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August 19, 2016 at 9:03 am

@ruby3881 I think one of our members tagged this issue to LB’s support. But there is no action from them. It has been days that I cannot dribble much in my keyboard. That’s the reason why I just work here if there is enough ample time to wait for the video app to load before I can press to stop.

August 19, 2016 at 9:43 am

@Kyla Matton Osborne (Ruby3881)  I have written enough times about the autoplay of video in the forums and tagged @support too. I even wrote about it in one of my posts but no reponse from @support. For some reason, they chose to ignore this.

August 20, 2016 at 12:57 am

@bestwriter I’ve been less than diligent in following changes to the terms here at LiteracyBase, and perhaps I missed an announcement from the admin here. So I’m wondering if you can fill me in on something that I may simply have missed hearing about.

Was there any announcement about changes to the T&C here?

I only ask because, back in the spring when I took my last screencap of the T&C, we still owned the copyrights to the work we publish on LB. And it seems now that, somewhere along the lines a change has been made that strips us of the right to delete our content. There has been new content pasted into the T&C that says, although we are fully responsible for any legal ramifications of our content here on the site, LB now owns our posts and cannot be forced to delete them once they have paid us.

I am sure that I just missed an announcement that was made plainly for all of us to see, and that there has been every effort made to preserve the transparency here on LB and to clarify the site rules so none of us would feel cheated. So there must have been something said in recent weeks when that new clause was added to the T&C?

I thought if anyone would know where this had been said, sure it would be you Grace.

August 20, 2016 at 1:03 am

@shavkat I’ve discovered that if I reduce the volume to zero on the video and change it from HD to the lowest possible quality, these changes will be saved for new instances of the video during a session. But if I move away from LB for a while and I later come back to it, the video resets to 100% volume and HD.

So there is a bit of relief, but it’s not perfect. And I have to keep doing it each time I try to interact or post here, which significantly interferes with my experience on the site.

Between that, and now discovering that we no longer have the right to delete our posts if we accept payment from LiteracyBase (even say, if the site were to stop their payment program as BlogJob did) I am really not sure how I feel about posting here on LB. I will have to give it due consideration, as the few pennies I make per post are not worth giving up all right to remove my content should there be an issue in the future.

But I do love the atmosphere created by we users here, and I am saddened that the admin seem to be moving in directions that disregard the user experience and make it harder for us to enjoy that camaraderie here. I am saddened to see this happening….

August 20, 2016 at 3:44 am

Couldn’t have said it any better. I completely agree

August 20, 2016 at 4:41 am

@ruby3881  We are expected to frequently look for changes and no site makes announcements as far as I know.

I had to look for the Terms and Conditions by searching for them on the Net as I could not find them  here at the site. You found them. Great!!

That we cannot  edit/ delete our contents has been there all along. This sure is a bone of contention. As far as I am concerned, however,  it does not bother me much.

And incidentally did you notice our blogs at blogjob have a background colour which cannot be removed in that when we publish them elsewhere that colour stays.

August 20, 2016 at 5:42 am

@ruby3881 I tried your suggestion and it works while working this post. I also have this thinking that what had happened in Blogjob; it might happen here too. That’s the reason why I am so cautious in doing a lot of activities here. But I am hoping for the best in LB. Hopefully, they will listen to our sentiments here.

August 20, 2016 at 10:27 am

@shaloo walia  I think the main reason of lesser activity in forums is that this site is hard to navigate now as the pages keep moving from place to places.

@Shavkat  Probably that videos is part of the earning strategy of the site so only the site owners will decide about it. Writing to them or tagging them about it will not bring any result in this matter.

August 20, 2016 at 3:25 pm

@suny I guess it is their way of promoting the site. I hope that it would have a good result and more people will come in LB. I just enjoy having some activities here.

August 21, 2016 at 8:14 pm

It is very sad that there are so many blog hub shut down without our notice. Me, not even managed to register my self at Blog job, should I think I am the lucky one?

But, I did register my self at Chatabout, worked hard for 2 months before the website suspended suddenly. Not even made my first payout, it’s very bad.

August 21, 2016 at 9:42 pm

@scc2046 I felt bad too. I didn’t have any payment from there. Since I just drop by in that site once in a while. I felt betrayed by this site. It was like Bubblews that discriminated the members based on its territories.

August 26, 2016 at 11:26 pm

I have never had the opportunity to publish a single article there, or accumulate earnings. Because, I tried registering some days ago, and they said that the User registration is currently not allowed. I think only older members are lucky to be there, but as you say it stopped working, so the site got down I think. Even if they come back, I wouldn’t hesitate to join them, maybe they won’t have enough funds to pay the members, since they went down. (PROBABLY).

August 27, 2016 at 6:50 pm

@egzoski I think I had only three articles published on this site. The site’s platform is also friendly to the members. I assume that most writing sites became a falling star due to mismanagement. That happens to Bubblews who tend to discriminate the members due to its territory.

August 27, 2016 at 7:18 pm

@shavkat Oh i see. But can somebody tell me what is this fuss about  Bubblews? Lately I am hearing about that a lot.. Most of the people talking about that are former members, with a negative remark about the site. Can you tell me more in detail, how exactly they were discriminating members by territory?


August 27, 2016 at 7:33 pm

@Shavkat  I think you joined them late otherwise there’s been no site that paid like Bubblews in internet world. I am one of them who was perhaps one of the most paid from that site.

@Ваљон now the site has since gone for almost 2 years you would never see the fun it provided who knew how to take the best advantage from a writing site.