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August 18, 2016 at 4:16 am

@ruby3881  Good to see you. You remind me of that black who said ‘Now you see me, now you don’t, when he was crossing the Zebra crossing   😀

An announcement in bold letters is what is required to believe that blogjob is back.  I have deleted my account and no more new registrations. Many must have followed suit and so how will blogjob funtion with fewer members is what I am thinking.

August 18, 2016 at 4:26 am

@bestwriter I’ve had a very busy summer, that’s for sure! Lots going on offline, and I hope maybe I’ll have time to post about some of it soon. My “big girls” are heading home in a few days. That will help ease the burden here for a short while, but already we must prepare for the back to school season. It’s been a challenging summer, but not long enough in some ways!

I considered deleted my BJ account, and almost did. But then I realized I had a lot of groups there that I should attend to if I were going to sever my ties completely. So I put it on the back burner, so to speak. Now I suppose that I’m glad I didn’t quit completely.

If they start paying again, I’ll at least interact and try to earn a few points that way. I think I will completely delete my three blogs there, though. And if I resume blogging, I’ll try something a little different. I’m thinking that I don’t want to do any niche writing except on my own blogs, from now on. There have been too many disappointments over the last couple of years. And I’m getting tired of having to migrate content when things don’t work out on one of the blogging sites.

August 18, 2016 at 4:37 am

@ruby3881  I deleted my account there as merely deleting blogs and sending them elsewhere Google Search would still find them. I did a similar thing with wikinut. Those were well thought out blogs and I did not want them to languish there. No problem. I have enough sites to write on.

How is BlogBourne doing?

August 18, 2016 at 4:48 am

@ruby3881 I had rechecked it. The notification comes from a member of Blogjob. I am sure that most of the members feel bad after they stopped the payment of the site. I must admit that there are no chances for me to have my first payout there. But I am still glad that I had tried to join the site.

For LB, I think there is still some things need to be enhanced. I hope that writers will start to pour in here.

August 18, 2016 at 4:49 am

@bestwriter I noticed the same problem on BlogJob, Grace. I started by hiding my posts because when I deleted a post, I was penalized 50 points for each one. I thought this was rather unjust, since Sheridan had stopped payment (meaning the points earned for those posts were still owing to me) and said he would completely understand if we wanted to leave.

Well, it was impossible to cash out with transferred points (he just refunded them to the donor) and I couldn’t delete the whole blogs themselves because the system is set up to use a verification email that it never sends out. So I hid the posts and Google said it couldn’t see the content, which made me hope I could deindex the posts one at a time. No such luck! Google just refuses without any explanation, so the posts stay indexed. There is a workaround, but I haven’t had time to implement it.

That is what had me thinking to delete the account outright….

BlogBourne is great! Thanks for asking. We are seeing some great content and working closely with some of our writers who show a great deal of potential. The interactions both on and off the site are very rewarding, too!

August 18, 2016 at 4:51 am

The one big improvement we need here is to get the video to stop auto-playing! Do you know the pages here on LB are taking up over 8 MB? That’s too much, especially for anyone who has to pay for bandwidth.

August 18, 2016 at 5:06 am

@ruby3881 I totally agree. I find it troublesome working in LB. In my opinion, it should not be attached on every blogs and forum. It takes time before I can type here because of the promotional video.

August 18, 2016 at 5:14 am

@ruby3881  I would have continued at blogbourne if there was no selective editing. I have seen blogs  badly written up there.  The editing is bad enough – it puts me off – and to see some blogs with so many howlers that is unbearable.

It is unbelievable that so many write there despite there being no light at the end of the tunnel with regard to payment.

August 18, 2016 at 5:17 am

@ruby3881  I have unlimited data and so this video does not bother me. I have written to Admin about it though, as it does affect many here. Hope @support pays attention to this complaint by almost all who write here.

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by  bestwriter.

August 18, 2016 at 5:31 am

@bestwriter There are still some low-quality posts on the site that sort of sneaked in when Mike was the sole editor and was swamped with posts to approve. He had to disable all moderation for a time, but it was restored once things settled down. We are finding that, while some are put off by the moderation, most are happy for the extra support when they are new to the site or struggling with some aspect of their writing.

