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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, Should Every Country Have Free Health Care? 7 years, 10 months ago

    I was walking along the market this morning and someone gave me a leaflet and it is written their free check up. I saw some of leaflets like this everywhere in Baguio when walking along the city. Yes, their are […]

    • But there are free consultations and medicines given at the health center of the towns as well as in the cities. There are also government hospitals.

      Though of course, it being free, you will just have to allot a lot of your time in lining up to have them. Sometimes, people just have to have patience and determination to have them for free, because anyways it will benefit your budget after all.

      Though, for those illnesses that needs operations, you can always approach the DSWD , or those social organizations who offers them. Or you can always approach the leaders of your community for you to be referred to people who do some charity works or for some doctors who also offers their free services.

    • Nothing in this life is free. But every country should offer healthcare to its citizens. They should figure out a way. Because a nation of healthy citizens is better than a nation of sick people! If Cuba can do it, why can’t other countries? (huffingtonpost.com/salim-lamrani/cubas-health-care-system-_b_5649968.html) Healthcare in America is Big Business! Yeah! That’s right! I said that and I’m not taking it back!

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, Some MusiC That Let Your Mind Function Well 7 years, 10 months ago

    Have you ever experienced being blocked? I mean your mind is not functioning in times you are about to write your article or you are about to do some school or office work that needs concentration? Actually, it […]

    • Since I am mostly alone in the office room I occupy with my boss, I always have music to entertain me. That is because having music makes me feel like I have company.

      That is why too, I choose to listen to deejays who doesn’t only plays nice music but also gets to joke with his listeners.

      The music make my work lighter.

      When the boss is around, I put on an earphone on one ear while the other ear is open for her beck and call.

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, You Can Be More Beautiful Without Spending Much Money 7 years, 10 months ago

    Do you love transformation? I’m sure you like to be more beautiful and gorgeous too. In television, we often see artists used make up to looked more beautiful than their natural beauty. And with that, fans are f […]

    • Have you tried them yourself?

      I do put some creams and toner for my face. The toner to minimize the pores and the cream to smoothen my face and also a bit tighten my sagging skin.

      Though, when one is aging, it is inevitable that your skin will sag, because the aging face loses elasticity.

      Thank you for sharing these home remedies for beautification. Everyone loves natural means.

      But I didn’t know that ice can help tighten the skin. I might as well try that too.

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, What Do You Do When You Are Stressed? 7 years, 10 months ago

    What do you do when you are stressed? Most of the time, we often are stressed because of work, because of heavy traffic, because of your co-workers not appropriate attitude towards us, or because of […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, What Are The Factors To Consider When Preparing A Party? 7 years, 10 months ago

    Having a party is enjoyable and successful if it is well prepared or planned accordingly. If you want to surprise a friend or a family for a birthday celebration, anniversary, Christmas or any type of party for […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, How Important Plants Are To Us? 7 years, 10 months ago

    How important plants are to us people? How important plants are to our environment and to the earth as a whole? What do you think would happen if plants will no longer in our place?

    We cannot survive without […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, Some Herbs With Their Nutritional Values 7 years, 10 months ago

    We all know how important for us to obtain adequate green veggies. Vegetables are critical in the prevention of many major illnesses such as cancer, and heart diseases, and in maintaining optimum wellness.

    Below, […]

    • Hi @Nemzie Bayawa, Nice to read the blog with information regarding the herbs that has good nutritional values. Can you elaborate the blog or write a new blog to know How to use them ? or eat them to consume those nutrition..

    • What are the sources of chromium picolinate? It is quite interesting.

