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    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to Write your Post Without Duplicate Content 7 years, 10 months ago

    Duplicate content is one of the most common problem that writers and site owners are facing in the world on Internet.
    As you can see, some online writing sites where writers can earn money for publishing original […]

    • My content is my content. If I try to publish at a site and it’s not accepted, I submit it elsewhere. My conscience is clear. It’s my content and I won’t have a “computerized program” tell me different. I know what’s mine! 🙂

    • To be on the safe side one should check to see if any of what is produced is already available on the Net. Just highlight a portion and paste it on google search.

    • I understand what you’re saying. But if the search engine can find my words in more than site on the Internet, can’t they program the search engine to also indicate that the words are coming from the same person? Just sayin’. Google tried to help with that when they started using the “rel=author” feature. With that feature, if you had a Google profile, when the search engine produced something you had written in the results, it also showed your profile pic next to it. It was actually kind of cool. I tried using that feature. But it seemed quirky, like the kinks weren’t ironed out, so I eventually stopped using it. People are still encouraged to use it though. That supposedly helps with the problem of duplicate content. Although you and I both know that what would really help is IF people would stop stealing other people’s work!! Duplicate content wouldn’t be the problem that it is, if that wasn’t happening! 🙂

    • In the world of internet creators are less and cheaters are more just as the readers are more and writers are less on this earth. Keep in mind creation is a God gifted ability and cheating is the production of cunning thought that always deceives to the cheaters in practical field.

      The Internet has been characterized as the largest threat to copyright since its inception. The Internet is awash in information, a lot of it with varying degrees of copyright protection. Copyrighted works on the Net include new s stories, software, novels, screenplays, graphics, pictures, Usenet messages and even email. In fact, the frightening reality is that almost everything on the Net is protected by copyright law. That can pose problems for the hapless surfer.

      What is protected on the WWW?
      The unique underlying design of a Web page and its contents, including:

      original text
      html, vrml, other unique markup language sequences
      List of Web sites compiled by an individual or organization
      and all other unique elements that make up the original nature of the material.

    • Duplicate content is content that appears on the Internet in more than one place (URL). When there are multiple pieces of identical content on the Internet, it is difficult for search engines to decide which version is more relevant to a given search query.

      To provide the best search experience, search engines will rarely show multiple duplicate pieces of content and thus, are forced to choose which version is most likely to be the original—or best.

      Search engines don’t know which version(s) to include/exclude from their indices
      Search engines don’t know whether to direct the link metrics (trust, authority, anchor text, link juice, etc.) to one page, or keep it separated between multiple versions
      Search engines don’t know which version(s) to rank for query results
      When duplicate content is present, site owners suffer rankings and traffic losses, and search engines provide less relevant results.

      Another option for dealing with duplicate content is to utilize the rel=canonical tag. The rel=canonical tag passes the same amount of link juice (ranking power) as a 301 redirect, and often takes up much less development time to implement.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Homemade Zinger Burger Recipe ( alike KFC) 7 years, 10 months ago

    Zinger burger is one of my favorite burger at Kentucky Fried Chicken ( KFC)


    It is one of the most popular local burger in Asia, consumers of all ages love to buy Zinger Burger for a quick meal especially […]

    • it is tasty in eating but difficult in making at home as I think. Ingredients Required

      Half Kg chicken piece (Breast or Boneless)
      One tea spoon of Black pepper
      One tea spoon of Salt
      One tea spoon of Mustard powder
      One and half tea spoon of Chinese salt
      Two table spoons of Worcestershire sauce
      Bun as required
      Mayonnaise as required
      Cheese slice as requied
      Oil to fry zinger burger
      For batter preparation you will need

      Two table spoons of Flour
      One piece Egg
      One fourth tea spoon of Baking Powder
      Two table spoons of Corn flour
      Two table spoons of Rice flour
      One and half tea spoon of Salt
      To prepare batter for zinger burger you have to add water in above mentioned 5 things as required.
      For coating of zinger burger you will need

      One cup of Corn flakes
      One cup of Breadcrumbs
      One cup of Chips
      Step by step instructions to prepare zinger burger like KFC

      Marinate chicken with all ingredients and leave it for 24 hours.
      Now to prepare batter mix all ingredients i mentioned above for batter preparation of zinger burger. And make a thick batter.
      Now mix all ingredients i mentioned for coating of zinger burger and crush it and remember don’t make powder of it.
      Dip marinated chicken in batter and then coat it with coating we prepare.
      Then fry it until it become golden brown
      Now cut bun into two slices and put mayonnaise on it.
      Now place slices of cheese on bun and you can also place lettuce leaves in it but i don’t like these so i never place them.
      And now your zinger burger like KFC is prepared and now ready to serve with ketchup.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Why Children Should Avoid Touching Toys in Clinic or Hospital 7 years, 10 months ago

    Everytime you bring your child to visit the doctor at the nearby clinic or hospital, does your child becomes so impatient that he MUST touch the toys or “little playground” at the children cor […]

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    Constance Davidson and Profile picture of lautanlautan are now friends 7 years, 10 months ago

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    Constance Davidson and Profile picture of HarryHarry are now friends 7 years, 10 months ago

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    peachpurple joined the group Group logo of what is health?what is health? 7 years, 10 months ago

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    peachpurple replied to the topic Received my 5th payment in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 10 months ago

    congrats my friend!

