Author Posts

April 14, 2017 at 11:34 am

I have noticed that most members here focused on plagiarism as one of the violations here in literacybase. Every time I’m on forums, I always read about plagiarism but are you aware of any violations here like not to say vulgar words? Or any content that is insulting, indecent, offensive, hate or any violence or anything related to these terms?

Why are people always focusing on one violation here in LB while committing other simple violation? Be careful guys of your actions before checking other’s mistake.

I was guilty to about those violations above, I once wrote a discussion about hatred. Haha I didn’t even know it was a violation of the terms and conditions of this site.


April 14, 2017 at 12:36 pm

Aw, sorry to hear that, yeah all writing websites have this documented as well that you cannot write any hate speeches or words or anything which can hurt the sentiments of any community or race or culture and mind you the Admins are very strict in that behalf, Don’t you what have you written LOL

April 14, 2017 at 1:51 pm

Hmm.. I can’t remember my exact writing about it but it is something like “I HATE PEOPLE WHO ARE ….” I really can’t remember, and it was a violation. 😀


April 16, 2017 at 5:59 pm

I guess the best thing to do is make sure all your posts have a positive theme. That’s why I like to write about things I love like music x

April 16, 2017 at 7:34 pm

That is true. I wonder what sort of vulgar word was used that may come into violation. Because as we are culturally diverse, Things may come across like what we call violation may not apply to other. Then again we have to let the support work on that. As that may solve problem in sites perspective instead of what we consider as violation. That’s how I see this and I am sure other members may see it the same way.

April 17, 2017 at 8:08 pm

I did nit know writing on hatred was not allowed. Anyways such things are good so as to maintain decorum of the place

April 17, 2017 at 9:28 pm

Doctor, people are more worried about Plagiarism than other conditions. The way and style of writing and the words one has to use are being missed out in their anxiety. You reminded them nicely.

I do not understand why the word ‘hate’  should not be used? It depends on the topic you have chosen. To hate people committing irregularities is not a bad construction. It is a better way of expressing our emotion though there are many harsh words available in the Dictionary.

I did not find anything wrong in it. You can not use indecent and unparliamentary language. You can not hurt the feelings of others on social, educational, geographical, and religious grounds. This is very important. We are writers and expression is our weapon and if the expression becomes feeble by using inappropriate words then there is no meaning for writing.  However, everything is put in black and white for discussion. Sometimes people may react sharply. We can’t  do anything for that.