Author Posts

March 31, 2017 at 9:54 pm

If I were writing for my local newspaper, for example, the items that were tossed would be published. On the Net, there is no way.   Sure, different headlines, but the same facts, usually in the same order.

I think if you ran the Plagiarism checker on one of those items, it would flag them.

April 1, 2017 at 1:00 am

If you check these articles and run a simple plagiarism test on these articles, you will find that non of them are copied from each other. Each article will be considered unique and thus no plagiarized results will be available.

These big websites have to follow the simple rules in order to get ranked in search engine so they have to be unique in some manner.

try and run those test and let me know if you find that all of these have similar content or plagiarism checking software find something similar from these URLs.

Thanks – Support

April 1, 2017 at 5:10 am

@support     1 Does it mean you expect those who wish to comment on blogs that they first check if the blog is a violation?

2, A blog is shared the moment it appears in the dashboard but Admin will check for its veracity much much later.  In the meantime those blogs will be read by others.  How do you justify this. It is not about earning while sharing but making others read what is a violation.

3. What happens when the blogger reaches 10 dollars in the bank and then stops blogging but realises there are rejections much later when it is placed for redemption. Is this a professional way to handle this?

4. Could we have an example of what is not a quality blog and which you have rejected here?


I still feel that you should consider placing the blogs in our dashboard only after they have been approved by your tech. people









April 1, 2017 at 5:59 am

@support There is another issue and that is quality. While the community can report those blogs that are plagiarised what is a quality blog only the site can say.  I therefore feel all is not ok with this revised system.

April 1, 2017 at 6:26 am

@bestwriter – We presume that you already knew the answers but to put things into perspective let us shed some more light on these questions.

1 – Yes, we do expect from people to check the blog before responding to them. either the blog is capable of responding or reporting? If the concern is no longer money then they don’t have to worry about anything because if any spammy blog is removed so their comments with their rewarded points respectively.
This practice is being used by many big websites such as facebook/Youtube where people publish content which are violating their terms & condition. People report those content and these websites remove such contents.

2 – There are two ways one is micro-managing and macro-management. In first one each and every piece of information is filtered manually of any auto intelligence process before it gets published such as any big news company like The New York Times, where hundreds of employees have given the assignment to testify any information before it gets published. Belive me its time taking process and they are dealing with sensitive information which get them into law enforcement sues. So, things take time and lots of resources including their high paid writers & editors.
On the other end websites like Youtube / Facebook are dealing with user generated content where things can’t be managed at micro level. So things get published even the controversial topics like blasphemy. Such big websites were unable to filter these contents even with their Artificial Intelligence programs and get themself banned from several countries many times. What they do? they heavily rely on users to report things and their filters detect things and remove, not quickly but surely.

3 – Again we are not asking the right question. The right question is that doing spam / Scam activity on any network is the profession way to work with? Let look into this in bigger view with much bigger names like Youtube and Google Adsense and any other big Advertisement network.
Let’s say you have started a work with youtube or adsense. You put hard work and earn $50 with in a week, then you have started to spamming like generating invalid clicks / unnatural websites visits and even uploading copyrighted content on your youtube channel and somehow you have managed to pass $100 mark with in 15 days of the month. Now you are waiting for your $100 to being transferred to your account at the end of the month and before last two days your adsense account / Youtube channel got banned. Your all earned money will not be paid even your Hard earned $50. Besides your content on your channel has been removed. So, how do you describe this?
– Unprofessional?
So, my point is, who started this unprofessional way of working? If you are working hard producing high quality content then no one is willing to lose you and nobody even try to remove your content. Thus be professional and being treated professionally.
P.S: These are not our tactics, these has been practiced by every bigger brand name. You name it and you will see the practice.

4 – You are more experience in the world of writing, even by reading any article you will evaluate that what article quality is and which one has written just to qualify to get some earning; not much information is provided in those articles. We previously provided video on it. But for now I can assure you that currently are rejecting articles who are high on plagiarism.
Must watch these videos to give you an idea what bad content is and how to keep yourself away from these things:

Another One :

And Finally read this, it’s always been available on our website but it seems like nobody read the site content guideline before posting.

Thanks – Support

April 1, 2017 at 7:19 am

Thank you for your prompt response.

I certainly know the rules here and I am following them but I will not check to see if others are following those innumerous rules that you have listed.  I may report for spam  scam and plagiarism but nothing beyond that.  That is for the site to do.

I am certainly  concerned about earning on comments I make on blogs which you  will be deducting if you reject any blogs. Where I was not bothered about earnings was when I share a blog if any.  That blog if written say on the first of a month will be there till you reject it at the end of the month. In other words we are floating blogs on the Net which are violations.  This is bad for you.

I feel frustrated that I am not able to convince you that rejecting blogs after they are there on the Net for the world to see is not a professional approach. Updating our bank and then deducting when members think they have reached payout is again to my mind not right. 



April 1, 2017 at 7:29 pm

I do agree with Bestwriter.  It seems to be a kind of ‘trick’ in a way. For example, suppose a writer has $10 and puts in for a redemption on the 9th of April.   The writer is then doesn’t get it and is told on the 12th of April that this item about Obama care or about the floods in Australia or about some other factual item was ‘plagiarised’.  So the writer doesn’t have $10 the writer now has $9.70.


April 16, 2017 at 5:40 pm

It is reassuring that Admin are looking at blogs all the time. I think it is fair to assume that if none of your articles have been rejected by the time you reach payout levels then they should all be fine.