Author Posts

May 21, 2016 at 12:46 pm

I also notice that too. I think @support has mentioned that in one of his answers to queries and confirmed that LB has removed the word count in an approved submitted post. He mentioned about the LB’s algorithm which I don’t know what it is all about. Anyway, my analysis to this omission of word count in the post approved is to hide from the users as to how much coins a certain post submitted received. Thus, the members/users are obliged to submit more posts if various word count.

May 21, 2016 at 12:54 pm

@rapidblue  That is good to hear.  In this case, I will publish the other blog with 2000+ words in one piece.

I wonder how much you earn for that 1800+ words.

I think the earning is based on word count plus keywords or something.

Most writing sites in the past that paid upfront would not pay for creative writings.  The keywords just did not have the commercial value.

Perhaps when we write about banking, insurance and frauds, that will make more money with the same number of words.

May 22, 2016 at 3:39 am


don’t worry, your post will be released soon.

Since it is more than 1000 words, give the admin some time to check your grammar and etc out.

Do let me know when your post had been published.

I am eager to read your stories.

Missed them so much since Bubblews days

May 22, 2016 at 7:11 am

@peachpurple  If Bubblews was still around, I would not submit as one single blog of 1700 words!

I would split into 10 chapters, and submitted separately.

I have a feeling that a long blog post does not earn as much here as many shorter ones.

Since a 300 words blog earns 15 cents, and 700 words blog earns 22 cents, the wise thing to do is to split the 700 words into 2 blogs, so that you net 30 cents instead of 22 cents.