• Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar joined the group Group logo of MAKE MONEYMAKE MONEY 7 years, 5 months ago

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    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Business Personality: Dhirubhai Ambani in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 5 months ago


    Agree with you building one business after another and making it successful is not a easy task for any one. These great businessmen have the idea to quickly grasp the business with they get into and are able to go with the flow of the business.  All said and done these are not easy things unless one has business acumen. Only such people…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Why Are Writers Using Pictures from the Literacybase Images Album? in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 5 months ago


    Please suggest some good way to upload a image from the computer as I do not do photography and I use a image which I upload from google free images and then use it  for the article and give credit to the person or company to whom it belongs. How does one go about it in a proper way without encountering any problems either for the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Rejecting blogs after they appear in the dashboard in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks for replying with a clarification and requesting me to send the article title heading which has been accepted and then thrashed. Kindly look into to same and do the needful. Appreciate your response and clarification. Best wishes and regards.

    What Should One Do If One Has Only A Few Days Left To Live – LiteracyBase
    Credit image s…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Rejecting blogs after they appear in the dashboard in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks for replying with a clarification and requesting me to send the article title heading which has been accepted and then thrashed. Kindly look into to same and do the needful. Appreciate your response and clarification. Best wishes and regards.

    What Should One Do If One Has Only A Few Days Left To Live – LiteracyBase
    Credit image s…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby wrote a new post, How can we prevent teenage pregnancy? 7 years, 5 months ago

    The Zonta Club of Marikina and of Greater Rizal with the Marikina Valley (Host) Lions Club conducted a symposium on Teenage Pregnancy held at the Tanong High School. This is also in conjunction with the National […]

    • Good Article, But @ilovelife913 use relevant and attractive feature images.


      • Thanks for the comment and I apologize.

        It was a spur of the moment decision to use it. Normally, I do look for my personal pictures and even draw my own images to upload.

        Can I still change it, if I found a relevant image to upload?

        To tell you frankly I got a bit scared when a notice from you pop up on my screen.

        Wow you are real!!! Now I know you care and you do check on our postings.

        Thanks again!

    • they do not ge scared easily, teenagers are more interlligent now and they can decide what they want to do in life, your post is good but not a rule I mean some did get pregnant while young and were able to go successfuly in life, but some did not, so I advise teens to read this well written post and decide the future later, its good of course to study first, take a degree, start you own life with no kids or babies to delay you, that is all true, but some likes to make raising a good family their work and that is not wrong either, that is if done properly a great family will join the world, being mom at home is great message to do and work that is harder than any other work in thte owlr for million percent and billions reason too

      • You are right that it is not a rule. Not all who went thru teenage pregnancy is a bad one.

        You are also right that some even become more successful because of this.

        Those who succeeded may have strive harder to prove to the world that their decision was not a mistake.

        Over all, the support from everyone will be a good moral booster for girls who are in this predicament, most especially from her family.

    • This is a good post. I remember myself as a teenager. I remember I went to high school with a bunch of Cuban girls. I remember that the Cuban girl had a practice that was very different the Americans. We (the Americans) used to tease them about it. The Cuban girls went nowhere with a man without a chaperone; usually their “abuela” or grandmother. I also can’t remember not one of my Cuban school-mates having to leave school because they got pregnant. Prevent teen pregnancy? I say let’s copy that Cuban custom or tradition and require our daughters to take a “watchful abuela” with them on their dates. Who’s with me? 🙂 😀

      • Maybe if the abuela or lola (for us filipinos) is a little bit on the younger side, maybe. But my granddaughter might hate me if I went with them as a chaperone. Since my granddaughter is only five years old at the moment, I will never know if I am still around when she goes dating.

        What I observe in our country, there is still a large percentage of children who marry late, around 35 years up. Maybe they enjoy the freedom they have at the moment or they are not yet ready to face bigger responsibilities.

        • It’s better to marry later in life and be happy with your soul mate than to marry early, get divorced and then have to pick up the pieces of a broken relationship and mend yourself back together. It’s even worse if children are involved. I see way too much of that.

