Author Posts

May 28, 2016 at 6:16 pm

Congratulations to all that made to payout and close to payout! You guys are an inspirational to the rest of us, and hoping everyone will have a successful payment!

I like the forum aspect of LB, so I will be posting in the forum and play catching up whenever I can. This is the most fun part of interaction of all because it is real and engaging!

May 28, 2016 at 7:02 pm

@peachpurple and @sunl Thanks so much for the encouragement! I do hope I’ll be able to make it before the end of month. It is frustrating when we sometimes have to wait a day or two for posts to publish. I haven’t been submitting enough, as it’s discouraging to see then pile up in the dashboard 🙁

@scheng1 Yes, I think I will try very hard to get several texts submitted over the weekend so I can give it extra time to publish. But with the backlog in posting here right now, I think perhaps forum participation and lots more visitor referrals will have to bolster my earnings significantly!

May 28, 2016 at 8:03 pm

Wow that is a good news! I am half way of the minimum threshold but not looking forward to reach payout this time. Maybe I will be reaching it on July 10. I will do everything to reach it on that time. Moreover, by doing blogs, for sure I will able to reach it too, if I will be consistent. I need to find topics to share. I am happy that you reach yours in a span of days, you are very hardworking. At least we have 2 people that we can expect payment.

On the edit button, I know the admin or support already was informed about this and one day we will be seeing it flowing on the site. Or maybe we have it already now? Sorry, I just log in today as I was having difficulty getting inside the site. I don’t know what happened on the past days and I don’t know the reason why I am here today as well. Congratulations!

May 28, 2016 at 8:20 pm


I too have felt it that way when pending posts collect on our dashboard.

May 28, 2016 at 8:50 pm


Congratulations for your payout. I wish you could enlighten how is it done – I checked “Redeem rewards”- the page says test1 and then some amount.

Who is this “test1” user? I dont know – maybe you can tell.


I hope you will enjoy Shimla. That is a nice place and quite a hill station. Particularly, a kind of must – visit place when other places are burning in the country.

May 28, 2016 at 9:06 pm

@thinker Apparently we are supposed to just edit the amount and leave the rest alone. Be sure your PayPal or Payoneer info is on your profile before trying to redeem, and then just follow the directions. @kaka135 wrote a post about it too, if that might help 🙂

May 28, 2016 at 10:04 pm



yes, @kaka135/ had already wrote a post on how to redeem at LB, your questions had been answered in her post.


Go to her profile page and look her post on this topic.



sis! Where have you been these days?? Missed ya so much !

Glad to see you here, don’t go missing again.

Busy with your real 9 to 5 job?

I am sure you can handle your new job.

As for writing here, you can do it on weekends when you are free.

Write 3-5 blogs per day, you can reach the payout faster.

Let us know how you are coping with your new job, ok?

May 29, 2016 at 3:12 am

Congratulations @bestwriter and @suny for reaching your payments. I hope you get paid like you should. I still have a long ways to go. I have other things to catch up on and have not been very active in her.

@peachpurple  I do not like to copy and paste in here either since it does not look like it did when I wrote it in LibreOffice. I tried something different this time before I copied and pasted so I will see how that turned out when my post gets approved.  Having a different way of posting and saving drafts here would be nice so that we can actually start writing in the site, save it, and still be able to continue on the draft would be nice. I have a half written post that I do not want to email the admin about so I will wait until it changes here. If it does not then I will forget about it.

May 29, 2016 at 3:29 am

Happy belated birthday wishes to you Bestwriter. Glad you made payout. This is a good thing and helps encourage me to continue forward with more articles.

May 29, 2016 at 4:19 am

@anthony Davis  Thank you. I have yet to redeem and payment will be made to me on the 10th of June.I shall write a post as soon as that happens.

May 29, 2016 at 4:23 am  Thank you

I have not yet redeemed but the faq has the details.

May 29, 2016 at 4:26 am

@Grecy Gracia


Thank you. Yes. Editing option will help us.

May 29, 2016 at 6:05 am

@morgoodie I’ve been doing a “paste as plain text” by using CTRL + SHIFT + v when I submit. It removes all the formatting, which means I have to add it all back in again. That’s a pain in the rear, but the posts have a cleaner look to them than when I paste the formatted text straight in.

The drawback of this workaround is that I’m missing options I’d have in the full WordPress edit/post form. For example, I’m not able to add any additional info to links – just the URL. So I can’t use a “title” or decide if I want the link to open in a new tab, for example. Another missing feature is proper headers, as well as underlined text. I only have the option to use boldface, italics, and strikethrough (the latter of which is almost never useful.)

By simply enabling the “text” or HTML view in the “post now” form, I could add properly formatted posts with HTML tags in place. That would eliminate the display issues associated with pasting in the formatted text, and would be a huge time saver. I can’t understand why it’s enabled here in the forums, but not when we submit posts….

But to be honest, I think that @support and @admin really need to consider giving at least the more experienced writers access to the back-end WordPress functions. There is so much we could be doing to improve the quality of posts using plugins like Yoast’s SEO tool, Embedly, and other tools that add big, attractive social media buttons to all the posts. It would make content on the site more attractive, resolve issues with display, allow us to edit as needed, etc.