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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, I am not a woman, I am Power of God 7 years, 11 months ago

    By JH Sayyar
    Woman has been a problematic being since her creation on earth. The first charge was made against woman that she disobeyed God’s first decree  Eden and thus Adam and Eve were fell on ea […]

    • This is a good article which needs good discussion. But the time and space are not sufficient.

      The sentence ” Woman is a creative positive force of God on earth and along with it, woman symbolizes creativity and protection in the whole universe” written in the article show some discrimination.

      Why don’t we say that woman is a creative force of Goddess?

      The woman is a force, either positive or negative. She acts like positive force as well as negative force. When we consider woman as a positive force she is capable of delivering a positive force by giving birth to a positive female child. So much so, she is also capable of releasing negative force in the force of male child.

      We should accept that she is an embodiment of force which can deliver either positive force (if we thing and use any such terminology) or negative force.

      This is an infallible truth which nobody can deny.

    • Those who say that they are not religious persons are at wrong because we must worship God in life because God is our creator our parents are our creators just God is our creator.

      Those who worship parents must worship God because God is the Creator of all things on earth and in heaven. Man and woman are nothing but the sign of positivity and negativity and nothing else. Man means destruction and woman means construction you must keep in mind.

    • As human beings, men and women, we were all created in the image and likeness of God. Meaning we are all and should be a representation of God. We are more than the animals and plants but a little less than angels. We are heirs, ambassadors and offsprings of the will of God. We are important, both men and women.

      In many cultures while the men work it was the women’s duty to ensure the children received the required education. Women are bear a lot more pain and can endure more than men.

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Plagiarism in forums and in articles in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    To make Literacy Base site most original we all must have to take action against plagiarism supporting the admins about the plagiarism. We write original articles and plagiarists cheat the article and print the article with his own name. On the other hand, plagiarists must also think that it is not good for your mentality because plagiarists do t…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Plagiarism in forums and in articles in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    We must all discourage plagiarism at all forum because it is stealing and theft as you mention ,ore than this the site owners must take actions against the plagiarists so that this business could be blocked anon.

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    jhsayyar posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    On some posts end is written you cannot answer to this question, no join forum button, what is the reason behind it?

    • It is only left for them. What is the important of message you post of question you asked from your students as a teach and at the same time telling them they cannot know the answer

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Plagiarism in forums and in articles in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 11 months ago

    EvilElf: you are saying right and hundred per cent true, most of the peoples on different sites of internet are copying using software changing a bit and publish the article online. It is a very serious condition for the site owner and for the readers. 

    Every person must discourage the cheaters on internet because they snatch the original…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic The return of The Walking Dead in the forum Group logo of EntertainmentEntertainment 7 years, 11 months ago

    It is the best show  talking dead talks about the walking dead got its end after seven years but it is antique name and idea in the olden days I have read and listen dead walking in the graveyard and old magician tell that walking dead is nothing but the man’s self thinking appears before man and man wonders looking at the dead walking and…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic What common accidents do you usually hear or read about? in the forum Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 7 years, 11 months ago

    I read about the road accidents in the news papers because it shows the listless behavior of the present government the main cause of accidents on the road is traffic laws but most of the people do not care for the traffic  laws and breaking laws in considered bravery in my country because they belong to rich families.

    Home accidents at homes…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Dwarfs in the forum Group logo of Mysteries, Myths, SuperstitionsMysteries Myths Superstitions 7 years, 11 months ago

    Yes dwarfs live on earth according to their will and wishes but you are happy the dwarf did not harm you otherwise I have listened to a magician the dwarf sucks human blood and changes man into a dwarf.

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic What inspires you, money or love,LOL. in the forum Group logo of EntertainmentEntertainment 7 years, 11 months ago

    Tell me something about New Zealand seasons and people and eating how you are feeling there happy or sad die away from your parents and friends. I pray to God you live there happy with a large amount of money you came back.

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic What inspires you, money or love,LOL. in the forum Group logo of EntertainmentEntertainment 7 years, 11 months ago

    Yes love for money changes everything of man and women it changes anon human needs and the needs of love and hate but if you have money do not forget the poor we earning for them also. Money is God’s blessing and needs provider but the sources of money are created by God not human skill.

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    jhsayyar joined the group Group logo of Health IssuesHealth Issues 7 years, 11 months ago

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic 1920 London in the forum Group logo of EntertainmentEntertainment 7 years, 11 months ago

    Ok you watch horror movies but it leaves a bad effect on your memory i do not like to watch horror movies but watching love movies and historical movies to enhance my information.

