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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Silent people in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 11 months ago

     Anitah , my forum fellow you say right there are many peoples who talk less and listen more is the best law to follow to avoid any type of conflict. But you must keep in mind that there are three types of peoples on this earth from the very beginning.

    1. Average Mind

    Average mind always talk about peoples or things wherever they go and sit. T…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Living a lie in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 11 months ago

    Yes there are many peoples who die with some secrets in his hearts. It is a fact that some secrets are kept secret just to save humanity. But reason is not known to common or laymen because they are lack of true knowledge on this earth.

    For example: if someone knows how to make gold and he tells the secret to his friends he will make gold and…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar joined the group Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 11 months ago

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    jhsayyar joined the group Group logo of Household Tips and TricksHousehold Tips and Tricks 7 years, 11 months ago

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Your favorite Bond Movie(s) of 1960s in the forum Group logo of EntertainmentEntertainment 7 years, 11 months ago

    I think the best movie of 1960 is The Magnificent Seven but what is best for you I do not know but I like the movie with my whole heart because in this movie is seen that a Mexican peasant village hires seven gunfighters to defend their homes and peoples of the village.

    The method of defending the village is fantastic and exclusive and along…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Importance of Drying Centi-leaf and Curry leaf in the forum Group logo of Food and fruit contentFood and fruit content 7 years, 11 months ago

    My friend thanks for giving information about curry leaves and centy leaves and the method of drying is also good but you did not tell the readers for what purpose you mom used to buy these leaves and how she used to use it at home so that other readers could may know its importance and could use at homes for health benefits.

    In the next article…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar and Profile picture of peachpurplepeachpurple are now friends 7 years, 11 months ago

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    jhsayyar joined the group Group logo of Post your topic and I’ll share reply or comentPost your topic and I’ll share reply or coment 7 years, 11 months ago

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic What inspires you, money or love,LOL. in the forum Group logo of EntertainmentEntertainment 7 years, 11 months ago

    My friend, in real life neither love nor money inspires any body but greed is the base hiding in the veil of emotions instigate human soul to do something sometime for beloved, sometimes for parents, sometimes for children and sometimes for self.

    Today’s love rests on money if someone has no money he cannot love at all. For example, you go…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar joined the group Group logo of dealing  with alot health  issuesdealing with alot health issues 7 years, 11 months ago

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Does Nature Play any Role in Improving Human Judgment? 7 years, 11 months ago

    By JH Sayyar

    Lear is such as a play where all the aspects of nature are discussed and along with it all the external and internal forces of nature are shown as the teacher of human beings. The most important […]

    • I’m not sure the “graduated stages” are in correct order. I think we begin our lives at the “ideal stage”. Dependent on our human judgment we end up either “civilized” or “uncivilized”. 🙂

      • There is no ideal stage of men on earth because very man’s ideal is different than other that is every body thinks about ideal. The same formula may be applied as we Keats used to say, “Beauty is truth and truth beauty”. Beauty never dies or changes into nothingness but everyone’s ideal changes everyday at every step with the passage of time all over the world.

        Thus Nature and its laws never change in the whole universe that is why nature teaches men if no one can tame the man. All the scientific laws are the reflections of nature and proof of nature tat nature the justice of God and teaches men in a technical way even men cannot think of it.

        When men become uncivilized it the nature that makes men civilized on earth. All the prophets’ teaching show this and all the books and scientific theories also show this theory that nature makes men civilized than any other person earth.

        Nature is great mentor of human being since its creation. But we ignore this fact that going to utter destruction following mad made laws are turning paradise into hell.

      • 1.The mother of love is the pillow of head
        2. The pillow of head is the worship of god.
        3.the rare decisions is the owner of nature.
        4.So everything goes behind nature.
        5. Being well with true source of love.
        6.the young is the nature the young is the population

    • Thanks for appreciating the pic I posted for my article title.

    • Yes nature does plays an important role, and sometimes, we have to face the things even if they are not going well, and wait for the right time to come to us.
      One more advice: You can perhaps publish such a post in two parts for better readability.

      • Yes you say right, my friend there are two things happening earth some people have contact with nature and some peoples do not have contact with nature the third rejects nature as a whole. When we say Nature it means, the four power of God, Fire, Earth, Water and Air. These are the forces of nature that create changes in human nature means habit and entirely change entirely human thinking power.

        the process of teaching nature is very slow when man starts thinking nature process of teaching starts according to your knowledge.It is a fact that those who have no knowledge and those who have knowledge there is a great difference about the concept of God.

