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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Local Sweet Snack: Green Pea Fritters 7 years, 10 months ago

    Green Pea Fritter is one of our local Malaysian favorite snack dessert that you can buy at roadside stalls or night market.


    For RM2, you can buy 3 balls of Green Pea Fritters which are sufficient to […]

    • It is best food for school going children because it a sweet and delicious dish. It is tasty in eaten as I have from my net friends but I have not eaten it still.

      As I think that his is a wonderful meal you can whip up in around 10 minutes. What I love about these delicious green pea fritters is that you can also take any leftovers to work the next day and enjoy them cold or warm with a side salad of leafy greens, a squeeze of lemon and cold pressed olive oil.

      I think these may be its benefits health wise as Green peas are loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients. They are a great source of Vitamin A, K + folate, fibre and packed with protein as well as iron for energy metabolism.

      Ricotta is a good source of protein, which encourages muscle growth and repair. Protein also stimulates the production of growth hormone that is responsible for bone and muscle strength that decreases as we age. Studies show that overweight people have lower-than-normal levels of growth hormone in their body, which may make it harder for them to lose weight as growth hormone can promote fat burning in the body.

      HGH can be increased naturally by a quality protein- and vegetable-rich diet, getting quality sleep and enjoying regular exercise.

    • Green peas are highly rich in protein content. They should be taken in small quantities as it will be quite difficult to digest. A healthy person can digest easily 10 gms of Green peas.
      If it is included in your regular diet in small quantities one need not consult any doctor for deficiency problems relating to proteins.
      The recipe you have described here is similar to THE MASALA STUFFED INTO SAMOSA. The main difference arises while making mashing the Green peas. Here we grind it and make it a rough paste. We add Chilli powder in place of sugar. Rice flour is added in a small quantity.
      Instead of preparing fritters with the stuff we dough it adding some Potatoes (boiled and mashed), some boiled and nicely cut vegetables like carrot, beans, cauliflower, etc. We keep this mix aside.
      We prepare the dough of Pancake. Make small balls of it. Each ball will be pressed against the floor into a square shape. We place the Green peas stuff at the center of the square-shaped dough.It will be folded into a triangle shape. This is a technique. We fry it in a hot sunflower oil taken in a Pan having a deep base. When it turns into brown in color it will be taken away into a separate container. They will be quite crispy and crunchy also. We can take them as morning / evening snack along with a cup of hot tea.

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    peachpurple joined the group Group logo of Recognize opportunity in your life.Recognize opportunity in your life. 7 years, 10 months ago

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, 4 Tips to Get Your Kids to Try New Foods 7 years, 10 months ago

    Having a child that is reluctant to try new foods is a big headache for parents and caregivers.


    My 9 year old son is a picky eater.


    He is a problematic child who picks food that he likes to eat ( […]

    • It may be very hard indeed to introduce new foods to children, and I cannot agree more that we must not bribe nor threaten them. it is our job to be creative as parents and to find interesting ways that might work in getting our children to have a healthy diet. I have a two year old daughter and a six year old niece and they are very picky eaters. My niece for instance doesn’t like meat, however she likes patty, so what I do is to make bite-size patties which she loves very much. My daughter doesn’t like milk, so what I do is to milk popsicles which she loves;see, mission accomplished. There are also other creative ways in which i get them to eat foods that they don’t like.

    • The only “trick” I remember my mother trying on us was to let us starve until we got hungry enough to eat the food she prepared. What was on the table, that was it. She said if we didn’t like it, there was bread and butter and we could have a glass of water with it and then go to our room. Yeah. That was the “old school” parenting style. I come from a large family and I don’t remember that many of us being picky eaters. Looking back on it, I don’t know if the alternative meal of bread and butter and water, was the reason why we weren’t picky eaters. (O.o) 🙂

    • Food is part and parcel of human life we are eating vegetables fruits since our birth the same apple, the grains , the same meat, the banana, the same orange…

      But the children like different foods and vegetables in eating with different style so that they change their eating pattern and its most important for health and human spirit.

      Your child should consume a variety of foods from the five major food. Each food group supplies im­portant nutrients, including vitamins and minerals.

      Vegetables: 3-5 servings per day. A serving may consist of 1 cup of raw leafy vegetables, 3/4 cup of vegetable juice, or 1/2 cup of other vegetables, chopped raw or cooked.
      Fruits: 2-4 servings per day. A serving may consist of 1/2 cup of sliced fruit, 3/4 cup of fruit juice, or a medium-size whole fruit, like an apple, banana, or pear.
      Bread, cereal, or pasta: 6-11 servings per day. Each serving should equal 1 slice of bread, 1/2 cup of rice or pasta, or 1 ounce of cereal.
      Protein foods: 2-3 servings of 2-3 ounces of cooked lean meat, poultry, or fish per day.

