It is correctly said that marriages are made in heaven. But what happens after marriage is something that we can control. Living your whole life with another person ,who will definitely differ from you in many ways, is not easy at all. It is believed that love makes post marriage life easy or it is enough for making a relationship successful.

Do you really think it is true? Can only love bear the load of marriage for the whole life. The practical view says something else.No doubt love is important for marriage but there are many other factors that are equally responsible. There are many cases around where the partners live each other endlessly but still are unable to carry the load of marriage.

Every marriage brings with it a bundle of new responsibilities. It demands mutual cooperation, understanding, love and respect. To make the life move smoothly social. financial as well as materialistic balance is very important.

Here are certain tips that can really help to lose the pressure of daily life and make it bearable for both. But this demands an open mind which is ready to adjust and accept. If not all the further points hold no value.

1).LEARN TO CONTROL YOUR ANGER: It is natural to be angry and upset about things in life. But both the partners should not be angry at the same time. When one is angry it is essential for the other to behave wisely and give time to the other person to vent his anger and relive himself. Believe me your turn will surely come the next time.

2)NEVER BRING UP MISTAKES OF THE PAST: Always remember what is gone will never be undone. So there is no point in clinging to the past and spoiling the present. Every human being makes mistakes and you never know when it will be your turn next.

3)KEEP YOUR VOLUME UNDER CONTROL: Unnecessary shouting and yelling is not at all required . You can express your anger and views by keeping your voice under control as well. A calm and contained voice can create wonders.

4).LEARN TO LOSE AND WIN: If it is the question about who is correct be generous enough to let your partner win the argument. If you take a back foot you are the real winner who values relationship far more than a temporary victory.

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5).COMPLAIN BUT WITH LOVE: Anything said in a loving manner is far more acceptable than anything done in a criticizing manner. If you want to complain go forward but with all the actions under control. Do not forget the next turn can be yours.

6).NEVER NEGLECT EACH OTHER: We all are humans and have some expectations and needs from others . To maintain a healthy relationship it is important that you never take the other person for granted. First cater to the needs of your partner. The whole world can wait.

7). NEVER LEAVE AN ARGUMENT UNSETTLED FOR LONG: Holding grudges for long will only cause damage and nothing else. So it is important that any argument must be settled as early as possible. Life is too short to waste on all this. Arguments are inevitable but it is the way of handling them that matters.

8). EXPRESS YOUR LOVE: Always keep in mind that no one can read your mind and heart. It is you who have to express what resides inside. Expression of your love and concern for the other will only make your life beautiful It will never cause any damage.

9). LEARN TO SAY SORRY: Keep your ego low and learn to accept your mistakes. Take the first move and apologize for your behavior. This does not make you low in any form but only reflects how much you value your relationship.

10) GIVE SPACE TO YOUR PARTNER: Every human being needs a ME time. Allow each other to avail that at least once a week.Go for outings with your friends and enjoy life without each other for some time. This is increase the status and value of each other in your heart.

These are simple rules which if followed can make a happy and successful life. LOVE is the best thing to happen on this earth and if handled properly it can create wonders.



    View Comments

    • Very well said, my friend.

      Those that you have enumerated are really true to keep the marriage alive and intact always.

      What I would like to add though, is that the partners should help each other in the monetary aspect of living. It is always the monetary aspect that becomes the problems of married life, especially if the daily living seems difficult to sustain.

      That is why, here in the Philippines, most of the wives are working too. They want to help their partners give the children a sure future, meaning they can be sent to school and are well provided in terms of food , shelter and clothes.

      Because both have jobs, they can always go out to eat at restaurants and that makes the family more closer and happier.

      So, in addition to what you enumerated, both should be financially stable when they marry.

    • Your marriage tips are good for those who are just starting their married lives. They should consider marriage like a two-way road, just give and take, and understand each other always.

    • Thats treu we differ from its other. And its not always moonshine and roses in a maraige. But we always find a way to compremise. Because love should be strong enough. To forgive and respect each other. But some people cant deal with all the fighting and stress and end up in divorce-court way to easy.

    • Those are all good reasons and also compromising is important! I am not married yet but engaged!

    • Your tips are the best ingredients in making marriage a success. But just like the 10 commandments, it is not easy to follow the 10 tips. Sometimes, our being humans, make it hard to follow all.

      Really nice tips!

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