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September 26, 2016 at 6:38 am


September 26, 2016 at 9:19 am

@Mohsin Waqar  Lol only image. You could have add more texts for this.

This is the biggest comparison in this field since starting. And honestly saying no one can answer properly. In fact answers will be different as per their interest. Both OS are totally different. Personally I love IOS more though I am using android now. Android has more customization options over IOS, where on other hand IOS is much more stable and lag free. So it is depend on people’s choice that with which one they are more comfortable.

September 26, 2016 at 10:51 am

Android phone of course. Well, I have no iPhone so I guess this is the credible reason why I picked the android phones over iPhone. Anyway, base from what I heard and read, iPhone now seems bit late in introducing their apps and gadgets like the bluetooth headphone because android had already using it. But if given the chance, I would really love to experience owning an iPhone so I can write my reviews to it.

September 26, 2016 at 11:23 am

@SuperD I guess I have to say few things regarding it. 

AS you said you are using android that’s why you choose android as better, but it should be like it is your liking.  You can’t be sure unless you try. And also as I said it is depend on user, some like this and some other.

About things like bluetooth headphones, let me tell you android itself is not launching those gadgets, it is done by different companies. And which can be used by iphones too since long. In fact I have done it many years ago. In fact Apple is not officially launching there bluetooth headphones, which android (Google) never.

September 26, 2016 at 11:35 am

This is a weird post. Is this allowed? @admin @support By a mere image without any description or a statement or two. I am sorry to express my feeling about this. Almost of us here are struggling to write more words or statements to express our thoughts. I am not comfortable with the style of writing or it is not a writing at all, though pictures speak more than the thousand words.

If we are paid by the number of words we write, then this one doesn’t qualify. I don’t if this is tolerated. This will serve as a precedence for others to follow. In writing, how do we classify this one?

September 26, 2016 at 12:01 pm

@ nakitakona13 Well, as you said sometimes images can speak more than texts. Well, this image with its title speaks enough about the discussion. Though few words could do better. Well, as you said we earn here from number of words, so this is lose of the user itself. I don’t think it should not allow or something else. Yes image only without proper meaning which can’t define the discussion can not be allowed, but this one is different. And also comments can add up information about topic so it fills up. That’s what I think.

September 26, 2016 at 1:13 pm

As for me I like iPhone model not like have not use android before but I found iPhone well ok for me and seriously I hardly see different between both and for the gadget not much different but it always took  iPhone time to lunch their app .but for two phone almost look alike with their model this days they both have things in common drain battery and hot temperature.

September 26, 2016 at 9:35 pm

Like other people have said your topic is lacking even a word to express what you are trying to bring on the platform for discussion. It’s not good to assume that everyone who is on this site knows what is said of mentioned there are those who may want something’s written out specifically and simply to understand, so when you bring up a topic try to put that into considerationthose are just my thoughts. We also need to know what your thoughts are on the subject are. Anyway to answer the question in terms of security I would prefer an iPhone it’s very convenient, but I’m the side of easy operations I would go for an Android coz it has lots of options as opposed to the iphone