        The soul that has link with Nature remains on the right path but those who do not have link with God follow the wrong path knowingly. All things are in human and is fixed a micro chip copy of macro chip that is why we take interest in everything.

        The main function of man on earth is to what is the right time to do something nature will support you at every step. As wee see farmers know the timings of sowing different vegetables if they know not the timings they cannot sow anything and will starve.

        A deep thinking in loneliness leads men to God and right path.

    • When we say someone is good natured or bad natured it has nothing to do with nature per se. It is one’s nature or character. This is inbuilt and the exposure changes it either way.

      • No tell me from where he or she get good or bad nature what is the source of getting good or bad nature on earth? Listen, when we say that someone has good nature and other has bad nature actually means the sayer’s thing has the sense of right and wrong living among human beings.

        It is heredity that transfers the seed of goodness heredity we get from parents and we cannot choose parents. The heredity genes are brought up in the environment of all ready present because neither we can choose our parents nor environment and good or bad nature is the production of human made environment that we all get from parents and parents got from their parents.

        If human interaction has power over human nature why Jesus Christ did not get any effect of environment in whole life? Human mind is a mixture of three things reason, emotions and wisdom. Emotions man has bad character, and wise man has good character on earth. Its ratio decides what type of this man is.

        In human beings’ mind there is a chip fixed by God on his birth of all macro world in shape of micro world that 24 link with God and we call in common language Nature.

        Scientific laws are got from the research of nature these are the laws that effect human life and we see but actually it is effect of Natural laws that effect men on earth.

        When with the passage of time human beings’ knowledge will increase he will change his mind about God and Nature.

        Everybody talks or discuss within the range of acquired knowledge and beyond the acquired knowledge boundary he or she cannot go out of it. Think what our forefathers used to think, we think on their pattern or not.

    • I personally feel that there is no need to refer to any works of Shakespeare or Milton to decide certain things in life.

      I think it is not only nature which is a master of all human lives. But the social interactions that teach many things whether it is love, beauty, anger, or hatred which are again dependent on nature.

      But a doubt will arise how can a blind person interact with nature? This is a point for discussion or argument.

      A normal person can identify a pot placed before him or shown to him. But a blind person can not know except knowing its name. Someone should describe and explain him what a pot is and what it is made of.

      Here the social interactions play a vital role. The person explaining him about the pot should explain properly. If he gives wrong information he can not know about it. Here nature has nothing to do but it is only the social interactions that prove helpful.

      • 1. We all must keep in mind in the light of wisdom that on earth man has three kinds of relationship: 1. man’s relation with man, 2. man’s relation with universe, 3 man’s relation with God. No body can prove fourth link the world over.

        2. The seed of heredity we get from our parents and the environment, we get ready mane these two things built human character good or bad on earth living human beings of different nature.

        3. Man cannot make moral codes for man we all get moral codes fro the above ready made given by God to the holy prophets for the betterment of peoples of the whole world.

        4. Social interaction is the seed we get ready made not God made because we cannot choose two things self parents and environment on birth. Think, rain, thunder, fire, storm, dust storm… all types of natural catastrophes teach us. Heavy rain teaches us to make umbrellas, flood teaches us to make walls to control water…the more you think the more you learn the the teaching of nature on earth.

        5. On earth you know well what the peoples are doing but we all do not follow earthly peoples because most of them are going wrong path. What the we stop us following the wrong path is called human nature, conscious ego or sense o wright and wrong.

        6. When human and universal nature combines man teaches everything on earth.If no misery or problem on earth no man will pray to God because in problem everyone reminds of God in their own language because we all know that God is our Creator.

        7. It is Shakespeare who combined three links in his plays nature men and social interaction to teach human beings the sense of right and wrong.

        My friend think… or I will explain more for your knowledge.

    • NATURE HAS the value of love.Love is the well being.Caring nature is sharing.
      the carry bag of excellence must be learnt from nature.
      Everyone has to do the same.

    • I am taking the context on the philosophy point of view of nature. I am thinking the nature which God has created. The natural phenomena are abounding all over and even in the entire universe. The play which has been presented here as an example on how nature may influence the person’s way of thinking in determining what is wrong and what is right is of the highest level of reasoning. Ordinarily we could comprehend these things the macrocosm, microcosm, orthodox, heterodox, or whatever.