    • I heard Aiza Seguerra talk on TV, and she said they have data wherein there are many pregnancies even for 10 years old girls! That’s saddening, and it is dangerous to the girl’s health because her body is not yet ready for it. Parents need to guide their children well.

      • I also saw her interview with CNN Philippines. The symposium was so timely that is why I wrote this article.

        I saw how serious the NMYC in solving this alarming problem. I just wish that the teenagers of today will think, not just twice, but a thousand times, before saying “Yes, I do love you and I’ll show you how much!”

    • First and foremost I would want to comment on the idea of having the symposium with girls only. That was very wrong of them to do that. Girls do not get pregnant in their own they have to have a man involved. The boys should not have been left out because this whole thing involves the two parties. If anything the boys are the ones who put pressure on the girls to have sex or they start giving threats that they will reject them. Anyway back to the question, how can I show that i love my boyfriend without giving myself to him. Simple I will make it very clear that loving him doesn’t mean that i have to sleep with him, then I will let him know that love is about companionship not sex. Then I would wait to see the reaction if he keeps quiet then I know the conversation can start, but if he starts to bring up an argument I know the topic is going No where and that he will not listen to me regardless of what I say or how I put it. I was taught by my mother that if a bit rejects you because you have refused to yield to his demands he doesn’t love you at all. And I cam across such incidences so many times and i thank God that i overcame them. So if your in a relationship please do not be misled with all the good sweet nothings you will be told by your boyfriend, just know your place, keep your dignity and remind yourself that he is not the only guy in this world neither will I die if I don’t do what he wants. Walk away and refuse to be forced into something you don’t want to do. The guy will even respect you for that and he will not play around with your emotions.
      Another thing is avoid going for outings that will require you to spend the night, or going to far places with your guy alone he will take advantage of you. Keep your dates simple like daytime movies, lunches at well known joints, avoid picnics at all costs, those weekend getaways and dinners leave those for the matured people until you get there. Avoid being in a room alone with your boyfriend that will bring about temptations to touch, then you will go on and on and eventually things will get out of hand and before you know it things already happened. In short just be principled and stand your ground! Men can be very cunning. Let me end by saying this girls NEVER TRUST A GUY WITH HIS PANTS DOWN.

      • I respectfully disagree with you. Let’s talk about SEX! It’s true girls don’t get pregnant on their own. But they are the ones who will be adversely impacted. I think it was good idea to specifically speak to a girl audience. I attended an all girl school during my teen years. Boys are a distraction. Girls need to be focused, taught how to stand on their own two feet, and know how to make a boy or a man back up off of them. The males don’t need to be in the audience or class when they are learning those lessons. This may be a generalization, but the males would probably just make sport or poke fun at what is being said and start thinking of “ideas” on how they can work around what’s being taught. Boys in the audience? Nope. All girl audience? Yep yep. This is a girl thing!! It’s about empowering women, especially naive and inexperienced young girls.

    • Early pregrancy is one of the greatest issue among our youth today. Due to pre marital sex activities many young girls get pregnant out of wedlock without even knowing how to handle this kind of embarrasing situation physically, morally, and socially. Out of desperation, they think abortion is the only way to get themselves out of shame from their mistake. I have this so called friend of mine who got pregnant from his first boyfriend. Both parties are not in favor to their relationship due to some family conflict. Instead of telling her parents on her pregnacy, she decided to abort her child just to save face and and the fetus was already 5 months old on her womb when she aborted the baby! Imagine, where did she get the courage to kill her own child just because she was afraid of her familys anger than the wrath of God who is the giver of life? Where is her conscience? That little baby on her womb did’nt ask to be born yet as a mother of your own child you are the reason why your child totally deminished in this world in your own hands? That’s a silent holocaust. No judge. No lawyer to defend you. But in the eyes of God you are a murderer. I think parents should be the one to be responsible for guiding and teaching their children a solid great moral values that will be their principles in the near future in terms of decision making whatever circumstances they may encounter. They will be sensible not only for the sake of themselves but also for others. Also, technology plays a major role why many wayward young women get pregrant. Because of internet pornography which totally arises the curiosity of teenagers to do that sexual act to satisfy their desire from their curiosity not even thinking the outcome of their action. We should be very careful with our actions, the way we think, act, and do. It is advisable if we become vigilant in our decision making in all our actions in the past, present, and future so that we can avoid this trauma.

