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    jhsayyar joined the group Group logo of Life Advice and HelpLife Advice and Help 7 years, 11 months ago

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    jhsayyar joined the group Group logo of Earning money fast online by faithfulnessEarning money fast online by faithfulness 7 years, 11 months ago

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Food For the Eye in the forum Group logo of Food and fruit contentFood and fruit content 7 years, 11 months ago

    Yes you say right that eyes are the most important part of human body but its care is must from every disease and the medicines you mentioned are the best and the supplements you write are useful for the young writers so that they could take care of their eyes.

    To protect eyes from any evil things we must use antioxidants that we can get from…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar started the topic What is the aim of Youths? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 11 months ago

    I have seen youths are wasting their times in love activities, and some in other useless activities…they do not pat attention to their studies at colleges,schools and universities…they are doing right or wrong, I do not know but according to me they are marring their future. Am I right?

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Chasing the dollars in the forum Group logo of Post your topic and I’ll share reply or comentPost your topic and I'll share reply or coment 7 years, 11 months ago

    Yes. my friend money is paper with some pictures and the whole world people are chasing it to fulfill human needs in earth. Barter system has finished now credit card, pay pal card… is being used for deed and to buy something in future money will disappear and card will be used.

    People will deposit money in the banks and will from get just card…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Sometimes Foolish Talk Wisely and Wise Talk Foolishly. Do you agree? 7 years, 11 months ago

    By JH Sayyar

    King Lear is the best play of Shakespeare that depends on the three main characters of the play: the Fool, Lear, and the mad man, under the name of poor Tom (Edgar). All these choristers develop […]

    • This topic sounds very funny but a close thinking and attention to this topic makes you tend to know the meaning very clearly. If am to justify this topic in my own words, this will be my judgement.
      The fools talk wisely :this in the other hands means that the one we think to be the foolish one are the wise ones. But the fact is the world misunderstand the word of a wise man as foolish thereby calling the man a fool. A fool talks wisely in the sense that his words make sense and if taken granted will lose a lot. A fool who talks wisely is the wise one while a wise man who talk foolishly is a fool. A wise man who talks foolishly is detected by a fool who talks wisely. The world sees him as wise but actually when a closer look is given to him, you will notice his words make no sense but only an ordinary man applaud his foolish words taking it as wise.
      It is better to be a fool who talks wisely rather being a wise man who talks foolishly. Having the wisdom when talking matters the most.
      That is my judgement.
      Another thing is that a fool may be talking wisely but due to he’s known for being a fool, his words will be taken for granted. The wise man who’s there may be talking foolishly but people around applaud him because he’s known for his wise words. Only a deep thinking will tell you who’s wise or foolish.

    • My dear friend, you are right saying this that a wise man is a fool when he talks wisely among the fools is just as a gold ring in the nose of a swine. The man people call fool is a man full of win and wisdom and humor but people do not listen to their talks carefully they ignore them because they become uneducated as I have seen.

      If someone be in the King’s Palace may give any advice to the royal family but he watching all actions and its result but he is fool in the yes of the king and queen just due to the difference of status and nothing else.

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, In Twelfth Night no Hero but Heroines, Do you agree? 7 years, 11 months ago

    By JH Sayyar

    Twelfth Night is a romantic comedy and it entirely deals with the love affair between Orsino and Olivia. However, Viola plays an important role in this love affair disguising her in the dress of a […]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Why is Cheating Trend Increasing Day by Day in the World of Internet? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 11 months ago

    My friend Eve did not cheat Adam but Adam was an invigilator in Eden. Eating the fruit of the forbidden tree Adam fulfilled his responsibility that God imposed on Adan to care for her all day and night.

    Eve was curious and wanted to know the reality of the forbidden tree so that she could inform Adam the importance of the tree forbidden. Think,…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Can you dance rock and roll? in the forum Group logo of EntertainmentEntertainment 7 years, 11 months ago

    Well done  cely, you danced on the stage is a very tough job moving body parts in a special way with the rhythm of poetry. Weeping, laughing, sing and dancing every women know since their births because these are part and parcels of women’s nature.

