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    jhsayyar and Profile picture of PEEUSH TRIKHAPEEUSH TRIKHA are now friends 7 years, 11 months ago

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Hamlets’ Soliloquy Reveals His Character: Weak or Strong 7 years, 11 months ago

    By JH Sayyar

    Soliloquy is one of the best Elizabethan devices to reveal a character’s state of mind in a play for further action. The ancient writers used chorus to indicate the major character’s plan in the […]

    • Keep in mind, Hamlet is supposed to be a young guy… maybe 18 years old and can’t process what has happened. He is confused, he doesn’t understand.

      • Hamlet is a puzzle of Shakespeare that could not be solved up till now. His main puzzle is to be or be that is the question.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Was Hamlet Mad or Madness in Craft? 7 years, 11 months ago

    By JH Sayyar

    Hamlet is one of the famous plays of William Shakespeare. It is read by most of the over the world. On the other hand it is considered one of the complex plays of Shakespeare. It is due to Prince […]

    • Those who are addicted to drugs are most often irratioal in their behaviours.they embarass their parents and others because of the way they behave. They are easily irritated provoked and hence become irrationally aggressive and violent. They fight when they shouldn’t. This explain why they shoot no matter who is involved. It is because they are irrational in their acts that they kill at randomly. They rape abuse even a three months old baby sexually. Is this not madness? They fight their teachers, parents, brothers, and sisters at the least provocation because they are no longer normal. Some rape they parents, sisters and brothers.

    • A drugs addict is a ripped and good material for cultism. It is where they take drugs that they meet with robbers hence they are talked into joining robbery gangs and secret societies. They resort to petty stealing, truancy, dressing in funny ways. He may die in the process or may fall into the hands of law enforcement agents and end up jail. Can you imagine yourself being shot dead as a robber, a cultist, or being imprisoned for narcotic? What a shame to your family and other admirers. The only way out is to stop it and/ orbnever indulge in it if you haven’tbstarted. Say never to drugs and be free.

    • That reminds me of one of my acquaintance who missed a trip to Lagos from kano. On noticing that the vehicle has departed, he tried to catch up with the appointment by boarding another vehicle. He succeeded in kaduna state, but luck ran out on him when armed robbers disguised as passengers in the same vehicle and began operation between lokoja and okene in kogi state, nigeria. When the armed robbers discovered that he was a officer, they attacked and pushed him out of the moving vehicle and he died.

    • I would like to say that anyone who does not want to fail will never fly. Everyman has what it take to succeed in life, you do not need to blame anyone else for your failure, rather you are expected to turn your disability to ability. That means you must have enough courage to do something different if you expect positive result. It’s madness trying to do the same thing always yet expecting different result.

    • Thomas Edison was interviewed by a New York newspaper; he was asked, how does it feel to fail 700 times trying to practical filament for an electric light? He answered, i”have not failed, not once. However, i have proven that 700 different ways won’t work. When i eliminate all the other ways that won’t work, i will find the way that work. There were over 10,000 so- called failures, but thomas Edison succeeded because he had a dream.

    • One great Truth we must not ignore is that disappointment is a natural phenomenon: life is sometimes difficult and often unfair. What is disappointment and what is the cause? Is there a way out? Can we find solution from the word of God to our many disappointment in life?

    • An ugly woman walk in a store with her two kids, yelling at them. Uche, the store clerk pleasantly said. Good morning ma”am and wecome. Nice children, are they twins? The ugly woman stop yelling and said “hell no, they are not one is 9 years old and other is 7 years old. Why the hell would you think, they are twins, are you blind or stupid? Uche replied “i m Neither blind nor stupid ma”ma, i just can’t believe someone would sleep with you twice!!!.

    • Uche was in a restaurant when his phone rang. He pick it up and said, hello! Who is this? The voice said, uche it’s jane me na, You ran away from me….uche said that’s that. Uche you are enjoying o…jane teased. Uche said: yes O i’m on B B now. Jane screamed: you mean it. I want to be on B B like you. Uche said O.k . jane said, today is my birthday, so what will you you buy for me. Uche said, you mean today is birthday.

