students books by
The answer is NO, doing homework is NOT a waste of time.
During my teenage years, I used to copy homework
from my classmate who was a Mathematics genius
in our class.
Almost half of our classmates are Maths idiots, as
we called ourselves, we simply could not understand
the calculations and workout explained by our
I pitied my teacher who had a hard time teaching
our class who were born losers.
We hated homework very much to the core,
regardless of subjects except English because it is
our school mother tongue.
Majority of my classmates think that homework
given by our teachers are a waste of time, both
sides (teacher and the students ) as we always
copy answers from those genius friends and never
take the initiative to understand the concept of
getting the answers right.
You know, we used to teased our teacher that she is
teaching a bunch of Orang Utans !
In addition, those sly classmates would even go out
to the extend of curry favor our teacher to skip the
homework part!
Now, after leaving school for almost 20 donkey years,
my kids have to deal with homework every day without fail.
After dinner, I will sit beside my kids, guide them along
when they have difficulties in understanding the questions
or schoolwork.
The point is, a parent has to set a good example
to your kids.
If a parent do not take homework seriously, then
why should your kid do homework at all?
One thing for sure, homework IS NOT a waste of
l Homework helps student to revise the subject
syllabus taught in school for the day.
l A teacher who had taught a chapter, usually gives
homework in order for the students to practice at
l This is to make sure that students understood
the schoolwork, not just day dreaming in the
l Pay attention to the teacher words, tips and advice
, even though he/she is a very boring teacher, she
is an ugly old witch or he is a demon among all
l Homework aids in teaching students to do their
work independently.
l Do not allow them to look for answers before
trying to work out for solutions.
l Homework also teaches a student to self-managed
his time schedule, which homework to be done first,
what to do next, which is important and to seek
answers with the help of friends, parents or older
l Do not give them answers, as the proverbs says;
teach him how to fish, not give him the fish.
He will never learn how to fish in future.
l Homework provide questions that may not be
found in the text books.
l Teachers may find questions from out-of-school
activity books which can be found in book shops,
websites and other resources.
l This homework requires students to think out of
the box, to enhance their learning skill at greater
l You can find answers from the library, websites,
encyclopedias or get the tips from your teacher.
l Creativity answers, new ideas and solutions helps
the student to perform better during adulthood.
( I had bought 2 different extra worksheet books for each subjects for my kids to practice at home. )
l Simply practice doing more homework given by
teachers and worksheets bought from book shops
or do past year questions.
l There is no harm in practicing to work out answers.
l Your memory will improve, cognitive skills improve
and basic foundation of difficult to learn subjects
have strengthen and you will feel confident.
Do you hate homework?
Do you think homework is a waste of time?
Do you COPY answers from your friends?
Copyright allrights reserved by peachpurple
Photo belonged to peachpurple
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View Comments
"Homeworks" is too general. Really. The homework you do in school are, in my opinion, useless. But I think that the way teachers explain you stuff is useless itself.
Our brain doesn't work in "read and repeat". We learn by doing, watching, explaining. The most advacend methods of study does not involve much reading and stuff like that. Plus, many homeworks are essentially based upon nothing, and you just finish to waste your time. In that time, you could have studied the subject without getting bored by the same exercises over and over again.
To teach something, you need to involve your students in what you're teaching. That's why students prefer the lab instead of the theory and that's why nobody really cares about excercixes. And they go up to the top grades anyway.
I think "homework" has to be redifined and, most of all, it should not be mandatory if not for essential part of the educational system. You can't tell a 6 years old "do what you want", but you can tell a teenager that school is a part of HIS education, and he can manage how he wants to persue that goal.
Let me know what you think! :)
My homework was never a waste of time.
For me, homework is something i enjoy to do at home when i was still studying in my early years. I've learned so much from it doing sort of things which is very challenging to me. I still remember in my high school days, when one of my teacher in a particular subject assign me to check our class test paper and gave it to her in the other day! My favorite subject then is biology and history which i often got a higher grades of my class activity.
i was lazy to finish the homework and now i am difficult get the job
Homework is the way the students to learn more than anything else from school. During my school days, homework is one of my best friend in learning to be responsible as a person. I had a fun time doing such problems given in Mathematic subject.
However, in some countries, it will not be the same way that I am thinking right now. The reason, there are some students in China complained of having so many homework. The educational system seems so seriously hard for the students. It seems they spend more than 8 hours a day just to finish their homework. It is always in a daily basis.
I don't think it's a waste of time. I actually was among the few of my colleagues who liked to practice in math. I remember I also liked english. anyway I think that doing homework allows you to practice what you learned in class and be sure that you fully understood what the teacher explained
Homework will never be a waste of time, it will always help the students to enhance their studies.
I have been a teacher and I always give my students something to do at home and it is a form of their homework. It may be a research work for their next lesson or unit of learning. It may be an enhancement of their present skill which they got it fairly. So they should be doing more study or practice the skill they have like in their math subject. The more they practice is the more the skill they may get from studying. As a teacher, I know that practice makes every student feel confident, get used to the skill they have learned.
Homework is a part and parcel of student's learning. Time which the students have in school is not enough or sufficient for them to learn. They have to practice and practice to make it perfect. The rote method of teaching may sometimes work. Memorizing doesn't prove to be effective in the process of transferring learning to the students. That kind of technique is short lived. It has no lasting effect.
So you are right that doing the homework or assignment at home is not a waste of time. It maximizes the use of time for in the school, time is not sufficient. So it should be followed up at home and that is the unfinished school work should also be brought home to finish it.
An interesting question! For those Chinese primary school which has a lot of exercise sheets, repeat the same scope of learning of revision could be too much for a small kids, like my 7 years old daughter.
She has no time for relax, according to her. She need some leisure time, for pursuits her own hobbies, like reading. And, I hope she has more time to spend on doing some house core with me,like cooking,cleaning, learning all these life skills.
And, she need some free time to do exercise as well for grow well and healthy.
During our days in school homework was one big issue for our parents. If you came home and you were asked if you have homework and you said no your parents would think something like your joking right, which school and which teacher would be that carelesz not to give kids homework? It was a big thing in families very crucial if I may say that. But I would agree with you that homework is not a waste of time at all. Why because it gives a child better understanding of what was taught in school that very day and that stuck better of in the brain than just being in class. I personally loved homework because I knew what it did for me and I am greatful to date that we used to have it. You know it's very easy for a child to forget what they are taught in school during the day especially a child who is slow in catching up on studies it helps a lot. When we didn't have homework which was very rare we were asked to read the next chapter of a certain subject so that we would have an idea of what itsvall about when wevernt back to school the following day.