We all know that businesses compete but the biggest competition seems to be amongst mankind. Wanting to be first and being in control. The need to ferl superior and wanting competitors to fall. Takes courage to stand out to allow our abilities to shine. Some are gobbled up due to fear. Afraid of so many people on the attack at the same time. Well we have to accept that there will be some competition. There’s a fine line to being competitive and being overly aggressive. Not far from insanity. Wanting to improve is great but creating havoc for others just to reach the top or to stay there is a quite dangerous. Some go to the extreme as if they’re lives depended on it.
Not projecting compassion just using animal instincts as if they’re continuously on the hunt. Watch their prey move from here to there. The observing wouldn’t be bad if the purpose was to advance in some fashion. The objection is to find their competitions weaknesses so that they able to take the competition down like a lion on top of a buffalo. The mentality is no different than the crab mentality. Which isn’t new. The desire to be first can lower logical thinking. Not thinking properly because the focus is on being competitive. All thought processing is removed and the wolf mentality sets in. Unfortunate because everyone should have the opportunity to excel and reach the top.
It’s quite beneficial when so many reach the top. The individuals can help the ones who are on lower levels advance. The economy is better when more are making more money and “progressing.” Not allowing others to “prosper” won’t help society at all. When more people are generating higher revenue then businesses will flourish and we’ll find that humans are happier.
So all the competition could be harmful. A little competition is healthy but using tactics to make competitors fail isn’t beneficial to anyone. Some may not consider the logic but by not doing so the economy and society as a whole will sink further.
Some face hardships because of aggressive competitors. Some competitors focus on the wrong areas of business. Some competition is good for business and other areas. Too much can create an unbalanced environment. Some feel the need to drive their competition out. Not a good idea. Perhaps some aren’t considering that the competitor could be of great benefit.
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