      A serving in this group may also consist of 1/2 cup of cooked dry beans, one egg, or 2 tablespoons of peanut butter for each ounce of lean meat.

      Dairy products: 2-3 servings per day of 1 cup of low-fat milk or yogurt, or 1 1/2 ounces of natural cheese.

      I think that Although food habits are not stable and unchanging during a person’s lifetime, a base for healthy food habits can be created in early childhood. Children’s food habits can be assumed to be influenced by their parents’ food habits and choices.

      The aim of this article is to review factors influencing food choice in children as well as in adults. The results demonstrate that the development of children’s food habits is influenced by a multitude of factors. Parents play an important role in the formation of food habits and preferences of young children.

      They can influence their children’s food choice by making specific foods available, by acting as models for their children and by their behaviour in specific situations. Children tend to be afraid of new foods and do not readily accept them. However, experience is known to enhance preference, and earlier experiences of a particular food are the major determinants of the development of children’s food acceptance patterns.

      Thus, parents should be encouraged to make healthy foods easily available to the child and serve these foods in positive mealtime situations in order to help their child to develop healthy food habits.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, 6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Lend Money to Your Best Friend 7 years, 10 months ago

    A friend in need is a friend in deed.


    This phrase applies to “REAL” friends who are willing to help you when you are in need of cash, advice, a shoulder to cry on and to be there anytime, anywhere with […]

    • Yes you are correct. I still disagree with lending money to best friends even if they are in need of the money. Money is very bad and also good but when it comes to friendship, money should be far especially lending money to friends. If you want a friendship relationship between you and your friend to last, don’t lend him money. Instead of you to lend him 2000 to solve a problem, I rather you dash him 200 and ask him to manage the 200,that that’s all you have. Like that your friendship still Continues harmoniously. Am talking from experience,. If you study the reasons why many best friends broke up, you will realize that money to an extent is the cause of the end of the friendship. I have witnessed a lot of friendship that has been broken up because of lending money issue and that is why I believe this topic and also agree with the topic beyond doubt. Some friends though very good friends are not worth being helped on terms of money. This has made me realize my uncles word, he said you can never say a man is good until you do money business with him. If he is good with money business, you will know he’s good. So many friends of ours are not worth being lent some money because at last they will disappoint you. Because they are your best friends, that will make them always delay your payment even if the money comes around. They will be like, after all he’s my guy. They don’t remember again that their guy is also on need of money.

    • Thanks for sharing such a useful information. I have been a victim of this lending of hard earning money to friends whom I never heard from again.

    • you r right–want keep that friendship–dont do it

    • You know…Money is a real bad thing. It can never buy happiness of any kind but still it is one of the greatest need of life.
      I have seen money destroying many relationships and that too for the whole life.
      But one question which is coming to my mind at present is WILL THEN WE BE ELIGIBLE TO BE CALLED AS BEST FRIEND.
      Don’t you think it is our responsibility to help our friend without thinking of the results.

    • I know that situation quite well. I have had friends who have shown their true friendship at some point, when they were aĺ over you and that will do anything fun you, be there whenever you need them. Until one day i offered to help a friend and housed her for 2 years. Not asking for anything in return. I would buy good, wash the laundry, cook and sometimes i would even go ahead and offer them transport whenever they needed help. So for me it was a simple day of lending a helping hand, i never expected anything on return.
      Then one day my friend decides she is ready to move out because she got a job and a house. I was so happy for her, but what followed is something I didn’t expect. In fact she got a house just next to mine, there was not even a day that my friend would pass by my house to come and say hi. To me i felt like that was really a bad show. How much would it cost you to just go back to the person who helped you, thanked her and just appreciate what she did for you. I think that would be prudent right? I know if I was the one I would have gone back to my friend and just appreciate her for what she did for me. But I guess people are different. So friends sometimes cannot be trusted, if at all that can do that then what can’t they do if you lended them money? So I don’t think I would give my friend money especially when I expect them to pay me back.

    • Yes. If we lend money to our friend then friendship will be spoilt. Mostly he may not be able to return and if it is insisted it will result in relationship problems. good day.

