• Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Mom’s Curry Crabs 8 years ago

    Eating home-cooked Curry Crab is a blessing in my family, 
    especially Mom’s specialty in crab recipes, the curry is simply awesome!

    Why choose live crabs
    Mom insisted on buying fresh , alive, crawling crabs […]

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Rainbow Salad 8 years ago

    Kids get easily bored with dull salad.

    Green vegetables, that is something that 
    they hate when it is place on the dining table.
    What is the difference between salad and 
    vegetable dishes?? They asked. […]

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Is Children punishment necessary? 8 years ago

    All parents have the right to punish and discipline 
    their kids but not the grandparents or other family
    Many parents including myself, felt the need to 
    punish our kids once a while when the situa […]

    • I have my own personal beliefs on reprending my children. I believe that explaining why they are being punished is helpful. Letting your child know why they are being punished and know right from wrong is .y go to. As a last resort will I spank. If it is an on going thing and they know they should not be doing it. I would rather try to get the message across in a non physical manner than resort to a spanning.

    • It is very necessary how else would they know that they are doing something wrong. Scolding or talking to them will not solve th3 problem because they will eventually get used to that and get worse on their mistakes, but canning or punishments who would want to get used to such life? I believe there is no one who would want that. Back in th3 days I won’t say that we were beaten thoroughly but punches were th3 order of the day, none of us wanted to cross my mum’s path or my dad’s path in the wrong way coz we knew what would follow was not so good. So it was upto is to decide do we want punishments of about them, we all used to try and avoid any trouble with our parents. I guess we were good kids when we grew up coz we hardly got beatings out parents brought us up well. And again it’s not only the parents who taught you manners grandparents also had a part to play, so we had no room to be rude to anyone else you would have to deal with the whole community. For me yes I would spank my child when he/she becomes unruly teaches them to behave like the saying goes spare the rod and spoil the child.

    • I think the best way to reprimand children is to talk to them like adults. I believe it works. Teaching them what is good and what is good through discussion is the best way. What is more important is to train them through our actions and in-actions. We should always bare it in our minds that whatever we do they will surely emulate us.

    • I think that punishment is must for children because evil spirit enters into the children mind and compel them to make mischief as I have read in all holy books and the the Mischief of the Spirit.

      But some parents are opposite to my view and want to talk children like an adult is not a positive approach to mend the naughty children at home and out of home.

      Psychologist say about children punishment in these words….
      Parents should avoid physical punishment. If they find themselves using it, then something is wrong and their method of discipline is not working. They may as well admit that spanking is more effective in relieving the parents’ frustration than in teaching the child self-control. More effective methods are needed.

      Punishment by itself doesn’t really work. It teaches children only what they shouldn’t do. It doesn’t guide them towards what they should do, so it doesn’t work in changing their behaviour. It might also have negative long-term effects on children.

      In families where parents yell, threaten and punish children, children often keep behaving in challenging ways.

      What does work?
      Linking the punishment, or negative consequence, to your child’s behaviour and showing your child how you’d like her to behave will help in improving her behaviour. For example, if your child takes a biscuit without asking, she might have to practise asking for the biscuit using her manners.

      Punishment also works better when you balance punishment with praise and rewards for good behaviour.

      Praise and rewards for good behaviour teaches your child what to do and how to behave – for example, ‘Good listening, Callum’. And when your child gets praise for behaving well, he’s likely to want to keep behaving that way. This means you probably won’t need to use negative consequences or punishment as much.

      Also, your child needs a warm and loving family environment to grow and develop. She needs you to guide her with family rules and to let her know what behaviour you expect from her. A key way to do this is by talking and listening to your child

  • Profile picture of Constance Davidson

    Constance Davidson and Profile picture of PEEUSH TRIKHAPEEUSH TRIKHA are now friends 8 years ago

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    Constance Davidson and Profile picture of Mr BardiMr Bardi are now friends 8 years ago

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    Constance Davidson and Profile picture of Jason JarrettJason Jarrett are now friends 8 years ago

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to be a Wise Grocery Shopper 8 years ago

    I don’t really love grocery shopping but then, every 
    housewife has to do this weekly or monthly grocery
     shopping trip in order to supplement the kitchen and
     household supplies that had ran out of stock.

    • Whenever I was asked to do the grocery shopping, planning ahead of time is also my way.I also made some list of what to be purchase.

      In my list, I put the prioritize item on top before those that are not necessary.

    • planning ahead is not good and i always keep forgeting the things i want to buy, i need to find another way to make the list, because when i do it on paper of on the phone i feel lazy to get the phone or the paper from my purse, really i feel no i know what i want tno need to waste time and look at the list

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Skin problems in adolescence 8 years ago

    Adolescence is where children are beginning to experience puberty period.