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Mr Donald Trump and Obama Care in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 5 months ago


    I remember I read your blog post about Obamacare and that is what I was referring in the reply to the our friend who wrote the article that there was a blog post which was telling Obamacare is going to continue. Good to know that the scheme helped you. It can always be bettered and more facilities can be provided to the citizens as they…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of CarolineMCarolineM are now friends 7 years, 5 months ago

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    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of sumon biswassumon biswas are now friends 7 years, 5 months ago

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Rejecting blogs after they appear in the dashboard in the forum Group logo of About LiteracyBaseAbout LiteracyBase 7 years, 5 months ago


    Good to see you reply and clarify many issues at one time. Thank you for the same. But I had written an article here in this group with the heading ‘why is the amount reducing’? and have also posted all the details about the post for which payment was made for 35 cents and then my article was thrashed the next day and payment…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Why Are Writers Using Pictures from the Literacybase Images Album? in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 5 months ago


    As you have mentioned in the comment above it is only @support who can do something in this matter. As a writer I have raised a issue which not only you but many others too were facing a problem with. My only worry is whether it is right to do so. And if it is right to do so and if @support says it is not a problem then I have no…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of ErskinErskin are now friends 7 years, 5 months ago

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Why Are Writers Using Pictures from the Literacybase Images Album? in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 5 months ago

    I have to go to blogs to see who is using what picture now. Do not know if some authors who use other images from the literacybase library are continuing to do so. I think this article has not been seen by many readers and writers. Those who are reading this please share your experience about this and what you have to say on this issue.

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic How Are You Feeling? in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 5 months ago

    Today I carried out an interesting experiment with whoever I happened to meet and I asked them the heading of this particular topic. How are you feeling? Some were happy to share their thoughts while a few others were unhappy and shared their thoughts too there was a third category of people who did not find any big change which they could share…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Mr Donald Trump and Obama Care in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 5 months ago



    As pointed by you in your response to this article there is lot more than what meets the eye. So a good scheme need not be scrapped and it it was not reaching the complete intended citizens of a company it has to be corrected so that the same happens and the better thing would be to make everything transparent as to what…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Business Personality: Dhirubhai Ambani in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 5 months ago


    Good to know that you feel inspired by the personality of late Dhirubhai Ambani. I feel many of the Indians look up to him as a good role model. The key for that being he was successful in his business ventures after facing a lot of hurdles in life. That way many other also would have faced hurdles but the level of what he could achieve…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic Business Personality: Dhirubhai Ambani in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 5 months ago


    Thanks for appreciating the article. He is one the pioneers in the 20th century private sector of India. His company had to be built during tough economic times and it is not a easy task to achieve the name and fame he achieved. It would have been better if the business group would have been a single entity as the company would have…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar replied to the topic What Is Your Choice Of Best Flavor Of Ice Cream Share Your Thoughts in the forum Group logo of Knowledge Is Power Use It WiselyKnowledge Is Power Use It Wisely 7 years, 5 months ago

    @Barnali sarkar

    Even I like to eat butterscotch too. But many of you seem to like the chocolate variety including you. So base on the good review I got about chocolate. I have to choose a good chocolate ice variety this summer and taste it. I have been seeing ads of many different companies who are well established brands selling chocolate ice…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Krishna Kumar

    Krishna Kumar and Profile picture of Sue PlanteSue Plante are now friends 7 years, 5 months ago

  • Profile picture of Ruby

    Ruby posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago


    Thank you for accepting my friend request!

    • you are welcome. I should thank you for adding me as your friend here in Literacybase. I am new here and I appreciate how you noticed me here.

      • I am also a newbie and started just this March 11.

        When I looked at the members here, they have so many friends already for they were members way back.

        I said to myself, how will I be able to make friends here? Who will ask me to be their friend? But since a cousin ‘recruited’ me here, she was my very first friend. The first member I ‘friend…[Read more]

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