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May 23, 2016 at 8:44 pm

How many of you are on MyLot? I just read in one of the forums that MyLot has reduced minimum redemption amount to 5$. I have been reading mixed reviews about the site. The minimum redemption amount is enticing me to join the site but I would like to know more about the site from those who are already active there.

May 23, 2016 at 9:24 pm

Was a member; the verbally abusive troll members and admin who justifies it.

A member called me a jack*** or and ass***, can’t remember right now, when I asked him why he is allowed to paste youtube links on an every single post there is and I am not allowed to post any links. He also refused to confirm that YouTube videos are monetized. When I noted that I don’t want him to do that he sent me a verbally abusive note and when I reported it to admin, the admin told me that he doesn’t care, that that particular member already reported me and he did nothing wrong and started to threaten me. Then he locked my account so I can’t use it. I waited a few months before he sent me my earnings by mistake and with that payment proof reported him to his advertisers and PayPal as well. I informed him and then he finally deleted my account from that page.

I heard of one another member that myLot admin ignores some trolls who were sexually abusive towards some female members, regardless to complaints, and if you just try to rant against them admin will ban and delete anything or you can shut up and take all the insults they can send you.

Admin/owner of myLot is not the same as a few years back, or if it is he completely changed his attitude.

I have an impression that these idiots whoever they are, have no respect to anybody, they don’t touch US stationed members but they take it on the international users and in the case you are a woman from some random country aside they will treat you no better but a street garbage,  you will start getting all sort of the things either on an email or God forgive you if you share your Facebook.

If you want to earn with myLot, go ahead. I advise you not.

For anyone who didn’t get any negative feedback on ymLot maybe you just didn’t notice stuff, don’t want to notice or you just had luck. I know that the same moment when I asked that guy what he is doing I received a threat from admin.

May 23, 2016 at 9:35 pm

@Rapid Blue That doesn’t sound too nice. It seems like the admin is biased towards some members which is not a healthy sign. I wonder how using abusive language and trolling can be allowed on any site. Thanks for sharing your experience. This will help me in making an informed decision.

May 24, 2016 at 2:48 am

I am sorry for rapidblue’s experience. I have heard some members had bad experiences there as well, some with members, some with the admin.

mylot is the first online writing site I joined, about 10 years ago. I was not very active, as I was still busy at my full time job. So far, I have not encounter any bad experiences. I actually really enjoy spending my time there. Perhaps I usually stay around with the friends I knew there, and seldom explore to many new members.

Though I think the earning is quite slow, sometimes I just spend time there reading and responding, I can earn up to 50 cents a day (which is considered good to me). It’s not hard work, but I just enjoy myself interacting with others there. I don’t really check out how much I have earned, but just keep interacting when I find any interesting topics. It can be really an addictive site for me, and I can just spend there hours though I do not really want to.

You get positive feedback about mylot from me. 🙂

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by  Lee Ka.

May 24, 2016 at 2:55 am

I rejoined myLot as well again and it’s nice to see a lot of familiar faces there again.  I can’t speak for others but I’ve also been paid and have always been treated with respect…if one gives respect, respect will be given in turn.  There are some people that don’t follow the rules, just like in any site, but I haven’t seen any problems and it is usually taken care of in a timely manner.

May 24, 2016 at 9:38 am

@4cryingoutloud Yes, I agree with you. I have met many ex-Bubblews friends there, and perhaps that makes me feel even more homely there. It seems like online writing community is quite small, we just meet each other everywhere, and that makes us comfortable too.

One thing I really like about mylot is that, they always pay on time. Though some might think it’s hard to reach the payout or wait for the monthly pay, they always pay before or on 15th the next month if we have accumulated the minimum payout by the end of this month. We do not need to request for payment, as the payment is processed automatically. So far, I haven’t encounter any payment issue with mylot.