I’m not so surprised that many are choosing to continue despite the wait for the first cash-out. Our stats are good and we are working on strengthening the revenue streams through various strategies. Mike is sincere in his desire to create a platform that will be sustainable in the long term, and not a flash in the pan like some of our previous writing sites have been.

Part of the raison d’etre of the site has become to provide an opportunity to learn and not just to earn. Several of our users have been working really hard towards that end and showing greater skill and confidence as we work together. Other users are very supportive and are working on their own ideas for giving extra help to those who need it. It’s very rewarding to see the community come together to strive towards our common goals 🙂

It takes time to grow. We are trying to tweak just a little here and there so the users won’t have to adapt overly much each time there’s an update. And as I said, we are weeding out the posts that need it. Mostly, we give the users feedback and they have the chance to fix the post instead of losing their coins to a post deletion. It’s rare that we make the choice to outright delete any content on the site (though users can both edit and delete at will, which is something I’d love to be able to do here on LB!) The few times we do delete something, it’s usually from a spammer’s account.

August 18, 2016 at 5:35 am

@shavkat I think that video would be better on a sort of FAQ page, where users can go to learn more about how the site works. It’s a nice idea, but it really hurts the users to waste bandwidth on every page. And I have to wonder how LB can afford to waste the bandwidth too? They must have to pay more hosting fees for all the times that video gets played while people ignore it. It’s a waste for everyone and if you think of it, all that extra bandwidth is electricity. And that’s a strain on the environment.

I know I’m eager to spend more time here on LB. But I really don’t want to do it while every page is taking up so much bandwidth. I can’t justify that.

August 18, 2016 at 5:46 am

@bestwriter It’s really frustrating when the site admin not only refuse to take action but won’t even respond to requests for help or information. That’s got to be one of my biggest complaints here at LB, right since we first started. And it’s certainly what finally put me off BlogJob when their payment program was suspended. I don’t mind waiting a bit to be paid if I know the whys and wherefores of the situation. I don’t even mind a little uncertainty when there’s a good reason for it.

I don’t mind waiting a bit to be paid if I know the whys and wherefores of the situation. I don’t even mind a little uncertainty when there’s a good reason for it. But when admin remain mute while users plead for help or info or change, it seems rather cold and distant of them.

As I’ve often said, I enjoy the warmth and camaraderie of our many different writing sites. I appreciate real transparency (not just people claiming to be transparent.) Things like the site owner having an actual name (instead of “support” or “admin”) and staff responding in forums, and a FB or Twitter account that’s actually monitored and maintained, these all go a very long way to making a site more welcoming.

The best sites for me have always been the ones where the site owners are out in the open, where they respond both on the site and also on social media, and where any issue is promptly addressed. I save most of my time for such sites, as it just feels great to be part of the community there 🙂

August 18, 2016 at 9:42 am

@ruby3881 There has been tranparency  at sites such as blogjob, morachat,  elitewriters and tinycent but excepting  morachat I have not earned a penny. Literacybase pays – has  paid me thrice. LB has group activity which I thoroughly enjoy. Our  chat over a cup of coffee where we can say anything and everything we want is what I like the most at LB.

This video thing   no doubt is a matter for concern. They must be having reasons or may be a commitment for a period of time to have those clips – just saying.

And as for Blogbourne – that you are overworked is no excuse to let pass some poor blogs and edit some – it hurts. There is hardly any group activity there. I was amused to see everyone joining but not participating.  The possibility of someone earning as little as 0.0001 for an activity is discouraging.

Whether you people are overloaded or not I already see preferential treatment being given to some- the way how a comment is made depending on how friendly you are with that person.


August 18, 2016 at 9:38 pm

@rub3881 I do agree on your proposal about adding it up in FAQ. I hope the support can hear us about the video app embedded in every page on this site. Perhaps they tend to put in every page of the blog to promote the site in referring the link to other social media.

August 19, 2016 at 8:50 am

@shavkat The problem is that the video tells us all things we already know. It doesn’t get them new users, and it doesn’t help the existing users. It’s a really great idea but they’re misusing it.