    Well you got success in dance party and got popularity among the students and teachers> One b…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar started the topic What may be the Cause of Falling in Sudden Love? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 11 months ago

    I went to attend my friend birthday party and my friend fell in the love of the girl who standing before him and I was standing near him. The girl and my friend saw each other and went to other place to gossip. We all friends wondered what happened within ten minutes. We all friends could understand how they fell in love anon?

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    jhsayyar started the topic Women's Sexuality in Ads in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 11 months ago

    I have seen that in every ads women’s body parts are made prominent just to attract the attention of customers plus woman’s sexuality is also exploited by those who make ads for different purposes. It is the fall of civilization, the fall of religion, or the fall morality? Can anyone comment on this serious situation.

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    jhsayyar started the topic Why is Cheating Trend Increasing Day by Day in the World of Internet? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 11 months ago

    I have seen may young writers are cheating or copying others’ articles from internet to earn money that is a wrong and doing such they wasting their inborn talents mercilessly. They must write selves thinking on different topics spreading in our society all around us but they have traced the easiest way stealing others’ articles. What do you think?

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    jhsayyar started the topic Avoiding Speaking the Truth in Real Life, Why? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 11 months ago

    I have seen in my life those who are expert of the holy books do not speak the truth in practical life while they give in mosques, temples and churches the lesson of speaking the truth but they do not speak the truth. What may be the reason behind this hypocrisy?

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    jhsayyar started the topic Why People are Selfish in Modern Age? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 11 months ago

    When I compare the old age versus modern age the main difference I see selfishness among the people are increasing day by day in men and women. I could not understand its cause why people are doing so? Love has disappeared from human hearts and just human hearts are full of fake hopes? Why?

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    jhsayyar started the topic What is the Root of Strong fFmily Relationship? in the forum Group logo of Family & RelationshipsFamily & Relationships 7 years, 11 months ago

    Family is a name of people’s living together at one home. I think family is just like a tree leaves, grow together, and bear fruit, some go high, some remain low, some fall down on the earth…I think the linker of the tree family is water and human family root is positive thinking to strengthen a family relationship. Do you believe in?

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Our Brain needs Water in the forum Group logo of Food and fruit contentFood and fruit content 7 years, 11 months ago

    Yes you say right dehydration causes brain problem nor for brain but for the whole body cells because water is the base of all live things men, animal and plants all need water for their survival

    . As God has said all the holy books that we created man with water and black crispy mud. If our brain lacks of water there may be many problems but…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Nature in the forum Group logo of Inspirational/MotivationalInspirational/Motivational 7 years, 11 months ago

    Yes nature is beautiful and freshens human heart mind and soul at every step if love nature. I think, nature is soft for the holy man and hard for the sinner because nature has power to crush man anon and sometimes nature teaches human beings in its own language.

    The nature of the whole things on this earth, in heaven is positive it is human…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Judgment in the forum Group logo of Inspirational/MotivationalInspirational/Motivational 7 years, 11 months ago

    Luke chapter 6 verse 37 Says ” Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven.”
    It is best quote of the Holy Bible but most of the peoples could not understand it clearly.
    ” Do not judge, and you will not be judged. means do not evil thoughts about anyone and no body will h…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar replied to the topic Are share medias view consider as a view at Tinycent? in the forum Group logo of Making Money OnlineMaking Money Online 7 years, 11 months ago

    If some open the site with tour reference on any site it will be counted one count and you will be given ten per cent share of the earning  as I have read recently on the site of literacybase.

    Its main cause is that the view is due to your sent link on other site. I think it is extra benefits. I advise the writers just write blog posts and earn…[Read more]

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    jhsayyar wrote a new post, Does Godot Represent Jesus Christ’s Arrival Approaching Fast? 7 years, 11 months ago

    By JH Sayyar

    “Waiting for Godot,” is one of the best popular complex plays of Samuel Beckett. It is complicated for the readers and critics as well. While reading the play several types of themes appear in the […]

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