    • Lending money to friends will result in relationship problem. In case we give we must be prepared not to insist on returning.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, How do Shopping Malls Have Sales All Year Round 7 years, 10 months ago

    I had been wondering, why do shopping malls, stores and outlets have “Big Sales” almost every month, all year round.


    How do these stores earn money with low price goods sold?

    How huge is their prof […]

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Best Chicken Rice: Hainanese Chicken Rice 7 years, 10 months ago

    Chicken Rice which is locally known as “Ji Fan “ or “Sau Ji Fan” is a very popular main course meal that consist of roast chicken with steamed chicken rice and slices of cucumbers.


    There are 2 types of […]

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    GAUTAM PENDHARKAR and Profile picture of Your SeldomYour Seldom are now friends 7 years, 10 months ago

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    GAUTAM PENDHARKAR replied to the topic Jodhaa Akbar in the forum Group logo of MoviesMovies 7 years, 10 months ago

    Thanks Peeush & Treathyl , after this movie we can now see a series of historical movies in bollywood which has world class editing and effects.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to Use Positive Approach to Learning English 7 years, 10 months ago

    Majority children find that learning English language is a daunting task if they are studying in non-English medium school.

    In our country, there are 3 types of primary school for parents to decide which school […]

    • Yes, it is very difficult for parents and children which school they choose for children to learn English especially for the non English parents in all countries because English has become the symbol of national and international prestige.

      We learn English because it the need of time all countries for jobs and interaction on earth with people who speak English.

      English is the true lingua franca, the world’s global language. It is the most widely used language in the world, spoken by well over a billion people in every continent. Significantly, in addition to almost 400 million native speakers, there are as many as a billion non-native speakers, suggesting that English as a second language is a vital skill for much of the world.

      This is reflected in where you find English. It is a dominant language in business, science, I.T., aviation, seafaring, diplomacy, medicine, the internet, and many other industries. In an increasingly globalised world, English is expected as a basic requirement on any respectable CV – and bilingual speakers can enjoy much better employment prospects than those who speak only one language.

      Learning English opens you up to masses of entertainment and arts. It’s the language of centuries of culture: of Shakespeare, Dickens and Austen; of Byron, Shelley, and Wordsworth; of Hollywood, the Beatles and Britpop.

      It’s an official language of some of the largest and most important countries and organisations in the world, including the UN, the EU, the US and the UK. And as the one language to unite the world, it breaks down cultural barriers and acts as a common tongue for native and non-native speakers alike.

      Learning English is a crucial step to becoming a truly ‘global citizen’. It’s a means of communicating in any country, in any part of the world.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Why Do Children Have Nightmares 7 years, 10 months ago

    Sometimes when your toddler couldn’t sleep soundly at night, nightmares or bad dreams might be one of the reasons to keep him restless.

    He may had fallen asleep a few hours ago but you can hear him screaming i […]

    • Children do keep on thinking all the day long and that is the very reason behind these nightmares.All the day time events are stored by their brain and the result is nightmares.

    • You write an article on horrible dream watched by the children while sleeping you say causes day activities or fear of something, no my friend no. Nightmares come when bad conjunctions will be in the horoscope especially Mercury will afflicted by Mar or Saturn. I have seen many horoscopes people come to to be checked for their children.

      One more thing I tell you when a babe is born two angels he or she gets one bad angle and the other good angle. there is a tussle between the good angle and bad angel 24 hours.

      When children prenatal soul will be under the control of bad angel he or she will have bad dreams or nightmares due to bad angels. As you have seen babe sometimes smiles while laying on the bed looking to the sky, think who talks to the babe from the above. No one but good angels and the angle who is hovering over his or her head.

      the bad bad angel that teases children whose name is (Enepsigos)
      If you see such type of problem around you i tell you its treatment

      Write on the children bad these words
      Bathanael, Bind Enepsigo

      I am sure the bad angel will never come near the child bed nor in dream to create nightmares.

