Categories: Beauty & Style

Life Moments – Don’t Wear Too Much Makeup

As a part of our mother-daughter bonding, I take my eldest baby to the shopping malls and we spend lots of time in beauty and cosmetic  stores together. She is interested to see and touch everything, asking numerous questions about things on the shelves.

A few times we encounter some nasty talking neighbors who warned me ( friendly of course!) how it is bad to raise a female child under the the influence of popular cosmetic and beauty products because it will distort their mind what priorities are. That’s why their wives are so cute. That was nasty of me but well deserved and it landed on the right garden too.

I already warned my daughter who will be the future consumer of valid beauty products that besides the soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and body cream there are other products to spend money on. But, too much is not too good. There is a good measure to everything. Personal hygiene is a must and we have obligation to treat our bodies, because the obligation is to other people as well, not only personal partners. Imagine standing next to a very bad smelly person on the bus. It is beyond fantastic story…

Also, for bad feet in my world, you go to jail. I don’t  care how expensive watch you have, how fine suit you wear if bad feet are in combination I will be running away.

Once or twice I made a mistake with the quantity of makeup. Once I did not expect to see  very high temperature inside of party I attended, it ended up in catastrophe. My foundation completely melted.

Next time I used to bright lipstick. I went out and half way I met my friend who said that maybe that color is not very good idea for daylight. Well, I looked at the mirror and have something to see. It was too bright. I looked like a clown. Always test color in real daylight. Some are very nice in the bathroom mirror, but horrendous outside.

  • Your Seldom

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    • Yes, women are the fans of plastic art I mean cosmetics that are bought to make attractive and beautiful face and face skin. Here lies a question, I have read and heard that European women are free and they want what they do and there is no restriction on them, ok very good, very nice. Some one told me on face book that European women are not the slave of men.

      But in lone when I pondered over this question and read this article and compared the two statement I conclude that any woman of the world make her self beautiful and cute just catch the attention of male for courtship and then marriage.

      I thought and thought and concluded that women the slave of men and and their erotic will behind the plastic art screen. Keep in mind two things beauty nature is faithlessness and self deceit. When woman falls in love with a beautiful man and after this problem starts of every type and she forgets her beauty.

      I have read recently an article title, "Physical Violence" was the result of beauty and love marriage and nothing else.

      To sum up, all cosmetics are the trap of the lovers ' mighty hearts and nothing else. Here is a question, a girl says, "I look cute, I said tell me for whom?" Listening to my answer the girl got silence and said me goodbye and went.

      • Too bad for that girl. It is known fact we have all to look healthy. Art of makeup is way of self expression. I wear no make up at time with my husband, but than he didn't wear anything special either. Still we love each other and marry over that not because we both beautiful or wear expensive.
        You look good for your own sake. I certainly not to catch men. I have my beloved.
        If one person looks sick and bad, makeup will not make it better but worse. look old celebrities what they done to their faces.
        We are slaves to whatever we chose to be if we do things for something in specific. If we do it for hobby or we learn to do it as art, it is good thing. It is good to observe like good art, painting, sculpture. Nothing more or less.
        I think also women in other part of word think things different, I have this opinion and most women I know same.

    • Well I don't wear makeup at all. I think all of us are beautiful without it. A natural woman is so unique in my eyes. So when we wake up in the morning just look and the mirror and tell yourself I'm beautiful without make and try for a day not to wear any see how many compliments you will get. I love every and you are beautiful without makeup. Have a nice day.

      • I am like this majority of the time. 1% of the time I like to wear eyeliner in order to enhance the color of my eyes. I have blue eyes that sometimes change to gray/grey and I like the bring that out sometimes.

