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August 3, 2016 at 2:13 pm

Hi people i just noticed is it just me or are people not there anymore on this site. let me just ask like how many people are therein this site, i was just looking at some of the groups and i realized that some of the groups were created like last month and when i opened some of them there were no topics there yet. are people not exploring other groups or am i the one who is being too ambitious. Anyway am just encouraging us to check out other groups as well and start up discussions. anyway have a lovely day everyone.

August 3, 2016 at 3:11 pm

@ Anitah Gimase  Members are not very active on this site except a few of us who write and interact here everyday. I wonder why this is so because the site has already paid us twice and proved that it is legit.

August 3, 2016 at 4:03 pm

@ Anitah Gimase I am not sure why many of the members are not active here.I was not active here for some months now.I decided to be active here from today.I am now reading the posts in some groups.As you said I do not see much activity here except for a handful of regulars.I can’t blame them,as I was also absent from here for a while.I do hope it gets better.

August 3, 2016 at 6:25 pm

Or maybe they are still trying to get used to the site or weighing their minds to see if it is really worth it. but i guess slowly by slowly it will start building up as time goes by.

August 3, 2016 at 6:33 pm

Calmgemini why don’t you tell us why people are not active since you have been here before, you could be in a better  position to let us know. while you were here were people more active then we are now.

August 4, 2016 at 1:57 am

I am semi-active.  Right now life is pretty overwhelming for me.  I tend to come on here in spurts.  Like today, I am hanging around on here and writing a lot when I’ve not really been active in quite a few days.  Going to try to be more active – I promise!

August 4, 2016 at 2:48 am

I have not been active for the last two months because I was busy taking care of my newborn baby and trying to catch some sleep as much as I can too. I still came online whenever I nursed or carried my baby, it only left me one hand free, so I usually chose to visit those sites that I do not need to type too much. I did visit LB once in a while, just read the forums but not replied.


I am happy for the site and everyone that LB has been paying, and there are still active members and topics around, I will surely spend more time here, as my baby can sleep well for longer and I am not as tired as before too. Though I also need to spend time on others tasks, I am happy to be here because of the friendly community.


I am thinking people are not active here may because they are busy with their own life, or because there is a new blogging site launching. 🙂

August 4, 2016 at 3:17 am

I think people migrated from other sites who pays “bigger” I hope those sites are legit so they will not regret leaving the slowly but surely paying site. Wake up people!

August 4, 2016 at 5:20 am

I am still new to the site so I am trying to get a hang of the site. I haven’t written any articles yet since I am still unsure what to write and how long it should be. I don’t see anything stating what the minimum is supposed to be.

@anjee I agree with your statement about people needing to wake up. I am not one of those people that are quick to rush out and sign up for the newest site just because everyone else is doing it. I also like to keep my sites to a minimum. I know of two sites that pay, this one and a site called EliteWriters. Sure the payout may not be much but at least the payout amount is reasonable. If we had more active users then it would be quicker to cash out.

It could always be worse than what we have now.

August 4, 2016 at 4:14 pm

I only visit here every evening for few minutes. I am so busy in my active work.That is one reason why until this time I am not able to experience redemption here, end of August or if not September.Which is which.

August 4, 2016 at 5:28 pm

The reason why this site feels so all alone because many are there now in blogbourne. May you find what you are aiming for in tha site.I think this site is far better that that site blogbourne.

August 4, 2016 at 5:38 pm

I am not sure about being active. I had noticed that it is only a few members who actively dribbling their fingers in this site. That’s what I had observed when joining in LB. I hope the people around the globe will know about this site. Since it is a legit site and some members were been paid. Then, there will be no reason for the people to start flocking in here.


August 4, 2016 at 5:48 pm

i had been active for the last 3 months but last week i was offline from here because my son will be having his exam on 10th august.

hence, i need to find past year question papers, write them down and coach him.


furthermore, my ailing aunt wanted to see my dad but i wasn’t able to help him out.

I felt guilty, worried over both my aunt and my dad.

No mood to be here.

That is why i wasn’t active here.

Don’t worry, i am not writing  at other sites now because blogbourne proved to be not worth it.

August 4, 2016 at 5:55 pm

It is always the same in the first week of every month. Just wait and see their activity as soon the result  is out for their last month’s work.

August 4, 2016 at 6:15 pm

Anitah Gimase   I guess there are many members here, but not all of them are active. There is certain active group here which is active on forum. May be others are in article work.