Meaning of above slokam:To this Kanyaadaanam, the gods “Panbhoothamulu”(Earth,Air,Fire,Water and Sky), “Panchashakhulu”,”Thrimoorthees(Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara) and all the gods,pervading the Donation means that an article of one’s own will be given to others and it may be education, land, article and maiden etc., giving a maid in the marriage is called “Kanyadaanam”. The bridegroom will tie three knots in the neck of bride as a mark of “Mangalyadaaranam” and became a house holder. This is called wedding or Kanyadaanam, while doing Kanyadaanam the following mantras will be recited. The meaning of the mantraas may be understand.
Meaning of above slokam:O bride! she is of golden heart. The body complexion of her is like golden color and donned by golden armaments all over the body. I heard from “SRUITHI” that all my forefathers attained heavenly ness eternalness for ever and dwelling there itself consequent on the victory over family life. Expecting such type of heavenly ness I am giving my beloved daughter to you in the marriage and you are an embodiment of Lord Vishnu. Thus I am donating my daughter to you as KANYADAANAM.
entire cosmos may stand as witness. My forefather may be purified. Putting a water coconut in the hands of bride and bridegroom and pouring milk on it, the father of the bride will ask the bridegroom to accept my daughter and make us to feel happy and thus do the ‘Kanyadaanam’ More than this what more required?
Meaning of above slokam:The father of bride will utter with groom like “O my bridegroom this 18 years old maid was brought up on par with a son and is being given to you in the marriage as donation. Please look after her with love and affection. Later by assuming the bridegroom as the embodiment of “Lakshminaaraayana and after purifying the feet of bridegroom and will do ‘Kanyaadaanam’ and also got done the following promise by the bridegroom.
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View Comments
I do definitely agree with the meaning of Kanyadanam. It has got its own value and meaning. It is a sacred ritual for Hindus. A husband is never supposed to leave her partner under any odds. Definitely. But what about the girl? She has to obey her husband. she has to perform multifarious duties and functions not only towards her husband but towards the entire family. She has to keep and brighten the dignity and respect of her husband and his family as a whole. After marriage his family will be her family and the entire respect of the family depends on the daughter-in-law only.
Times are changing now. Better I say the days have changed a lot. Nobody is caring for the meaning.
The whole function has become an episode of two days or one day contract only. Many marriages are ending in failure and leading to immediate divorce.
In a case of any dispute between husband and wife neither side is evincing interest to interfere and settle the dispute and do the effort of patchwork.