    It is best to stay here than to write elsewhere

    I had received mine too but I don’t write much….

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to bake Banana Muffins with Chocolate Chips 7 years, 10 months ago

    What do you do with almost rotten bananas?


    Most fresh bananas do not last longer than 3 days after purchase.


    When you notice some brown spots on the skin of the bananas, feeling soft when you are h […]

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, How to Cook Vegetarian Chow Mien Recipe 7 years, 10 months ago

    Today, we are going vegetarian for lunch at home.

    This is the Vegetarian Chow Mien which I had just quickly cooked this afternoon for my family’s lunch.

    Normally, Chow Mein, which is also known as Stir F […]

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, A Gift Your Child Cannot Do Without- Family Medical History Disease 7 years, 10 months ago

    When I first became a new mum, I had finally realized the reason why my mum was constantly worried about me and my brother.


    Being parents isn’t as easy as 1,2,3


    If you think that going through the […]

    • Genetic is nothing but human thinking because if genes have power to convert genetics into the coming generation so prophets’ son become all prophet while their genes were pure belonging to prophets’ family. Noah’ son did accept the Noah’s din til death.

      Jacob all sons did not become prophets while his all sons got the genes of Jacob but some were not holy and some of them made evil deeds. Why? Here genetics theory fails entirely.

      Actually in human body vitamins and minerals combination breaks into parts and its reaction mysterious type reaction starts in human body due to which occurs many mysterious diseases in human body and these diseases spread via soul circulation mixing with blood.

      A genetic disease is any disease that is caused by an abnormality in an individual’s genome, the person’s entire genetic make.

      The abnormality can range from minuscule to major — from a discrete mutation in a single base in the DNA of a single gene to a gross chromosome abnormality involving the addition or subtraction of an entire chromosome or set of chromosomes.

      Some genetic disorders are inherited from the parents, while other genetic diseases are caused by acquired changes or mutations in a preexisting gene or group of genes. Mutations can occur either randomly or due to some environmental exposure.

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    Constance Davidson and Profile picture of joe garciajoe garcia are now friends 7 years, 10 months ago

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Chinese Soup: Tofu with Kelp Soup 7 years, 10 months ago

    When I was young, mom used to make delicious Chinese soup for every day meal which is clear, not thick or brothy at all.


    Most of her Chinese soup was light, clear and comforting that soothes anyone who […]

    • I always wanted to learn about some recipes of tofu and this one is good but I got just a little problem because I don’t know about this kelp. I don’t even know if its available in the market. But surely wanna try this one out and hope I can get some good ingredients for this soup. If not, I will just get another ingredient as an alternate for this tofu soup and just hope it will work good.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Crispy Snack You Must Try: Shanghai Pancakes 7 years, 10 months ago

    Honestly, I fell in love with these Shanghai pancakes when I first tasted them at the roadside stall, sold near the local banks.


    Yes, in Malaysia , you can find these tasty, ready to go, hot pipping […]

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Snack Recipe: Pakoras- Vegetable Fritters 7 years, 10 months ago

    Today , I am including this new vegetable recipe from my good old neighbor who claimed that this is one of the common vegetable fritters among the Indian communities.


    It is said that vegetable fritters […]

    • In Kadapa District of Andhra Pradesh, the place I hail from most of the people prefer Pakoras in their dinner or sometimes in their lunch.
      This is one of the best side dishes that gives taste to any kind of food item. This can be had individually as Pakoras or one can have them along with the rice.
      The Kadapa happens to be a very backward area. The people are mostly Muslims. They are very experts in making Pakoras. Here the speciality is that they are made using only Onions. They show you the way to the heaven during the rainy season.

      As told already they prepare Pakoras using only Onions. They will not use Potatoes, cauliflower etc. They prepare them using the flour of Bengal gram. They add chili powder, salt , slight pepper, cumin seeds for digestion, etc,

      But, nowadays there are places where even green leaves are also being used to prepare this dish. But originally Pakoras means the fritters made of Onions only.

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    peachpurple wrote a new post, Favorite Cookie Recipe: Chocolate Bean Oaties 7 years, 10 months ago

    I wasn’t a fan of oats since childhood days.


    Mom didn’t push me to have oatmeal daily but I started to developed the sudden liking on oats when I was pregnant with my first child.


    I was recom […]

    • I am a big fan of oats meal Cookies, such a Delicious treat!!!

    • I have not tasted them at any time. Even during my tour in Singapore, I have not noticed these Chinese cookies. This must be a delicious one as it has got all rich ingredients good for health. The chocolate is my favorite. Anything with Chocolate is my favorite The butter gives energy to the body. The combination of Beans and Chocolate is highly suggested by all medical practitioners. This combination is very helpful in the quick recovery after Typhoid fever.

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    peachpurple joined the group Group logo of Are you under Arrest?Are you under Arrest? 7 years, 10 months ago

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    peachpurple joined the group Group logo of Calling All Baby Boomers!Calling All Baby Boomers! 7 years, 10 months ago

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    peachpurple joined the group Group logo of what is decision making? that is the question.what is decision making? that is the question. 7 years, 10 months ago

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    peachpurple joined the group Group logo of primary causes of human problem.primary causes of human problem. 7 years, 10 months ago

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