suny joined the group A Work at Home/Freelancers Lifestyle 6 years ago
Gil Camporazo wrote a new post, Failure Leads to Success and Success Is Backed by Failure 7 years ago
This is true for I have experienced this. It has been said that nobody is perfect. As a human being we have lots of imperfections. There are people who claim that they are successful but yet they don’t know that […]
Kyla Matton Osborne (Ruby3881) and Ross are now friends 7 years ago
Dawnwriter and Shampa Sadhya are now friends 7 years ago
Gil Camporazo replied to the topic The Key to Confidence in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years ago
I don’t understand the relationship of the confidence to the soul. What I know about confidence is the will power to belief in yourself for you have that kind of attribute in yourself. Knowledge may influence the will of a person. Experience may also take its part. No knowledge, no experience, confidence may arise if the person is undaunted,…[Read more]
Gil Camporazo replied to the topic Get $1.5 Per Lead Or Sign Up. in the forum Making Money Online 7 years ago
This sounds different from what I have known particularly a web hosting. This one has two benefits offering. One is web hosting and the other one is affiliate. Its trial period is one month or 30 days. This is actually the first time that I have heard this. I have been using blogger platform for my several blog sites and it is free. I use Go Daddy…[Read more]
Gil Camporazo replied to the topic FREE HOME BASED ONLINE JOBS WITHOUT REGISTRATION FEE AND ANY INVESTMENT in the forum Making Money Online 7 years ago
These are the links that could help anyone to earn extra money at home. I believe these are legit besides the users no need to pay for the registration or to invest something and to get a return of their investment.
We are so very much thankful for your resourcefulness to share these based online jobs. We are hoping that everyone would be…[Read more]
Gil Camporazo replied to the topic Do you read on a variety of topics or in variety of genres? in the forum Book Readers Club 7 years ago
I do read any topics but what most appealing to me is adventure, scifi, detective, documentary, among others. I do have a good like on biographies or success stories of rich and famous, and known personalities in the various fields of education, economics, science, government, and parental and family.
Gil Camporazo posted an update in the group Book Readers Club 7 years ago
I have just joined. I am still in the process of participating.
Gil Camporazo joined the group Book Readers Club 7 years ago
Gil Camporazo replied to the topic How to make money online in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years ago
I don’t understand what you mean of being passionate. Earning money online has much to do with your sites to join with. There are so many online sites to earn money. They are writing online, survey, PTC, among others.
Gil Camporazo replied to the topic KEY WORDS FOR SUCCESS in the forum Knowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years ago
It is too precise and too general. There are so many important things for a person to do to attain success in life. It would be better appreciated if these things are well expounded and have specific examples for us easy and practical to follow. This is only an outline of factors that could bring success to everyone.
Your post is good, but it is too general. I am looking for a specific things to accomplish the three things. Success is relative. It depends on how it is achieved based on one’s ability and capability. It would be better if it is comprehensive expounded and has a practical applications and examples.
Gil Camporazo replied to the topic Woman: A Mirror of Lover's Image in the forum Family & Relationships 7 years ago
I do agree with you. I remember that I have written an article intended for the Christmas. It is about the greatest gift a person could give to his loved ones. I am asking my readers, my followers on what is the best gift for Christmas.
I relate some situations, some possible wonderful gifts, but not the pricey kind of gifts. Price doesn’t…[Read more]
Gil Camporazo replied to the topic do you agree that blood is thicker than water in the forum Family & Relationships 7 years ago
I understand your situation, @aniiyahjackson7. That is the natural reaction of any family member whose family is in trouble within their circle. But for me, family is a family. It starts with a love among the man and the woman. They get into a covenant by binding themselves in a marriage vow that they will be together for better and for worse.…[Read more]
suny replied to the topic What about our Pending Payment? in the forum About LiteracyBase 7 years ago
Okay then I am patiently waiting for any information from the site owners/support
Gil Camporazo replied to the topic What about our Pending Payment? in the forum About LiteracyBase 7 years ago
Let’s wait and see. No communication yet received from the admin as well as from the @support. In due time, all our queries as far as payments are concerned would be clarified. For those who wait would have something to get. It takes patience.
Sorry guys, I don’t operate on hearsay but I want to listen it from the horse’s mouth. That means the admin must say it and take us in his confidence.
Gil Camporazo wrote a new post, Now You’re Back! Welcome Home! 7 years ago
For sure, this would catch a mixed feelings of sorrow and happiness. LiteracyBase goes off in the Internet circulation due to indeterminate reason. The admin doesn’t make any statement for its closure. Even […]
Gil Camporazo replied to the topic Psychotic case review in the forum Health Issues 7 years ago
Sorry we couldn’t understand this. And we are not a doctor instead. This would be referred to the appropriate physician to analyze these things.