      In an ordinary man’s parlance, nature is what God has the sole command and control. What was happening to the world like the deadly tornado, the super typhoon, the tsunamis, and everything which is beyond man’s control is caused by nature. And nature is connected with God. As we are created by God and placed here on earth, we have the responsibility to take care for ourselves, for our family, for the whole community, and even the world and the universe in the course of our way of living as we expand our knowledge to highly advanced technology. Yet it sounds confusing. Let’s forget about it what nature wants, the people are adapting.

      • Yes Shakespeare has presented the highest level of reasoning. It is Shakespeare who wrote for kings, queens and princess not for common man. If we do not understand the levels of nature it means our education is faulty that could not raise man’s reasoning level and we say they something is very difficult.

        Actually nature means the influence of the machinery that is influencing human being on earth from the above with the decree of God. Why does so is the point of question in human mind.

        Scientists say that storms and earthquakes appear on earth according to the laws of nature and god does not take part in it is a wrong thinking because daily earthquakes do not appear why?

        Everything on this universe is working according to the programs of God in heaven and on earth. Changes in the chemistry of fire, earth, water and air is called phenomena in modern language.

        I think that we must increase our knowledge so that we could easily understand human nature and universal nature that Shakespeare has presented in all his plays.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Is Hypocrisy is the Part of Human Nature or Self Created? 7 years, 11 months ago

    BY JH Sayyar

    According to A. C. Bradley the sub plot in King Lear weakens the structure of the play because it is only the repetition of the main plot. Here Bright Man says that it universalizes in gratitude […]

    • I like your analytical notes about Shakespeare’s writings. In response to the question posed by way of your blog post title – hypocrisy is definitely self-created. How I see it? In order for a person to become a hypocrite, it means they know there’s a right way and a wrong way. They learn the right way first and then purposely choose – on their own – to create the “mask”.

      I say, if it’s already a part of your human nature, then you don’t have to bother to that additional “covering”. If it were already a part of your human nature, you wouldn’t have to always to behave “the right way” (show the appearance of sincerity and integrity) so that outsiders looking at you don’t know that you are intentionally going “the wrong way” (you’re just a deceiver).

      • You say right but you forget that there are two kinds of persons on this earth real human being and bastard human being. Read King Lear’s double play of nature the bastard is bastard and real is real. You cannot choose your parents and childhood environment we get both of the two already premade and when we get the seed of heredity from our parents the appearing on the earth get the polluted environment and in this polluted atmosphere his character is built such types of characters are surely hypocrites on earth.

        and those who are brought up in such environment has double nature. So far as Shakespeare is concerned Shakespeare has painted kings, princes and queens not common man whose bringing up pattern is different than common men on earth but I think you are talking about common men.

        Human nature is full of love hope and faith hypocrisy is our self made habit for financial gain and nothing else. Therefore it is said rightly that character is destiny.

        • I have a read a few of Shakespeare’s plays. Mostly I’ve seen film adaptations. I don’t like when they try to “modernize” his plays. He wrote for a specific historical time frame and when the movie producers keep it in that period, I usually enjoy most film adaptations. Although I appreciate Shakespeare’s writings, I don’t always agree and I don’t have to agree because after all, it’s just fiction, intended to make you think.

          I think there is only one kind of human being. Real human beings who make choices. The choices they make might cause other people to call them “dirty rotten bastards”. 🙂

          Hypocrisy is not always for financial gain. It is most of the time, but not all of the time. But hypocrisy is definitely for the purposes of manipulation to gain “something”.

          Your character is your destiny because you choose your path. We have a free will and when all is said and done, we can’t place blame on anybody for our choices. “You reap what you sow.” That’s not fiction. That’s fact. Also, to say that there are “bastard human beings” is to say that people can not repent or change or be redeemed. Once a bastard, always a bastard? (O.o) That can’t be right.

          Just thinking. Final note. Back to you. 🙂

          • I have read the whole article and you say that Shakespeare all are fictions but you must know that for example we King Lea is not a fiction King Lear was a preRoman Celtic King. Shakespeare took his story from the Celtic book and wrote a evergreen tragedy. How we can call it a fiction.

