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    peachpurple replied to the topic Tinycent Is Exclusive Only in India? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years, 1 month ago

    I want to know the details too.

    If this site could support malaysia or any other countries besides india alone, I am sure it can generate more writers coming in

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    peachpurple replied to the topic What is your favorite song? in the forum Group logo of EntertainmentEntertainment 8 years, 1 month ago

    at the moment my favorite song is Doctors-Korean drama OST

    I  usually listen to the latest korean ost songs which are famous now

    It is not easy to follow them , I read the english subs in order to understand the lyrics

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    peachpurple replied to the topic Anxiety Attacks…. in the forum Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 8 years, 1 month ago

    Sorry, I never had experience anxiety attacks but my mom and my brother had experienced them.

    both of them had experience this attacks for years.

    Then, my mom had stroke, since 2012 and my brother had OCD 2 years ago.


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    peachpurple replied to the topic How long has your family lived in your neighborhood? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 8 years, 1 month ago

    Ah, this is the normal reaction for your dad’s sibling because they find that it isn’t fair for them to share with u eventhough you have the right to have the share.

    In other words, jealousy, they can’t stand it.

    They wanted to have all the share.

    But in my opinion, you should be happy that you got the…[Read more]

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    peachpurple replied to the topic Photo likes means no love. in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 8 years, 1 month ago

    honestly, i really, really do not understand WHY those beautiful women would go naked online just for money

    I mean that we women should treasure our beauty, not spreading online for “sale”.

    True, in the end, only men are interested at looking, not in favor of bringing home even she is a real beauty.

    Men would rather bring home a decent wife…[Read more]

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    peachpurple replied to the topic How long has your family lived in your neighborhood? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 8 years, 1 month ago

    i had been staying here my current house for the past 22 years.

    Good thing that me and hubby bought this house under our name.

    My in laws stayed with us but they told neighbors that they bought the house and gave it to us.

    We were surprised until lately my neighbor told me this news, which after my in laws had moved to one of her sons…[Read more]

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    peachpurple replied to the topic Make-up makes you look older? in the forum Group logo of Beauty & StyleBeauty & Style 8 years, 1 month ago

    always remember to remove makeup before sleeping.

    however, I had never use make up .

    I have sensitive oily skin .

    Once, I used makeup for my school stage concert.

    I had pimples the next day with rashes.

    Never use any makeup ever since

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Baked Chocolate Cheesecake 8 years, 1 month ago

    I had never expected that cheesecake tasted better than cream cakes!

    All of a sudden, cheesecake had became one of my favorite dessert that I had learn how to bake this delicious cake from […]

    • I feel so hungry looking at the picture of this choc cake.How nice of you having talent in cooking. I do not have talent in cooking, but my sister has and she always has money because there are many orders.This time she already has 35 advanced orders for Christmas hehehehe.I told my sissy what if the order reaches 100, and her reply was to hire additional helpers. You can also ear much of this peach.

    • The picture of that stuff is yummy. I have not tasted this stuff before but I pray that one of this days, I will finally try it out and see how it feels in the mouth.

      More looking at it makes me want to ask you for some part of it. I hope you wouldn’t mind giving me.

    • It seems like you are a good cook and love it at that. That’s a lovely looking yummy cake I wish I could have a taste. It’s unfortunate that cheese here is an expensive food but I guess if I wanna try out something I could save up some money and buy some to try out your recipe coz I love cooking myself and trying out new dishes is something I like to experiment on thanks for sharing

    • I honestly don’t think I’ve ever tasted a cheesecake that I didn’t like. 🙂

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to express yourself in writing blog posts at LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago

    Lately, there are many new writing online sites 
    where you can express yourself freely.

    However, there are certain sites where the admin 
    would personally email to you his opinion if your 
    posts may had hit t […]

    • Wow, this is quite good tips for us writers. Actually, I am so hard up in expressing myself the first time I joined literacybase. I felt so empty like I don’t have ideas in mind. That is why I only join into the forum discussions with fewer words to say. I always think that old members are all professional and me a newbie writer is not that good. However, upon reading some of the blogs and other topics created by other writers, I noticed that as you have said, it is written in the way the want. Not all is written in an essay way. That is why it gives me confident to do the way they do.

      I express myself naturally. I used simple words now, unlike the past first month here in LB where I always try to look into my dictionary to add up more words that is not usually used.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Tips How to Make Exercise a Family Affair 8 years, 1 month ago

    Childhood obesity is rising over the years, starting from tender early age, toddlers and school age children.

    Diabetes and high blood pressure had became top high risk diseases that had rocked the […]

    • Nice what a way of keeping the family in check this is wonderful. Actually truth be told many kids are really trying hard to avoid doing exercises and that is quite sad. If we look around in our homes and neighbourhoods there many children who are becoming obese because of the lifestyle that they are living. Nowadays staying home and playing computer and play stations has become the norm.Home are the days when we were asked to go play outside games like badminton, rounders (cricket)as it is called now, volleyball such like games kept the child alert and energetic. But if late this sports are loosing popularity. I do concur with you that families really need to come together and start up an exercise regime to deal with diabetes and obesity in the society

    • Yes lack of exercise body after sometime falls ill in some mysterious diseases unknown to the doctors. the main cause of diabetes is lack of exercise because these days children are preying to prey to diabetes. It is a very serious problem for the whole world.