    • Yes children have nightmares at night especially. For me I think the main cause of nightmare on children is fear and I will talk mainly on fear as the cause of children’s nightmares. I can remember when I was very tender like about 4 to 10 years when I used to have series of nightmares every night. What caused my nightmares I think is fear. After our usual night tales which are usually scary are being told in the night by our friends before going to bed, I tend to start imagining the whole story in real life. When i went to bed with the memory, it came out to my dreams resulting to a very terrible nightmare. I usually shouted whenever I had these dreams and my parents would come out and prayed for me. They would stay with me until I feel sleepy again. They make sure I slept before leaving me for their rooms. What baffles me mostly then was why it was only me in my family that had a lot of nightmares. My siblings rarely or didn’t have nightmares when they were small. Until now I can still remember clearly some of my dreams and how they started from the beginning to the end. Then, whenever I saw a movie and see coffin in that movie or even see spirit, I tend to imagine it in real life. I would automatically start seeing coffins around and the spirit will be like coming around me whenever I was alone. So this in the end really disturbed in dreams. Sometimes I dreamt when an empty coffins was chasing me in my dream and I would scream and wake up. Am even surprise that I don’t see the dreams again these days. The worst part was then I Hardly or never dreamt of anything positive. I was always negative in my dreams then. There was a time I saw a woman carrying a pot in her palm in my dream and screamed and woke up and u saw the exact shadow crossing our door, I guess it was a reflection from the dream. Then whenever I heard someone I know had died, I would be very scared thinking and imagining how and when the persons spirit will come out and visit me and most times I saw those dead in my dreams and I also would scream aloud a whole up. Another thing that made me have nightmares was the stories from my mother of her encounter with the spirit. After telling us this stories I would always imaging everything she told is was happening to me and this will affect my dream. There was a time this my nightmares started giving me concern to the extent I thought it was an every night event. But as I grew day by day all these are now past tense. I can now see even 20 coffins right in front of me and still sleep soundly, I can watch tens of horror movies and still will not shake.

    • But uptil now I still think not all children has nightmares. There are children who would sleep without even experiencing nightmares, they slept and woke up sound and good without making a lot of noise at night. Most times, the dreams of a child are not taken in vain, sometimes it’s been taken as a revelation from God or as a message from God. So when some children tell their dreams, their parents take it as a message from God’s messenger. They pray over it. But some people take children’s nightmares as just children’s fears, they do not think on both hands. They are just one sided. They take every of their nightmares as a child play and most times their dreams tend to happen. I think if God should send any message to the world, he willsend it through a child not an adult. Some Children due to everyday nightmares find it difficult to sleep and are most times scared of sleeping because of what they think they are going to see in their dreams.
      On the other hand, children who have a lot of nightmares should be given proper spiritual attention because most times they are always being attacked by spirits in their dreams and they tend to win always. If no spiritual attention and prayers are being rendered to him the spirits might one day accomplish their mission and send him to his early grave via dreams. So parents should take note of that. Though all throughout when I had nightmares I never was given spiritual attention, God always saved me from not being affected by my nightmares. Some children due to the circumstances surrounding their birth are being visited by spirits in their dreams mostly marine spirits. They will always want to take away the life of the child by visiting him always in the dream. This post is really nice. I think my advice to parents is never take any of their children’s dreams as a child’s play. They should always take their dreams very serious and seek spiritual attention.

    • Dreams form an important aspect of sleep. From what I understood dreams are triggered by sounds, light, people speaking, noise, disturbed mind, worries, pressure, being unhappy or many others such reasons. I had read a book in my school during my childhood which had something about snakes and the children who are characters could not escape but later made it. This same thing repeated in the night with me as one of the younger characters.

      I did get many dreams in childhood do get dreams even now but I always tried to understand and interpret why they occur as dreams or what we see in our are being messages being conveyed to us either by our body or by the mind. Extreme weather also seems to trigger dreams in children. So does bed wetting. A good article well elaborated. Dreams are a important and interesting subject of study.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Stir Fry Bean Sprouts with Tofu Cubes 7 years, 10 months ago

    Looking for an easy to prepare vegetable recipe that is healthy and quick to cook?


    Well, you have to come to the right post for today, I had just cooked a plate of Bean Sprouts with Tofu Cubes that makes […]

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to Prepare Your Child for Pre-School 7 years, 10 months ago

    Every parents is protective of his child, especially the first born child for first timer parents.


    When I gave birth to my first child, I was over-protective towards my baby daughter that I had not […]

    • You say right and your suggestions are very good but your suggestions may not applied on all the kids and toddlers because some baby born with rich wisdom and some are born with dull minded, some are born leaders, some are born comedians, some are born with serious nature and some are born with saintly qualities…You think more…

      All things rest on parental genes that every child gets on his or her birth. Children cannot choose two things parents and childhood environment these two factors build the child’s character is called destiny.

      To make your baby great you must choose his or her childhood environment decent and ideal and parents’ thinking must be positive. Keep in mind all parents that heredity seed that every child gets on birth as gift of God via parents flourishes in the early environment that we provide to our toddlers and kid and children.

      Check your child’s birth trends and provide him or her the same atmosphere his or her birth traits will flourish very soon in the direction of of birth trends.