    • Knock on her door. She opened it and it was UCHE holing a black nylon bag. She said: wow! I guess that’s the BB, uche said yes. I can’t wait to see it & ping.she received it and wanted to open it bu uche refuse and ask her to wait until he live, so uche left after staying with her.late in the day, uche rececived a phone call. Hello who is this? Asked uche. The voice daid, uche this me Rose, jane’s roommate, jane has fainted o. How managed? Asked uche. When she opened the bag you gave her she discovered it a beans and bread that is inside Rose said.

    • Chike was walking dawn the street sometime ago, then he saw a beautiful Toyota Jeep parked on the side way. He stopped for a minute to stare and admire it just then he saw a hot check coming dawn the road, what’s chike gonna do he quickly thought to himself) he quickly moved near a bit at the front car and prentended it was his own, he kicked a bit at the front and stood by the side of the door. He could see her staring at him,

    • Sure enough she had fallen for him already ( thought to himself) she walked towards him. He composed himself & faked a call to his mechanic while leaning on the door. Just then she approached him and said Excuse me” he pretended not to hear her as he flex big amount of money for spare parts. After a minute she again said, just a second sweet heart, excuse sir! Chikelowered his phone and just a second sweet heart continued on phone as he moved away from the door.( at this moment he was sure she had fallen for him, he could tell from her impatience) but, just as he moved from the door. She open her bag, removed the car keys, opened the door, entered and drove off.

    • After a spause) Chima you shouldn’t have told me this bad news straight. You would have just said that the cat fall inside a well but then neigbour are trying to rescue him. Then i call again you will say he broke his neck but the vet doctor are trying to revive him. Then i call again, you will say they tried their best but they couldn’t save him that’s how they reveal bad news in a mature way. Do you hear me?

    • Chima, who is dying in the hospital is surrounded by his two sons, daughter, wife and nurse. And he said to his eldest son. To you, peter, i leave the airport houses. To you, my daughter, i leave the apartment block in east legion. To you charles, being my youngest son with a large future, i leave the city centre, to you my dear wife, the 3 Residential building tower at tetteh quarshie. The nurse, impressed, tell his wife madam, your husband is very rich. He has so many properties. You are lucky.

    • Quite a detailed analysis of the play.

    • My dear friend, keep in mind that failures are unknown to men because failure symbolize just lack of knowledge while on the other hand, full of knowledge cannot make mistake. Think in lone what I say my dear friend.

      First increase you knowledge and after this try to do things failure will never follow you. There are two keys to success, trust in God and fear of God. New generation has lost these two things. Those who thing success is on the ground of labor are at wrong.

      Because the person who works hard in any field and gets success means that God has put into his soul and mind the elements that will guide the person to success. All successful persons must thanks for God who created him full of natural traits not foolish and mad as you see on earth daily with your physical eyes.

    • Clever analysis. I think Hamlet’s madness was brought to him by circumstances but also by his pride.

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic To hire a ghostwriter -practice and usage? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 11 months ago

    It is not good to work with the ghost writer because ghost writer mean some one writes for someone. It is the same case that someone hires the army for fighting and got victory but the the hired army may leave you any time and your victory will turn into defeat. It means your site will rest on the ghost writer and thus he will blackmail you.

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Baby Sudden Death on the Altar in the forum Group logo of Mysteries, Myths, SuperstitionsMysteries Myths Superstitions 7 years, 11 months ago

    the baby’s mysterious death is due to evil spirit that strangulates the child and I have studied the demon of Aquarius strangulates children anon finding the child alone sleeping. It is fact declared King Solomon in his book, Testaments of Solomon. The woman put the child on the alter and child slept the demon took his life strangulating him on…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar joined the group Group logo of Mysteries, Myths, SuperstitionsMysteries, Myths, Superstitions 7 years, 11 months ago

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    jhsayyar posted an update in the group Group logo of Histography of scienceHistography of science 7 years, 11 months ago

    Heredity, Environment and character decide human fate do you agree?

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    jhsayyar joined the group Group logo of Histography of scienceHistography of science 7 years, 11 months ago

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Deepavali Time is Fast Approaching 7 years, 11 months ago

    By JH Sayyar

    Deepavali in other words diwali is the Hindu festival and Diwali night falls between mid-October and mid-November. Date falls on 30 October 2016. It is made every year in autumn and on this day […]

    • Well,Dewali is traditional festival in India as for as know.I have seen that in the movies.It looks good in the movies when the celebrate the way they celebrate its just awesome,people get together and wearing different colors.They burn the candle and have parties lunch dinner together.In every country people have their traditional cermonies. In India Dewali is the main festival.In our country Pakistan we have to celebration Eid ul Azha and Eid ul Fitar .these 2 Eid also celebrated in India because half of the population in India are Muslims

    • You are saying it rightly. The spiritual aspect of the festival is not even known to the people. If the festival is celebrated at least as a tradition of fathers and forefathers it would have been nice. But people are losing sight of both these aspects.
      They only celebrating it as a family get together.
      They are following all formalities of the festival but forgetting the prayer of Goddess Lakshmi.