Even a few years ago, mylot decided to stop the payment system, they paid all the members with $5 in the bank (though minimum payout was $10), I got my payment too. I just think mylot is trusted and promising.

Of course, these are just my opinions. I guess everyone might have different views and experiences everywhere. Sometimes you really have to be in it then only you will find out more about it. Some think LiteracyBase is not a good site too, but I really enjoy myself here. 🙂

May 24, 2016 at 10:49 am

@Lee Ka  So you are an experienced member of myLot! Timely payments means the site is trusted and legit. If a site is paying on time then it means that it  values its members.I have signed up for the site and let’s see how it goes.

@JoDee Stout You are right! A lot depends on how we interact with others. I have also noticed quite a few familiar places there which is a kind of assurance. I have decided to give the site a try.


May 24, 2016 at 12:37 pm

@swalia good luck with the site, let’s hope you will be ok, earning well and treated with respect.


May 24, 2016 at 12:44 pm

@Rapid Blue Thank you dear! I am not planning to be too active on that site. I can’t work online for hours due to cervical problem. So my main focus is my own websites and for the time being literacybase. I will post a discussion or two in myLot everyday. That’s it!

May 24, 2016 at 1:00 pm

@swalia get better fast. My kid is already better and her penicillin therapy kicked in in a  day, no fever anymore ( let’s hope so), so I am more focused.

My kid is already better and her penicillin therapy kicked in in a day, no fever anymore ( let’s hope so), so I am more focused.

I checked that guy who was rude towards me on myLot, I can’t find him.  (Washed out or miraculously changed username?).

My best advice is if you notice that something is not right, just block a person – don’t report, don’t discuss anything, just block and that’s it.

I can find a lots of writers from other websites in ymLot as well, but they are not active or active from time to time, maybe once per month or a week.


May 24, 2016 at 1:05 pm

That is true, the minimum cashout is reduced to $5 which is $10 before. But last April and May, they had a trial or experiment cashout of $1. I know myLot is doing that for their members are migrating to other considerate sites. I have been there for several year, for 4 years to say the least. I found it too tedious to work just to earn there. And there were as what @Rapidblue said several trolls, and ill-mannered users whom the admin couldn’t control them. If you want, you try and experiment how myLot works.

May 24, 2016 at 1:09 pm

@ Rapid Blue  Glad to hear that your kid is somewhat better now. I hope and pray that she fully recovers soon. Thanks for your advice! I will keep this in mind and instead of raising an alarm against any troll, I will simply block the person.

@ nakitakona13 I have heard about the low earnings on the site. And like @Rapid Blue , you also have face unpleasant people on the site. Thanks for the warning as now I will be cautious in my interactions there!

May 25, 2016 at 2:02 am

I have to say my experience with MyLot is mixed. I’ve enjoyed some great conversations there, but I’ve also encountered some really nasty people who seem to spend their time reporting other members despite the fact that they are the ones stirring up the pot. The impression I have of the site owner Alex is he dislikes confrontation strongly, and he has a tough time presiding when it’s a personality clash or two members who are both angry – which seems to be pretty common once the first stone is thrown.

May 25, 2016 at 4:02 am

My experience with MyLot has been nothing but good.  I’ve personally not encountered any problems as a female member and this thread is the first I’ve heard of any women having problems over there.  Links are allowed as long as you aren’t making money off of them on another site (like a referral link), I actually posted one to a YouTube video today.  There was recently a tiny message spammer problems and the admins were very prompt with their response to it.

The community is very positive overall and has a lot of good conversation.  In the USA, early morning and evening are very popular and active times.  I love the site and recommend joining for sure!

May 28, 2016 at 10:46 am

@Kyla Matton Osborne (Ruby3881)  So it seems that the admin is not skillful at resolving disputes!

@Lola  Thanks for your feedback! I have joined the sites 3-4 days back and so far it seems good. Though I am not very active there as my focus for now is reaching the minimum payment of literacybase before the month ends.