    • I would guess on the way you present situations here you are a good teacher, an ideal teacher for that matter. This is a very good approach to prepare to mingle with his peers. On this way, he would develop the attitude of standing alone, without the help his parents. He could manage to do what he wants. By doing, he knows what is right. He knows what is wrong. As you have said, you overprotected your daughter and you know what attitude she had developed them for such over protection. To admit it or not, she couldn’t make a decision on a simple thing without her mother or without an assistant.

      Anyway, as the child has to undergo the basic growth from infancy to adulthood, he should be exposed to the activities which a growing child should tackle with. I don’t believe that the child isn’t always ready to go to pre-school if he doesn’t display the traits you have outlined above. I believe that every child is always ready. It is just a matter of exposing them, providing what he needs, and giving him the free will to develop himself.

    • When my children wanted to play outdoor, I let them do it and never hold them inside the house. I believe they need to play with other children, sometimes they return home crying because of other children, bruises and wounds but this can be treated. Its all part of their growing. It make them stronger and more participative to other. I believe to develop them is to let them join the community, of course with the guidance of the parents.

    • When you think your child is upto going to school and you wanna introduce him into a pre-school. I don’t think it is necessary to know if he’s ready or not. If a parent keep on waiting for their child to be ready to go to school,they will certainly not go to school cos they know that going to school for that few hours will make them lose the sight of their parents and they wouldn’t like that. I cried even upto the age of 6 but my parents wouldn’t heed to weep
      They would just laugh and went home to come back at the end of the day to come take me home.
      Every child must cry at the first year of school unless the mother is a teacher in the school. Once you drop your child and turns your back to go home the child must in one way or another show anger. No matter how good your tactics is the child’s brain must relay to him that the mother is going to leave him.
      But once a parent is ready to enroll his child into a school for the first time, he should consider things that made him happy when he was tiny. If he was so much in love with biscuits and cakes and toys and you think it makes him happy, buy a lot of them for him and make sure they are in abundance and do give a bit to the teacher to hold for them and make their teacher keep an eye on every of their step so as not to damage the toys. If they stay with the toys for the whole day, the teacher can withdraw them from him as soon as the parents come to take him home.Next day she brings it out again with the new biscuit the parents buy for them for a new day.
      Your child tends to interact with other children and play with them very much and this will improve his sociality. This will make him adapt to school as day passes. Before the age of 4,he will stop crying as soon as you drop him in school provided you provide him with everything he needs.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Household Chores that Kids Can Do 7 years, 11 months ago

    When my son was 3 years old, he showed much interests in everything around him.

    That is the time when he wanted to be independent.

    He wanted to show that he can help around with the chores even though it was […]

    • Yes, children are the source of help for parents at home and out of home but the children should be obedient otherwise the children add sorrows for parents.

      But the age increasing the children demands change they add charm in parents life but in teenage the children should be treated carefully it is age in which most of the children fall prey to bad habits that make problems for parents in future permanently.

      Children should be taught to consult in any problem so that they could be parents’friend and thus their half problems may be decreased anon. Keep in mind children are the labor of parents’ soul. Children are pleasure in childhood, support in the young age and in old age they are companions for the parents.

    • When my little brother was three years old also he showed interest in what we the older ones used to do in the house but we wouldn’t allow him cos he might get injured. But he always proved stubborn and still wanna do it. This made us beat him so as to make him stay clear.
      There are house chores that matches with children’s ages. You can’t give a chore of ten year old child to a four year old child and you can’t give a 14 year old a chore meant for a twenty year old adult. When this happens we tend to call it child abuse.
      When you give a kid those simple chores he can do, he derives joy from doing it because he will to an extent take it as a child’s play.
      Chores kid can do include :
      Cleaning the table after each meal.
      Going to the next door shop to buy something.
      Preparing everything for cooking and get them ready.
      Sewing their clothes manually not with the use of machine.
      Swipping their rooms to their test.
      Washing their undies
      Getting their clothes ready for parents to wash or be the ones to download the clothes into the washing machine.
      When I say kid I mean children from 6 to 12 years.
      Fetching drinking water from the tap with their water bottle and so on.
      They should not go on an errand to far places, they shouldn’t fetch water with heavy containers, they shouldn’t carry any heavy loads on their heads and they shouldn’t do the cooking. This is termed child abuse if they should do any of them.
      Giving children chores that matches their age will make them grow gradually and do things and also think according their age.
      When you make a child do what is meant for an adult, he begins to think he’s an adult and that really will affect his growth and development.

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