            One thing is most important about Shakespeare that he only wrote for Kings, queens and princess not for common man. Those who call Shakespeare’s plays fiction and free of moral teaching are lack of knowledge.

            Hamlet’s legend was present before the birth of Shakespeare in Italy, Scandinavia, Byzantium and Arab countries. In Scandinavian king was murdered and he left his two sons Hroar and Heligi, both the sons of the kings roamed in the country to hide self under false name. Shakespeare took the story fro this source.

            how e can say that Shakespeare’s play are fiction. no fiction but the real stories of history unknown to men.

            • Of course, fiction is based on real life. But fiction simply means the events did not happen in real life. Could have happened but didn’t. Shakespeare’s plays are fiction. He has historical facts weaved in, that can be verified, just like most writers of fiction. He may have written for the royalty and nobles but there were poor folks in his audience at the theater. They must have understood what was going on too. Also, many writers borrow ideas from what has already been written by others. Why would Shakespeare be any different? Who said his plays lacked moral content? Certainly not me. I am certain he had a moral lesson for us all to learn. That’s why I said: He makes you think!

    • I am not much of a Shakespeare fan. There were just a couple of plays that we had in college. Anyway you seem to have a thorough knowledge on the subject.
      By choice no one would want to be a hypocrite. This is forced on us in order to survive.

    • 1. Hypocrisy is censored by the world
      2. The whole response of world is hypocrisy
      3. Anyone goes to hypocrtical thought
      4. Nature is the backgroung of everything
      5. You are the sole response of you
      6. Rest is nature of the life finishing

    • As I have read the Bible and other related scriptures, I know there are many kind of hypocrisy for by man’s nature he is like that. It is even mentioned in a certain scripture that a natural man is enemy to God. Why is it so? Man is created by God in his own image. Man resembles God in that manner. But what about his attitude, his manner. Before man became a sinner, he is as pure as God. He is obedient and very willing to do whatever God has commanded. When man was tempted by the devil, he refused it. He even reasoned out. But he had failed when Eve convinced him to eat the forbidden fruit. That’s what I know why man became an enemy to God. It is difficult to comprehend. Isn’t it?

      Anyway, my point is sin sets the barrier for us to become like our Great Creator. And for that we practice the different forms of hypocrisy to make us acceptable, all forms of lying, all forms of deception, all forms of cheating. In short, hypocrisy does it all. Will you agree?

      • yes you say right there are many kinds of hypocrisy as we know hat Peter was a hypocrite who helped the Jews in arresting Jesus Christ what will you say about Peter? Was Christ’s teaching was ineffective on Peter? No he was naturally hypocrite tat is why he make such types of obnoxious act against Christ.

        Just like there are many peoples on earth like Peter who the jobs of hypocrisy on earth/ It is just lack of true knowledge if we have the knowledge of truth of all tings we will not make any negative act against anyone.

        I tell you sin is the of self deceit because if we disobey God’s commandments in practical like we make sins at every step. God says not to drink wine, but we all take it, God says not tell lie, but we all tell a lie in practical filed..think where is the root cause of our sin?

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Do You Believe in Supernatural Elements in Real Life? 7 years, 11 months ago

    By JH Sayyar

    Supernatural elements play an important role in tragedies and are considered most important part of all tragedies. A great tragedy without supernatural elements is useless. First of all […]

    • I very much believe in supernatural power in real life. I believe the dead can come back to the earth as normal humans and I also believe they can come to the earth as ghosts.
      I believe ghost has power to to do things in real life. I even believe ghosts can kill humans. I believe dead people can inform people via dreams and also believes people can die after seeing a dead man alive.
      Although I have never seen them before but I very much think they exist because I have heard many stories about them from my parents and other old men and women in the village.
      I also believe in magical powers and I think it exists to the core. I believe people can move something without direct contact with it.
      I believe also that with the use of magic, one in Africa can kill someone on Asia.
      I believe in God who’s a supernatural being, I believe a spoken word(a praywr) to ones creator travels to the creator and he hears it and grant our request.
      Having faith is also supernatural, that is believing undoubtedly something that is unlikely to happen.
      In fact he who doesn’t believe the world is supernatural itself doesn’t have a creator

    • It is not me but those around me that believe in supernatural powers. Our religion has stopped us from further analysis of this rather evading subject.