    The puberty development in girls grow rapidly in 2 years, where the body take changes and developed from from a child to a mature […]

    • During my high school years (age 13 to 16) I hated my skin. The acne was horrible. When I got to college it went away. Guess it was just a part of growing up. Although I know it’s not that way for everybody. My acne fixed itself.

    • Human skin is personality of men and women because it adds charm in women’s grace and women look cute if the skin is damage human face looks bad and no charm init seen. The attraction of face is due to skin that be silky glowing.

      Your appearance can say a lot about your personality, in fact every little detail about your appearance can show what type of person you are! Have you been wondering what your appearance says about your personality?

      People with blonde hair are often known to be vain, because blonde girls are the ones who are usually pretty. People who color their hair wild types of colors, such as pink or blue are known to be crazy. Your appearance says it all! Take this quiz now to find out what your appearance says about your personality.

      When the personality and skin tone do not match, the person has been pushed out of their natural self, due to pressures in life. When this happens, finding and wearing their own colours can be a wonderful release, as they start to relax into their natural self. The only problem is that it may distort your responses to the questionnaire.

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    Constance Davidson and Profile picture of scheng1scheng1 are now friends 8 years ago

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    Constance Davidson and Profile picture of ailema eryanailema eryan are now friends 8 years ago

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Moms’ Golden Pomfret with Spicy Sambal Paste 8 years ago

    In the past, my mom used to cook a wide variety of 
    curry seafood dishes which I must admit that she was a 
    fantastic chef of the household.
    With a Baba Nyonya background, she has the talent of 
    cooking Nyon […]

    • For me, you said the magic word: spicy. For my husband you said the magic word: fish. Thanks for sharing this recipe. Also, thanks for the link to those low cholesterol recipes.

    • It sounds pretty good

    • Looks great. I am feeling mouthwatering. By the by who is Swamy Nyonya? Who is he? I just want to know about him.

    • Oh my, the name alone is making me hungry. You know we are in different country but it would have been nice for us members here to have a moment of exchanging our foods and tastes. The recipe of your pomfret is spicy which not for me but I’m willing to try because I think this is delicious.

    • cely replied 8 years ago

      Hi peach? You make me hungry again this evening upon seeing this so yummy foods.It looks so tasty. How nice to be a chef. Having a talent in cooking would bring you to richness.

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple wrote a new post, Stir Fry Celery with Beef 8 years ago

    Today’s recipe is Stir Fry Celery with Beef.
    I have not cooked beef for a year because the beef odor is so strong that I wanted to try my hands again this time with less odor.

    How to remove beef […]

    • oh..very nice to hear the recipe here. I tried it at home. The pity is that there I used more soy oil and the Onions were roasted more. The onions became slightly black. I did not want to waste it and proceeded further. The dish could not be cooked properly. Now I will try.

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    Constance Davidson and Profile picture of kristenkristen are now friends 8 years ago

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    peachpurple replied to the topic Are share medias view consider as a view at Tinycent? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 8 years ago

    thanks for your reply.

    It seems that your response is different from @nakitakona13/

    If outside views are considered as views, then it is worth to share at the sharemedias,otherwise, what for, right?



    From what I understand your response, does it means that…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic What is the brand of your vehicle / car?/bike? in the forum Group logo of Cars & TransportationCars & Transportation 8 years ago

    hyundai is a good car

    good choice

    is it saving money on the petrol?

    How about maintenance?

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Literacy Base and their delaying tactics in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    yes if i have enough time, I will try, thanks for your encouragement

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic What is the brand of your vehicle / car?/bike? in the forum Group logo of Cars & TransportationCars & Transportation 8 years ago


    a diesel car, isn’t it expensive?

    Here majority people drive petrol base car because it is way much cheaper than diesel

    Only lorries, trucks, and taxis drive diesel cars or vehicles

  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic Ooof!! What a struggle. I finally reached there. in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 8 years ago

    congrats to you

    I am sure you can make it.

    This month too!


  • Profile picture of peachpurple

    peachpurple replied to the topic What is the brand of your vehicle / car?/bike? in the forum Group logo of Cars & TransportationCars & Transportation 8 years ago

    wow that is horrible

    to have drug addicts as drivers, they are driving with danger, i mean the mind and vision doubled, blurry, causing accidents to the innocent people

    even though they have to go thru drug test, i bet they will not use drug before the test.

    after the test, drug is on, problem still…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Constance Davidson

    Constance Davidson and Profile picture of TyrieBrooksTyrieBrooks are now friends 8 years ago

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