    In every movie supernatural elements are used to awake pity and fear in human soul it is the point on which the movie earning money rests but. is any movies awakes pity…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, The Importance of Music in Human Life. Do You Agree? 7 years, 11 months ago

    By JH Sayyar
    “Twelfth Night” is one of the best comedies of Shakespeare. It is romantic comedy not a pure comedy which concerns with a love affair that involves a cute and idealized hero and sometimes dis […]

    • Music is very important to the listener especially when you know the lyrics of the music and when you love the beating of music.
      I might not know the lyrics of a music but my love for the music will grow cos of the beating.
      I think the main Booster of a music is its beating. When the beating is acceptable to the listeners, the lyrics doesn’t matter again.
      Why I think the beating is important is that it gives the listeners a reason to dance to the tone of the music.
      A beating of a music can be slow or fast but I love slow beat music as I enjoy it the most.
      The only music I like to have a slow beat are the worship songs which brings us back to our Lord. When a worship song is sang in a slow beat it tends to be more enjoyable.
      Music is very important in our everyday activities in the sense that;
      It relieves pain and return joy to the listeners
      It reduces an idle mind even if you are alone cos listening to music works with the mind and the brain.
      It lowers high blood pressure especially when the music has a comedy attachments.
      It also enables one to remember his past experience depending on the information the music contains.
      Musics can affect the character of a person morally.
      For me personally music enhances sleep. Sometimes when I don’t feel like sleeping I switch on my music and I will not know when to sleep. I always put my best music to enhance the enjoyment.
      Really really this post is nice. Music is very important and every music is good depending on someone’s perspective to the music.

    • Every one has music in their heart. 🙂

    • It sounds really interesting to watch. I remember there is a set book that we did in school called Romeo and Juliet it was also based on a love story, that got so many young children by surprise. I remember whenever it was time for literature everyone was wide awake just to listen to words of the love birds and learn from it.you would hear many people using some I the love lines used there to court girls very interesting. Anyway back to the topic, music is a healing of the soul. If there are people who don’t listen or who don’t like music, if you look at them or study them closely you will notice that they are either not romantic or they really don’t know how to please their partners in the smallest ways. Music can teach us a lot of things in life, and this is one thing that many people don’t know. I love music and I tend to play it all the time. Whether am working in the house or at work, there is always music playing I theback ground. When am driving I play music in the car, when am walking I have my big earphones on but that I don’t do everyday for the sake of my ears. When I go to bed I’ll have some music playing as I lie in bed, as I wait for sleep to come, then when I start dosing I switch off. Right now as I write this post am playing some music as I go on. I would recommend for people’s to learn to live music it changes moods and always put a smile on people’s faces try it.

    • I do agree music is extremely important, it is a way of expression and affect your mood and mindset. Althought i’m not really knowledgeable about Shakespeare, his twelfth night seems quite intresting.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Romance: The Part of Human Nature. Do You Agree? 7 years, 11 months ago

    BY JH Sayyar
    “Twelfth Night” is a pure romance in the eyes of critics: because romance is the pleasure and excitement that you feel when you are with the person to whom you love. It is the case with the Duke in […]

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Delay in Revenge Takes Men to Fall In Practical life 7 years, 11 months ago

    By JH Sayyar

    Hamlet is a famous play of Shakespeare and is read by most of the world people after the Bible according to a latest survey. It is considered one of the complex plays due to Hamlet’s delay in t […]

    • Could there be another word for delayed action which is procrastination? Most are guilty of that creating chaos in one’s life.

      • Yes against delay the word is used (lingering in action) produces the same meaning and concept.But it is a famous word understood by all that is why it is used for the readers’ convenience.

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic The reason for bragging in the forum Group logo of Inspirational/MotivationalInspirational/Motivational 7 years, 11 months ago

     Shavkat: if you prove something is not the symbol of bragging because the traits in you mind is put by God how can we brag over it? I thinking is amoral sin we must avoid of it. If you have special traits is the gift of God we must be thankful to God for this.

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic The reason for bragging in the forum Group logo of Inspirational/MotivationalInspirational/Motivational 7 years, 11 months ago

    Yes, you say wright that most of the people brag without any cause I think those fall in inferiority complex brag to hide their personality hollowness. If we think for a moment all things are given by God how a person can brag on anything? Bragging is one of the most common problems among women more and less in man especially youth are interested…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar joined the group Group logo of Inspirational/MotivationalInspirational/Motivational 7 years, 11 months ago

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic What are you thinking about this time? in the forum Group logo of Thinkers GroupThinkers Group 7 years, 11 months ago

    Just now I am thinking how you thought what other peoples are thinking at this time I an thinking at this what to write for my readers in Sonnets and Odes. I select the theme of Funeral because I saw a funeral very sad behind the funeral were just 6 to 8 persons. Looking at this very grievous situation of our society my heart mourned over the…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar posted an update in the group Group logo of Simple Road To SuccessSimple Road To Success 7 years, 11 months ago

    I call woman the positive force of nature. Do you agree with me?

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