      • i think, you believe in supernatural elements in practical life bible if full of supernatural elements for example, Jesus Christ expelled evil spirit from the human body and when they ordered to leave the body they ran and people used to see them with their physical eyes.

        Your mind is full of super natural elements but we do not think for a while. Appearing horrible creatures in dreams are called super natural elements. Births of such peoples that are not normal are super natural beings.

        Those who say we do not believe in super natural beings are those who unknowingly accept their physical existence on earth.

    • I believe it’s possible I mean look around you this life is full.of unanswered questions this is a big world and is full.of good and evil spirts I like to think one working for us and the other against us

      • There are count less veil powers and good powers we call it negative forces and positive forces are working side by side with man. It is called the conflict of human mind. When man is born he gets two angels a good angle and a bad angle.

        Sometimes bad angles tame men and sometimes men tame good angle and bad angles both of them. Sometimes they appears as bad angels are called super natural elements on earth.

        Good angels protect man and evil angels mar human beings using their negative forces via brain power in negative works and deeds injurious to men and societies of the whole world.

        Now I tell you how recognize good and bad angels. Both types of angels live in human minds in shape of conceptions. If your conceptions are good and useful for society means you are under the influence of good angels but if your concepts are injurious to the society means you are under the influence of bad angels. Therefore check you notions 24 hours to protect your being from the influence of bad angels.

    • Supernatural things are those which have no scientific validity.

      Though Shakespeare depicts the supernatural things like Witches Witchcraft ,ghosts etc., in his plays they were the beliefs existing in the society of Elizabethan age. Here lies his technique in moulding the character of personality in his plays. He took the help of beliefs prevailing in the society and build a character.

      Even in these modern days, there are still some people who believe in Ghosts and Omen. In France, the crossing of a Black cat is not good. What do they not think is how has a cat to do with your work ?

      I personally do not believe such things. They are only some effective gadgets to make some money by the illiterates.

      • There are seven principles working in the whole universe even in man. I will try to understand you what are super natural elements and how they work and what scientists say about them.

        Supernatural elements belong to the sixth law of nature. The principle of cause and effect. Keep in mind there is no cause without and there is effect without cause in the whole universe even in man;s body.

        We may say in simple words that every effect has its cause and every cause has its effect and nothing beyond it. There is no chance of name it someone fails tracing its cause it is called chance.

        Burmuda Triangle is a supernatural element but was not introduced in any plays or films. Heavy flood and storms are the best example to understand the super natural elements.

        Scientists have seen recently flying creatures in the sky and Japan’s Sony company that makes camera has put some camera on the tree and noted some mysterious creatures coming and going on every tree.. looking at the sight the team wondered.

        Sometimes these creatures appear on earth with order of God and people see them are called supernatural elements.

    • Yes, part of me believes that these elements exist in this world but we cannot just see them but part of me don’t want to believe these supernatural thing. Maybe they are part of our world and just living with other dimension, just like aliens living in other part of the universe. But of course, science don’t really have say about this thing because its not there genre.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Is Self-Talking in loneliness has any Importance in Human Life? 7 years, 11 months ago

    BY JH Sayyar

    Soliloquy is one of the best Elizabethan devices to reveal a character’s state of mind in a play for further action. The ancient writers used chorus to indicate the major character’s plan in the […]

    • Soliloquy and self talking are two different things. Soliloquy is heard by others – it has an audience but self talking is not. One cannot associate soliloquy with loneliness but self talking could be a result thereof.

      • Actually soliloquy is the replica of self taking both are the same. Think, if you think in lone something and talk to self nobody is around you is called self talking but when you say the same the same thinking in front of the peoples is called soliloquy.

        Prince Hamlet first thought in solitude what he is doing and what the people are doing with him after his father’s death. The same thought he raised among the people on the stage.

        What the soliloquy makes says may not be understood by the audience as we see Hamlet says, to be or not to, that is question. The audience could not understand what is the meaning of this phrase nor critics could not still the real meaning of this phrase.

        Every body in real like makes self talking and soliloquy consciously or consciously but he or she do not pay attention to this in real life.

    • Soliloquy is important in old dramas of the dramatists like Shakespeare. As rightly said it tells the audience the opinion and mind of the character in advance. It tells what he is thinking for the future and what action he is planning. It is never addressed to audience but the audience can not neglect the soliloquy.

