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Word Counts no Longer in Points History?
Author | Posts |
Has anyone noticed that the word counts for newly published are no longer showing up in the points history? I had one post publish yesterday, after the wait for site maintenance. When I looked for it in the history, I just saw “Coins for new Post” with a link to my latest post. I also noticed that the pay for the post, a nice long one about finding your way around on LiteracyBase, was almost twice what I had earned for my highest paying post to date. That was really a pleasant surprise! It made me wonder if maybe the recent site upgrade also involved changing criteria for how the posts will be paid? @admin or @support, could you enlighten us please? Thanks for your time, and thanks very much for the higher compensation on the post
I noticed that too @ruby3881. I got thrice the normal amount and no word count there – surely the result of upgrading. Right? |
@ruby3881 Yes, I noticed that as well after reading the update from Support. He has mentioned in the Maintenance Activity thread that the maintenance is now ended, and the good news is the revised rate for blog posts. I am glad that the pay rate seems to be double now, which is really a good news for us. Hope more people will be encouraged to join the site, and write blog posts as well. By the way, I just noticed the shortlink you are using for the post is buff.ly, is it a feature from Buffer as well? |
@kaka135 Yes, it’s part of Buffer. The analytics for free use aren’t anything great, but there are good options if you upgrade to the paid service. I might eventually do that in order to have a larger buffer size, as I find the service very helpful. It would be great to really be able to load up the buffer with content! |
I am still waiting for my first two blogs to be approved. But, I am just curious about the pay. Do they ever pay you over $1 for one blog post or are they all usually less than that? |
at the moment, I have not heard any writers claiming to have earned $1 for a post yet, mostly 50cents or less. With the current new post rate, as you can see some of us had 2x or 3x better earning than the previous rate, I am sure your would be around there too. yes, I had seen my latest post with 22 cents. Previously, I had 10 cents, never more than that. Good to know that we are getting paid more, then we have the energy to write more useful posts around here..
Good job @admin and @support, you had answered our woes. Thank you very much. I am sure you will be cashing out before this weekend since the pay rate had doubled. Best of luck !
@s-stephens The upfront pay has so far been small. Like, less than 50 cents per published post. The more significant earnings are from the passive income once you share a link. There is also the 10% commission if you have an active user who signs up with your referral link. If that person writes often in the forums or publishes a good number of posts, you stand to earn small sums fairly regularly. If you can get a number of prolific writers to sign up with your link, the passive earnings could be significant. |
@Ruby3881 yes there was no word count mentioned in my last post published last night but I am waiting for further posts to be published before saying something for sure. They paid a little better this time but I hope their is still a scope of improvement. I am hopeful and also I mentioned it where the support has sought our feedback. |
The criteria for the post is same as before. This time we are expecting from you all. |
What is the word count requirement? If someone could direct me to such guidelines, it would be very much appreciated. I didn’t see anything about that yet. I’m a newb. If there are any other writer’s guidelines (besides the FAQ) I’d love to have a look at those as well. I want to do things right. Looking forward to more participation.
Is there a maximum word count? I have one very lengthy article that has more than 2000 words. I was just too engrossed in writing, and it ended up with 2000 words. I have yet to decide where to publish that long article. |
nope there isn’t any maximum word count as far as I know. The minimum word count is 300 words.
Today, I wrote 1000 words, I earned 35 cents, so if your content is good, you may earn more than me for sure. But do allow the @admin to verify your post, 12-48 hours. Once published, you can see under My History, your earning is there.
Normally, we write 500 words, to earn 20cents If you break those 2000 words into 2 posts, maybe you can see the differences. Best of luck I am eager to read your post soon, keeping my finger crossed! |
the minimum word count for a post is 300 words. If you could write more than that, you could earn more. usually, we write 500 words more or less. If you are good at quality content topics, go for 1000 words, more earnings. Here are some forum links that can help you to understand better: |
@peachpurple I have just submitted a short story with 1700 words. Not even sure if they want short stories here, so have to wait and see. Creative writing normally does not earn much in writing sites. Even when Helium was paying upfront for articles, they excluded creative writing. Any amount earned will be a bonus. |
@scheng1 They published something I wrote but it was a personal story about 1800+ words long. I think yours will be published as well. |
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