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Ranks on Literacy Base
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Does any one here know what ranks we can achieve on Literacy Base? We are all newbies here. What rank is next and how do we achieve it? Is it based on points? Number of posts submitted or is there any other criterion?
I too want to know that @dawnwriter. I am not as active as some in forums and groups but have written many posts and all of them have been approved. |
@dawnwriter it is according to the decision of the management of the site. If they think you are qualified to move a rank, then you will be moving for another rank. I am not sure of the name of the rank though, if it is a regular member or quality member. Not sure the exact term. |
This would be good to know. Especially, what it takes to get to the next level. I can understand that the staff have this decision but we should be able to see what we have to do to achieve each level. Whether it takes a certain number of points or multiple interactions between posts, comments, points, and created topics. It would help to make some people more focused. Like myself. LOL |
I have no idea about this too. I would like to know about this, but I think it is not stated anywhere on the site, I haven’t get to find this out yet. I like the ranking system as it’s like playing game, encouraging us to move to the next level and unlock some capabilities we can have on the forums or site. I just think it’s more fun and motivating as well, perhaps I like playing games. I guess we will need to get the information from @support. Thanks in advanced! |
I also want to know this. If you don’t know how to advance, you’re not very motivated to try harder. At least I’m not. It seems every person I see here is a newbie. I’m beginning to think there is no higher rank, except maybe administrator. |
Would love to know about rankings as well. Has anyone tried shooting a message to LB admins? :o) I’m also hoping that the rankings would mean something in terms of earnings or traffic generated. |
I remember this was one of th3 questions quite a number of people asked me being one of th3 them at the early stages of being in the site. We all wanted to know what happens next after the newbie title but no one really came out with an answer. So we seem to all be in the dark about this issue and we have all gone along with it. Maybe we should just wait and see if anyone of us will be elevated to another level th3n and only then will we know that tgere is another title aside from newbie. |
That is a good question, i have seen people with a fair amount of replies and topics that stil had the rank of Newbie. I wonder if they forgot they had that part there to change or if it is just extremelty hard to remove this rank from our profile. I could be wrong and there might be someone around here with another rank but i have yet to see this person and how there stats our to try and find out how to get out of newbie rank. |
There are lots of old members of this site and when I saw their ranking status, they remained as a newbie. I didn’t encounter anyone here who have different ranking aside from being a NEWBIE writer. Maybe it is a good idea if the admin will rank up every deserving member because that would be one thing that motivated them to write more and share more of their thoughts.
I the next rank is Juniorbie and the next is seniorbie. Correct me , its just a suggestion. |
They need to clear that up and add some information about this. I was looking around and everyone I came across is still a newbie. |
Considering LB is WordPress based. And the ranks in BuddyPress plugin are just about the user level. Nothing specific assigned to it. I guess it’s just for level and special access. Not sure if LB set it up anything like that here. But it’d be worth checking out. |
Everyone is a Newbie… |
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