    • Yes, I have always known too much application of makeup to faces is not good. Yes makeup is nice but if you must make up it should be a very light makeup. The kind of makeups our so-called celebrities wear on their faces make me wonder if they painted their faces with some kind of chemical. Makeups contain chemicals which is very harmful to the skin when it's being applied in large quantity. Heavy makeups our celebrities applies makes them look very pretty but if they do not clean up the makeup after the day, their face tend to be addicted to the make up and once they stop using it, their faces starts having spots. I have a sister who's a make up freak, she will make up for 30 to 1 hour and you that are waiting for her will get tired and irritated by the way she makes up cos of the time she takes. But the good thing there is that she's good at making up. One thing she does after the day is taking a piece of wiper and wipe off the makeup on her face. She can never sleep without cleaning up her makeup. So I think heavy makeups are heavy on faces. Make ups I think cause cancer to some extent due to the chemicals used in making some of them.
      Yes, it is true that makeups will improve your beauty by 80 percent, make sure you don't apply it heavily. Be conscious of how you apply it on your face. Some makeups cause eye defects when they come in contact with the eye, that is why every makeup inscription should be read carefully before the makeup is generally used. Wash your eye thoroughly when any of them come in contact. They might not have immediate eye defect but maybe later eye defect.

    • Another type of makeup I really do not like and I thank God my sister is not in touch with is the fixing of long eyelid, eyeliners, eye lashes, eye brow etc. How would a lady put on very long eyelid on her eye and be walking about with it not knowing she's exposing her eyes to much danger. Most times when the eye come in contact with those eyelashes or eyebrows, the eye might get defected. Sometimes I do wonder if all the fix on their lashes doesn't make them feel uncomfortable. Because I think those lashes has weight that it adds to to eye. If am to advice, I will say there are makeups ladies shouldn't apply for the sake of Their health. One thing that vexes me about this makeup stuff is that it is very costly. Makeups of all types are very very costly.
      I followed my sister one night to buy the powder she uses for makeup, if you see the very small powder she bought at the cost of 3500 naira. I would be like telling her this is a waste of money.

      • Then you should see the women in America!! Seriously!! They will show you how to apply eyelashes and the eye liners the proper way. Oh, wait, even better let me get some of the men that dress up in drag to show you to apply it. They are even better at it than the women. I saw this one person that applied it the eye line like she was painting a line on a wall, with a perfect stroke. Sure makeup is expensive. That is why you have to look for deals on where to buy them. You have to find the best with the best ingredients. You can't buy your makeup from China, that's for sure.

    • Here are five great benefits of taking a break from using makeup:

      1. Your skin gets cleaner and healthier.

      Makeup is toxic, and anything you put on your skin is absorbed by your body! Mainstream makeup companies use chemicals that are thought to cause cancer and are treated as toxins by the body. After ditching the goo, it was much easier to maintain a glowing, clean-feeling complexion.

      2. You have more time.

      If you’re living a predominately plant-based diet, I’m sure you’ve noticed how much easier it is to grow long, healthy hair, strong nails, and a healthy complexion. When you stop adding toxins in the form of makeup, this means less time in front of the mirror, and more time enjoying your favorite activities. Think about it: most women spend at least 20 minutes preparing for the day. If you’re going au naturel, you can use that time to read a book, practice yoga, run, or sleep.

      3. You have a greater sense of peace.

      Learning to love ourself is a challenge for everyone. Taking a break from makeup is just another small step in making peace with your body image and your true soul. Don’t give up! It may be difficult to feel vulnerable, but most likely, you’ll realize that any judgment you perceived was actually coming from you.

      4. You save animals.

      Most companies have no qualms about testing on animals in order to improve their products. This can lead to permanent disfigurement, pain, and a lifetime of torture for creatures in animal testing facilities. If you choose to use beauty products, always check the labeling to ensure it's vegan. There are many wonderful, compassionate companies coming into the beauty industry. (Then again, going makeup-free can ensure you have fewer companies to consider.)

      5. You will appreciate life on a deeper level.

      Embracing your natural beauty is the foundation of a life rooted in simplicity and in harmony with nature. Consumerism, debt, and obesity, are all fueled in part by an unconscious desire to get more and more and more… Ditching the mindset that having more makes you successful will help you to realize that you have enough. In this sense, you may start to enjoy a simple, vibrant life that is in harmony because it works with nature.

      Whatever you choose when it comes to how you face the world, it can only help to first and foremost keep the goal of accepting the beauty and perfection within you and who you are already at this moment in mind; ditching the makeup can help.

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