      Medical science has proved that exercise can help you improve your blood sugar control, boost your overall fitness, and reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. But diabetes and exercise pose unique challenges, too. To exercise safely, it’s crucial to track your blood sugar before, during and after physical activity.

      There are a few ways that exercise lowers blood glucose:

      Insulin sensitivity is increased, so your cells are better able to use any available insulin to take up glucose during and after activity.
      When your muscles contract during activity,

      it stimulates another mechanism that is completely separate of insulin. This mechanism allows your cells to take up glucose and use it for energy whether insulin is available or not.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Jumbo Snickers Cookies 8 years, 1 month ago

    For more and my kids, we have the common favorite chocolate bars for sure, Snickers and Mars.

    However, we prefer Snickers as it has more nuts, less caramel and more chocolates plus the rice crackers were very […]

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    peachpurple replied to the topic Chocolates anyone? in the forum Group logo of Food & DrinkFood & Drink 8 years, 1 month ago

    thanks for your advice.

    I am using Colgate in the morning, before sleeping I use paradontax or sensodyn for sensitive gums

    However, my gum is receeding, so my teeth are shaking.

    Hence, chocolates have to wait

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    peachpurple replied to the topic How do you cure constipation? in the forum Group logo of Health & FitnessHealth & Fitness 8 years, 1 month ago

    yeah i told my mom about those regular tips, she drank a lot of water, green tea and barley drinks, ate banana, oranges, apples and guavas, still her poop came out on the 7th day

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, 5 Tips How to Keep A Sick Child Happy 8 years, 1 month ago

    When a child is down with a cold, fever, cough or diarrhea, it is a a natural for him to be in a bad, foul mood for days or weeks.


    His unhappiness is as “contagious” as his sickness, it is “spreadable” […]

    • This is really funny. I remember the time i was still small. the time of sickness,though dreaded, was always an enjoyable one. i make orders of the things i want to eat or drink and they are brought with immediate effect. but once you show any sign of recovery, you are on your own.

    • parents turn into jellies and soft heart when kids are sick. So this is the best time when kids could use this opportunity to make parents abide whatever they wanted.
      However, when they had recovered, it was hard for them to adjust back their normal lifestyle

    • Sick kids will always want to have someone near them someone who will encourage them and keep them company. That’s one thing that any sick person would want just some company will make them feel well. I remember when I got sick my mum would constantly check on me, I would have my favorite meals, always listen to music whenever I wanted too, so everything happened the way I wanted because people around you feel or think that when they do stuff for you you will get better much faster. As for the medicine part my mum was very strict on that and nothing would stop her from making you take your medication. She was very harsh but after taking it she would be kind enough to give you something sweet to sweeten your mouth as she tells you that you will be better off after that.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Soaked Orange Sponge Cake 8 years, 1 month ago

    Baking had been one of my passion besides writing and cooking.

    Any articles related to baking is my cup of tea, I would definitely read them 
    for sure.

    I love baking breads and cakes for my family and neighb […]

    • Debated for a long time whether or not to buy a rice cooker. In the end, I got a slow cooker. It was on sale! Had no idea you could make a cake in a rice cooker. Now I’m rethinking and might just add rice cooker back to my holiday wish list again! 🙂

      • slow cooker is great for stew and soups, but for a cake, you need a rice cooker or an oven or microwave oven.
        I had used rice cooker since I need it for cooking rice too.
        No worries at all

    • Great recipe- and without use of too much sophisticated equipment.

    • wow! The cake is really tempting,make my mouth watering. My son is asking me to bake him a cake, me still stick to the computer till today. Hehe!
      Thanks for the recipe, might give a try this Sunday!
      You mentioned, you bake the cake and bread for your family and neighbors for FREE?Aiyah! How I wish I stay just next to you! Haha!
      As work from home mom, we should share more lazy recipe here for saving some cooking times, make cooking more time efficient, so can stay here more. Haha!

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Bad Foods To Feed Your Kids 8 years, 1 month ago

    Children’s’ diet is deteriorating everyday.

    Not only in America but the whole world is invaded with bad foods which are unhealthy for kids.

    It is indeed the sad that the manufacturers and big companies are […]

    • London Swiss roll? I try not to give sweets, biscuits and chocolate to my kids. However, still will prepare these kind of ready Swiss roll , but in other favour like Pandan, strawberry for the kids during travel or when they came out from the swimming pool in their swimming class.
      The is the fast and most easy way that I able to think of.
      Off course, I do prepare my own baked bread for them.
      What to prepared for my girl during her morning school break is always make me headache. I try to make five different food for five school day per week as possible, but it is not a easy task, I would say.
      I try to buy bread, make her pan cake, steam rice, fried noddles, with some fruits, like apple, orange, peer, grapes,and even nuts.
      However, it is another routine the following week. Hehe!