      Slowly after seeing the sale of the Idols of the Goddess Lakshmi people are coming to know that she should be worshiped on Diwali festival.

      Most of them are bringing the Idol and doing some prayer. But not doing the worship in a proper manner.

      People should know that the Goddess Lakshmi should be worshiped midnight at 12 O’CLOCK with all in red color. She should be decorated with red saree, the flowers should be red in color. The gold ornaments and other jewelry should be kept before her or she must be decorated with this jewelry. The pooja will take about 1 hour. Everything should be kept clean and a coconut is broken in front of her. There will be some 1 rupee coins with which she is worshiped.

      After breaking the coconut the Aarthi will be given and the prayer will be closed . Some people do not perform the worship using coins. It does not matter. This is not compulsory.

      • Thanks my friend to agree with my point we all must have to make joint efforts for the revival of all religions’ spiritual aspects bringing into light for betterment of humanity. Thanks

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Christina Grimmie, The Voice Finalists Died from Shooting Incident in the forum Group logo of EntertainmentEntertainment 7 years, 11 months ago

    Very sad Christina Grimmie died due to gun shot but how it happened it is a sad news for me and my friends but a shocking news for her family, friends and relatives. She was young and talented artist and fame career in the young age now her voice will store in the fans’ ears.  but body write here who made gun shot on her and why?  

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic What are you thinking about this time? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 11 months ago

    I am very happy you are leaving your own country for a better job in New Zealand and i am sure your luck will support you in the new country. But do one thing, take one new pair of shoes with you and suiting in the train throw the old shoes out of the train and wear the new one so that luck shines on you. The Holy Bible.

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Tinycent Is Exclusive Only in India? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 11 months ago

    There are many sites from which people earn money online as Hub pages but it is slow earning I think Literacy Base is the fastest site to earn money online with any adsense account. Or you make your own site and after six months apply for adsense account and work hard on it you will earn more.

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Something wrong with Insert Link and Image Resize in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    It is very easy my friends but difficult for those who do not think what to do with the site. Think and use brain you will find the source of using the site easily. In the beginning I felt much difficulties but after one or two hours I came to know every ins and outs of this site. Open the Dashboard and ponder over it sitting silence before the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of jhsayyar

    jhsayyar replied to the topic Something wrong with Insert Link and Image Resize in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    It is very my friends but difficult for those who do not think what to do with the site. Think and use brain you will find the source of using the site easily. In the beginning I felt much difficulties but after one or two hours I came to know every ins and outs of this site. Open the Dashboard and ponder over it sitting silence before the…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Maintenance Activity in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    Thanks for this maintenance information because doubts end why the post is late and the real cause comes before us. People are happy listening to this good news.

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT BANANAS AND APPLES in the forum Group logo of Food and fruit contentFood and fruit content 7 years, 11 months ago

    Banana is full of Magnesium that is most important for human body because it distributes phosphorus in the whole human body that is most important for human body.  Calcium balance in human body is due to Magnesium. Magnesium deficiency for a long time cause kidney failure.

    Apple is full of iron that binds the proteins of hemoglobin and award red…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    Do you believe in Black Magic?

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Group Topics in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    I think Group Topic must be chosen for beneficial purpose and must explain fully in the essay written for any purpose. Any topic consists of words and word carries divine power but this secret known to a few person. Topic the soul of the article full of information, pieces of advice and full of moral and spiritual and religious information useful…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar joined the group Group logo of Educational QuotesEducational Quotes 7 years, 11 months ago

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic We had 10 hours blackout this day, October 22 in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 11 months ago

    Yes you say write but do not worry we recall you watching your pic and articles on the Literacy Base reminds all of your thinking and no one feels your absence from the site. Now you are here and I am very happy and welcome you again on this site.

    Your absence do not lose charm because you were present in the articles via your beautiful thinking.

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