      But in real life, such thing can not be there. It always takes the shape of thinking. It adopts the process of thinking and planning which nobody can know. There is no place for soliloquy except thinking and planning.

      At the most it takes the form of discussion or dialogues in real life.

      • Yea in real life such thing not be there. you sure, but I ma not sure because when falls in any problem belonging to future any real of practical world thinks in love what he or should do. After too much thinking he or she discusses his future plan with with mentors or friend…it is real life according to you. my friend.

        First he make self talk in solitude and then he talks with his friends. the first process is called self talk and the second process is called soliloquy. The same thing but we do not ponder over the process even in modern age.

        Self talking is human nature and soliloquy is also human nature but we do not think over the process. For example you read the whole article and said self the written article is right or wrong your wisdom raised some questions before and in mean while you think about to write your opinion on this forum.

        Your self process is self talking and your second process is soliloquy even in modern age. We all think less and speak more, is habit of modern age. Sometimes we fail sometimes we succeed in our future mission. I say human beings’ whole life is full of self talking and soliloquy.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post,  Has Poetry Power to Arouse Pity and Fear? 7 years, 11 months ago

    By JH Sayyar

    Mighty lines mean; unrhymed iambic pentameters, which are sometimes, called blank verse. In which each line is divided into five feet; in each feet there are two syllables, in each the second […]

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Do you believe in the Tragic Conflict Upsets Human Heart, Mind and Soul? 7 years, 11 months ago

    By JH Sayyar

    Christopher Marlowe made a great contribution to the development of the Elizabethan plays. But the major contribution of Marlowe to English drama is to introduce tragic conflict to the Elizabethan […]

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Has Funny Talking any Importance in Practical Life? 7 years, 11 months ago

    By JH Sayyar

    The play Dr. Faustus is a serious tragedy of Dr. Faustus’s indomitable desires. Aristotle defines tragedy in his famous book Poetics, an imitation of a serious action with a beginning, middle and a […]

    • I don’t know much about the movie you are talking about but I very well can assure you that funny talks can positively affect our practical life.
      When we talk about funny talks we talk about laughter cos laughter follows funny talks. And according to medicals, laughter improves out health thereby improving our practical life.
      Funny talks weakens a violent heart and makes it humanly again.
      I can remember when my father was very angry with everyone in the family and bow I flog all of us for not doing what we were supposed to do. He was very angry that he had to leave the house for us and promised to come back later in the night to flog us. We all were waiting for our strokes of Cain.
      When he came back, he was still planning of flogging us. We were in the room waiting for him to call us with his harsh voice but after sometime we started hearing loud laughter between my mother and my father. We were surprised. So throughout the night he didn’t flog us like he said but he called us and warn us never to commit the crime again in a jovial manner this time.
      The next day when my father went to work, we had to ask our mother what softened the heart of our father that night. She laughed and told us she told him a funny story that happened earlier that day. So we had to thank her for saving us.
      This post had really made me remember the past.
      So I think very much that funny talk is very important both in medicals and also in our practical lives.

    • Yes my friend funny talk has power to change human mind as the fool of Lear changed the Lear’s mind when he was roaming the jungle after being expelled by his ungrateful daughters, In the cave and out side the rain falling. The fol says, o king give me and i shall give you two crown cutting the eggs into two parts.

      The king now understood the whole core of this funny talk what is fool is saying and pointing to the king’s mistake that he has done in the past dividing his kingdom between his two ungrateful daughters ignoring the elder due to not making praise of the king.

      It is the fool that reminds of the king and his horrible mistake of dividing his kingdom unjustly. In King Lear the character is most important we must learn from funny talk in practical life. The comedies the replica of the real life.

    • One of the most outstanding characteristics of Hamlet is his subtle and persistent humor. It crops out at every turn, and indicates the essential soundness of his mind. Madness does not lie this way. Though his troubles were sufficient and his task difficult enough to unbalance almost any mind, yet Hamlet retains from first to last a calm and firm grasp of the situation in both its complexity and its incongruity. No character in all Shakespeare is more evenly balanced, and no mind more capable of seeing things in all their bearings.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Can Plays Improve Morality in Modern Age? Do you agree? 7 years, 11 months ago

    By JH Sayyar

    Marlowe’s famous play Dr. Faustus is a documentary record of the Renaissance period. It shows various trends of the Renaissance period for knowledge, lust for wealth, lust for limitless power and l […]

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