Author Posts

August 5, 2016 at 7:23 pm

Just to let you guys know that I won’t be posting any articles here daily because my son’s exam is approaching.

I will start writing again after the exam is over, 14th August to be exact.

By then, I have to write 5 posts per day to make up for my absence.

However, I will be here daily to leave comments at forums.


August 6, 2016 at 3:57 am

I don’t know about others, but I find it really difficult to participate here lately. For about a month or so, I’ve had repeated issues with pages not loading properly, with server errors and downtime, etc. It makes it really unpleasant to even visit the site. And now there’s the video that is set to autoplay….

Anyway, I’m trying to catch up today in amongst the other chaos in my offline life! I want to at least clear out my notifications 🙂

August 6, 2016 at 4:51 am

@peachpurple  We all have priorities in our real life and you are doing the right thing. See you soon.

August 6, 2016 at 6:01 am

@bestwriter Thanks for your understanding and your friendship. Sometimes it helps to hear kind words 🙂

August 6, 2016 at 7:29 am

@ruby3881 But my harsh words brought you back here. Now don’t run away but make up for lost time. You owe that much atleast as you have earned good here.    😀

August 6, 2016 at 8:01 am

Harsh words, Grace? Surely you overestimate how mean you are! I know when you grumble that you’re just feeling left out. Your bark has always been much bigger than your bite.

I tend to just pass over those words that are written when friends are being unkind, anyway. Most times, the deeper meaning is that someone’s feelings have been hurt and they want others to hurt too. It’s not worth paying attention to that kind of talk. It’s just venting.

In any case… If I could be in a dozen places at one, I probably would. But I do what I can, where I can. Today I am catching up. We will see what the future brings. If LB is running smoothly, it’s always a lot easier to interact here. But when things are going all haywire, it’s best to leave for a while and give the admin time to get things fixed. What I owe, I owe to myself and my family. I don’t allow others to make me feel obliged to do anything more than what’s right for me and mine.

August 6, 2016 at 8:14 am

@ruby3881 Now stop lecturing will you?  😀  These are the words that I often hear from youngsters around me but here a senior  has to say it.Never mind. Happy that you are able to interact here as I see you are busy- keep the tempo going.


August 6, 2016 at 8:20 am

@peachpurple I wish your son all the best with his exam! I hope he will achieve very good grades.

I just got my oldest daughter’s transcript of marks for the past 3 years in the mail today. I am very proud of her! She got very high grades.

In my time, they would have called her marks “high honours.” I think today, they only put “Achievement with Honours” on the final transcript and they give the same notation for all the honour students. But her cumulative GPA is over 3.70, so it’s equivalent to magna cum laude.

Not bad for a girl who has ADHD and two specific learning disabilities!