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, My Ways Of Avoiding Bad Breath 7 years, 10 months ago

    Are you not confident in talking to someone or to your friends because of bad breath? Some people are suffering from it. I, myself had experienced having a bad breath. And, I am not confident in talking to anyone […]

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    Cassy Janine joined the group Group logo of Genetic Variation in a PopulationGenetic Variation in a Population 7 years, 10 months ago

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    Cassy Janine joined the group Group logo of evolutionevolution 7 years, 10 months ago

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    Cassy Janine joined the group Group logo of Places to VisitPlaces to Visit 7 years, 10 months ago

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    Cassy Janine joined the group Group logo of What Does the Bible Really Teach?What Does the Bible Really Teach? 7 years, 10 months ago

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    Your Seldom posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago

    Redeemed today.

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, Cleaning The House Helps Me Lose Some Weight 7 years, 10 months ago

    Do you clean your house yourself or you have maids doing the cleaning? Well, if you have one, then the benefits of doing the chores at home will be your maid’s benefit not yours. It’s her body will get the […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, Why Do People Get Insecure? 7 years, 10 months ago

    Some people has their own insecurities. You know your own insecurities for yourself. You know what you want but you can’t have it. You know your ability but you want to become what others can do.

    Insecurity is […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, How Important Is A Hug? 7 years, 10 months ago

    Hugging or embracing your mother, your father, your siblings, and your friends is a normal thing, right? We often do it especially when we are apart for a quiet sometimes.

    Hug, embrace, cuddle, clasp, or whatever […]

    • That Absolutely Right, But What In Terms Of Relationship? Situation Where Hug Is Given Frequently And Sequentially?

    • Hugs have a lot of different meanings just like you have shared. We can hug our families and friends with friendly Hugs, that’s okay and it is allowed anywhere any time. But there is that affectionate hug that you will share with your spouse that is very different to the one that you will give a family member or just a friend. This is the gig where you will see two people hold each other close in a sense to communicate something. It’s not just a hug it’s a way of communi action between two loving people. And yes it’s a stress reliever for sure because when your spouse holds you like that they are assuring you that everything is going to be alright, or better still they are telling you that they love you to the ends of the earth. Though I must say that there are some people who dont regard hugging as a way of affection they see it as an immoral thing. If maybe you have been you come from a village or a place where people are not civilized as such you may see a very cold reception towards you when they see you hug a family member. Am saying this because I remember when we hugged each other with my siblings when dad died, there were some villagers who said we were portraying bad manners in front of the other villagers simply because they did not know the meaning of it all. All we were doing was comforting one another something that the villagers did not know. So we took it upon ourselves and explained to them why were hugging each other and how comforting it is to do so. As time went by they understood it but they used to say that it was a “town” and not meant for the villagers. Anyway i do agree with you on this and it find it very useful and helpful in our daily lives. As for me i love hugging people and being hugged it’s a wonderful feeling for sure.

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, Advantage and Disadvantage Of Working At Night 7 years, 10 months ago

    Have you experienced working in a company where night shift or graveyard shift is required? My sister usually has her work shift at night as a call center representative. She went to their workplace at 10 pm […]

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    Cassy Janine wrote a new post, Some Of The Filipino Traits That You Should Know 7 years, 10 months ago

    I am a Filipino and I am proud of being one. Aside from those many tourist spots that one can see in our country, there are many qualities, traits, and characteristics of a Filipino that are liked by other foreign […]

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    Your Seldom replied to the topic Happy to know Mylot sent my payment through pay pal this day in the forum Group logo of Friendly and smiling groupFriendly and smiling group 7 years, 10 months ago

    @lovern I have some diary entries more. Niche writing is just not my specialty. It takes me time and I get tired, so diary is better for me.

    If you see my last diary texts you will see what is my late bug.

    I spent whole day eating cakes and sulking on my computer, husband took kids to play, thank you for mercy.

    I just know something bad will…[Read more]

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    Nemzie Bayawa replied to the topic when sick you visit hospital or drugstore in the forum Group logo of HealthHealth 7 years, 10 months ago

    When sickness strikes, I actually don’t go to the hospital directly. Like moons, I try all the home remedies that are possible to cure what I am feeling. But for unknown sickness or unusual pain in any parts of my body, I certainly go to the doctor immediately.

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