    • All this could down to the parents what do they eat in the presence of their children, because what you eat is what the child would want to eat so the parents have to be the ones giving or showing a good example from the start. When kids are trained to eat healthy nothing will make them want to live the healthy living for junk food coz they know what would happen. Everything that you have shared is definitely a keeper we all went out kids to grow up healthy no one wants a child who is obese or is suffering from some kind disease.

    • Yes in markets there are many foods that are not suitable for kids keeping in mind kids’ health. t’s no surprise that parents might need some help understanding what it means to eat healthy. From the MyPlate food guide to the latest food fad, it can be awfully confusing.

      The good news is that you don’t need a degree in nutrition to raise healthy kids. Following some basic guidelines can help you encourage your kids to eat right and maintain a healthy weight.

      You decide which foods to buy and when to serve them. Though kids will pester their parents for less nutritious foods, adults should be in charge when deciding which foods are regularly stocked in the house. Kids won’t go hungry. They’ll eat what’s available in the cupboard and fridge at home. If their favorite snack isn’t all that nutritious, you can still buy it once in a while so they don’t feel deprived.

      Kids need to have some say in the matter. Schedule regular meal and snack times. From the selections you offer, let them choose what to eat and how much of it they want. This may seem like a little too much freedom. But if you follow step 1, your kids will be choosing only from the foods you buy and serve.

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    peachpurple replied to the topic Chocolates anyone? in the forum Group logo of Food & DrinkFood & Drink 8 years, 1 month ago

    Ouch! I can’t eat my favorite chocolates now, having toothache!

    Anyway, I am keeping the chocolates in the freezer, will have them after I extract my tooth!

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    peachpurple replied to the topic No Blog Posts for Today? in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years, 1 month ago

    yeah, new posts are usually delayed for a few hours or a day.

    Don’t have to worry much.

    I had submitted one post yesterday, published today.

    Today I had submitted 3 posts, I think have to wait until mid day tomorrow.

    Just hang on here by commenting here and there

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    peachpurple replied to the topic Caffeine beverages help me to poop! in the forum Group logo of Food & DrinkFood & Drink 8 years, 1 month ago

    yes , it was indeed weird for me

    I do eat fruits, veggies, cereal , swet potatoes and pumpkins but I could not poop.

    Only morning coffee or tea could trigger my bowel movement very fast.

    So, I have it 2 days once since I can’t take it daily.

    I can’t sleep at night with daily caffeine

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Turkey and Mushroom Risotto 8 years, 1 month ago

    Heard of Turkey and Mushroom Risotto?

    I didn’t know that Turkey and Mushroom Risotto is one of the well known rice recipe in the western countries until a  friend from Facebook had recommended me to try out he […]

    • I love risotto but I don’t make it often. I really should! This one sounds yummy, especially with the veggies added 🙂

      I usually just make risotto with my usual long grain rice, because it’s inexpensive and we’re on a budget. But I love to do it with Arborio rice for a treat, once in a blue moon.

    • Sounds like a pretty good dish. Tasty ingredients blended together. Could make a great meal for a large family. Mushrooms are very good when cooked. Not fan of eating mushrooms raw. Really appreciate the share. The recipe sounds great. Never tried Turkey Mushroom Risotto. Certainly would be different.

      • thanks for your comments, I noticed that western people rarely eat tofus, fish and mushrooms, these are common ingredients used in our daily meals.
        No, you don’t eat raw mushrooms, cooked them before consume.
        Do try and let me know

    • You know Filipino cannot eat without the rice in the table. But few we serve in risotto. That recipe seems hard to prepared but as I look at it, the mushroom and turkey in the rice is already a mouth watering food for me.

    • it looks delicious

    • thanks for your kind comments.
      yeah, I usually would write out the ingredients that are not common into my post so that readers could understand them.
      Otherwise, where or how to get them and what it looks like, is a problem too

    • If we prepare it at home it will be delicious in eating at home with family and friends but its taste will be double if we take it on the travel and ate sitting on the car seat on e way in loneliness.
      dvance preparation:You can begin up to several hours before serving. Proceed with the recipe and cook halfway through Step 3 — that is, for about 15 minutes.

      The rice should still be hard when you remove it from the heat, and there should not be any liquid in the pan. Spread it in an even layer in the pan and keep it away from the heat until you resume cooking.

      If the pan is not wide enough for you to spread the rice in a thin layer, transfer it to a sheet pan. Fifteen minutes before serving, bring the remaining stock back to a simmer, and reheat the rice. Resume cooking as instructed.

      The best leftover dish is the first sandwich you make from what’s left of the turkey, standing barefoot in a quiet kitchen lighted only by the dim bulb above the stove: thick toast with mayo and cranberry sauce and dressing and slices of just-carved meat.

      No, scratch that (though it’s delicious and you should make two or three). The best leftover recipe is risotto with turkey and wild mushrooms, the grains of rice plump with turkey broth and made nutty with cheese. The soft richness of the meal recalls Thanksgiving, then amplifies the memory, giving it a rakish flair.

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