everyone, I guess. Since the time my mind is open from the nature of government we are living in, corruption is one of the issues that are hard to get rid of. However, not all but when we […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, FOCUSING ON THE POSITIVE OVER NEGATIVE 7 years, 9 months ago


    By simply changing your focus, you can change the outcome of an event.

    Let me give you an example.

    Imagine that you are driving your car, all of a sudden, you lose control of the car and you […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, HAVE YOU BEEN THANKFUL THAT TECHNOLOGIES ARE ALL OVER? 7 years, 9 months ago

    Take a look at every establishment around you. Gadgets are being displayed everywhere. Say for example the CCTV or the Closed-circuit Television. Isn’t it very useful to us?

    In almost all school nowadays, it is b […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, KNOW MORE ABOUT THE MUSHROOMS YOU LOVE 7 years, 9 months ago

    How does mushroom really look like? Did you eat one?  How?  On salad and in pizza? Mushrooms are foods that are disliked by some. Mushrooms are food that cannot boost your appetite the first time you see it. B […]

    • A very informative post. It tells us a lot about mushrooms and their various kinds. I saw a lot of them in my village growing on some broken branches of trees.I knew nothing about them at that time. I dont remember whether I had a chance to eat them, however I remember that they were cooked by my mom just like we cook eggs.Nowadays I am trying to have some of them because I have got a recipe from one of my relatives.

    • So many wonderful things can said about mushrooms and the many varieties, followed by the two words “Be careful”. Some of them can be poisonous.

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, MOST PEOPLE ARE OBSESSED WITH SELFIE 7 years, 9 months ago


    “Selfie”, one of the most popular words for today’s generation. In websites, Google defines SELFIE as seemingly endless self-portraits with captions posted or uploaded by an individual through a media site l […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, NEW YEAR:HOW DO PEOPLE CELEBRATE IT 7 years, 9 months ago

    Every one of us celebrates New Year’s Day. We actually celebrate it on the 1st day of January. However, to Chinese, they begin their new year in some other time. It begins between the 21st of January to 19th of F […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, SCHOOL HOMEWORKS ARE INEFFECTIVE IF TOO MUCH 7 years, 9 months ago

    Excessive homework is one of the problems that confront students. A lot of students claim they are overburdened with homework. Why do teachers give homework? Is it beneficial to students? Does it motivate them to […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, DIFFERENCE BETWEEN EDUCATED AND SCHOOLED 7 years, 9 months ago


    One of my professors once said, “Schooled is different from educated.” I had many questions when I first heard this. What on Earth is the difference between the two?

    It took me some tim […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, SCIENCE FICTION IS FAST EMERGING 7 years, 9 months ago

    Are you a fan of science fiction (SF)? It is a made- up fiction stories about the effects of technology and science. Do you like watching or reading about impossible happenings in the universe, aliens, and a […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, SEEKING COMFORT FROM FOODS WHEN YOU’RE DOWNIS NOT GOOD 7 years, 9 months ago

    Are you one of those seeking comfort from foods?

    Eating foods and drinking is a habit or should we say a part of our lives. The food like vegetables and fruits are the source of nutrients for our body.

    Sometimes […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, SOMETIMES IT PAYS A BRAG 7 years, 9 months ago


    No one likes a show-off but almost everyone likes to show off, at least a little. However, when we deliberately talk about our accomplishments in our workplace, we run the risk of looking […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, STRUGGLES MAKES US STRONGER TO STAND AGAIN 7 years, 9 months ago

    Many times in our lives, we experienced disappointments. We encounter difficulties that no matter how hard we try, we keep running into dead ends and keep failing to do the things we wanted to do. Every day, we […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, A CHALLENGE TO EVERY EDUCATORS 7 years, 9 months ago


    Educators can’t help but notice and compare the traits of students we handle every year. Sad to say, students now lack the sense of responsibility towards education. Most of them have the co […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, THE REAL MAN BEHIND HIS LADY EMOTION 7 years, 9 months ago

    According to the Webster Dictionary, man is a human being who shows the qualities that men traditionally are supposed to have.

    A friend of mine told me one day, “I am a proud homosexual, I prefer to myself as a l […]

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